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15th century |
16th century
| 17th century
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1560s |
1570s |
1580s |
| 1600s
| 1610s
| 1620s
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1586 |
1587 |
1588 |
1589 |
| 1591
| 1592
| 1593
| 1594
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1590 | |
Giovanni Battista Castagna becomes Pope Urban VII for a few days . |
Sigmund Feierabend publishes the book of heroes . |
An earthquake shook the area around Neulengbach . | |
1590 in other calendars | |
Armenian calendar | 1038/39 (turn of the year July) |
Ethiopian calendar | 1582/1583 (turn of the year 10/11 September) |
Bengali solar calendar | 995/996 (beginning of April 14th or 15th) |
Buddhist calendar | 2133/34 (southern Buddhism); 2132/33 (alternative calculation according to Buddhas Parinirvana ) |
Chinese calendar | 71st (72nd) cycle
Year of the Metal Tiger庚寅 ( at the beginning of the Earth-Ox 己丑) |
Chula Sakarat (Siam, Myanmar) / Dai calendar (Vietnam) | 952/953 (turn of the year April) |
Dangun era (Korea) | 3923/24 (2-3 October) |
Iranian calendar | 968/969 |
Islamic calendar | 998/999 (turn of the year 29/30 October) |
Jewish calendar | 5350/51 (September 28-29) |
Coptic calendar | 1306/07 (September 10/11) |
Malayalam calendar | 765/766 |
Seleucid era | Babylon: 1900/01 (turn of the year April)
Syria: 1901/02 (New Year October) |
Vikram Sambat (Nepalese Calendar) | 1646/47 (turn of the year April) |
Politics and world events
Huguenot Wars in France

- March 14 : During the Eighth Huguenot War, Henry of Navarre and his troops prevailed against the units of the Catholic League under the command of Duke Charles de Lorraine in the Battle of Ivry near Ivry-la-Bataille in Normandy . The victory enables the future king to advance on Paris.
- The French port city of Saint-Malo declares itself an independent republic that will last for around three years.
Eighty Years War
- The Dutch go on the offensive in the war against Spain , retake Breda and lay siege to Steenbergen .
- May 17th : After Anna of Denmark and James VI. of Scotland after two wedding ceremonies in Copenhagen last year in January in a third ceremony in Edinburgh, Anna will be crowned Queen of Scotland in Holyrood .
Ottoman Empire
- March 21 : The Ottoman-Safavid War ends with a peace treaty . The Ottoman Empire under Murad III. areas conquered in the Istanbul peace treaty grow in the Caucasus and as far as the Caspian Sea .
- August 18 : On his return from England after a three-year absence, John White finds the Roanoke colony in North America deserted. Where the 118 people remained remains unclear, traces of violence are missing.
- July: Naresuan becomes king of the Siamese kingdom of Ayutthaya (today: Thailand ) after the death of his father Somdet Phrachao Sanphet I. The empire is in constant conflict with neighboring Burma .
- The Dutchman Hans Berenberg from Antwerp founds a cloth trading company with his brother Paul in Hamburg, from which the Berenberg Bank later developed.
- In the Portuguese colony of Angola are diamonds first found .
science and technology
- Galileo Galilei experimentally finds the constancy of gravitational acceleration : "All bodies fall at the same speed".
Culture and society
- June 21 ( Corpus Christi ): First mentioned appearance of a knight's armor during the Corpus Christi parade in Furth im Wald . The move becomes the Further Drachenstich , which is known as the oldest popular play in Germany.
- Sigmund Feierabend's book of heroes is printed in Frankfurt am Main .
- The Tübingen rhetoric professor Erhard Cellius commissions the Tübingen professors gallery .
- The Persian Shah Abbas I from the Safavid dynasty has the magnificent Naqsch-e Jahān built southwest of his future capital, Isfahan . It was completed in 1595 .
