June 16
The June 16 is the 167th day of the Gregorian calendar (168th in leap years ), thus remain still 198 days until the end of the year.
Historic anniversaries May · June · July |
Politics and world events
- 671 BC BC : The Assyrian king Asarhaddon attacks Egypt with an army and wins the first battle against the armed forces under Pharaoh Taharqa . Two more victories by the invaders followed a few days later.
- 363 : The Roman Emperor Julian breaks off the siege of Ctesiphon during the campaign against the Sassanids and retreats.
- 695 : The monk Suitbert , a missionary among the Teutons, founds a Benedictine monastery on an island in the Rhine, which later became Kaiserswerth , now a district of Düsseldorf .
- 1112 : In an exchange document issued by Emperor Heinrich V between the Archbishops Adalbert I of Mainz and Adalgod of Magdeburg , the city of Salzwedel is mentioned for the first time with the words actum est Salzvvitele .
- 1426 : The Hussites , led by Andreas Prokop , defeat a Saxon-Thuringian army in the battle of Aussig , which is supposed to relieve the besieged Aussig . The next day the city falls; fear of a massacre leads to a mass exodus of the inhabitants.
- 1487 : The victory of King Henry VII in the Battle of Stoke , in which the General of the House of York John de la Pole, 1st Earl of Lincoln , is killed, puts an end to the last rebellion of the House of York in the English Wars of the Roses .
- 1654 : At the Diet in Uppsala , Sweden's Queen Christina I reads the abdication certificate and proclaims her cousin as Karl X Gustav as her successor.
- 1674 : In the Dutch War , the French army under Turenne's leadership succeeds in forcing the entrenched imperial troops to retreat after bitter fighting in the battle of Sinsheim .
- 1703 : The uprising directed against Habsburg rule by Franz II. Rákóczi becomes a political force when the nobleman is able to take the lead in a smaller rebellion that broke out in Carpathian Ukraine . This spreads through influx throughout the north-east of the Kingdom of Hungary .
- 1746 : During the War of the Austrian Succession , the Battle of Piacenza takes place , in which the Austrians defeat a Franco-Spanish army.
- 1775 : George Washington becomes Commander-in-Chief of all American troops in the American War of Independence and takes over government functions.
- 1815 : Napoléon wins his last victory in the battle of Ligny : The French defeat the Prussian army under Blücher , but are unable to destroy it, which has fatal consequences two days later at Waterloo . On the same day, British, Dutch and German troops under Sir Arthur Wellesley, Duke of Wellington, defend the crossroads there against the French under the command of Marshal Ney in the battle of Quatre-Bras .
- 1848 : The Austrian Field Marshal Prince Alfred zu Windisch-Graetz proposes to Prague Pentecost uprising of the Czechs bloodily.
- 1869 : After the overthrow of Queen Isabella II the previous year and the entry into force of a new Spanish constitution , Francisco Serrano Domínguez is elected regent for a transitional period . The search is on for a new king that is universally accepted by the parties .
- 1880 : In response to a push by Greece , a conference of the major European powers begins in Berlin to regulate the disputed course of the border on the Turkish-Greek border. Because representatives of the Ottoman Empire and Greece are not admitted to the conference, the Sublime Porte rejects the binding force of the resolutions.
- 1904 : The Finnish nationalist Eugen Schauman assassins the Russian Governor General Nikolai Ivanovich Bobrikov , who succumbs the following day, and then kills himself.
- 1925 : Artek , the first pioneer camp of the pioneer organization Vladimir Ilyich Lenin , is founded in the Soviet Union in the Crimea as an all-union recreation camp for children with tuberculosis .
- 1930 : The Council of People's Commissars introduces the decree time in the Soviet Union to make better use of the daylight. The decree time applies all year round.
- 1946 : So that Bhumibol Adulyadej , who surprisingly became King of Siam on June 9, can continue his studies in Switzerland, Prince Rangsit is appointed Prince Regent.
- 1950 : With regard to the increasing infestation of the cultivated area with potato beetles , the GDR leadership accuses the USA of deliberately throwing the pests over East German fields and starts a campaign against the "Amik beetle".
- 1954 : In South Vietnam , Ngô Đình Diệm is charged with forming a government.
- 1955 : Pope Pius XII. excommunicated the Argentine President Juan Perón . A military revolt failed on the same day, and Juan Perón was deposed in a second coup a few months later.
- 1958 : The leaders of the Hungarian people's uprising , among them the former Prime Minister Imre Nagy and the former Defense Minister Pál Maléter , are executed in a Budapest prison after a previous show trial .
- 1972 : The first United Nations conference on the human environment ends in Stockholm . It is seen as the beginning of an international environmental policy .
- 1976 : Uprising in Soweto : student protests in the township of Soweto against the introduction of Afrikaans as the language of instruction are suppressed with violence; Tsietsi Mashinini is one of the leaders , and 13-year-old Hector Pieterson is among the first to die - this is followed by far-reaching racial unrest in the country, which is considered the beginning of the end of apartheid in South Africa .
