6th of December
The December 6 is the 340th day of the Gregorian calendar (the 341st in leap years ), thus remain 25 days by year end.
Historic anniversaries November · December · January |
Politics and world events
- 1185 : In Portugal , King Sancho I ascends the throne after the death of his father Alfons I.
- 1197 : Vladislav Heinrich from the Přemyslid dynasty renounces the Bohemian ducal crown in favor of his brother Ottokar and becomes the first margrave of Moravia .
- 1240 : During their invasion of Russia , the Golden Horde of the Mongols under Batu Khan conquered Kiev , massacred most of the inhabitants and partially destroyed the city.
- 1491 : The French King Charles VIII marries Anne de Bretagne and incorporates Brittany into his empire with the marriage . The protest of the Roman-German King Maximilian I , who is formally her husband, has no effect.
- 1534 : The old Inca capital Quito , which was destroyed by them before the invasion of the Spanish conquerors , is re-founded by the conquistador Sebastián de Belalcázar .
- 1741 : In Russia, Elisabeth Petrovna snatches the underage Tsar Ivan VI in a coup . and the regent Anna Leopoldowna rule and proclaims herself empress.
- 1774 : The education system in Austria is redesigned by Empress Maria Theresia . It issues the General School Regulations designed by Johann Ignaz von Felbiger , which stipulate a six-year compulsory education in elementary school, standardized textbooks and regular teacher training.
- 1815 : Napoleon's “bravest of the brave” , Marshal Michel Ney , is sentenced to death by the French Chamber of Peers for high treason. The sentence is carried out the following day by shooting.
- 1830 : Johann Heinrich Fischer calls for the Freiämtersturm in the canton of Aargau . Insurgents occupy the canton capital Aarau without a fight.
- 1904 : With the Roosevelt Corollary as an addition to the Monroe Doctrine , US President Theodore Roosevelt proclaims the sole right of the USA to intervene in Latin America .
- 1905 : After the National Assembly , the French Senate also votes for a bill to separate church and state .
- 1916 : Troops of the Central Powers march in the First World War in Romania capital Bucharest one.
- 1917 : The Helsinki Parliament declares Finland's independence from Russia .
- 1917 : After the German counter-offensive, the Battle of Cambrai in World War I again ends in a stalemate.
- 1920 : In support of the passed through a coup to power Communist government marched the Russian Red Army in Armenia and calls the Armenian SSR from. Armenia remains a formally independent country for the time being.
- 1921 : The Anglo-Irish Treaty , which grants Ireland a status of autonomy within Great Britain , ends the Irish War of Independence , but subsequently leads to the secession of Northern Ireland and the Irish Civil War between supporters and opponents of the treaty.
- 1922 : After the province of Ulster was ceded in 1921, the Irish Free State was founded .
- 1939 : The German liner Ussukuma , presumably en route to supply the armored ship Admiral Graf Spee , sinks itself off the Argentine coast when it meets the British cruiser HMS Ajax .
- 1944 : The historic old town of Gießen is almost completely destroyed by an air raid during the Second World War .
- 1947 : The First German People's Congress for Unity and Just Peace , initiated, organized and controlled by the SED , meets in Berlin . The participants reject the establishment of a West German state, criticize the Western allies and support Soviet policy on Germany.
- 1949 : In a prison in the Romanian city of Piteşti , a secret service- led “re-education program” marked by humiliation and torture begins , which later becomes known as the Piteşti experiment .
- 1956 : The publisher and Mexico emigrant Walter Janka is arrested in the GDR on charges of a " counter-revolutionary conspiracy ".
- 1977 : Homeland Bophuthatswana is granted “independence” by the apartheid regime in South Africa , but this is not recognized by any state in the world.
- 1978 : The Spanish people approve the new constitution of the Kingdom of Spain in a referendum . The constitution remains in force almost unchanged in Spain to this day.
- 1989 : The gunman Marc Lepine killed in the massacre at the Polytechnique Montréal 14 women he has been separated from the men, with the words: "I hate feminists!" . He injures 13 other people before killing himself.
- 1991 : Croatian War : During the most violent attacks in the Battle of Dubrovnik , the Yugoslav People's Army fires 600 grenades at the city . However , it cannot achieve the goal of a mass exodus of the Croats from the city.
- 1992 : The Swiss reject Switzerland's accession to the European Economic Area (EEA) with 50.3% no votes .
- 1998 : In Venezuela , Hugo Chávez wins the presidential elections with an anti-corruption and anti-poverty campaign that earns him 56 percent of the vote.
- 2004 : Twelve people are killed in an attack on the US consulate in Jeddah .
