Council of People's Commissars of the Soviet Union

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The Council of People's Commissars of the Soviet Union ( Russian Совет Народных Комиссаров СССР ; transcription : Sow jet Nar odnych Kom issarow) was established after the turn of the year 1922/1923. From July 6, 1923 to March 15, 1946, it was the supreme executive and legislative body of the Soviet Union . It solved the since 1917 for single Soviet Russia competent Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR from.

The short name is Russian совнарком, transcription: Sownarkom , the Russian abbreviation СНК (dt. SNK). Since March 16, 1946, the body has been called the Council of Ministers of the USSR .


After the establishment of the Soviet Union on December 30, 1922, the first Soviet constitution was passed on January 31, 1924 and in the same year the administration of the Soviet Union was separated from the administration of the individual Soviet republics . Therefore, the People's Commissariats of the Council of People's Commissars of the Soviet Union were divided into All-Soviet People's Commissariats (Union People's Commissariate) and United People's Commissariats (Russian объединённые наркоматы).

The all-Soviet people's commissariats exercised their power through their plenipotentiaries, while the united people's commissariats exercised their power through the subordinate people's commissariats of the individual Soviet republics. For example, the People's Commissariat for Finance of the individual Soviet republics were subordinate to the United People's Commissariat for Finance of the Soviet Union.

All-Soviet People's Commissariats were the People's Commissariats for:

  • Foreign Affairs,
  • Military and navy,
  • Foreign trade,
  • Transport routes,
  • Post and Telegraph.

United People's Commissariats were the People's Commissariats for:

  • Food,
  • Job,
  • Finances,
  • Workers and farmers inspection,
  • Supreme Council for Economics (Russian Высший Совет Народного Хозяйства).

Some people's commissariats existed only at the level of the Soviet republics, but not at the Union level. This was especially true in areas where there were specific national differences between the Soviet republics: agriculture, internal affairs, justice, education, health care and social security,

According to the Soviet Constitution of 1924 , the Council of People's Commissars was formed by a resolution of the Central Executive Committee of the Soviet Union. Until 1931, the Small Council of People's Commissars formed the executive government committee.

According to the Soviet Constitution of 1936 , the Supreme Soviet of the USSR decided the composition of the Council of People's Commissars.

The Council of People's Commissars had to coordinate and direct the work of the Union and Republic's People's Commissariats.

He had to take measures to implement the national economic plan, manage the state budget, strengthen the financial system, ensure public order and control the foreign policy relations of the Soviet Union.

Because of the German attack on the Soviet Union on June 22, 1941 and the rapid advance of the German troops, the relocation of the government to Kuibyshev (today Samara ) on the Volga was ordered on October 15, 1941 . The Council of People's Commissars was transformed into the Council of Ministers of the USSR in 1946.


First deputy


executive Director