- 1977 : Leonid Brezhnev becomes head of state of the USSR . He prevailed in a power struggle with incumbent Nikolai Podgorny .
- 1989 : An honorable new burial of Imre Nagy , who was executed in 1958, takes place in Budapest .
- 2001 : After the Berlin banking scandal , the House of Representatives withdraws confidence in the Governing Mayor Eberhard Diepgen and elects Klaus Wowereit as his successor.
- 2001 : US President George W. Bush announces that the embargo against Cuba will be maintained until democracy is established on the island.
- 2007 : Die Linke is founded from the merger of Linkspartei.PDS and Work & Social Justice - Die Wahlalternative .
- 1903 : Henry Ford founds the Ford Motor Company in Michigan , which started manufacturing automobiles with the production of the Ford Model A.
- 1903 : The American pharmacist Caleb Bradham receives the trademark Pepsi-Cola for the soft drink he invented ten years earlier.
- 1911 : The International Time Recording Company and Computing Scale Corporation merge with the Tabulating Machine Company to form the new Computing Tabulating and Recording Company (CTR) Incorporated in Endicott, NY, USA, now known as IBM .
- 1947 : The Saar-Mark is introduced in Saarland .
- 1999 : The Japanese Ministry of Health approves the sale of the birth control pill .
science and technology
- 1900 : The Elbe-Trave Canal (today Elbe-Lübeck Canal ) is inaugurated in Lübeck in the presence of Kaiser Wilhelm II .
- 1935 : The French luxury steamer Normandie reaches the port of New York after four days and three hours - and is awarded the Blue Ribbon .
- 1963 : From the cosmodrome in Baikonur , Kazakhstan , Valentina Tereschkowa takes the spacecraft Vostok 6 as the first woman into space.
- 1816 : The first performance of the operetta Hans Max Giesbrecht von der Humpenburg or Die neue Ritterzeit by Peter Joseph von Lindpaintner takes place in Munich.
- 1848 : The premiere of the opera L'Apparition by François Benoist takes place in Paris.
- 1952 : Andy Warhol shows Fifteen Drawings Based on the Writings of Truman Capote , his first solo exhibition, at the Hugo Gallery in New York City .
- 1960 : The film Psycho by Alfred Hitchcock is shown for the first time in US cinemas ; an advertising campaign is causing queues at the box office.
- 1967 : The three-day Monterey Pop Festival , organized by John Phillips and Lou Adler , begins. The festival at the Monterey County Fairground in California is considered the climax of the Summer of Love of the hippie movement and is developing into one of the most important concerts in rock music history.
- 1973 : Frank N. Furter and Rocky Horror make their first appearance at the premiere of the Rocky Horror Show , a musical by Richard O'Brien , at The Royal Court Theater Upstairs in London.
- 1984 : The circus company Cirque du Soleil is founded in Montreal, Canada . The company initially employs 73 people and aims to entertain its audience in the blue and yellow tent with a dramatic mix of artistry and street theater.
- 2012 : More than 20 years after being awarded the Nobel Peace Prize , the Myanmar politician Aung San Suu Kyi , who has been under house arrest for years, makes up for her speech at Oslo City Hall .
- 1846 : Cardinal Giovanni Maria Mastai-Ferretti is elected Pope after a two-day conclave and takes the name Pius IX. at. The election marks the beginning of the longest pontificate in papacy history.
- 2002 : In Rome, Padre Pio is canonized by John Paul II .
- 1896 : The British passenger steamer Drummond Castle collides in thick fog with a reef off the French island of Ouessant and sinks within a few minutes. Only three of the 246 passengers and crew members survive.
- 1966 : The Texaco Massachusetts tanker collides with the British tanker Alva Cape , loaded with naphtha , off Manhattan , triggering a fire that kills 33 people.
Minor accidents are listed in the sub-articles of Disaster .
nature and environment
- 1494 : A tropical storm hits the island of Hispaniola . It is believed to be the first hurricane to be observed by Europeans in the western hemisphere.
- 1860 : Athletes from all over Germany come to Coburg for the first gymnastics festival .
- 1954 : The soccer world championship opens in Switzerland .
- 1998 : In the NHL , the Detroit Red Wings win the Stanley Cup for the ninth time in their franchise history . You defeat the Washington Capitals in the playoff final .
- 2015 : The Golden State Warriors win their fourth NBA title in the NBA Finals against the Cleveland Cavaliers .
Entries of track and field world records can be found under the respective discipline under track and field . Entries on football world championship games can be found in the sub-pages of football world championships . The same goes for European football championships .