- 2005 : David Cameron is elected to head the Conservative Party in Great Britain . He succeeds as party leader on Michael Howard .
- 2017 : The USA is the first foreign state to recognize Jerusalem as the undivided capital of Israel and wants to move its embassy there from Tel Aviv .
- 1877 : The American daily newspaper The Washington Post is available for the first time.
- 1898 : The Swiss Automobile Club is founded in Geneva .
- 1898 : Josef and Emil Berliner found the Deutsche Grammophon Gesellschaft in Hanover .
- 1919 : The mining of lignite begins in the Robertshall mine in the Hausbruch district of Hamburg, which is operated for a short time .
science and technology
- 1830 : The United States Naval Observatory is established.
- 1890 : The French physician Charles Richet vaccinated immune serum in a person for the first time .
- 1957 : The first attempt at launch by a US satellite fails, the Vanguard rocket explodes on the launch pad.
- 1965 : The fifth attempt to land a probe softly on the moon, the Soviet Luna 8 fails in the sea of storms .
- 1967 : Cardiologist Adrian Kantrowitz performs the world's second heart transplant on a child in Brooklyn . The operation survived the baby, which was born with a congenital heart defect, by a few hours.
- 1998 : Astronauts of the Space Shuttle Endeavor couple in the mission STS-88 , the second module Unity of the International Space Station to the already in all first module Zarya .
- 1768 : Volume 1 of the first edition of the Encyclopædia Britannica is published.
- 1779 : The world premiere of the opera L'isola disabitata (The Uninhabited Island) by Joseph Haydn takes place in Esterház in western Hungary .
- 1782 : The opera Orlando paladino (The Knight Roland) by Joseph Haydn is premiered in Esterház.
- 1784 : The dramma giocoso Il ricco d'un giorno by Antonio Salieri is premiered in the Vienna Burgtheater , but it is not well received by the audience. The failure leads to an estrangement from his librettist Lorenzo da Ponte .
- 1846 : The concert premiere of the “dramatic legend” La damnation de Faust ( Faust's damnation ) by Hector Berlioz based on Goethe's Faust I takes place at the Opéra-Comique in Paris . The staged premiere did not take place until 1893.
- 1860 : The opera Bianca or The Bravo's Bride by Michael William Balfe is premiered in Covent Garden in London .
- 1867 : The Queen's Theater on Haymarket in London's West End burns to the ground at night.
- 1876 : The first performance of the opera Wakula the Smith (second version as a slipper or Tscherewitschki ) by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky takes place at the court opera in Saint Petersburg .
- 1882 : The world premiere of the operetta Der Bettelstudent by Karl Millöcker with the libretto by Friedrich Zell and Richard Genée takes place at the Theater an der Wien in Vienna . The piece becomes one of the most popular German-language operettas.
- 1912 : During his excavations in Tell el-Amarna , the German archaeologist Ludwig Borchardt discovers, among other things, the 3000 year old bust of Nefertiti , wife of Akhenaten .
- 1936 : The opera Schwarzer Peter by Norbert Schultze is premiered in the Hamburg State Opera .
- 1969 : During the Rolling Stones' Altamont Free Concert , spectator Meredith Hunter is stabbed by a steward member of the Hells Angels after drawing a firearm; Hunter dies on the way to the hospital. The act is filmed by three camera teams and is part of the documentary Gimme Shelter by Charlotte Zwerin .
- 1980 : The first episode of the impromptu television game Die liebe Familie is broadcast on ORF .
- 1983 : The Gospel Book of Heinrich the Lion is auctioned for 32.5 million D-Marks as the most expensive book in the world until then in London and returns to Germany.
- 1058 : Gérard of Burgundy becomes Pope as Nicholas II in Siena . He has to fight back against the antipope Benedict X appointed in Rome .
- 1950 : In the encyclical Mirabile illud , Pope Pius XII calls out . to public prayers for world peace.
- 1992 : Temple Mosque controversy of Ayodhya : Volunteers of Hindu organizations Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh , Vishva Hindu Parishad and the Bharatiya Janata Party gather in the Indian city of Ayodhya and destroy in the supposed birthplace of Rama built Babri Masjid . The Ram Janmabhumi Temple is to be built in their place .
- 1907 : A coal dust explosion in Monongah, West Virginia , causes the worst mining disaster in the United States, killing 362.
- 1917 : The French explosives freighter Mont Blanc explodes in the port of Halifax . Between 1635 and over 2000 people die. It is the world's largest accidental man-made explosion.
