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Calendar overview 1807
1807 | |
The Peace of Tilsit ends the Fourth Coalition War . | |
Napoleon Bonaparte establishes the Duchy of Warsaw . | Jérôme Bonaparte becomes king of the newly founded Kingdom of Westphalia . |
1807 in other calendars | |
Armenian calendar | 1255/56 (turn of the year July) |
Ethiopian calendar | 1799/1800 (September 11-12) |
Bengali solar calendar | 1212/13 (beginning of April 14th or 15th) |
Buddhist calendar | 2350/51 (southern Buddhism); 2349/50 (alternative calculation according to Buddha's Parinirvana ) |
Chinese calendar | 75th (76th) cycle
Year of the Fire Rabbit 丁卯 ( at the beginning of the year Fire Tiger丙寅) |
Chula Sakarat (Siam, Myanmar) / Dai calendar (Vietnam) | 1169/70 (turn of the year April) |
Dangun era (Korea) | 4140/41 (October 2/3) |
Iranian calendar | 1185/86 |
Islamic calendar | 1221/22 (turn of the year March 10/11) |
Jewish calendar | 5567/68 (October 2/3) |
Coptic calendar | 1523/24 (September 11-12) |
Malayalam calendar | 982/983 |
Seleucid era | Babylon: 2117/18 (turn of the year April)
Syria: 2118/19 (turn of the year October) |
Vikram Sambat (Nepalese Calendar) | 1863/64 (April) |
Politics and world events
- January 7th : Russian troops invade Bucharest .
- January 7th : Great Britain reacts to the Berlin decree of Napoleon Bonaparte on the continental blockade . Neutral ships are prohibited from entering ports that belong to France or its allies or are controlled by them. If the prohibition is violated, there is a risk of the ship's cargo being confiscated .
- January 28th : Peace of Memel between Great Britain and Prussia
- February 7th / 8th : The Battle of Preussisch Eylau begins during the Fourth Coalition War between the French Army on the one hand and Prussian-Russian units on the other. It ends the next day without a winner, but costs around 45,000 soldiers their lives.
- February 19 : Polish insurgents on the side of Napoleon Bonaparte succeed in briefly conquering Stolp in the Prussian province of Pomerania in the Fourth Coalition War .
- March: The British government of all talents under Prime Minister William Wyndham Grenville ends.
- March 14th : The siege of Kolberg begins in 1807 when the city is bombarded by French artillery . It will continue without success until the end of the war.
- March 25th : The Slave Trade Act 1807 abolishes the slave trade in the British Empire , but not slavery .
- April 26th : After the battle of Prussian Eylau, which ended in a stalemate, Russia and Prussia regulate the joint fight against Napoleon Bonaparte in the Bartenstein Treaty .
- May 4 : Napoleon Bonaparte signs the Treaty of Finckenstein in East Prussia with the representative sent by Fath Ali Shah , which assures Persia of support for France in the Russo-Persian War (1804–1813) and marks the beginning of the Franco-Persian Alliance .
- May 25th : Danzig surrenders to the French.
- May 29th : Selim III. , the ruler of the Ottoman Empire , is deposed under pressure from the Janissaries and Abdülhamit's son Mustafa IV is appointed the new sultan .
- June 10 : The Battle of Heilsberg during the Fourth Coalition War ends in a draw between France and Russia.
- June 14th : Battle of Friedland : Napoleon Bonaparte achieves a decisive victory over the united Russian-Prussian army.
- June 21 : Russo-French armistice
- June 25th : Franco-Prussian armistice, negotiations begin in Tilsit

Napoleon receives the Prussian queen in Tilsit, painting by Nicolas Gosse (1787–1878)
- July 6th : Napoleon I meets the Prussian King Friedrich Wilhelm III. and his wife Luise in Tilsit.
- July 9 : The Peace of Tilsit ends the Fourth Coalition War . Among other things, the founding of the Duchy of Warsaw is recorded in it.
- July 25th : Gerhard von Scharnhorst is charged with the military reorganization in Prussia .
- August 18 : The French Emperor Napoleon I constructs the Kingdom of Westphalia, ruled from Kassel , by decree . He appoints his brother Jérôme as king.
- September 5th : The British take Copenhagen after three days of bombing . They bombed the city with their fleet from September 2nd to 5th. Copenhagen is about 30 percent destroyed and about 2,000 civilians were killed. It is the beginning of a preventive war against Denmark-Norway to secure access to the Baltic Sea . At the same time, the Danish island of Heligoland is occupied by British troops.