Before the 18th century
- 1139 : Konoe , Japanese emperor
- 1313 : Giovanni Boccaccio , Italian writer, democrat, poet and exponent of Renaissance humanism
- 1332 : Isabella de Coucy , English princess
- 1435 : Johann II , Silesian mercenary leader of the Teutonic Order, Duke of Sagan
- 1479 : Bogdan III. , Voivode of the Principality of Moldova
- 1481 : Rudolf von Baden , Prince of Baden and Canon in Mainz, Cologne, Strasbourg and Augsburg
- 1489 : Sibylle of Bavaria , Electress of the Palatinate
- 1514 : John Cheke , English scholar and statesman
- 1550 : Marie Eleonore von Jülich-Kleve-Berg , Duchess of Prussia
- 1561 : Oswald III. von dem Bergh , officer in the State and Spanish service during the Eighty Years' War
- 1573 : Caspar Pezel , German lawyer, archivist and librarian
- 1573 : Andries de Witt , acting pensioner of Holland
- 1583 : Axel Oxenstierna , Swedish Chancellor
- 1591 : Joseph Solomon Delmedigo , Greek physician, astronomer and mathematician, philosopher and rabbi
- 1633 : Jean de Thévenot , French traveler to Asia, linguist and botanist
- 1644 : Henrietta Anne Stuart , French duchess
- 1671 : Johann Christoph Bach , German organist
- 1700 : Pietro Bracci , Italian sculptor
18th century
- 1713 : Meshech Weare , American politician
- 1718 : Thomas Chippendale (date of baptism), British cabinet maker
- 1723 : Adam Smith (date of baptism), British philosopher and economist
- 1723 : Iyasu II , Negus negest of Ethiopia
- 1745 : Friedrich Ludwig von Rochow , Prussian chamberlain and landowner
- 1752 : Salawat Yulayev , Bashkir freedom fighter and poet, national hero
- 1762 : Carl Christian Agthe , German composer and organist
- 1762 : Giuseppe Bernardino Bison , Italian classicism painter
- 1779 : Samuel D. Ingham , American politician
- 1780 : Christian Gottlieb Kühn , German sculptor
- 1782 : Aimée Davout , wife of Louis-Nicolas Davout and sister of Charles Victoire Emmanuel Leclerc
- 1784 : Benedictus Gotthelf Teubner , German bookseller and founder of the publishing house
- 1785 : Johann Christian Friedrich Gutkaes sen. , German royal watchmaker (pocket watches)
- 1792 : Johann Jakob Füssli , Swiss Protestant clergyman
- 1792 : Francis Johnson , American composer and musician
- 1792 : Thomas Livingstone Mitchell , British explorer
19th century
- 1801 : Julius Plücker , German mathematician and physicist
- 1803 : Alois von Anreiter , Austrian miniature painter
- 1807 : Thiệu Trị , third emperor of the Vietnamese Nguyễn dynasty
- 1811 : Laurenz Lersch , German classical philologist
- 1813 : Oskar von Arnim-Kröchlendorff , German politician
- 1813 : Otto Jahn , German classical philologist, archaeologist and musicologist
- 1822 : Johan Fredrik Eckersberg , Norwegian national romantic painter
- 1829 : Geronimo , war chief and shaman of the Bedonkohe Apaches
- 1837 : Ernst Laas , German educator and philosopher
- 1838 : Otto Galama Houtrouw , German Reformed theologian and local researcher
- 1840 : Ernst Otto Schlick , German shipbuilding engineer
- 1851 : Georg Jellinek , German-Austrian constitutional lawyer and legal sociologist
- 1851 : Hermann Schmidt , German lawyer and Lord Mayor of Erfurt
- 1853 : Hermann Aust , German entrepreneur
- 1854 : Hugo Thimig , German actor and director in Austria
- 1856 : Gustav Denhardt , German Africa explorer
- 1857 : Arthur Arz von Straussenburg , Austro-Hungarian professional officer
- 1858 : Gustav V , King of Sweden
- 1858 : John Peter Russell , Australian painter, the "lost impressionist"
- 1859 : Paja Jovanović , Serbian-Austrian painter
- 1863 : Emil Göttisheim , Swiss lawyer and politician
- 1863 : Paul Vidal , French composer
- 1865 : Bernard Berenson , American art historian, art collector, and writer
- 1869 : George Waring Stebbins , American organist and composer
- 1870 : Levegh , French racing car driver
- 1872 : Hermann Hiltl , Austrian officer, leader of the Front Fighter Association of German Austria
- 1873 : Karl von Müller , German naval officer, commander of the small cruiser SMS Emden
- 1874 : Gustav Amweg , Swiss author and teacher
- 1874 : Arthur Meighen , Canadian politician
- 1874 : František Neumann , Czech composer, conductor and music teacher
- 1876 : Gustav Schuft , German gymnast
- 1877 : Karel Absolon , Czech archaeologist and speleologist
