Christoph Langhansen

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Christoph Langhansen (born November 9, 1691 in Königsberg ; † March 14, 1770 ibid) was a German mathematician, Lutheran theologian and from 1755 general superintendent of Königsberg.


The son of the Lutheran theologian Christian Langhansen (1660–1727) had received his first education from his father. He studied since September 25, 1706 at the University of Königsberg and later at the University of Jena , where he acquired the academic degree of a master's degree in philosophy on July 13, 1712 . He then became an associate professor of mathematics at Königsberg University, where he received his doctorate in theology in 1717 . In 1718 he became an associate professor at the theological faculty of the Königsberg University. In 1719 he took over the full professorship of mathematics and in 1720 became chief inspector of the alumni and the Konviktorium.

After becoming the third royal court preacher in 1721, he took over the full professorship of theology in 1725 and became consistorial counselor in 1755. On January 18, 1755, he succeeded Johann Jakob Quandt as General Superintendent of Königsberg and as chairman of the Lutheran Prussian Consistory in Königsberg, the regional church authority of the Lutheran Upper Consistory in Berlin , which was responsible for the entire monarchy.

Langhansen also took part in the organizational tasks of the Königsberg University. He was dean of the philological and theological faculties and also their rector (1734, 1742, 1756 and 1764). In 1765 he resigned from the theological professorship. After his death, Daniel Heinrich Arnoldt followed him in the general superintendent's position .

Since November 29, 1719 he was a foreign member of the Royal Prussian Academy of Sciences in Berlin . Langhansen was less of a theologian. Above all his astronomical observations, which also appeared in print, attracted attention.

Children came from his marriage to Brigitta Gertrud, daughter of the Königsberg theology professor Heinrich Lysius (1670–1731). His grandson was the poet Christian Erhard Langhansen (1750-1816).


  • Diss. De mense veterum Ebraeorum lunari. Jena 1712.
  • Diss. De eclipsi solari, occasiene insignis 1715 d. 3 Maii appariturae. Koenigsberg 1715
  • Diss. De parallaxi. Koenigsberg
  • Diss. De aurora boreali 1716 d. 17 Martii observata. Koenigsberg
  • Diss. De obliquitate eclipticae. Koenigsberg
  • Diss. De figura telluris ad fenfum sphaerica. Koenigsberg
  • Diss. De mensuris regni Borussiae hodiernis. Koenigsberg 1717
  • Diss. De necessîtate absoluta omnium, quae existunt, in Theodicea Leibnitii asserta. Hall 1724
  • Diss. (Praes. Lysio pro gradu) de miraculorum defectu, b. Luthero male exprobrato. Koenigsberg
  • Progr. De ignoto, Sp. S. ex Actor. XIX, 2. Koenigsberg
  • Progr. De diversis Spiritus Sancti in Luthero et Melanthones donis. Koenigsberg
  • Progr. De primitiis Spiritus S. ex Rome. VIII, 23. Koenigsberg
  • Progr. De die Paschatos 1744 in diversis sceptro Prussico subiectis terris diverso. Koenigsberg 1744
  • Progr. Super 2 Corinth. X, 5. Koenigsberg
  • Progr. Super Joh. I, 14. Koenigsberg
  • Progr. Super actor. II, 4.
  • Diss. De aeternitate essentiarum. Koenigsberg
  • Diss. De interna singularitatis ratione. Koenigsberg
  • Diss. De prudentia política. Koenigsberg
  • Progr. De historia festi nativitatis Christi antiqua. Koenigsberg
  • Progr. De errore antiquo nuper resuscitato, quod Spiritus Sanctus sit mater Jesu. Koenigsberg
  • Progr. De die tertio, quo Christ resurrexit. Koenigsberg
  • Progr. De Apostolis, resurrectionis Jefu Christi testibus. Koenigsberg
  • Progr. De lucta carnis et spiritus in regenito. Koenigsberg
  • Diss. I - IV de coeli politicl Planetis VII. Königsberg
  • Progr. De ritu. dimittendi captivum in festo Paschatos Judaeorum. Koenigsberg
  • Progr. De Deo Pacis. Koenigsberg
  • Progr. De unctione Christi, quam piae mulieres intendebant. Koenigsberg
  • Progr. De nocte sancta, qua Christ natus est. Koenigsberg


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Individual evidence

  1. according to Old Prussian monthly. Albert Roßbach, Königsberg, 1865, vol. 2, p. 93 ( online ), he died on March 15th, a. ö.
  2. ^ A b Heinrich Friedrich Jacobson , History of the sources of the Protestant canon law of the provinces of Prussia and Posen, with documents and registers , Königsberg in Pr .: Gebrüder Bornträger, 1839, (= history of the sources of canon law of the Prussian state, with documents and registers; Part 1, Vol. 2), footnote 22, p. 114, no ISBN.
  3. Cf. Instruction, in front of the Lutheran Superior = Consistorium , which was established over all royal lands , printed in: Corpus Constitutionum Marchicarum, Oder Königl. Preussis. and Churfürstl. Brandenburgische in der Chur- and Marck Brandenburg, also incorporated Landen, published and issued regulations, Edicta, Mandata, Rescripta etc .: From the times of Frederick I Elector of Brandenburg, etc. bit under the government of Friderich Wilhelm, King in Prussia, etc. ad annum 1736. inclusive , IV. Continuatio, column 291ff.
  4. ^ Werner Hartkopf: The Berlin Academy of Sciences: its members and award winners 1700-1990. Akademischer Verlag, Berlin 1992, ISBN 3-05-002153-5 , p. 207.
  5. Of Mr. Johann Valentin Pietschen ... bound writings. Königsberg 1740, p. 131. ( online , wedding poem)
predecessor Office successor
Johann Jakob Quandt General superintendent in Königsberg for the Lutheran Upper Consistory of Prussia
1755 - 1770
Daniel Heinrich Arnoldt