November 9th
The November 9 is the 313th day of the Gregorian calendar (the 314th in leap years ), thus remain 52 days by year end.
Since a series of events that marked turning points in the history of Germany fell on this date , November 9th is also known as the “ fateful day of the Germans ”.
Historic anniversaries October · November · December |
Politics and world events
- 1313 : In the battle of Gammelsdorf , the later Emperor Ludwig the Bavarian prevails against his cousin Friedrich the Handsome and thus receives guardianship over the young dukes of Lower Bavaria.
- 1330 : The Battle of Posada begins, in which the Wallachians under Basarab I defeat the Hungarians under Charles I.
- 1620 : One day after the defeat of his troops in the Battle of White Mountain, the Bohemian King Friedrich I fled Prague to Wroclaw.
- 1729 : The Treaty of Seville is English-Spanish war ended.
- 1749 : In the battle of Penfui on the island of Timor, Dutch soldiers and their allies defeat a Portuguese armed force including the allied Topasse . As a result, the Dutch take control of the western part of the island, which establishes the division of Timor.
- 1799 : On 18th Brumaire VIII , Napoleon Bonaparte, with the support of his brother Lucien , carries out a coup d'état, officially ending the French Revolution . The members of the board of directors either resign or are removed and arrested.
- 1848 : Revolution of 1848/1849 in the Austrian Empire : Robert Blum , left-wing liberal member of the Frankfurt National Assembly , is shot by an execution squad after the suppression of the October Uprising in Vienna as part of the March Revolution , disregarding his parliamentary immunity.
- 1867 : Tokugawa Yoshinobu , the 15th and last shogun of the Tokugawa shogunate in Japan , abdicates.
- 1906 : Theodore Roosevelt becomes the first incumbent US President to travel abroad to the Panama Canal , which is under construction . The president is accompanied by his wife Edith .
- 1914 : The small cruiser of the German Imperial Navy SMS Emden , which has been operating extremely successfully for months in the cruiser war in the Indian Ocean , is incapacitated in the sea battle near the Cocos Islands .
- 1918 : November Revolution : Chancellor Max von Baden proclaims the abdication of Kaiser Wilhelm II and entrusts Friedrich Ebert with the official business. The Social Democrat Philipp Scheidemann proclaims the " German Republic " from the Reichstag building at around 2 pm . Two hours later, the Spartakist Karl Liebknecht proclaimed the "German Soviet Republic " from the Berlin City Palace .
- 1918 : Karl Liebknecht and Rosa Luxemburg found the newspaper Die Rote Fahne in Berlin as an organ of the Spartakusbund .
- 1923 : The Hitler-Ludendorff putsch is bloodily suppressed by the Bavarian State Police in front of the Feldherrnhalle in Munich after the Bavarian Prime Minister Gustav Ritter von Kahr withdrew his support for the putsch on the radio and declared the dissolution of the NSDAP .
- 1925 : At the NSDAP party congress, Hitler orders that the Sturmkommando, founded in April, be renamed the Schutzstaffel (SS).
- 1930 : In the last Austrian National Council election in the First Republic , the Social Democrats become the party with the most votes and seats.
- 1932 : During the riots in Geneva in 1932 , soldiers of the Swiss army shot thirteen demonstrators at an anti-fascist rally and seriously injured sixty.
- 1936 : On the night of November 9th to 10th, the National Socialists remove the monument to the composer Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy in front of the Leipzig Gewandhaus . The Lord Mayor of Leipzig, Carl Friedrich Goerdeler , who was on a trip abroad at the time, declared his resignation in protest.
- 1937 : The Japanese invasion troops win the Battle of Shanghai in the Second Sino-Japanese War and thus gain control of the conquered Chinese port city .
- 1938 : Pogrom Night : In the German Reich there are organized attacks against Jews and Jewish institutions across the Reich , during which synagogues are set on fire. The police and fire brigade have instructions to protect only non-Jewish property.
- 1939 : Shortly after the outbreak of World War II, two officers of the British Secret Intelligence Service , Richard Henry Stevens and Sigismund Payne Best , are kidnapped in Venlo, the Netherlands, by an SS special command under Alfred Naujocks after German secret agents under Walter Schellenberg pretended to be resistance fighters. The Venlo incident renders large parts of the British espionage network in Europe practically worthless and provides Hitler with a justification for invading the Netherlands in May 1940.
- 1949 : The foreign ministers of the USA, Great Britain and France decide to start negotiations with the Federal Republic of Germany, which ultimately lead to the Petersberg Agreement .
- 1953 : By leaving the Union française , Cambodia gains complete independence from France .
- 1955 : The German Federal Constitutional Court ruled that Austrians living in Germany who were granted German citizenship after the Anschluss in 1938 , lost it again with Austria's sovereignty .