- 1877 : Enrico Canfari , Italian football player and official
- 1880 : Alice Bailey , British writer
- 1881 : Natalija Sergejewna Goncharova , Russian-French painter
- 1882 : Norah Neilson Gray , Scottish portrait painter
- 1885 : Benno König , German aviation pioneer
- 1886 : Carl Eichhorn , German rower
- 1888 : Alexander Alexandrowitsch Friedmann , Russian physicist and mathematician
- 1888 : Alfred Wilhelm Arnold , German politician
- 1888 : Jack Eaton , American film producer and director
- 1890 : Stan Laurel , British comedian and film actor
- 1892 : Juan Francisco García , Dominican composer
- 1892 : Axel de Vries , German politician and journalist, Member of the Bundestag
- 1894 : Luigi Arcangeli , Italian motorcycle and car racer
- 1894 : Just-Émile Vernet , French car racing driver and racing car designer
- 1895 : Alojzy Adamczyk , Polish resistance fighter
- 1896 : Karl Rüdiger , German politician, Member of the Bundestag
- 1897 : Elaine Hammerstein , American actress
- 1897 : Adelbert Mühlschlegel , German Bahai
- 1897 : Georg Wittig , German chemist, Nobel Prize winner
20th century
- 1901 : Conrad Beck , Swiss composer
- 1901 : Otto Waffenschmied , Austrian illustrator and comic artist
- 1902 : Barbara McClintock , American geneticist, Nobel Prize winner
- 1902 : George Gaylord Simpson , American biologist, zoologist, and paleontologist
- 1904 : Paul Grupp , German cameraman
- 1905 : Elsbeth von Ameln , German lawyer and defense attorney
- 1905 : Leslie Denison , British actor
- 1905 : Walter Glaß , German Nordic combined athlete
- 1907 : Jack Albertson , American actor and dancer
- 1908 : Sarit Thanarat , Thai general and politician, Prime Minister
- 1908 : Hans Jakob , German football player
- 1909 : Werner Naumann , German National Socialist, State Secretary in the Reich Ministry
- 1909 : Willi Boskovsky , Austrian violinist and conductor
- 1911 : Georg Meistermann , German painter
- 1911 : Willibald Schmaus , German and Austrian soccer player
- 1911 : Phyllis Sellick , British pianist and music teacher
- 1912 : Olga Vsevolodowna Iwinskaja , Russian artist museum , lover and inspiration of Boris Pasternak
- 1915 : Marga Faulstich , German glass chemist
- 1910 : Richard Barrer , New Zealand chemist
- 1915 : Alberto Rey , Chilean harpist
- 1916 : Ebenezer Ako-Adjei , Ghanaian politician, lawyer, publisher and journalist
- 1917 : Aurelio Lampredi , Italian designer of automobile and aircraft engines
- 1917 : Pawel Alexandrowitsch Solowjow , Soviet engine designer
- 1919 : Anna Wimschneider , German farmer and writer
- 1920 : Gustav Adolf Baumm , German graphic artist, motorcycle designer and racing driver
- 1920 : Lilianna Zinovievna Lungina , Soviet literary translator
- 1921 : Olav Hodne , Norwegian missionary and author
- 1921 : Gustav Just , German journalist in the GDR
- 1922 : Irma Tübler , German politician, Member of the Bundestag
- 1923 : Henryk Czyż , Polish composer, conductor and music teacher
- 1923 : Wilhelm Mayrhofer , Austrian politician
- 1924 : Faith Domergue , American actress
- 1924 : Adam Hanuszkiewicz , Polish theater director
- 1924 : Freimut Stein , German psychologist and figure skater
- 1925 : Bebe Barron , American film music composer
- 1925 : Otto Muehl , Austrian action artist
- 1926 : Efraín Ríos Montt , Guatemalan politician
- 1927 : Herbert Lichtenfeld , German screenwriter
- 1927 : Erich Wiesner , Austrian industrialist and politician
- 1928 : Annie Cordy , Belgian actress and singer
- 1928 : John Cuneo , Australian regatta sailor
- 1928 : Ernst Stankovski , Austrian actor, chansonnier and quiz master
- 1930 : Michel Poberejsky , French racing car driver
- 1930 : Vilmos Zsigmond , Hungarian-American cameraman
- 1931 : Francesca Schinzinger , German historian
- 1932 : Elfriede Gerstl , Austrian writer
- 1932 : Peter Stoltzenberg , German theater director
- 1933 : George McCormick , American country musician
- 1934 : Eileen Atkins , British actress
- 1936 : Lincoln Almond , American politician
- 1936 : Anthony Olubunmi Okogie , Archbishop of Lagos (Nigeria)
- 1937 : Hannelore Mensch , Minister for Labor and Wages of the GDR
- 1937 : Simeon Sakskoburggotski , Bulgarian politician
- 1938 : Joyce Carol Oates , American writer
