Alexander Dmitrievich Tsurupa

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Alexander Dmitrievich Zjurupa ( Russian Александр Дмитриевич Цюрупа ; born September 19 jul. / 1. October  1870 greg. In Aljoschki , † 8. May 1928 in the village Muchalatka on the Crimea ) was a Russian revolutionary and Soviet economist, 1923-1925 Chairman of the Gosplan .


Zjurupa came from the family of an administrative employee. From 1887 he studied at an agricultural college in Kherson , where he made his first acquaintance with the revolutionary movement by becoming a member of an illegal student circle. He was arrested for the first time shortly after he finished his studies, but was released a few months later. In 1896 he moved to the city of Simbirsk , where he worked as a statistician in the local area administration. However, he soon gave up this activity, moved to Ufa , where he became a member of the RSDAP and a little later a professional revolutionary . After he was arrested during a trip to Tula and sent into Siberian exile for three years, he returned to Ufa after the end of the first Russian Revolution in 1907 and became an agronomist in the estate of a prince who sympathized with the Social Democrats.

After the February revolution in 1917 he became chairman of the local Bolshevik party committee and from June 1917 chairman of the Ufa City Duma. After the October revolution , Tsjurupa headed the Revolutionary Military Committee of the Ufa Governorate. A few weeks later he was ordered to Moscow, where he was appointed People's Commissar was appointed for food issues. In this position he was one of the initiators of the introduction of the forced evacuation of food, which aroused strong resistance among the peasantry and led to several uprisings. Under the influence of this peasant war, Lenin gave up the policy of " military communism " at the beginning of 1921 and opted for the so-called " New Economic Policy ". At the end of that year, Zjurupa was appointed deputy chairman of the Council of People's Commissars (that is, one of Lenin's deputies), but had to resign from his position as People's Commissar for Food.

That Zjurupa had great authority within the Bolshevik leadership of the time is shown by the fact that during Lenin's long illness he chaired the meetings of the Council of People's Commissars and was regularly accountable to him. In 1923 Zjurupa was elected a member of the party's central committee.

From December 1923 to October 1925 he headed the State Planning Committee of the Soviet Union ( Gosplan ). He was then appointed People's Commissar for Foreign and Internal Trade in November 1925 , but gave up this post in January 1926 for health reasons. Tsjurupa was a member of the Central Executive Committee of the Russian Soviet Republic (from 1923 of the USSR) for several years.

The urn with the remains of Zjurupa was solemnly buried on the Kremlin wall .


After his death, his hometown Aljoschki was renamed Zjurupynsk , this step was reversed in May 2016 in the course of the decommunization of Ukraine.


  • K. Zalesskij: Imperija Stalina . Moscow, 2000.
  • E. Pisarenko: Alexandr Dmitrijewitsch Zjurupa , in: Woprossy istorii, 1989, No. 5.
  • Alexei Abramov: At the Kremlin wall . Berlin (East), 1984.