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Calendar overview 1530
1530 | |
Charles V is the last emperor to be crowned by the Pope . | Philipp Melanchthon wrote an apology for the Reformation . |
Christian Beyer reads out the Confessio Augustana to Emperor Charles V at the Reichstag in Augsburg .
1530 in other calendars | |
Armenian calendar | 978/979 (turn of the year July) |
Ethiopian calendar | 1522/23 |
Aztec calendar | 11th house - Matlactli ozce Calli (until the end of January / beginning of February: 10th Feuerstein - Matlactli Tecpatl ) |
Buddhist calendar | 2073/74 (southern Buddhism); 2072/73 (alternative calculation according to Buddhas Parinirvana ) |
Chinese calendar | 70th (71st) cycle
Year of the Metal Tiger庚寅 ( at the beginning of the year Earth-Ox Jahres) |
Chula Sakarat (Siam, Myanmar) / Dai calendar (Vietnam) | 892/893 (turn of the year April) |
Dangun era (Korea) | 3863/64 (October 2/3) |
Iranian calendar | 908/909 |
Islamic calendar | 936/937 (turn of the year August 24/25) |
Jewish calendar | 5290/91 (September 21/22) |
Coptic calendar | 1246/47 |
Malayalam calendar | 705/706 |
Seleucid era | Babylon: 1840/41 (turn of the year April)
Syria: 1841/42 (turn of the year October) |
Vikram Sambat (Nepalese Calendar) | 1586/87 (turn of the year April) |

State religion in Central Europe around 1530:
Roman Catholic
Protestant (either Lutheran or Reformed )
hussistic ( utraquistic )
Islamic ( Sunni )
Politics and world events
- February 24 : Charles V is crowned emperor in the Basilica of San Petronio in Bologna after his reconciliation with Pope Clement VII . This is the final coronation of an Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire by the Pope . Two days earlier, Charles also received the Iron Crown of the Lombards from the hands of the Pope .
- April 8 : Federico II Gonzaga , previously Margrave of Mantua , is elevated to Duke by the Emperor.
- June 20 : Emperor Charles V opens a Reichstag in Augsburg , from which he promises to help against the Turks and a solution to the denominational problems that are burdening Reich politics. Theologians are asked to present their positions on the Reformation .
- August 3 : The victory of imperial troops in the Battle of Gavinana against Florentine forces paves the way for the displaced Medici to return to power in Florence .
- August 12th : Florence , besieged by Charles V's troops since October 1529, surrenders. The expelled Medici or their partisans regained power in the city.
- October 26th : The Order of St. John takes possession of Malta as a fiefdom of Charles V with papal approval .
- December 22nd : The convention in Schmalkalden begins; it was convened by Elector Johann von Sachsen to discuss the further course of action with other Protestant electors. The deliberations in Schmalkalden will soon turn into alliance negotiations, and on December 31st the participants promise to jointly provide assistance if the Supreme Court will initiate a trial against one of them. Almost all the signatories of the Confessio Augustana belong to the alliance .
- Spain leaves the city of Tripoli to the Order of Malta as a fief.
- July 30th : Nikolaus Federmann , an employee of the Augsburg trading house Welser , receives power of attorney for the South American colony of Little Venice from Ambrosius Ehinger , who has to go to Hispaniola for health reasons .
- September: Nikolaus Federmann begins an expedition with 110 foot soldiers, 16 horsemen and 100 Indians to the northern Orinoco basin in order to find the " Southern Sea " without the permission of the Real Audiencia in Santo Domingo .
- November 24th : After Mingyinyo's death , his son Tabinshwehti becomes the new Burmese ruler of the Taungu Kingdom .
- December 26th : After the death of Babur his son Humayun becomes ruler of the Indian Mughal Empire . However, he does not manage to consolidate the empire founded by his father.
- Quarter Luciae : The Unity Mine for Silver Mining in Jáchymov in Bohemia is founded.
- Anton Fugger burns Charles V's promissory notes with cinnamon sticks .
- The dynastic postal system is made available to the general public in the Holy Roman Empire.
- Saxon coin history : Saxon coin separation
science and technology
- The humanist Girolamo Fracastoro introduces the term syphilis for the new epidemic that has appeared since the end of the 15th century , the so-called French disease .
- As a result of the Reformation in Minden , the Ratsgymnasium is founded in the St. Pauli Monastery .
- At the suggestion of his librarian Guillaume Budé , King Francis I of France founds the Collège Royal .
- May 10th : Philipp Melanchthon finishes writing the apology in Augsburg , which is to be presented to the upcoming Reichstag .
- June 25 : Emperor Charles V is on the Diet of Augsburg , the Augsburg Confession presented the Protestants. He then reads out the papal refutation (" Confutatio pontificia ") of the teaching. This is considered to be the founding date of the Lutheran Church.
- September 22nd : Emperor Karl V rejects the presentation of the Augsburg Apology by Philipp Melanchthon at the Reichstag in Augsburg .
- The Upper German cities of Strasbourg, Memmingen, Lindau and Constance, which refused to consent to the Confessio Augustana because of the Lutheran doctrine of the Lord's Supper , present the Confessio Tetrapolitana , written by Martin Bucer and Wolfgang Capito , which is influenced by both Martin Luther and Ulrich Zwingli .
- Martin Luther wrote the letter on the interpreting and intercession of the saints at the Veste Coburg .