Minor accidents are listed in the sub-articles of Catastrophe .
nature and environment
- 1947 : In Florida is Everglades National Park established. The national park stretches from Lake Okeechobee in the north to the southern tip of the US state.
- 1882 : Establishment of the International Football Association Board , which advises and decides on changes to football rules.
- 1956 : At the Olympic Games there is the " Melbourne Blood Game " between the water polo players from Hungary and the Soviet Union . The encounter, which was very emotional after the suppression of the Hungarian popular uprising by Soviet troops , was broken off when Hungary was 4-0 .
- 1991 : The first edition of the European Sprint Swimming Championships begins in Gelsenkirchen .
Entries of athletics world records can be found under the respective discipline under athletics .
Before the 17th century
- 846 : Hasan al-ʿAskarī , eleventh Iman of the Twelve Shiites and Alawites, descendant of the Prophet Mohammed
- 1285 : Ferdinand IV , King of Castile and León
- 1421 : Henry VI. , King of England
- 1478 : Baldassare Castiglione , Italian courtier, diplomat and writer
- 1502 : Anna of Braunschweig-Lüneburg , Princess of Braunschweig-Lüneburg and Duchess of Pomerania
- 1502 : Nikolaus Gentzkow , German lawyer and chronicler, mayor of Lüneburg
- 1504 : Daniel Greser , German Lutheran theologian
- 1520 : Barbara Radziwiłł , Queen of Poland and Grand Duchess of Lithuania
- 1527 : Bernhard VIII , Count zur Lippe
- 1530 : Nikolaus Selnecker German Protestant theologian and reformer, hymn poet and composer
- 1531 : Vespasiano Gonzaga , Italian nobleman, Spanish viceroy of Navarre and Valencia
- 1538 : Francesco II Gonzaga , Cardinal of the Roman Catholic Church
- 1557 : Ernst Cothmann , German lawyer and jurist
17th and 18th centuries
- 1608 : George Monck, 1st Duke of Albemarle , English admiral
- 1609 : David Mevius , German lawyer
- 1609 : Nicholas II , Duke of Lorraine
- 1631 : Antonio Zanchi , Italian painter
- 1637 : Edmund Andros , British colonial governor
- 1650 : Johann Friedrich Mayer , German Lutheran theologian
- 1651 : Johann Arnold Barckhausen , German legal scholar
- 1713 : Christian Heinrich Wilhelm von Arnstedt , Prussian colonel and commander
- 1715 : Johann Friedrich Frisch , German Protestant theologian
- 1730 : Sophie von La Roche , German writer
- 1732 : Warren Hastings , British politician
- 1750 : David Friedländer , German manufacturer and author
- 1750 : Pierre-Henri de Valenciennes , French painter
- 1761 : Thaddäus Haenke , Bohemian-Bolivian geographer and explorer
- 1763 : Diderich Hegermann , first Norwegian Minister of War
- 1775 : Nicolas Isouard , Maltese composer
- 1776 : Paul Struck , German composer
- 1777 : Charlotte Elisabeth Sophie Louise Wilhelmine von Ahlefeld , German writer
- 1778 : Joseph Louis Gay-Lussac , French chemist and physicist ( Gay-Lussac law )
- 1788 : Rudolf Burnitz , German architect
- 1792 : Wilhelm II , King of the Netherlands
19th century
- 1804 : Wilhelmine Schröder-Devrient , German singer
- 1805 : Heinrich Ernst Güte , Protestant theologian, pastor and professor of theology
- 1806 : Gilbert Duprez , French opera tenor and composer
- 1808 : Aloys von Arco-Stepperg , German landowner, officer and politician
- 1808 : Johan Christian Gebauer , Danish composer, music theorist and organist
- 1816 : Ernst Keil , German bookseller, founder of the family magazine Die Gartenlaube
- 1834 : Hermann Senator , German medic
- 1844 : Petko Wojwoda , Bulgarian revolutionary and freedom fighter
- 1846 : Henryk Jarecki , Polish composer, conductor and music teacher
- 1848 : Edward Hutton , British officer
- 1849 : August von Mackensen , German field marshal
- 1857 : Adalbert Matkowsky , German actor
- 1857 : Wilhelm Voigt , German architect
- 1857 : Alfred Ludwig Wieruszowski , lawyer at the Cologne Higher Regional Court and professor at the University of Cologne
- 1859 : Nicolás León , Mexican medic, archaeologist and anthropologist
- 1862 : Paul Adam , French writer
- 1867 : August Leopold Philipp Maria Michael Gabriel Raphael Gonzaga , Brazilian claimant to the throne