- 1938 : Hannelore Trabert , German athlete
- 1939 : Albert Dailey , American jazz pianist
- 1939 : Heinz Tesar , Austrian architect
- 1939 : Billy Craddock , American country and rock and roll musician
- 1939 : Rico Steinemann , Swiss journalist, Porsche racing director and car racing driver
- 1940 : Neil Goldschmidt , American politician
- 1940 : Petr Kaplan , Czech rock singer and guitarist
- 1941 : Aldrich Hazen Ames , American spy
- 1941 : Dietrich von Gumppenberg , German politician and entrepreneur, MdL
- 1942 : Giacomo Agostini , Italian motorcycle racer
- 1942 : John Rostill , British musician ( The Shadows )
- 1942 : Walter Schwimmer , Austrian politician, Secretary General of the Council of Europe
- 1942 : Graham Townsend , Canadian fiddler, mandolinist, pianist and composer
- 1943 : Alfred Grimm , German object artist, painter and draftsman
- 1943 : Heiner Keupp , German social psychologist and professor
- 1943 : Dagmar Lassander , German actress
- 1944 : Avigdor Kahalani , Israeli politician
- 1945 : Ivan Lins , Brazilian composer, pianist and singer
- 1946 : Rick Adelman , American basketball player and coach
- 1946 : John Astor, 3rd Baron Astor of Hever , British businessman and politician
- 1946 : Milan Hurtala , Czechoslovak rower
- 1946 : Iain Matthews , British singer
- 1946 : Neil MacGregor , British art historian
- 1946 : M. Jodi Rell , American politician
- 1947 : Günther Kaufmann , German actor
- 1947 : -minu , Swiss author, columnist and moderator, Basel city original
- 1947 : Willy Mutunga , Kenyan lawyer, President of the Supreme Court of Kenya
- 1948 : Hans-Werner Kammer , German politician, Member of the Bundestag
- 1948 : Klaus Kater , German handball player
- 1949 : Jairo , Argentine singer
- 1949 : Geoff Pierson , American actor
- 1950 : Paweł Anweiler , German theologian
- 1950 : Klaus Lage , German musician
- 1951 : Armin Emrich , German handball player and trainer
- 1952 : Gino Vannelli , Canadian singer
- 1952 : Giorgos A. Papandreou , Greek politician, minister, prime minister, chairman of the Socialist International
- 1952 : Alexander Gennadijewitsch Saizew , Soviet-Russian figure skater, Olympic champion
- 1953 : Valerie Mahaffey , American actress
- 1953 : Malcolm Mortimore , British drummer
- 1954 : Jeffrey Shears Ashby , American astronaut
- 1955 : Laurie Metcalf , American actress
- 1955 : Patrizio Sala , Italian football player and coach
- 1956 : Mesrop Mutafyan , Archbishop and Patriarch of the Armenian Apostolic Church in Constantinople
- 1956 : Siegfried Schuch , German conservationist
- 1957 : Clio Goldsmith , French actress
- 1959 : Hagen Melzer , German athlete
- 1959 : Susan Schubert , German singer
- 1960 : Ferdinand Laholli , Albanian poet
- 1961 : Can Dündar , Turkish journalist, documentary filmmaker and book author
- 1963 : The Sandman , American wrestler
- 1964 : Martin Feifel , German actor
- 1964 : Michael Lusch , German soccer player
- 1965 : JB Gouthier , German guitarist, composer and musician
- 1965 : Holger Kunkel , German actor
- 1966 : Kay Germann , German handball player and coach
- 1966 : Jan Železný , Czech javelin thrower
- 1967 : Sara Capretti , Swiss actress
- 1967 : Jürgen Klopp , German soccer player and coach
- 1967 : Sofia Tchernev , Bulgarian actress
- 1968 : Robert Büchel , Liechtenstein ski racer
- 1969 : Bénabar , French chansonnier
- 1969 : Anette Fanqvist , Swedish cross-country skier
- 1969 : Luís Tinoco , Portuguese composer and music teacher
- 1970 : Phil Mickelson , American golfer
- 1971 : Tupac Shakur , American rapper and actor
- 1971 : Sékou , American rapper
- 1972 : John Cho , American actor
- 1972 : Andy Weir , American writer and software developer
- 1973 : Federica Mogherini , Italian politician
- 1973 : Sandra Pires , Brazilian beach volleyball player
- 1975 : Willemijn Verkaik , Dutch musical actress
- 1976 : Matthias Beier , German actor
- 1976 : Marija Borisovna Strelenko , Russian biathlete
- 1977 : Addy Engels , Dutch cyclist
- 1977 : Kenneth Zeigbo , Nigerian soccer player
- 1978 : Daniel Brühl , German actor
- 1978 : Lyndsey Marshal , British actress
- 1979 : Dana DeArmond , American porn actress
- 1979 : Emmanuel Moire , French singer
- 1979 : Jame Pollock , Canadian ice hockey player
- 1979 : Eva Walkner , Austrian freeride athlete
