Stanislaus Bornbach

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Stanislaus Bornbach, also Stenzel Bornbach (born January 14, 1530 in Warsaw , † March 27, 1597 in Danzig ), was a chronicler .


Stanislaus was born as the son of the presiding mayor of Warsaw Georg Bornbach and his wife Elisabeth Beyer (Danzig councilor's daughter). He studied at the University of Wittenberg and then made trips to France , Brabant , Holland and Germany . In 1557 he chose Danzig as his permanent residence and acquired citizenship . In 1561 he was head of the Gertruden Hospital, in 1570 he became councilor of the third order of the city of Danzig and in 1571 town clerk at the large mill .

Bornbach gained importance as a chronicler of Prussian and Danzig historiography. To this end, he built up a collection that included chronicles, state files, documents and legation reports. This dossier-like collection later served as a template for further historical elaborations on Danzig and Prussia . Today there are manuscripts. a. in Berlin, Danzig and Moscow.


  • Udo Arnold : Studies on Prussian Historiography of the 16th Century , Bonn 1967, p. 172 f.
  • Ernst Bahr:  Bornbach, Stanislaus. In: New German Biography (NDB). Volume 2, Duncker & Humblot, Berlin 1955, ISBN 3-428-00183-4 , p. 467 f. ( Digitized version ).
  • Paul Gehrke : The Ebert Ferber book and its significance for the Danzig tradition of the history of the order , magazine of the West Prussian History Association 31 (1892), pp. 1–164.
  • Jolanta Dworzackowa : Dziejopisarstwo Gdańskie do połowy XVI wieku [Gdansk historiography up to the middle of the 16th century], Danzig 1962, pp. 18 f., 25 f., 36, 41.
  • Arno Mentzel-Reuters : City and World. Danzig Historiography of the 16th Century , in: Cultural History of Prussia, Royal Polish Part in the Early Modern Age , ed. by Sabine Beckmann / Klaus Garber (Early Modern Times 103), Tübingen 2005, pp. 99–128, especially p. 119.
  • Marie-Luise Heckmann : Dossier, file, relation or chronicle? The Historia of the uprising in Danzig and its calming down by the King of Poland by the mill writer Stenzel Bornbach , in: Marie-Luise Heckmann and Jürgen Sarnowsky (Eds.): Written writing in Prussia (= conference reports of the Historical Commission for East and West Prussian Research. Vol . 30), Osnabrück: fiber-Verlag, 2020 ( [1] ), pp. 259–292.

Individual evidence

  1. SBB: Mss. Boruss. fol. 175, 249, 269, 591 and 1017; Danzig, former Tax Office [today Biblioteka Gdańska Polskiej Akademii Nauk]: Mss. 72–78, 486, 675, 706, 724, 867, 867a, 868, Ortm. fol. 74 and uph. fol. 1, 1b, 29 and 115; Moscow, RSB: Fund 68, nos. 342, 343.1 and 344.