- 1965 : In the Philippines , Ferdinand Marcos wins the presidential election against incumbent Diosdado Macapagal .
- 1967 : At the ceremonial inauguration of the new rector of Hamburg University, students unfold a banner with the slogan Unter den Talaren - Muff of 1000 years , which will become the symbol of the 1968 movement .
- 1969 : The left- wing terrorist organization Tupamaros West Berlin places a bomb in the Jewish community hall in Berlin. However, the bomb does not explode.
- 1974 : After 58 days of hunger strike, RAF member Holger Meins dies in the Wittlich correctional facility .
- 1975 : A mutiny breaks out on the Soviet frigate Storoschewoi , which is suppressed after a few days with threats of armed violence by other units of the Baltic fleet .
- 1977 : Members of the June 2 Movement under the leadership of Thomas Gratt kidnap the industrialist Walter Palmers , head of Palmers Textil AG , in Vienna to raise money for the urban guerrilla .
- 1982 : The new Turkish constitution , previously approved by referendum, comes into force; General Kenan Evren , who came to power after the military coup in 1980 , becomes president for a seven-year term.
- 1989 : Fall of the Berlin Wall : After SED Politburo member Schabowski announced the granting of freedom of travel at a press conference broadcast on GDR television and the demand for the start of this regulation at 6:57 p.m. with "This occurs to my knowledge ... it is immediately, immediately ”answered, thousands flock to the border crossing points: beginning with the Bornholmer Strasse crossing, the Berlin Wall and the other inner-German borders open up for GDR citizens .
- 1990 : After the second count of the Irish presidential election two days earlier, the election of Mary Robinson is announced. She will take office as the first female President of Ireland on December 3rd.
- 1990 : King Birendra introduced a democratic constitution in Nepal only after massive pressure from abroad .
- 1992 : The Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe (CFE Treaty) signed by the member states of NATO and the Warsaw Pact in 1990 comes into force.
- 1993 : The Stari most (German: Old Bridge ), built in 1566 , the landmark of the city of Mostar in Bosnia-Herzegovina , collapses after continuous bombardment by the Croatian army .
- 2000 : Uttarakhand becomes (initially under the name Uttaranchal ) the new federal state of India .
- 2001 : After the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 , the German Bundestag passed the Anti-Terror Law , which, among other things, abolished the religious privilege in association law in order to make it possible to prohibit radical, especially Islamist, communities.
- 2007 : The German Bundestag passes the controversial law on data retention with 366 votes to 156 (with two abstentions) .
- 2012 : David Petraeus , head of the CIA secret service , resigns from his post after an extramarital love affair becomes known .
- 1965 : A widespread power outage cripples life in the northeastern United States and parts of Canada for hours. The blackout affects the daily routine of around 30 million people.
- 1997 : BBC News 24 goes on air in the UK .
science and technology
- 1802 : Alexander von Humboldt observes a Mercury transit in the Peruvian port city of Callao .
- 1944 : Otto Hahn is awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry .
- 1967 : When a Saturn V rocket is launched for the first time, the Apollo 4 heat shield is tested , among other things .
- 1991 : The Joint European Torus (JET) research facility achieves the first notable success in generating energy by means of nuclear fusion . An energy-supplying plasma is produced for two seconds .
- 1994 : The Society for Heavy Ion Research , it is possible for the first time later Darmstadtium called element 110 by fusing a lead - and a nickel - atomic nucleus to produce.
- 2005 : The ESA space probe Venus Express takes off from the Kazakh spaceport Baikonur to Venus .
- 1732 : The first performance of the opera Adriano in Siria by Antonio Caldara takes place at the Vienna Court Theater .
- 1831 : Conradin Kreutzer's opera Die Jungfrau is premiered in Prague .
- 1843 : The Thalia Theater , Hamburg's oldest theater , is founded.
- 1859 : The second day of the three-day Schiller Festival is celebrated in German-speaking countries and beyond .
- 1881 : The 2nd Piano Concerto by Johannes Brahms , one of the longest concerts composed up to that point, is premiered in Budapest.
- 1896 : Jean Sibelius ' opera Jungfru i Tornet ( The Virgin in the Tower ) premiered in Helsinki .
- 1911 : At the Vienna Hofburg is Julius Bittner's opera The lake premiered.
- 1914 : At the Johann Strauss Theater in Vienna, the operetta Rund um die Liebe by Oscar Straus is premiered .
- 1926 : The premiere of Paul Hindemith's opera Cardillac takes place at the Dresden State Opera under the musical direction of Fritz Busch . The opera with the libretto by Ferdinand Lion based on the novella Das Fräulein von Scuderi by ETA Hoffmann with Robert Burg in the leading role is panned by criticism.