- 1869 : Rudolf Herzog , German journalist and writer
- 1869 : Otto Nordenskjöld , Swedish geologist and polar explorer
- 1870 : John George Clark Anderson , British ancient historian and epigraphist
- 1871 : Archibald Montgomery-Massingberd , British Field Marshal, Chief of the Imperial General Staff
- 1875 : Albert Bond Lambert , American golfer and aviation pioneer
- 1875 : Rudolf Liechtenhan the Elder , Swiss pastor and theologian
- 1879 : Albert Schädelin , Swiss Protestant clergyman and university professor
- 1880 : Christian Deubler , German gymnast
- 1880 : Emanuel Ondříček , Czech violinist, music teacher and composer
- 1881 : Helen Aitchison , British tennis player
- 1881 : Carl Adolf Martienssen , German pianist and music teacher
- 1882 : Eugen Neufeld , Austrian actor
- 1883 : Kurt Faber , German travel writer
- 1884 : Werner Arndt , German table tennis official
- 1884 : Eleuterio Riccardi , Italian painter and sculptor
- 1884 : Jitzhak Ben Zwi , Israeli historian and politician, president
- 1885 : Albin Angerer , German doctor and student historian
- 1887 : Lynn Fontanne , British actress
- 1887 : Minakami Takitarō , Japanese writer
- 1888 : Willie Eckstein , Canadian pianist and composer
- 1889 : Max Pulver , Swiss psychologist, graphologist, poet, playwright and storyteller
- 1892 : Lina Carstens , German actress
- 1893 : Joseph Malouf , Lebanese Archbishop
- 1895 : Henriëtte Bosmans , Dutch composer
- 1896 : Ira Gershwin , American composer and songwriter
- 1896 : Paul Klatt , German general
- 1896 : Bernard Rubin , British racing car driver
- 1896 : George Trafton , American football player
- 1897 : John Fernström , Swedish composer and conductor
- 1898 : Alfred Eisenstaedt , American photographer
- 1898 : Gunnar Myrdal , Swedish economist, Nobel Prize winner
- 1899 : Charles Peaker , Canadian organist, choir director and music teacher
- 1900 : Germán Arciniegas , Colombian politician, writer and journalist
20th century
- 1903 : Gaito Gasdanow , Russian writer and journalist
- 1904 : Eve Curie , French writer and advisor to the Secretary General of NATO
- 1905 : Rudi Annex , German musician
- 1905 : Piero Sacerdoti , Italian lawyer and insurance manager
- 1907 : Giovanni Ferrari , Italian football player and coach
- 1908 : Nicholas Goldschmidt , Canadian conductor and music teacher, pianist and singer
- 1908 : Pierre Graber , Swiss politician
- 1913 : Nikolai Michailowitsch Amossow , Russian-Ukrainian heart surgeon, designer and author
- 1914 : Daniel Wirtz , German geologist
- 1917 : Garé Barks , American landscape painter
- 1919 : Joachim Brennecke , German actor
- 1919 : Paul de Man , Belgian literary theorist
- 1919 : Gideon Klein , Czech composer
- 1920 : Dave Brubeck , American jazz pianist
- 1920 : George Porter , British chemist, Nobel Prize winner
- 1921 : Khalil Abi-Nader , Lebanese bishop
- 1921 : Marcel Callo , French youth worker and Nazi victim
- 1921 : Otto Graham , American basketball player, American football player and coach
- 1922 : Jack Ashley , British politician
- 1922 : Ernst Pfiffner , Swiss composer, organist and conductor
- 1922 : Guy Thys , Belgian football coach
- 1923 : Nicola Arigliano , Italian pop and jazz singer
- 1924 : Ebert Van Buren , American football player
- 1924 : Toni Geller , German hand-made speaker
- 1925 : Carl Andrießen , German screenwriter, satirist and critic
- 1925 : Bob Cooper , American musician
- 1925 : Andy Robustelli , American football player
- 1926 : Jim Jeffords , American racing car driver
- 1926 : Marie Takvam , Norwegian author and actress
- 1927 : Sergio Corbucci , Italian film director
- 1928 : Duilio Arigoni , Swiss chemist
- 1928 : Carlos María Ariz Bolea , Spanish bishop
- 1928 : Jan Hendriks , German actor
- 1929 : Nikolaus Harnoncourt , Austrian cellist and conductor
- 1929 : Mark Kopytman , Israeli composer and music teacher
- 1929 : Alain Tanner , Swiss film director
- 1930 : Rolf Hoppe , German actor
- 1931 : Lonesome Drifter , American country and rockabilly musician
