People's Commissariat for Nutrition

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The People's Commissariat of Food of the RSFSR ( Russian Народный комиссариат продовольствия РСФСР ; Transcription: Narodny Komissariat Prodowolstwija in short, Наркомпрод; Transcription: Narkomprod; also: NKPROD rarely People's Commissariat of supply ) was an agency of the Soviet Union .

With the "Decree on the formation of the Council of People's Commissars " of October 27th jul. / November 9, 1917 greg. the People's Commissariat for Nutrition was founded in 1917. In connection with the transition from natural taxation of agriculture to taxation of money in 1924, the People's Commissariat for Food was dissolved in 1924 and the United People's Commissariat for Internal Trade was formed.

Immediately after its establishment, the People's Commissariat for Food established a state grain monopoly, which led to a "supply dictatorship" that was a cornerstone of war communism and the strained food supply after the destruction caused by the First World War, the civil war in Russia and the chaos after the October Revolution was established. As part of the supply dictatorship, the farmers were forced to deliver large quantities of grain.

People's Commissars for Nutrition of the RSFSR

  • Ivan Teodorowitsch (1875–1937) (Russian Иван Адольфович Теодорович), 1917–1917
  • Alexander Schlichter (1868–1940) (Russian Александр Григорьевич Шлихтер), 1917–1918
  • Alexander Zjurupa (1870–1928) (Russian Александр Дмитриевич Цюрупа), 1918–1921
  • Nikolai Bryukhanov (1878–1938) (Russian: Николай Павлович Брюханов), 1921–1923
  • Moissei Kalmanowitsch (1888–1937) (Russian Моисей Иосифович Калманович), 1923–1924

Narkomprod of the Soviet Union

The Narkomprod of the Soviet Union (Russian Наркомпрод СССР) was responsible for the entire Soviet Union, while the Narkomprod of the RSFSR was only responsible for the Russian Soviet Republic.

The Narkomprod of the Soviet Union was formed in 1922 and dissolved again in 1925. People's Commissar for Nutrition was Nikolai Brjuchanow (Russian: Николай Павлович Брюханов) (* 1878; † 1938) from 1923 to 1924 .


  • Otto Schmidt et al: Bolschaja sowetskaja enziklopedija: Tom 41 . Sovetskaya enziklopedija, Moscow 1939, col. 214–215. (Russian)
  • A. Turgajew et al .: Wysschije organy gossudarstvennoi vlasti i uprawlenija Rossii IX-XX fw . : sprawotschnik . Isdatelstwo SSAGS, Saint Petersburg 2000, ISBN 5-88857-070-2 , p. 305. (Russian)