- 1930 : Manfred Gurlitt's opera Soldiers premiered in Düsseldorf .
- 1967 : The first edition of the music magazine Rolling Stone appears in the USA .
- 1967 : The first episode of the first Valérian story appears in the French comic magazine Pilote .
- 1999 : The Fernwehpark Hof Signs of Fame , a collection of signs from all over the world in the German town of Hof an der Saale , is opened to the public.
- 1888 : Jack the Ripper murders his fifth and probably last victim in Whitechapel with Mary Jane Kelly .
- 1897 : Lorenz Werthmann founds the Charitas Association for Catholic Germany in Cologne .
- 1907 : As a token of gratitude and appreciation for the Transvaal colony in South Africa, which had recently been granted internal self-government, the British King Edward VII was presented with the 3,106-carat rough diamond Cullinan on the occasion of his 66th birthday .
- 1953 : Germany's first pedestrian zone is opened on stairs street in Kassel .
- 1983 : In Amsterdam, the CEO of the Heineken Brewery , Alfred Heineken , and his driver are kidnapped. The perpetrators extort the equivalent of almost 16 million euros in ransom . After three weeks of imprisonment, the police are able to free the two men.
- 235 : Pontianus , who resigned as Pope on September 28, is slain in a stone quarry in Sardinia.
- 324 : Pope Silvester I inaugurates the Lateran basilica built by Emperor Constantine .
- 1732 : Alfonso Maria de Liguori , the Italian priest who was later elevated to the position of Doctor of the Church , founds the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer in Scala and thus the religious community of the Redemptorists .
- 1956 : In Bangkok, the is Hindu -God Brahma the Erawan Shrine dedicated to a series of accidents in the construction to end a hotel.
- 1986 : Teoctist I is elected Patriarch of the Romanian Orthodox Church.
- 2006 : Three years after the foundation stone was laid for the Jewish Center of the Jewish Community in Munich and Upper Bavaria , Munich's new main synagogue is ceremoniously opened.
- 1872 : A major fire breaks out in Boston, destroying almost all of downtown Boston in the course of the night. At least 20 people are killed, the damage amounts to around 73 million US dollars.
- 1913 : The most momentous natural disaster in the Great Lakes region , known as the Great Lakes Storm of 1913 , reaches its most intense phase. A blizzard with high wind speeds causes severe damage, causes multiple ship sinks and costs a large number of lives.
- 1963 : A coal dust explosion in the Mitsui Miiki mine in Ōmuta kills 458 people and 555 are injured in the worst mining disaster after the war in Japan.
Minor accidents are listed in the sub-articles of Catastrophe .
- 1985 : The Russian Garry Kasparov becomes the thirteenth and up to then youngest world champion in chess history, in Moscow he defeats defending champion Anatoli Karpov in a competition over 24 games with 5: 3 wins in 16 draws .
- 1999 : The Essen Regional Court sentenced four German hooligans to prison terms of three and a half to ten years for the brutal attack on French gendarme Daniel Nivel during the 1998 World Cup.
Entries of athletics world records can be found under the respective discipline under athletics .
Before the 17th century
- 955 : Gyeongjong , King of the Korean Kingdom of Goryeo
- 1389 : Isabelle de Valois , French princess and Queen of England
- 1414 : Albrecht Achilles , German nobleman and Elector of Brandenburg
- 1455 : Johann V , German nobleman and Count of Nassau-Dillenburg
- 1467 : Karl von Egmond , Duke of Geldern
- 1522 : Martin Chemnitz , German Lutheran theologian
- 1541 : Menso Alting , German preacher and theologian of the Reformation period
- 1541 : Virgil Pingitzer , German-Austrian jurist
- 1573 : Ambrosius Schlumpf , Swiss mayor
- 1581 : Levin von der Schulenburg , District Administrator in the Principality of Anhalt
- 1588 : Bénédict Turrettini , Swiss theologian
- 1590 : Johann Matthäus Meyfart , German Lutheran theologian, educator and fighter against the persecution of witches
17th and 18th centuries
- 1601 : Friedrich Wilhelm , Duke of Teschen
- 1606 : Christoph Althofer , German Lutheran theologian
- 1606 : Hermann Conring , German polymath
- 1636 : Jakob Andreas Crusius , German lawyer
- 1654 : Christoph Weigel the Elder , German engraver, art dealer and publisher
- 1664 : Johannes Speth , German organist
- 1674 : Johann Adalbert Angermayer , German-Bohemian painter
- 1681 : Johann Wilhelm Jahn , German theologian and historian
- 1683 : George II , King of Great Britain and Ireland, Elector of Braunschweig-Lüneburg
- 1691 : Christoph Langhansen , German mathematician and Lutheran theologian
- 1695 : Joseph Stammel , Austrian sculptor
- 1717 : Friedrich , Duke of Mecklenburg-Schwerin
- 1721 : Mark Akenside , English doctor and poet
- 1723 : Amalie von Prussia , German princess and composer
- 1739 : Henrik Gabriel Porthan , Finnish historian
- 1744 : Johann Michael Söckler , German engraver