- 1932 : Günter Baumann , German enduro athlete
- 1933 : Henryk Górecki , Polish composer
- 1933 : Hilmar Selle , German politician
- 1935 : F. David Mathews , American politician
- 1936 : Heinz Hergert , German soccer player
- 1937 : Jiří Kodet , Czech actor
- 1938 : Patrick Bauchau , Belgian actor
- 1938 : Nicky Cruz , American preacher
- 1939 : Matthias Achs , Austrian politician
- 1939 : Steve Alaimo , American singer and music producer
- 1940 : Klaus Ammann , Swiss botanist
- 1941 : Helen Cornelius , American country musician
- 1941 : Bertrand Halperin , American physicist
- 1941 : Bruce Nauman , American artist
- 1942 : Peter Handke , Austrian writer and translator
- 1943 : Mike Smith , British singer, composer and record producer
- 1943 : Keith West , British singer
- 1944 : Jonathan King , British music producer, singer and songwriter
- 1944 : Imre Kőszegi , Hungarian jazz drummer
- 1945 : Ray LaHood , American politician
- 1945 : Holger Mahlich , German actor and voice actor
- 1945 : Rafał Wojaczek , Polish poet
- 1946 : Frankie Beverly , American singer, producer, and songwriter
- 1946 : Fred Breinersdorfer , German writer, screenwriter and lawyer
- 1947 : Uli Beckerhoff , German jazz musician
- 1947 : Geoffrey Hinton , British scientist
- 1947 : Luigi Moreschi , Italian racing driver
- 1947 : Miroslav Vitouš , Czech jazz bassist
- 1948 : Marius Müller-Westernhagen , German musician and actor
- 1948 : Keke Rosberg , Finnish racing driver
- 1948 : Harvie Swartz , American jazz bassist
- 1949 : Jutta Meurers-Balke , German archaeologist and archaeobotanist
- 1949 : Josef Wolfgruber , German enduro athlete
- 1950 : Guy Drut , French athlete
- 1950 : Chris Hodgetts , British racing car driver
- 1950 : Pietro Lana , Italian football player
- 1951 : Klaus Karl-Kraus , German cabaret artist
- 1952 : Christian Kulik , German soccer player
- 1953 : Rolf Brack , German handball player and handball trainer
- 1953 : Tom Hulce , American actor
- 1954 : Steve Swell , American jazz trombonist
- 1954 : Christopher Wenner , British journalist, television presenter and filmmaker
- 1955 : Rick Buckler , British musician
- 1955 : Bright Sheng , American composer, conductor and pianist of Chinese origin
- 1955 : Tadeusz Sudnik , Polish improvisation and jazz musician and composer
- 1955 : Tony Woodcock , English football player
- 1956 : Peter Buck , American musician
- 1956 : Hans Kammerlander , Italian mountaineer
- 1956 : Randy Rhoads , American musician
- 1957 : Steve Bedrosian , American baseball player
- 1957 : Andrew Cuomo , American politician
- 1958 : Alexander Balujew , Russian actor
- 1958 : Nick Park , British animator
- 1959 : Satoru Iwata , Japanese manager ( Nintendo )
- 1959 : Nicolaus Adi Seputra , Indonesian Archbishop
- 1961 : Robin Aspland , British jazz pianist and keyboardist
- 1961 : Manuel Reuter , German racing driver
- 1962 : Claus Wichmann , German politician, MdL
- 1963 : Debbie Armstrong , American ski racer
- 1963 : Anett Kölpin , German musician, singer and piano player
- 1963 : Ulrich Thomsen , Danish actor
- 1964 : Sylvie Goulard , French political scientist, politician and essayist
- 1964 : Meli'sa Morgan , American singer
- 1965 : Jean-Christophe Lafaille , French extreme mountaineer
- 1966 : Natascha Badmann , Swiss triathlete
- 1966 : Dirk Dobbrow , German writer and playwright
- 1967 : Judd Apatow , American film director, screenwriter, and producer
- 1968 : Karl Ove Knausgård , Norwegian writer
- 1968 : Olaf Lubaszenko , Polish actor and director
- 1969 : Christophe Agnolutto , French racing cyclist
- 1969 : Irene Grandi , Italian singer and film actress
- 1969 : Jörg Heinrich , German soccer player
- 1969 : Torri Higginson , Canadian actress
- 1970 : Michaela Schaffrath , German actress and porn actress
- 1970 : Ulf Ekberg , Swedish musician
- 1971 : Craig Brewer , American film director
- 1971 : Richard Krajicek , Dutch tennis player
- 1971 : Carole Thate , Dutch field hockey player
- 1972 : Kevin Brockmeier , American writer
- 1972 : Holger Szymanski , German politician
- 1974 : Gustaf Andersson , Swedish football player