- 1980 : Brad Gushue , Canadian curler
- 1980 : Sibel Kekilli , German film actress
- 1981 : Benjamin Becker , German tennis player
- 1981 : Ben Kweller , American musician
- 1982 : Lykke May Andersen , Danish model and mannequin
- 1982 : Annika Blendl , German actress
- 1982 : Christoph Letkowski , German actor and musician
- 1982 : Missy Peregrym , Canadian actress
- 1982 : Rəşad Sadıqov , Azerbaijani football player
- 1983 : Daniel Kandlbauer , Swiss rock musician
- 1983 : Sebastian Linder , German handball player
- 1984 : Gábor Császár , Hungarian handball player
- 1984 : Christian Dünnes , German volleyball player
- 1984 : Rick Nash , Canadian ice hockey player
- 1984 : Jelena Vladimirovna Savelyeva , Russian boxer
- 1984 : Steven Whittaker , Scottish soccer player
- 1986 : Fernando Muslera , Uruguayan soccer player
- 1986 : Žarko Šešum , Serbian handball player
- 1987 : Krassimir Anew , Bulgarian biathlete
- 1987 : Abby Elliott , American actress
- 1987 : Lena Nitro , German porn actress
- 1987 : Aya Sameshima , Japanese soccer player
- 1988 : Tarık Langat Akdağ , Turkish obstacle and long distance runner
- 1988 : Thierry Neuville , Belgian rally driver
- 1989 : Jelena Glebova , Estonian figure skater
- 1990 : Anastassija Olegowna Piwowarowa , Russian tennis player
- 1990 : Sanna Solberg , Norwegian handball player
- 1990 : Silje Solberg , Norwegian handball player
- 1990 : Libby Stout , American soccer player
- 1991 : Eduard Popp , German wrestler
- 1992 : Austin Blythe , American football player
- 1992 : Claus-Georg-Gustav Schöning , German actor
- 1993 : Alex Len , Ukrainian basketball player
- 1993 : Halapoulivaati Vaitai , American football player
- 1994 : Caitlyn Taylor Love , American actress and singer
- 1995 : Enzo Guibbert , French racing car driver
- 1995 : Joo Da-young , South Korean actress
- 1995 : Kendra Sunderland , American porn actress
- 1997 : Jean-Kévin Augustin , French football player
- 1997 : Katharina Gallhuber , Austrian ski racer
- 1998 : Christoph Frank , German telemarker
- 1998 : Lauren Taylor , American actress and singer
Before the 16th century
- 956 : Hugo the Great , Duke of the Franks
- 985 : Hartwig I , Carinthian messenger of violence and Count Palatine of Bavaria
- 997 : Witigowo , abbot of the Reichenau monastery
- 1047 : Poppo von Babenberg , Archbishop of Trier
- 1090 : Günther von Krappfeld , first bishop of Gurk
- 1106 : Benno von Meißen , German Roman Catholic Bishop of Meißen
- 1185 : Richeza von Everstein , cousin of Friedrich Barbarossa
- 1201 : Ibn al-Jschauzī , Hanbali scholar, polyhistor and preacher
- 1202 : Aymar , Count of Angoulême
- 1236 : Erhard II , Lord of Chacenay
- 1246 : Lutgard von Tongern , Flemish Cistercian and mystic, saint of the Catholic Church
- 1265 : Doquz-Chatun , Keraitic princess and chief wife of the Mongol ruler Hülegü
- 1352 : Guidoriccio da Fogliano , Italian condottiere
- 1361 : Johannes Tauler , German theologian, mystic and preacher
- 1371 : Pierre d'Aigrefeuille , French cleric, bishop of Tulle, Vabres, Clermont, Uzès, Mende and finally of Avignon
- 1397 : Philippe d'Artois, comte d'Eu , French nobleman and Connétable of France
- 1478 : Přemysl II , Duke of Troppau, member of the Wroclaw Cathedral Chapter
- 1487 : John de la Pole, 1st Earl of Lincoln , English nobleman and commander in the Wars of the Roses
- 1487 : Martin Schwartz , German mercenary leader
16th to 18th century
- 1514 : Margarete von Pfalz-Zweibrücken , Countess of Nassau-Wiesbaden-Idstein and Abbess of the Marienberg Monastery
- 1517 : Franz Wolfgang , Count of Haigerloch
- 1540 : Conrad II of Thüngen , Prince-Bishop of Würzburg
- 1555 : Johann Horneburg , last Catholic bishop of Lebus
- 1573 : Caspar Pezel , German lawyer, archivist and librarian
- 1574 : Caspar Pfreund , German pharmacist and mayor of Wittenberg
- 1579 : Johannes Hartung , German Graecist and Hebrew
- 1626 : Christian von Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel , German general of the Protestant Union
- 1628 : Zdeněk Vojtěch Popel von Lobkowitz , Bohemian nobleman
- 1649 : Stanisław Lubomirski , Polish magnate, military leader and imperial prince in the Holy Roman Empire
- 1666 : Richard Fanshawe, 1st Baronet , English poet, translator, diplomat and politician