- 1746 : Elisabeth Christine Ulrike von Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel , Crown Princess of Prussia
- 1750 : Johann Wilhelm Fuhrmann , German Protestant theologian and university professor
- 1755 : Franz Gallus Sündermahler , German lawyer and civil servant
- 1788 : Ernst Gottlob Jäkel , German educator and philologist
- 1800 : Emanuel Arnold , Bohemian politician
19th century
- 1810 : Thomas Bragg , American politician
- 1810 : Bernhard von Langenbeck , German surgeon
- 1812 : Paul Abadie , French builder and restorer
- 1818 : Ivan Sergeyevich Turgenev , Russian writer
- 1819 : Annibale De Gasparis , Italian astronomer
- 1831 : Henry du Pré Labouchère , British politician
- 1832 : Émile Gaboriau , French writer
- 1835 : Davorin Jenko , Slovenian composer and conductor
- 1837 : Alfred Holmes , English violinist and composer
- 1841 : Edward VII , British King
- 1858 : John Stromberg , Canadian composer, pianist and conductor
- 1859 : Håkon Løken , Norwegian lawyer, journalist and politician
- 1863 : Paul Sprigade , German cartographer
- 1866 : Ferdinand Hanusch , Austrian social reformer
- 1868 : Marie Dressler , Canadian actress
- 1871 : Hans Angerer , Austrian high school professor, geologist and politician
- 1872 : Raissa Adler , Austrian women's rights activist
- 1873 : Tadeusz Miciński , Polish writer
- 1873 : Fritz Thyssen , German entrepreneur
- 1874 : Walter Rothkegel , German soil and tax scientist
- 1875 : Rudolf von Sebottendorf , German adventurer, occultist, publisher and anti-Semite, founder of the Thule Society
- 1878 : Álvaro de Castro , Portuguese military and politician, Prime Minister
- 1880 : Albert Clément , French racing car driver
- 1880 : Jordan Jowkow , Bulgarian writer
- 1880 : Rudolf Karel , Czech composer
- 1882 : Roy E. Ayers , American politician
- 1883 : Charles Demuth , American painter
- 1884 : Vincenz Duncker , German athlete and Olympic medalist
- 1885 : Hermann Weyl , German mathematician
- 1887 : Gertrude Astor , American actress
- 1888 : Jean Monnet , French entrepreneur and politician, first President of the European Commission ( ECSC ), "Father of Europe"
- 1889 : Snub Pollard , Australian actor
- 1891 : Theodor Geiger , German sociologist
- 1892 : Erich Auerbach , German literary scholar and Romance philologist
- 1893 : Ena Rottenberg , Hungarian-Austrian craftswoman, glass painter and ceramicist
- 1896 : Michailo Werikiwski , Ukrainian composer
- 1897 : Ronald GW Norrish , British chemist and Nobel Prize winner
- 1899 : Mezz Mezzrow , American jazz soprano saxophonist and clarinetist
20th century
- 1901 : Eduard Marks , German actor, drama teacher and radio play speaker
- 1902 : Anthony Asquith , British film director
- 1902 : Bernd Eistert , German chemist
- 1903 : Carlo Hemmerling , Swiss composer, pianist and organist
- 1904 : Karl Adolphs , German politician
- 1904 : Viktor Brack , German SS officer, co-organizer of the Nazi euthanasia murders ( Action T4 ) and war criminal
- 1905 : Friedrich Arndt , German puppeteer, author, director and radio play speaker
- 1905 : Erika Mann , German actress, cabaret artist, writer and editor
- 1906 : Pete Brown , American jazz musician
- 1907 : Burrill Phillips , American composer and music teacher
- 1907 : Louis Ferdinand Prince of Prussia , German nobleman and head of the House of Hohenzollern
- 1907 : Erich Wustmann , German ethnologist and travel writer
- 1908 : Kay Thompson , American singer, actress, and writer
- 1909 : Mirza Nasir Ahmad , 3rd Caliphate ul-Massih
- 1910 : Günter von Drenkmann , German judge
- 1910 : Georg Meier , German car and motorcycle racing driver
- 1911 : Kaj Franck , Finnish designer
- 1911 : Ed Kahn , American football player
- 1911 : Lu Säuberlich , German actress
- 1913 : Sepp Kerschbaumer , Italian political activist, founder of the South Tyrol Liberation Committee
- 1913 : Eva Lissa , German actress
- 1913 : Günter von Roden , German historian and archivist
- 1914 : Hedy Lamarr , Austrian actress and inventor
- 1915 : Hanka Bielicka , Polish actress
- 1916 : Fernando Fernández , Mexican actor, singer, screenwriter and director
- 1918 : Choi Hong Hi , Korean general and founder of the martial art Taekwondo
- 1918 : Spiro Theodore Agnew , American Vice President
- 1919 : Werner Eberlein , German politician, member of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the SED
- 1919 : Johann Herberger , German football player
- 1921 : Pierrette Alarie , Canadian singer and vocal teacher
- 1921 : Jan Schrumpf , Dutch football player
- 1922 : Augusto Vargas Alzamora , Peruvian Archbishop and Cardinal
- 1922 : Dorothy Dandridge , American actress
- 1922 : Erich Ebert , German actor, voice actor, voice writer and dialogue director
- 1922 : Lauro Olmo , Spanish writer
- 1922 : Fiete Reder , German handball player and coach
- 1923 : Elizabeth Hawley , American journalist and chronicler
- 1924 : Rudolf Anheuser , German basketball referee
- 1924 : Robert Frank , Swiss-American photographer, film director and cameraman.
