Historic anniversaries
This list shows a tabular arrangement of historical anniversaries known from Wikipedia.
Historic anniversaries
Historical anniversaries are days with historical significance or reference. A historical event is an occurrence that has caused a historical change. Every day of the year has the status of a historic anniversary. The calendar of historical anniversaries helps to find specific memorial days, birthdays and historical events.
See also
- List of memorial days , annual calendar , history , calendar , contemporary history
- Category: Tag , Category: Decade , Category: Century , Category: Millennium
- Day , month , year , decade , century , millennium
Web links
- International days and years of the UN
- Deutsche Welle : Remembrance days, birthdays and events on one date
- Small collection of links from "today-twenty-years-ago" databases (private site)
- Historical calendar sheets with birthdays and events (private page)
- Birthdays on a calendar day, annual preview for anniversaries (private page)