- 1974 : Stéphane Augé , French racing cyclist
- 1974 : Ginger Huber , American water diver
- 1975 : Andrea Agnelli , Italian industrialist and football official
- 1975 : Lars Burgsmüller , German tennis player
- 1976 : Michael Jahns , German handball player
- 1976 : Tino Oac , German singer
- 1976 : Lindsay Price , American actress
- 1977 : Lee Rychter , Swiss actor
- 1978 : Karen Denise Aubert , American actress and model
- 1978 : Katalin Pálinger , Hungarian handball player
- 1979 : Tim Cahill , Australian soccer player
- 1979 : Francisco Yeste , Spanish soccer player
- 1979 : Simone Hanselmann , German actress
- 1980 : Evelyn , Swiss singer and songwriter
- 1980 : Sabrina Mockenhaupt , German athlete
- 1981 : Federico Balzaretti , Italian football player
- 1981 : Lior Suchard , Israeli mentalist
- 1981 : Oliver Graf , German cultural manager and actor
- 1982 : Ryan Carnes , American actor
- 1982 : Alberto Contador , Spanish cyclist
- 1982 : Peter Pucelj , Slovenian handball player

Susie Wolff (* 1982)
- 1982 : Susie Wolff , b. Stoddart, British racing car driver
- 1983 : Sergio Hernández , Spanish racing car driver
- 1983 : Matthias Ilgen , German politician
- 1983 : Rob Sims , American football player
- 1984 : Farina Brock , German voice actress
- 1984 : Martin Smolinski , German speedway driver
- 1985 : Janier Acevedo , Colombian road cyclist
- 1986 : Sean Edwards , British racing car driver
- 1986 : Jasmina Rebmann-Janković , Dutch handball player
- 1986 : Matt Niskanen , American ice hockey player
- 1986 : Marek Zagrapan , Slovak ice hockey player
- 1987 : Rachel Laura Atherton , British mountain biker
- 1987 : Harald Schlegelmilch , Latvian racing car driver
- 1988 : Yasin Görkem Arslan , Turkish soccer player
- 1988 : Johan Kristoffersson , Swedish racing car driver
- 1988 : Nils Petersen , German footballer
- 1989 : Ann-Kathrin Götze , German model
- 1989 : Cathy Lugner , German playmate
- 1990 : Tamira Paszek , Austrian tennis player
- 1991 : Coco Vandeweghe , American tennis player
- 1992 : Wiktor Antipin , Russian ice hockey player
- 1992 : Britt Curtis Assombalonga , Congolese soccer player
- 1994 : Giannis Antetokounmpo , Greek basketball player
- 1995 : Joy Gruttmann , German singer
- 1995 : A Boogie wit da Hoodie , American rapper
- 1996 : Stefanie Scott , American actress
Before the 17th century
- 511 BC Chr . : Annei , 3rd Tennō of Japan
- 326 , 345 or 351 : Nicholas of Myra , Bishop of Myra (Asia Minor)
- 762 : Muhammad an-Nafs az-Zakīya , Arab rebel leader
- 884 : Karlmann , King of West Franconia
- 1149 : Burchard II , Bishop of Worms
- 1185 : Alfonso I , first king of Portugal
- 1206 : Guigues II. D'Albon , Count of Forez and Lyonnais
- 1240 : Constance of Hungary , Queen of Bohemia
- 1343 : Friedrich von Eickstedt , Bishop of Cammin
- 1352 : Clement VI. , Pope
- 1370 : Rudolf II , Duke of Saxony-Wittenberg and Elector of the Holy Roman Empire
- 1470 : John II of Lorraine , Duke of Calabria, Duke of Lorraine, Duke of Girona, Margrave of Pont-à-Mousson
- 1495 : Jakob Sprenger , federal inquisitor, alleged co-author of the medieval treatise "Hexenhammer"
- 1526 : Heinrich IV. , Prince of Braunschweig-Grubenhagen
- 1550 : Pieter Coecke van Aelst , Flemish painter
- 1557 : Elisabeth of Hesse , Hereditary Princess of Saxony
- 1562 : Jan van Scorel , Dutch painter
- 1564 : Ambrosius Blarer , German Protestant theologian, hymn poet and reformer
- 1586 : Joachim Ernst , Prince of Anhalt
17th and 18th centuries
- 1613 : Anton Praetorius , German pastor, fighter against witch trials and torture
- 1624 : Francesco Contarini , 95th Doge of Venice
- 1657 : Charles d'Avaugour , French diplomat
- 1658 : Baltasar Gracián , Spanish Jesuit, preacher and writer
- 1672 : Pedro Antonio Fernández de Castro , Spanish colonial administrator and viceroy of Peru
- 1678 : Damian Hartard von der Leyen , Archbishop and Elector of Mainz and Prince-Bishop of Worms
- 1686 : Nicolaus von Avancini , German Jesuit, educator, poet and playwright
- 1686 : Eleonora Magdalena of Mantua-Nevers-Gonzaga , third wife of Emperor Ferdinand III.