- 1924 : Joy Page , American actress
- 1925 : Helmut Rohde , German politician, Member of the Bundestag, MEP, Federal Minister
- 1926 : Maria Anders , German historian
- 1926 : Vicente Aranda , Spanish film director
- 1926 : Idrissa Arouna , Nigerien officer, politician and diplomat
- 1926 : Martin Benrath , German actor
- 1926 : Mary Morrison , Canadian singer and vocal teacher
- 1927 : Felix Glonti , Georgian composer
- 1928 : Werner Veigel , German journalist and moderator
- 1928 : Anne Sexton , American poet
- 1929 : Imre Kertész , Hungarian writer, Nobel Prize winner
- 1929 : Francisco Norden , Colombian film director, screenwriter and film producer
- 1931 : Paolo Taviani , Italian director
- 1934 : Ingvar Carlsson , Swedish politician, Prime Minister
- 1934 : Derval de Faria , Brazilian actor
- 1934 : Elmar Pieroth , German politician, Member of the Bundestag, Member of the Bundestag, State Minister
- 1934 : Ronald Harwood , British writer
- 1934 : Carl Sagan , American astronomer and author
- 1935 : Liane Hielscher , German actress
- 1936 : Conny Freundorfer , German table tennis player
- 1936 : Michail Tal , Russian world chess champion
- 1936 : Teddy Infuhr , American actor, child actor
- 1937 : Eddie Blay , Ghanaian boxer
- 1937 : Mary Travers , American singer
- 1937 : Martin Schwab , German actor
- 1939 : Ulrich Schamoni , German director
- 1939 : Björn Engholm , German politician, Member of the Bundestag, Member of the Bundestag, Federal Minister, Prime Minister
- 1939 : József Gémes , Hungarian animator, film director and screenwriter
- 1941 : Michael Arndt , German politician
- 1941 : Tom Fogerty , American musician ( Creedence Clearwater Revival )
- 1942 : Richard Greene , American violinist
- 1942 : Karin Kiwus , German writer
- 1942 : Digby Martland , British racing car driver
- 1943 : Michael Kunze , German songwriter and musical composer
- 1943 : Günther Tietjen , German politician, Member of the Bundestag
- 1944 : George Armstrong , English football player and coach
- 1944 : Jörg Duppler , German naval officer and military historian
- 1944 : Phil May , British rock singer ( The Pretty Things )
- 1944 : James Talley , American musician
- 1944 : Herbert Wimmer , German soccer player
- 1945 : Jos van Immerseel , Belgian harpsichordist, pianist and conductor
- 1947 : Ursula Apitzsch , German political scientist and sociologist
- 1947 : Donald Grantham , American composer, conductor and university professor
- 1948 : Bille August , Danish director
- 1951 : Šarūnas Adomavičius , Lithuanian diplomat, administrative lawyer, legal scholar, criminologist and politician
- 1951 : Gerry Brown , American jazz drummer
- 1951 : Lou Ferrigno , American actor and bodybuilder
- 1952 : Andreas Aigmüller , German-Austrian musician and composer
- 1952 : Peter Hahne , German television journalist and presenter
- 1952 : Jack Szostak , Canadian-American molecular biologist of British-Polish descent, Nobel Prize winner
- 1953 : Alan Ames , British preacher
- 1953 : David Leslie , British racing driver and television commentator
- 1954 : Deborah Sue Armstrong , American sprinter
- 1954 : Dietrich Thurau , German cyclist
- 1955 : Fernando Meirelles , Brazilian film director
- 1955 : Lars Ulrik Mortensen , Danish harpsichordist and conductor
- 1958 : Eva Herman , German television presenter and author
- 1959 : Thomas Quasthoff , German baritone
- 1959 : Sito Pons , Spanish motorcycle racer
- 1960 : Andreas Brehme , German soccer player and coach
- 1960 : Roland Dickgießer , German soccer player
- 1961 : Lutz Schülbe , German soccer player
- 1962 : Sergio Batista , Argentine football player and coach
- 1962 : Wolfgang Wendland , German musician and filmmaker, politician and satirist
- 1963 : Biagio Antonacci , Italian singer and songwriter
- 1964 : Sonja Kirchberger , Austrian actress
- 1965 : Bryn Terfel , British opera singer
- 1965 : Karoline Eichhorn , German actress
- 1966 : Ingo Ludwig Frenzel , German film composer