- around 1530: The Aachen religious unrest, which lasted almost a hundred years, begins.
- November 5 : More than 100,000 people are killed in the St. Felix flood on the Dutch North Sea coast in the Westerschelde river basin. It washes over the entire island of Noord-Beveland . The area east of Yerseke with 18 villages and the city of Reimerswaal is also completely flooded.
Date of birth saved
- January 3 : David Peifer , Electoral Saxon Chancellor, († 1602 )
- January 14 : Stanislaus Bornbach , Polish chronicler († 1597 )
- January 20 : Valentin Forster , German lawyer († 1608 )
- January: Szymon Budny , Polish-Belarusian humanist and Bible translator, leading exponent of Polish-Lithuanian unitarianism († 1593 )
- February 18 : Uesugi Kenshin , daimyo of the Japanese Sengoku period († 1578 )
- March 11 : Johann Wilhelm I , first Duke of Saxe-Weimar († 1573 )
- March 13 : Jan Rubens , legal scholar and father of Peter Paul Rubens († 1587 )
- April 6 : Joachim Strupp , German doctor and specialist book author († 1606 )
- April 12 : Heinrich Moller , German Protestant theologian († 1589 )
- May 7 : Louis I. de Bourbon , Prince of Condé, French general († 1569 )
- June 17 : François de Montmorency , Governor of Paris and Marshal of France († 1579 )
- August 25 : Ivan IV "the terrible" , Russian tsar († 1584 )
- August 28 : Johann Rudolf Stumpf , Swiss Protestant clergyman and local researcher († 1592 )
- August: Francesco Fernando d'Avalos d'Aquino d'Aragona , governor in the Duchy of Milan and viceroy of Sicily († 1571)
- September 2 : Friedrich Pensold , German philologist and physicist († 1589 )
- September 6th : Joachim von Ortenburg , Lower Bavarian Imperial Count († 1600 )
- October 18 : Lucas Bacmeister the Elder , Lutheran theologian and hymn composer († 1608 )
- December 6 : Nikolaus Selnecker , German Protestant theologian, reformer, hymn poet and composer († 1592 )
Exact date of birth unknown
- Petrus van der Aa , Flemish lawyer († 1594 )
- Elias Nikolaus Ammerbach , German organist and arranger († 1597 )
- Matthias Colerus , German legal scholar († 1587 )
- Mateu Fletxa el Jove , Catalan composer († 1604 )
- Hans Harrer , rent chamber master of the Elector August, wholesale merchant and industrialist († 1580 )
- Antony Jenkinson , English diplomat († 1611 )
- Louise de La Béraudière du Rouhet , French noblewoman, maid of honor of Queen Catherine de Medici and her daughter Margaret of Valois, mistress of the titular king of Navarre and the French kings Henry III. and Heinrich IV. († 1586 )
- Jean Nicot , French scholar († 1604 )
- Grace O'Malley , Irish pirate and politician († 1603 )
- Nicholas Sanders , English Catholic theologian († 1581 )
- David Voit , German Protestant theologian († 1589 )
Born around 1530
- Georg Agricola , German educator and physician († 1575 )
- Johann Agricola , German theologian († 1590 )
- Georg Aportanus , Frisian theologian and reformer († 1495 )
- Joachim Beuckelaer , Dutch painter († 1573 or 1574 )
Date of death secured
- January 2 : Stephana Quinzani , beatified Terziarin in the Dominican order (* 1457 )
- February 24th : Properzia de 'Rossi , Italian Renaissance sculptor (* around 1490 )
- April 12th : Joan of Castile , Princess of Castile and Queen of Portugal (* 1462 )
- April 18 : Franz Lambert von Avignon , Protestant theologian (* 1487 )
- April 28 : Niklaus Manuel , Bernese painter, playwright and reformer (* around 1482 )
- May 4th : Niklas Graf Salm , Flemish-Austrian renaissance general (* 1459 )
- May 8 : Stephan Báthory , military leader and palatine of Hungary (* 1490 )
- June 28 : Margarethe von Münsterberg , Princess of Anhalt (* 1473 )
- August 2 : Kanō Masanobu , Japanese painter (* 1434 )
- August 10 : Konstantin Iwanowitsch Ostroschski , Ruthenian prince, grand hetman of Lithuania (* around 1460 )
- August 28 : Gerold Edlibach , Zurich chronicler and councilor (* 1454 )
- September 29 : Andrea del Sarto , Italian painter (* 1486 )
- November 24th : Mingyinyo , Burmese ruler (* 1459 )
- November 28 : Thomas Wolsey , Cardinal and Chancellor of King Henry VIII of England (* 1475 )
- December 1 : Margaret of Austria , daughter of Archduke Maximilian, later Emperor, Princess of Asturias and Duchess of Savoy (* 1480 )
- December 22nd : Willibald Pirckheimer , German humanist (* 1470 )
- December 26 : Mohammed Babur Khan , Indian ruler and founder of the Mughal Empire (* 1483 )
Exact date of death unknown
- Between March 7th and April 4th: Henrik Krummedike , Danish and Norwegian Imperial Council and Norway's richest landowner
- Johannes Amandi , German theologian (* around 1470 )
- Jan Černý , Czech doctor and priest of the Brothers' Union (* around 1456 )
- Gilbert Winram , Scottish theologian
Web links
Commons : 1530 - collection of pictures, videos and audio files