- 1704 : Johann Martin von Eyb , Prince-Bishop of Eichstätt
- 1712 : Gio Paolo Bombarda , Italian musician and financial advisor
- 1713 : Georg Theodor Barthold , German medic
- 1716 : Benedictus a Sancto Josepho , Dutch composer
- 1718 : Georg Christoph Petri von Hartenfels , German doctor, scientist and university professor
- 1718 : Nicholas Rowe , English poet and playwright
- 1728 : Heinrich Rüdiger von Ilgen , Brandenburg-Prussian State Minister and diplomat
- 1745 : Imre Esterházy de Galántha , Hungarian Archbishop
- 1747 : Johann Engelhard Steuber , German Lutheran theologian
- 1760 : Roque Ceruti , Peruvian composer
- 1779 : Jean Siméon Chardin , French painter
- 1785 : Kitty Clive , English actress, soprano, and author
- 1799 : Joseph Black , British physicist and chemist from Scotland, discoverer of carbon dioxide, magnesium and latent heat
19th century
- 1820 : Karl Christian Tittmann , German theologian
- 1828 : Timoteo Maria Ascensi , Italian bishop
- 1835 : George Philip Reinagle , English marine painter
- 1848 : Samuel Gottlieb Hünerwadel , Protestant clergyman and university professor in Bern
- 1851 : Anton Arrigoni , Austrian painter
- 1853 : Carl Joseph Pratobevera , Austrian lawyer
- 1860 : Eduard von Badenfeld , Austrian writer
- 1862 : Claiborne Fox Jackson , American politician
- 1868 : August Schleicher , German linguist
- 1869 : Maria Karolina Augusta of Naples-Sicily , Princess of Bourbon and Naples-Sicily
- 1871 : James Yorke Scarlett , British general
- 1882 : Louis Blanc , French socialist
- 1885 : Robert Gerwig , German civil engineer and politician
- 1888 : Samuel Earnshaw , British clergyman, physicist and mathematician
- 1889 : Jefferson Davis , American politician, President of the Confederate States of America
- 1892 : Werner von Siemens , German inventor and entrepreneur
- 1900 : Emanuel Hoffmann , Austrian classical philologist
20th century
- 1902 : Francis George Atkinson , British administrator
- 1906 : Wilhelm Taurit , German-Baltic pastor and Protestant martyr
- 1907 : Max Buntzel , royal horticultural director and Berlin tree nursery owner
- 1912 : Henry Browne Hagreen , British painter
- 1915 : Rudolf Lavant , German writer
- 1918 : Hendrik Enno Boeke , Dutch mineralogist
- 1921 : Said Halim Pascha , Grand Vizier of the Ottoman Empire
- 1927 : Gustave Ramaciotti , Australian theater director and soldier
- 1933 : Auguste Chapuis , French composer, organist and music teacher
- 1936 : Emil Adamič , Slovenian composer
- 1936 : Alexandre-François-Louis Cailler , Swiss entrepreneur
- 1936 : Leylâ Saz , Turkish composer
- 1937 : Francis Cadell , Scottish painter
- 1939 : Charles Dalmorès , French singer (tenor)
- 1941 : Oskar Ernst Bernhardt , German author of the Grail Message
- 1942 : Augustin Savard , French composer and music teacher
- 1943 : Oskar Messter , German film pioneer
- 1945 : Fritz Adam , German journalist and poet
- 1945 : Max Bendix , American violinist and conductor
- 1945 : Leonhard Ragaz , Swiss theologian
- 1945 : Hans Schöttler , German Protestant clergyman
- 1945 : Max Thomas , German doctor, SS general, police general, task force leader
- 1946 : Charles Stewart , Canadian politician
- 1949 : Leadbelly , American musician
- 1951 : Léon Rothier , French singer (bass)
- 1952 : Karl Lautenschlager , German local politician
- 1954 : Ludwig Anschütz , German chemist and professor
- 1955 : Honus Wagner , American baseball player
- 1956 : Albert Aftalion , French economist and business theorist
- 1956 : Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar , Indian politician
- 1958 : Myers Cooper , American politician, governor of the state of Ohio
- 1958 : Josef Gockeln , German politician, Member of the State Parliament, President of the State Parliament, State Minister, Member of the Bundestag, Mayor of Düsseldorf