- 1968 : Frank Hengstenberg , German politician
- 1968 : Axel Schulz , German boxer
- 1970 : Chris Jericho , American wrestler and rock singer
- 1970 : Susan Tedeschi , American blues guitarist, singer and songwriter
- 1971 : Mauricio Annunziata , Argentine composer and pianist
- 1971 : Big Pun , American rapper
- 1972 : Eric Dane , American actor
- 1973 : Kofi Ansuhenne , German musician, songwriter and music producer
- 1973 : Nick Lachey , American singer and actor
- 1974 : Sven Hannawald , German ski jumper
- 1974 : Alessandro Del Piero , Italian football player
- 1975 : Henrike Müller , German politician
- 1978 : Olga Brusnikina , Russian synchronized swimmer, Olympic champion
- 1978 : Nikolaus Mayr-Melnhof , Austrian racing car driver
- 1978 : Sisqó , American singer
- 1979 : Casper Ankergren , Danish football player
- 1979 : Caroline Flack , British television presenter
- 1979 : Marcelina Kiala , Angolan handball player
- 1981 : Florian Ludewig , German cyclist
- 1981 : Christoph Rehage , German author
- 1982 : Marcus Storey , American football player
- 1982 : Massiv , German-Palestinian rapper
- 1982 : Petra Wimbersky , German soccer player
- 1983 : Eom Tae-goo , South Korean actor
- 1983 : Maike März , German handball player
- 1984 : Andrei Olegowitsch Aschmarin , Russian badminton player
- 1984 : Delta Goodrem , Australian musician
- 1984 : French Montana , American rapper and singer
- 1986 : Elina Andriola , Greek athlete
- 1986 : Paula Kalenberg , German actress
- 1986 : Prince Tagoe , Ghanaian soccer player
- 1987 : Jaqueline Anastácio , Brazilian handball player
- 1987 : Francine Zouga , Cameroonian football player
- 1988 : Analeigh Tipton , American actress
- 1989 : Baptiste Giabiconi , French model
- 1989 : Kyle Rudolph , American football player
- 1990 : Lalawélé Atakora , Togolese football player
- 1990 : Olga Gorschenina , Russian handball player
- 1990 : Nosa Igiebor , Nigerian soccer player
- 1991 : Čestmír Kožíšek , Czech ski jumper
- 1991 : Giovanni Venturini , Italian racing driver
- 1992 : Michelle von Treuberg , German actress
- 1994 : Collin Martin , American football player
- 1995 : Oghenekaro Etebo , Nigerian soccer player
- 1999 : Karol Sevilla , Mexican actress
Before the 16th century
- 959 : Constantine VII , Emperor of the Byzantine Empire and author
- 1034 : Oldřich , Prince of Bohemia
- 1097 : Erpho , Bishop of Münster
- 1101 : Welf IV , Duke of Bavaria
- 1148 : Ari Þorgilsson , Icelandic historian
- 1187 : Song Gaozong , Chinese emperor
- 1208 : Sancha of Castile , Queen of Aragon
- 1209 : Reinher della Torre , Bishop of Chur
- 1261 : Sancha of Provence , French nobleman and Roman-German queen
- 1282 : Waldemar , Lord of Rostock
- 1301 : Bolko I , Duke of Schweidnitz-Jauer
- 1317 : Manfred , Duke of Athens
- 1321 : Walter Langton , Bishop of Coventry and Lichfield
- 1328 : Charles , Duke of Calabria
- 1356 : Friedrich , Count of Freiburg and Landgrave in Breisgau
- 1382 : Friedrich II. Von Hoym , Bishop of Merseburg and Archbishop of Magdeburg
- 1400 : Gerhard von Schwarzburg , German bishop of Naumburg and Würzburg
- 1409 : Katharina von Nürnberg , abbess of the Hof monastery
- 1417 : Yusuf III. , Moorish emir of Granada
- 1456 : Ulrich II. Von Cilli , politician, last prince Count of Cilli
16th to 18th century
- 1504 : Frederick I , King of Naples
- 1520 : Joakim Brahe , Swedish nobleman and councilor
- 1537 : Quirin op dem Veld von Willich , auxiliary bishop in Cologne
- 1541 : Caspar Adelmann von Adelmannsfelden , German humanist and canon
- 1545 : Pietro Lando , 78th Doge of Venice
- 1612 : Paul Jenisch , German educator and theologian
- 1629 : Kaspar Kellermann , victim of the persecution of witches in Sundern
- 1636 : Charles the Elder of Žerotín , Bohemian-Moravian politician and writer
- 1639 : Sixtinus Amama , Dutch theologian and orientalist
- 1641 : Ferdinand of Spain , Spanish cardinal and general
