Max Curt Bille

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Max Curt Bille (born August 22, 1884 in Schmiedefeld ; † June 16, 1961 in Oppach ) was a German puppeteer .


Max Curt Bille belonged to the Bille theater family , a dynasty of marionette players that can be safely traced back to 1794 and verified. His father was the marionette player Johann Friedrich Otto Bille (1841–1906), his mother Maria Sophie Bille, b. Hintze (1858-1927). Max Curt's brothers Carl Hugo (1887–1953) and Carl Oswin (1896–1945) were also puppet players, as were his sons Hans and Ludwig Werner (1913–1988).

The descendants of his brother Oswin still run puppet theaters in Unterschleißheim and Bad Tölz .


Bille traveled with his parents' traveling theater through Lusatia , the Eastern Ore Mountains and the area around Meißen , before he applied for a traveling trade license himself in 1905 and went into business for himself. In 1906 he married Klara Marie Antonie, b. Heilig (1881–1922), who, herself a puppet player, ran the business with him. Bille fought as a soldier in the First World War on the Western Front and occasionally performed there with his theater. In 1919 he bought Max Kleinhempel's puppet theater, which was founded in 1857. Due to the hyperinflation , Bille had to peddle his theatrical art , but in 1927 he was forced to sell his theater.

After a few years as a laborer, Bille took over a small puppet theater from his brother Oswin in 1931, but it was unsuccessful. It was not until 1941 that he was able to tour Saxony profitably with his theater. He expanded his business in 1943 by purchasing a puppet theater from Leipzig . From 1944 Bille fought in World War II . In the post-war period the traveling theater business came to a standstill, and in 1949 Max Curt Bille's company was foreclosed.


  • Lars Rebehn, Sybille Scholz: I take up my pen with great pleasure . Autobiographical and biographical evidence of Saxon puppeteers. Thelem, Dresden 2006, ISBN 978-3-937672-12-0 , pp. 172 ff .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b Madlen Ottenschläger: He just wants to play. Die Zeit, December 5, 2013, accessed on July 8, 2016 .