- 1671 : Stenka Rasin , Russian ataman of the Don Cossacks
- 1702 : Hans Jacob Uhle , German sculptor
- 1704 : Georg Franck von Franckenau , German medic and botanist
- 1705 : Gotthard Kerkring , Mayor of Lübeck
- 1711 : Amalia of Courland , Princess of Courland and Countess of Hesse-Kassel
- 1712 : Johann Adam I. Andreas , Prince of Liechtenstein
- 1722 : John Churchill, 1st Duke of Marlborough , English general in the War of the Spanish Succession
- 1722 : Marc'Antonio Zondadari , Grand Master of the Order of Malta
- 1729 : Balthasar Hermann , Memmingen painter
- 1742 : Louise Élisabeth d'Orléans , Queen of Spain
- 1743 : Louise Françoise de Bourbon , Princess of Condé
- 1748 : Jean Philippe François d'Orléans , French nobleman, Abbot of Hautvillers and Grand Prior of the French Order of Malta
- 1752 : Giulio Alberoni , Italian Cardinal and Minister of State of Spain
- 1752 : Joseph Butler , English Bishop of Bristol and Durham
- 1753 : John von Collas , Franco-German scientist, master builder and landowner in East Prussia
- 1771 : Louis de Bourbon , Count of Clermont, French churchman, general and libertine
- 1777 : Johann Gottlieb Immermann , German Protestant clergyman and educator
- 1778 : Friedrich Wilhelm von Taube , German administrative officer in Austrian service
- 1792 : Georg Andreas Weise , German Lutheran theologian
- 1798 : Ignaz Pfefferkorn , German Jesuit, missionary and natural scientist
19th century
- 1804 : Johann Adam Hiller , German composer, music writer and conductor
- 1812 : Franz Pforr , German Romantic painter
- 1815 : Friedrich Wilhelm von Braunschweig , German military leader of the Napoleonic Wars
- 1818 : Daniel Smith , American land surveyor and senator
- 1831 : Joseph Ignaz Schnabel , German composer and cathedral music director in Breslau
- 1848 : Johann Dominicus Aigner , Mayor of Lienz
- 1851 : Johann Friedrich Küttlinger , German medic and botanist
- 1861 : Nathanael G. Pendleton , American attorney and politician, House member for Ohio
- 1888 : Georg von Adelmann , German medic and surgeon
- 1891 : Theodor Auracher , German classical philologist and specialist author
- 1891 : Johannes Gloël , German Protestant clergyman and university professor
- 1894 : Valérie de Gasparin , Swiss writer
- 1900 : François d'Orléans, prince de Joinville , French admiral
20th century
- 1902 : Ernst Schröder , German mathematician and logician
- 1905 : Johann Gottfried Steffan , Swiss landscape painter
- 1909 : Ivar Eggert Hedenblad , Swedish composer, conductor and music teacher
- 1912 : José Arechavaleta y Balpardo , Spanish botanist
- 1922 : Karl Blasel , Austrian actor and theater director
- 1933 : Chaim Arlosoroff , Russian politician
- 1938 : Walter Haenisch , German Anglist, literary scholar and Marx researcher, victim of Stalinism
- 1940 : Vítězslava Kaprálová , Czech composer
- 1940 : Joseph Meister , French, who was the first to be successfully vaccinated against rabies
- 1942 : Lucien Boyer , French chansonnier and composer
- 1943 : Sigrid Onégin , German opera and concert singer
- 1944 : Marc Bloch , French historian, co-founder of the Annales School
- 1945 : Nikolai Erastowitsch Bersarin , Soviet officer, city commandant of Berlin
- 1945 : Aris Velouchiotis , Greek soldier, partisan and terrorist
- 1947 : Bronisław Huberman , Polish violinist
- 1948 : Marcel Brillouin , French physicist
- 1948 : Rufus Jones , American author, professor and mystic, philosopher and Quaker
- 1955 : Carl Wirths , German politician, Member of the Bundestag, Member of the Bundestag
- 1958 : José Pablo Moncayo , Mexican composer and conductor
- 1958 : Imre Nagy , Hungarian politician and agricultural economist, head of government, national hero
- 1959 : George Reeves , American actor
- 1961 : Max Curt Bille , German puppeteer
- 1962 : Alexei Innokentjewitsch Antonow , Soviet general
- 1963 : John Whiting , British playwright
- 1964 : Günther L. Arko , German cameraman
- 1964 : Gino Luzzatto , Italian economic historian
- 1965 : Willibalt Apelt , German university professor, constitutional law teacher and politician
- 1965 : Louis Biester , German politician, MdR
- 1965 : René Dély , French racing car driver
- 1967 : Dutch Holland , American baseball player
- 1970 : Heino Eller , Estonian composer