- 1651 : Jan Cornelisz Geelvinck , Amsterdam wholesaler and regent
- 1677 : Aert van der Neer , Dutch landscape painter
- 1685 : Louis Armand I. de Bourbon , Prince of Conti
- 1693 : Cornelis Ryckwaert , Dutch builder
- 1697 : Louis d'Anglure de Bourlemont , French jurist, diplomat and archbishop
- 1713 : Armand-Charles de La Porte , Duke of Mazarin, Meilleraye and Mayenne
- 1727 : Giambattista Ragusa , Sicilian sculptor
- 1770 : John Campbell, 4th Duke of Argyll , Scottish nobleman, general and politician
- 1771 : Ludwig Debiel , Austrian Jesuit and theologian
- 1782 : Anna Dorothea Therbusch , German painter
- 1799 : Juliane von Hessen-Philippsthal , regent of Schaumburg-Lippe
19th century
- 1809 : Paul Sandby , British painter
- 1825 : Friedrich Hellwig , German singer, actor and director
- 1835 : José Ignacio de Gorriti , Argentine military and politician
- 1840 : Karl Heinrich von Gros , German lawyer and university professor
- 1841 : Jean Victor Audouin , French naturalist, entomologist and ornithologist
- 1848 : Robert Blum , German politician and revolutionary
- 1856 : John Middleton Clayton , American politician
- 1856 : Friedrich von Klinckowström , Prussian landowner and politician
- 1868 : John Mercer Johnson , British-Canadian politician
- 1876 : Édouard Baptiste , French composer, organist and music teacher
- 1876 : Friedrich Ritschl , German philologist
- 1888 : Mary Jane Kelly , probably Jack the Ripper's last victim
- 1890 : Johann Theodor Friedrich Avé-Lallemant , German music teacher, music critic and music writer
- 1891 : Christian Wilhelm Bernhardt , German educator and local researcher
- 1893 : Hermann August Hagen , German entomologist
- 1896 : Emil Frommel , German theologian and folk writer
- 1898 : Robert Franklin Armfield , American politician
20th century
- 1901 : Halil Rifat Pasha , Grand Vizier of the Ottoman Empire
- 1903 : Montagu Corry, 1st Baron Rowton , British politician and philanthropist
- 1906 : Gustav Augspurg , German lawyer and politician
- 1918 : Guillaume Apollinaire , French poet
- 1918 : Albert Ballin , German shipowner
- 1919 : Eduard Müller , Swiss politician
- 1923 : Charles Ruffell , British athlete
- 1926 : Karl Ernst Ranke , German internist
- 1931 : Heinrich Albrecht , German social politician and housing reformer
- 1932 : Johannes Henricus Zaaijer , Dutch medic
- 1933 : Scipione , Italian painter and writer
- 1935 : Walter L. Fisher , American lawyer and politician, Secretary of the Interior
- 1937 : James Ramsay MacDonald , British politician and Prime Minister
- 1938 : Ernst Eduard vom Rath , German diplomat
- 1938 : Wassili Konstantinowitsch Blücher , Soviet military
- 1940 : Neville Chamberlain , British politician
- 1942 : Ernest Chuard , Swiss politician
- 1943 : Johann Auinger , Austrian politician
- 1944 : Miklós Radnóti , Hungarian poet
- 1945 : Frank Hutchison , American old-time musician
- 1949 : Louis Arnould , French Romance studies and French studies
- 1952 : Chaim Weizmann , Israeli politician and president
- 1953 : Abd al-Aziz ibn Saud , Saudi King
- 1953 : Dylan Thomas , British writer
- 1957 : Jacques Rouché , French editor and opera director
- 1959 : Ramón Cabanillas , Spanish-Galician writer
- 1961 : Antoon Coolen , Dutch writer and journalist
- 1963 : Antonio Farage , Syrian titular archbishop and patriarchal procurator
- 1964 : Cecília Meireles , Brazilian poet and journalist
- 1966 : Daniel Edwin Rutherford , British mathematician
- 1967 : Charles Bickford , American actor
- 1968 ; Georges Delaroche , French racing car driver
- 1969 : Valentine Ackland , British poet
- 1970 : Charles de Gaulle , French general and president
- 1973 : Apostol Karamitew , Bulgarian actor
- 1974 : Gitta Lind , German pop singer
- 1974 : Holger Meins , German terrorist (RAF)
- 1974 : Paul Weitkus , German major general
- 1975 : Paul Hatvani , Austrian writer, chemist and translator
- 1976 : Gottfried von Cramm , German tennis player
- 1977 : Gertrude Astor , American actress