After more than five years in office, Pope Sixtus V dies on August 27th at the age of 68 in Rome. On September 15, the conclave elects the Grand Inquisitor of the Holy Office , Giovanni Battista Castagna, as his successor, who takes the name Urban VII . But the day after his election he fell ill, presumably of malaria, and finally died on September 27th after only 12 days of pontificate . This time the conclave needed two months to elect a successor. On December 5th, Niccolo Sfondrati finally becomes the third Popeelected of the year. He chooses in honor of his predecessor Gregory XIII. who made him cardinal in 1583, named Gregory XIV for his pontificate.
A 6.0 magnitude earthquake after Richter south of Neulengbach shook Vienna and Lower Austria on September 15 . In Frankenstein in Silesia, just under 300 kilometers away , the bell tower there shows an inclined position for the first time .
Historical maps and views
Date of birth saved
- January 9 : Simon Vouet , French Baroque painter († 1649 )
- January 16 : Johannes Steuber , German Hebraist and theologian († 1643 )
- February 26 : Johann Lauremberg , Low German writer († 1658 )
- March 21 : Johannes Agricola , German doctor, alchemist and saltwork specialist († 1668 )
- March 29th : Agnes Magdalene , Princess of Anhalt-Dessau and Countess of Hessen-Kassel († 1626 )
- April 18 : Ahmed I , Sultan of the Ottoman Empire († 1617 )
- April 20 : Christoph Lüthardt , Swiss Protestant clergyman and university professor († 1663 )
- May 5 : Johann Albrecht II , Duke of Mecklenburg-Güstrow († 1636 )
- May 12 : Cosimo II. De 'Medici , Grand Duke of Tuscany († 1621 )
- July 13 : Emilio Altieri, Pope under the name Clemens X. from 1670 to 1676 († 1676 )
- July 26 : Johannes Crellius , German Socinian theologian and pedagogue († 1633 )
- August 7th : Charles of Austria , Prince-Bishop of Breslau and Bishop of Brixen († 1624 )
- August 14 : Johann Jacob von Königsegg-Rothenfels , Canon in Cologne († 1664 )
- August 14 : Petrus Lucius , German printer († 1656 )
- September 25 : David Blondel , French Reformed theologian († 1655 )
- October 11 : William Pynchon , Assistant Treasurer of Massachusetts Bay Colony († 1662 )
- October 19 : Dorothea Sibylle von Brandenburg , Duchess of Brieg († 1625 )
- November 9th : Johann Matthäus Meyfart , German Lutheran theologian, educator and fighter against the persecution of witches († 1642 )
Exact date of birth unknown
- Songtham , King of Ayutthaya († 1628 )
- Theophilus Eaton , English settler in North America († 1658 )
- Andries van Eertvelt , Flemish painter († 1652 )
- Jonkheer Jacob van Eyck , Dutch musician († 1657 )
- Daniel Mytens , English painter († 1647 )
- Giovanni Giacomo Porro , Italian composer, conductor and organist († 1656 )
- Henry Rich, 1st Earl of Holland , English peer, politician and officer († 1649 )
- Andre Ruffini , Italian stonemason and sculptor († 1648 )
Born around 1590
- Francis Seymour, 1st Baron Seymour of Trowbridge , English politician († 1664 )
- Richard Zouch , English judge and politician († 1661 )
First half of the year
- January 17 : Andreas Franckenberger , German historian and rhetorician (* 1536 )
- January 20 : Giovanni Battista Benedetti , Venetian mathematician, physicist, astronomer, architect and philosopher (* 1530 )
- February 1 : Caterina de 'Ricci , Florentine Dominican and mystic, saint of the Catholic Church (* 1522 )
- February 3 : Germain Pilon , French sculptor (* around 1537 )
- February 4 : Nicole de Savigny , baroness of Saint-Remy and mistress of the French king Henry II (* 1535 )
- February 11 : Balthasar Batthyány , Hungarian general (* 1543 )
- February 14 : Gioseffo Zarlino , Italian music theorist and composer (* 1517 )