- 1970 : Lonnie Johnson , American singer
- 1972 : Pedro Biava Ramponi , Colombian composer
- 1973 : Karl Hamann , German politician, Minister of Commerce of the GDR
- 1975 : Edward Sidney Aarons , American writer
- 1976 : Reinhard Raffalt , German writer and journalist
- 1977 : Wernher von Braun , German-American rocket engineer and space pioneer
- 1977 : Werner Eggerath , German politician, resistance fighter against National Socialism and writer
- 1979 : Akwasi Afrifa , Ghanaian politician
- 1979 : Liselotte Welskopf-Henrich , German writer and historian
- 1979 : Nicholas Ray , American film director
- 1980 : Bob Nolan , Canadian country singer ( Sons Of The Pioneers )
- 1982 : Georg Leibbrandt , Russian-German interpreter, bureaucrat and diplomat, involved in the planning of the extermination of the Jews in the Third Reich
- 1982 : Gwen Wakeling , American costume designer
- 1983 : Aina Wifalk , Swedish social scientist, inventor of the modern walker
- 1985 : Elias Coueter , Syrian clergyman and Melkite bishop of Brazil
- 1985 : Alois Mertes , German politician
- 1986 : Maurice Duruflé , French composer
- 1986 : Fernando Muslera , Uruguayan football goalkeeper
- 1986 : Jean Sachot , French racing car driver
- 1989 : Manuel Plá Cocco , Dominican flautist, violinist, cellist, music teacher and composer
- 1990 : Thomas George Cowling , British astronomer and mathematician
- 1990 : Ruedi Walter , Swiss folk actor and cabaret artist
- 1991 : Manfred Ackermann , Austrian social democratic politician and trade union official
- 1991 : Vicki Brown , British singer
- 1994 : Hans Paul Bahrdt , German sociologist
- 1994 : George Raphaël Béthenod de Montbressieux , French-Argentine racing driver
- 1994 : Kristen Pfaff , American musician ( Hole )
- 1997 : Michael O'Herlihy , Irish producer, film and television director
- 1997 : Sumii Sue , Japanese writer
- 1998 : Jafar Sharif-Emami , Iranian Prime Minister
- 1999 : Screaming Lord Sutch , British musician and politician
- 1999 : Marshall Wayne , American water diver, Olympic champion
- 2000 : Will Berthold , German writer
21st century
- 2003 : Enrico Baj , Italian painter, sculptor and art theorist
- 2003 : Georg Henrik von Wright , Finnish philosopher
- 2004 : Lothar Fischer , German sculptor
- 2004 : Thanom Kittikachorn , Thai general and politician
- 2004 : Ursula Lillig , German actress
- 2005 : Mário Corino de Andrade , Portuguese neurologist
- 2006 : Arthur Franz , American actor
- 2006 : Wladimir Naef , Swiss chess composer
- 2007 : Norman Hackerman , American chemist and university president
- 2007 : Jürgen Weber , German sculptor
- 2008 : Wera Frydtberg , German actress
- 2008 : Mario Rigoni Stern , Italian writer
- 2009 : Peter Arundell , British racing car driver
- 2009 : Charlie Mariano , American jazz alto saxophonist, flutist and oboist
- 2010 : Haidi Streletz , German dentist, painter and politician, MdL
- 2012 : Giuseppe Bertolucci , Italian screenwriter and director
- 2012 : Sławomir Petelicki , Polish general
- 2012 : Alicia Steimberg , Argentine writer
- 2013 : Hans Hass , Austrian zoologist and marine researcher
- 2013 : Ottmar Walter , German soccer player
- 2014 : Heinz Goerke , German medical historian and physician
- 2014 : Tony Gwynn , American baseball player
- 2015 : Greg Parks , Canadian ice hockey player
- 2015 : Jochen Riebel , German politician
- 2016 : Jo Cox , British politician
- 2016 : Konstantin Faigle , German filmmaker
- 2017 : John G. Avildsen , American film director
- 2017 : Helmut Kohl , German politician, Prime Minister of Rhineland-Palatinate, Federal Chancellor
- 2018 : Clara Auteri Pepe , Italian actress
- 2018 : Gennady Nikolajewitsch Roshdestvensky , Soviet or Russian conductor
- 2019 : Francine Shapiro , American literary scholar and psychologist
- 2019 : Rolf von Sydow , German director and author
Holidays and memorial days
- Church memorial days
- Johannes Tauler , Alsatian religious and mystic (Protestant)
- St. Marcus of Apollonia , Bishop and Martyr (Catholic)
- St. Benno von Meißen , German monk and priest, bishop and patron saint (Catholic)
- State holidays and memorial days
The list of days of remembrance and action contains further entries .
Commons : June 16th - Collection of images, videos and audio files