- 1978 : Paul Rolland , American music teacher and violist
- 1978 : Miguelito Valdés , Cuban singer, band leader and actor
- 1980 : Eugen Denzel , German painter, graphic artist and press illustrator
- 1980 : Fritz Lattke , German painter
- 1980 : Toyen , actually Marie Čermínová, Czech surrealist painter, draftsman and graphic artist, representative of poetism
- 1980 : Andreas Paul Weber , German lithographer, draftsman and painter
- 1981 : Rolf von Goth , German actor and radio play director
- 1981 : Wolfgang Krebs , German geologist and university professor
- 1982 : Emil Bettgenhäuser , German politician
- 1984 : Hans Petersson , German mathematician
- 1985 : Marie-Georges Pascal , French actress
- 1988 : Yves Baudrier , French composer
- 1988 : Clarke Hinkle , American football player
- 1991 : Yves Montand , French actor and chansonnier
- 1992 : Berthold Altmann , German lawyer
- 1992 : Erich Angermann , German historian
- 1993 : Ross Andru , American comic book artist and publishing editor
- 1993 : Stanley Myers , British composer
- 1995 : Alessandro Cicognini , Italian film composer
- 1997 : Helenio Herrera , Argentine football coach
- 1999 : Herbert C. Abramson , American music producer
- 1999 : José de Jesús Aguilera Rodríguez , Mexican bishop
- 1999 : Claude Ballot-Léna , French racing car driver
- 2000 : Sherwood Johnston , American racing car driver
- 2000 : Hermann Lindner , German painter and graphic artist
21st century
- 2002 : Adrian Aeschbacher , Swiss pianist
- 2002 : Heinrich Schiemann , German science journalist
- 2003 : Stephen A. Benton , American physicist
- 2003 : Art Carney , American actor
- 2003 : Mario Merz , Italian artist
- 2004 : Iris Chang , American writer
- 2004 : Emlyn Hughes , English soccer player
- 2004 : Stieg Larsson , Swedish journalist and writer
- 2005 : Stephen McGill , British bishop
- 2005 : Kocheril Raman Narayanan , Indian President
- 2005 : Dagmar Schmidt , German politician, Member of the Bundestag
- 2005 : Alfred Söllner , German legal scholar, judge at the Federal Constitutional Court
- 2005 : Wilhelm Walcher , German physicist
- 2006 : Willi R. Aengevelt , German real estate agent
- 2006 : Ed Bradley , American journalist
- 2006 : Markus Wolf , German politician and head of the GDR foreign intelligence agency
- 2010 : Vitus B. Dröscher , German non-fiction author
- 2011 : Har Gobind Khorana , Indian-American molecular biologist and Nobel Prize winner
- 2012 : Joseph D. Early , American politician
- 2012 : Major Harris , American soul singer
- 2012 : Sergei Nikolski , Russian mathematician
- 2013 : Helen Eadie , British politician
- 2013 : Filip Müller , Slovak survivor of Auschwitz
- 2013 : Georg P. Salzmann , German book collector
- 2014 : Joe Walsh , Irish politician
- 2015 : Ernst Fuchs , Austrian painter and graphic artist
- 2015 : Allen Toussaint , American musician and producer
- 2017 : John Benedict Hillerman , American actor
Holidays and memorial days
- Church memorial days
- Emil Frommel , German pastor and writer (Protestant)
- Day of consecration of the Lateran Basilica (Catholic)
- State holidays and memorial days
- Cambodia : independence from France (1953)
- More information about the day
The list of days of remembrance and action contains further entries .
- Elisabeth Domansky: "Kristallnacht", the Holocaust and German Unity . The Meaning of November 9 as an Anniversary in Germany, in: History & Memory (H & M) 4 (1992), pp. 60-79.
- Johannes Willms (Ed.): November 9th . Five essays on German history, 2nd edition, Munich 1995, ISBN 3-406-37447-6 .
- Jörg Koch: November 9th in German history . 1918–1923 - 1938–1989, 3rd revised edition, Freiburg 2009, ISBN 978-3-7930-9596-5 .
Web links
- November 9th in German history ( Memento from January 22nd, 2012 in the Internet Archive ): Study with extensive references - Historical Institute of the RWTH Aachen
Commons : November 9th - Collection of images, videos and audio files