- February 19 : Philip IV , Count of Hanau-Lichtenberg (* 1514 )
- March 4 : Hedwig von Württemberg , Countess of Hessen-Marburg (* 1547 )
- March 8 : Christian Amport , Swiss Protestant clergyman and university professor (* around 1540 )
- March 14th : Philip von Egmond , Count von Egmond, Prince of Gavere, Baron von Gaesbeek and the army of Purmerend, Purmerland and Ilpendam (* 1558 )
- April 2 : Elisabeth of Saxony , Countess Palatine von Simmern (* 1552 )

- April 6 : Francis Walsingham , English nobleman, diplomat and politician; founded the British secret service and foiled several assassinations on Elizabeth I of England (* 1532 )
- April 12 : Samuel Apiarius , Swiss printer and music publisher (* around 1530 )
- May 9 : Charles I of Bourbon , cardinal, archbishop of Rouen and papal legate of Avignon (* 1523 )
- June 10 : François du Plessis de Richelieu , French diplomat (* 1548 )
- Beginning of June: Blasius Amon , Austrian singer, composer and Franciscan (* around 1558 )
- June: Maha Thammaracha , ruler of the Siamese kingdom of Ayutthaya (* 1514 )
Second half of the year
- July 4th : Adrian Albinus , German legal scholar (* 1513 )
- July 10 : Charles II , Archduke of Inner Austria from the House of Habsburg (* 1540 )
- July 22nd : Leone Leoni , Italian sculptor, goldsmith and medalist (* 1509 )
- July 23 : Barbara Lierheimer , German midwife, victim of the Nördlinger witch hunt
- August 17th : Jacob III. , Margrave of Baden-Hachberg, death after a poisoning attack with arsenic (* 1562 )
- August 27 : Felice Peretti di Montalto, under the name Sixtus V Pope (* 1521 )
- August 28 : Guillaume de Saluste du Bartas , French writer (* 1544 )
- August 30 : Johann Agricola , German theologian (* around 1530 )
- September 9 : Rebekka Lemp , victim of the witch hunt in Nördlingen (* 1550 )
- September 20 : Lodovico Agostini , Italian composer, singer, priest and teacher (* 1534 )
- September 27th : Giambattista Castagna, under the name Urban VII. Pope from September 15th to 27th, 1590 (* 1521 )
- October 12 : Kanō Eitoku , Japanese painter (* 1543 )
- October 16 : Anna of Austria , Duchess of Bavaria (* 1528 )
- October 18 : Philipp , Duke of Schleswig-Holstein-Gottorf (* 1570 )
- October 23 : Bernardino de Sahagún , Spanish missionary and ethnologist (* 1499 )
- November 18 : George Talbot, 6th Earl of Shrewsbury , English nobleman and guardian of Mary Queen of Scots (* around 1528 )
- November 19 : Girolamo Zanchi , Italian theologian and reformer (* 1516 )
- November 23 : André Thevet , French researcher and writer (* 1516 )
- November 29 : Philipp Nicodemus Frischlin , German humanist and playwright (* 1547 )
- November: Gilbert Gifford , English double agent (* 1560 )
- December 5 : Johann Habermann , German Lutheran theologian, author of edification and Hebraist (* 1516 )
- December 14th : Margarethe Seybold , victim of the witch hunt in the Franconian Weißenburg in Nordgau
- December 20 : Ambroise Paré , French surgeon (* around 1510 )
Exact date of death unknown
- Sophia von Alvensleben , abbess of the Althaldensleben monastery (* 1516 )
- Jean-Baptiste Androuet du Cerceau , French architect (* between 1544 and 1547)
- Christina of Denmark , Duchess of Milan and Duchess of Lorraine (* 1521 )
- Beatriz de Estrada , Spanish nobleman in New Galicia (* around 1524 )
- Martín Ruiz de Gamboa , Spanish conquistador, governor of Chile (* 1533 )
- Hōjō Ujimasa , Japanese daimyo and clan chief (* 1538 )
- Álvaro Manrique de Zúñiga , Spanish colonial administrator, viceroy of New Spain (* around 1540 )
- Marietta Robusti , Italian painter (* 1554 / 55 )
- Tabernaemontanus , German medic and botanist (* 1522 )