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Gossnab ( Russian Госснаб СССР ) or State Committee for material and technical supply ( Russian Государственный комитет по материально-техническому снабжению , transcription: Gos udarstwenny komitet po materialno-technitscheskomu snab scheniju) was the central state administration body for the national economy of the Soviet Union . It was one of over 20 state committees in the Soviet Union that were subordinate to the Council of Ministers of the USSR . Other important administrative bodies in the Soviet Union were, for example, Gosplan (the planning commission) and Gosbank (the state bank).

Gossnab was founded in 1948 and dissolved in 1953. Gossnab was re-established in 1965 as part of a series of economic reforms initiated by Prime Minister Alexei Kosygin in the mid-1960s. With the end of the Soviet Union, Gossnab was dissolved again in 1991.

The main task of Gossnab was the allocation of resources , which was an important state function in the absence of a market in the Soviet Union. Gossnab coordinated the allocation of resources that were not regulated in Gossnab's five-year plan . Among other things, Gossnab was responsible for wholesale in the Soviet Union.

Organizations for material and technical supply, sales and procurement

  • People's Commissariat for Nutrition (Narkomprod) of the RSFSR , 1917-1924,
  • Central purchasing office (Russian Центрозакуп) at the People's Commissariat for Food of the RSFSR, 1918-1919,
  • Special Plenipotentiary for the supply of the workers in the fuel-producing companies with food, at the People's Commissariat for Nutrition of the RSFSR, 1917 - 1918,
  • Main Department for Food Distribution (Russian Главпродукт) at the People's Commissariat for Nutrition, 1918 - 1920,
  • Extraordinary Oblast Committee for Food and Supply for Southern Russia (Russian Чокпрод) at the People's Commissariat for Nutrition, 1918 - 1920,
  • United Bureau of Russian Food and Food Co-operative Organizations at the People's Commissariat for Food of the RSFSR, 1917-19198,
  • Central Commission for the Supply of Workers (Zekorabsnab; Russian Цекорабснаб) People's Commissariat for Food (Narkomprod) of the RSFSR , 1919 - 1922,
  • People's Commissariat for Food of the Soviet Union (Narkomprod SSSR), 1922-1925,
  • Management of the state warehouse (Gossklad; Russian Госсклад) at the Supreme Council for National Economy , 1922 - 1924,
  • People's Commissariat for Supply to the Soviet Union (Narkomsnab SSSR), 1930–1934,
  • State Committee of the Council of Ministers of the USSR for material and technical supply of the national economy, 1948–1953,
  • State Committee of the Council of Ministers of the USSR for the supply of food and industrial goods (Gosprodsnab SSSR, Russian Госпродснаб СССР), 1951–1953,
  • State Committee of the Council of Ministers of the USSR for material and technical supply of the Soviet Union, 1965–1991,
  • Ministry of Material Resources of the Soviet Union, 1991.

Gossnab had the following functions:

  • realize the plans of the material-technical supply,
  • Distribution of goods to consumers according to the planning,
  • ensure deliveries and cooperation between the individual branches of industry,
  • control the timely fulfillment of the plan and delivery of the goods

Gossnab's work has been coordinated with the following top-level authorities:

  • Gosplan SSSR,
  • Ministry of Finance (Soviet Union),
  • Ministries and authorities of the Soviet Union and the individual Soviet republics that were responsible for the respective branches of industry.

Chairwoman of the Gossnab of the Soviet Union

  • Lasar Kaganowitsch (* 1893; † 1991), 1947–1952,
  • Ivan Kabanow (* 1898 - † 1972), 1952–1953,
  • Weniamin Dymschiz (Russian Вениамин Эммануилович Дымшиц) (* 1910; † 1993), 1965–1976,
  • Georgij Orlow (Russian Георгий Михайлович Орлов) (* 1903; † 1985), 1965–1978,
  • Nikolaj Martynow (Russian Николай Васильевич Мартынов) (* 1910; † 1980), 1976–1985,
  • Lev Voronin (Russian Лев Алексеевич Воронин) (* 1928), 1985–1989,
  • Pawel Mostowoj (Russian Павел Иванович Мостовой) (* 1931; † 2000), 1989–1991,

Institute at the Gossnab of the Soviet Union

  • Scientific research institute for economics and organization of material-technical supply at the Gossnab of the Soviet Union (Russian. НИИМС; transcription: NIIMS)