- 1960 : Gunnar Graarud , Norwegian opera singer
- 1961 : Frantz Fanon , Algerian psychiatrist and revolutionary
- 1963 : Ion Valentin Anestin , Romanian caricaturist, painter, sculptor, journalist and playwright
- 1965 : Walter Muschg , Swiss literary historian
- 1966 : Laurence Fletcher Arnold , American politician
- 1967 : Adolf Rosenberger , German racing car driver and businessman
- 1969 : Walther Gottlieb Aeschbacher , Swiss conductor and composer
- 1969 : Siegfried Aufhäuser , German trade union leader and politician
- 1969 : Hans Rose , German naval officer and submarine commander
- 1970 : Jean Déré , French composer and music teacher
- 1972 : Janet Munro , British actress
- 1972 : Paul Weyland , German impostor, anti-Semite and nationalist agitator
- 1974 : Maximilian de Angelis , Austrian major general
- 1975 : Franz Nicklisch , German actor
- 1976 : João Goulart , Brazilian President
- 1977 : Andrew Auld , American football player
- 1981 : Kurt Paupié , Austrian journalist
- 1985 : Heribert Aichinger , Austrian actor
- 1985 : Burleigh Grimes , American athlete
- 1987 : Maria Koller-Feuchtinger , Austrian politician
- 1987 : Peter Lorenz , German politician, Member of the Bundestag, Member of the Bundestag and kidnapping victim
- 1987 : Walt Stickel , American football player
- 1988 : Lambertus Johannes Bot , Dutch author, anti-militarist and anarchist
- 1988 : Roy Orbison , American singer
- 1989 : Sammy Fain , American musical and film composer
- 1990 : Tunku Abdul Rahman , Malaysian politician
- 1991 : György Aczél , Hungarian cultural politician
- 1991 : Gerd A. Müller , German industrial designer
- 1991 : Richard Stone , British economist, Nobel Prize winner
- 1992 : Yngve Sköld , Swedish composer
- 1993 : Don Ameche , American actor
- 1994 : Josef Bláha , Czech actor
- 1994 : Gian Maria Volontè , Italian actor
- 1996 : Victor Bruns , German bassoonist and composer
- 1998 : Georges Borgeaud , Swiss writer
- 1998 : Max Eckard , German actor
- 2000 : Enrique Anderson Imbert , Argentine literary critic and writer
- 2000 : Werner Klemperer , German-American actor
- 2000 : Aziz Mian , Pakistani qawwali singer
- 2000 : Werner Vick , German handball player and coach
21st century
- 2001 : Carla Hansen , Danish children's author
- 2002 : Jerzy Adamski , Polish featherweight boxer
- 2002 : Philip Berrigan , American civil rights activist
- 2002 : Achille Castiglioni , Italian designer and architect
- 2002 : Gerhard Löwenthal , German journalist
- 2003 : Hans Hotter , German opera singer
- 2003 : Carlos Arana Osorio , Guatemalan politician
- 2004 : Raymond Goethals , Belgian football coach
- 2004 : Jack Nethercutt , American entrepreneur and racing car driver
- 2004 : Christine Wodetzky , German actress
- 2005 : Charly Gaul , Luxembourg cyclist and Tour de France winner
- 2005 : Rudolf Haselbach , German politician, MdL
- 2005 : Hanns Dieter Hüsch , German cabaret artist
- 2007 : Wolfgang Aßbrock , German politician
- 2008 : Sunny von Bülow , US millionaire heiress
- 2009 : Rupprecht Geiger , German painter and sculptor
- 2012 : Ed Cassidy , American musician
- 2014 : Ralph Baer , American game developer
- 2015 : Ini Assmann , German actress
- 2015 : Franzl Lang , German singer and musician
- 2019 : Ron Leibman , American actor
Holidays and memorial days

Nicholas of Myra (Russian icon by Aleksa Petrov, 1294)
- Church memorial days
- St. Nicholas of Myra , Roman bishop (Protestant, Anglican, Catholic, Orthodox, Armenian, Coptic, Syrian)
- Ambrosius Blarer , German pastor and reformer (Protestant)
- State holidays and memorial days
- Finland : independence from Russia (1917)
- Spain : Constitution Day (1978)
- regional customs
The list of days of remembrance and action contains further entries .
Commons : December 6th - Collection of images, videos and audio files