Small Council of People's Commissars

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The Small Council of People's Commissars ( Russian Малый Совнарком ) was a permanent commission to the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR from 1918 to 1930 . This commission was created in November 1917 to sift through and prepare questions and matters that had to be decided by the Council of People's Commissars. The Commission also took decisions on secondary financial and economic issues. The commission consisted of three to four people's commissars or their deputies or secretaries. The commission did not have a fixed composition and, as required, only met at irregular intervals.

The Small Council of People's Commissars was dissolved in 1931.


  • Semyon Chromov and others: Graschdanskaja woina i wojennaja interwenzija w SSSR: enziklopedija . Sowetskaja enziklopedija, Moscow 1983, p. 340. (Russian)

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