- September 7th : The Danish general Ernst Peymann surrenders in the second naval battle of Copenhagen to the British under James Gambier .
- October 9 : Friedrich Wilhelm III. Issues an edict to free peasants from serfdom.
- October 27 : In the secret Treaty of Fontainebleau , Spain and France agree on the conquest and subsequent partition of Portugal . Napoleon Bonaparte wants to fully enforce the continental block against Great Britain, which Portugal refuses to accept.
- November 30th : According to the Treaty of Fontainebleau in Portugal, French troops under General Andoche Junot invade the capital Lisbon . The Portuguese royal family has, however, previously to Brazil dropped, Rio de Janeiro is so new seat of government of Portugal and Brazil.
- December 7th : The Kingdom of Westphalia is proclaimed by Napoleon Bonaparte, its constitution is made known by royal decree and entry into the Confederation of the Rhine is regulated.
- December 17 : In the second Milanese decree, Napoleon tightened the continental block against Great Britain . Ships from neutral states are threatened with confiscation when trading goods with the British.
- Scharnhorst creates in the Prussian army , the flogging off.
Other events worldwide
- February 3rd : British troops capture Montevideo and capture Spanish governor Pascual Ruiz Huidobro . However, the British invasions on the Río de la Plata were not successful in the long term.
- November 17 : Treaty of Detroit
- Jamaica : The slave trade is banned.
- January 16 : The by Johann Friedrich Cotta published Allgemeine Zeitung appears for the first time in Augsburg, where Cotta because of Württemberg censorship is avoided. Here the influential liberal paper becomes an important voice in the pre-March period .
- March 25 : The Swansea and Mumbles Railway, built in 1804 , is the first railway in the world to transport paying passengers.
- August 17th : Robert Fulton's steamer Clermont begins regular steamship services on the Hudson River between New York City and Albany .
- December 22nd : The USA prohibits trade with all foreign countries in the Embargo Act and closes the ports. The background to this is the continental blockade in Europe, which is associated with the risk of shipments being confiscated by Great Britain or France .
science and technology
- March 29 : Heinrich Wilhelm Olbers discovers the asteroid Vesta
- October 6 : The English chemist Humphry Davy conducts electricity through molten potash ( potassium carbonate ) and releases a metal he calls potassium . A few days later he also discovered the chemical element sodium . On November 19, he reported for the first time about his discoveries in front of the London Royal Society .
- 13 men found the Geological Society of London . Among the prominent founding members are William Babington , Humphry Davy and George Greenough .
- February 16 : The drama Torquato Tasso from Johann Wolfgang von Goethe has its premiere in Weimar and is praised by critics to the skies.
- March 7th : The premiere of the 4th Symphony by Ludwig van Beethoven takes place in the Palais of Prince Lobkowitz in Vienna under the direction of the composer. The work will be presented to the public for the first time on November 15 at the Burgtheater in Vienna .
- February 24th : The world premiere of the melodrama Die Glocke by Justin Heinrich Knecht takes place in Stuttgart.
- July 29th : The Napoleonic theater decree limits the number of venues to eight large theaters in Paris, each of which must also specialize in a certain type of performance.
- September 13 : Ludwig van Beethoven's Mass in C major, op. 86 , written by his wife Maria Josepha Hermengilde von Liechtenstein on behalf of Prince Nikolaus II von Esterházy on the name day , is premiered in Eisenstadt and does not appeal to the Prince.
- Dec. 7 : With a large Naumachie will be attended by Napoleon Bonaparte , the Arena del Foro Bonaparte opened in Milan.
- The Boston Athenæum , one of the oldest libraries in the United States, is founded.
- February 7th : The couple, who later received the surname Dark Count and Dark Countess, arrive in Hildburghausen .
- May 2nd : King Maximilian I Joseph of Bavaria founds the Viktualienmarkt in Munich .
- August 26th : The Kingdom of Bavaria makes the vaccination against smallpox compulsory as the first state ever .
- November 4th : The Schottengymnasium in Vienna opens.
- January 12th : The city of Leiden is badly affected by the explosion of a ship carrying gunpowder . 151 people are killed, an estimated 2,000 are injured and around 220 houses are destroyed.
January to March
- January 1st : Johan Fjeldsted Dahl , Norwegian bookseller and publisher. († 1877 )
- January 2 : Tomasz Napoleon Nidecki , Polish composer († 1852 )
- January 2 : Wilhelm Zimmermann , German Protestant theologian († 1878 )
- January 3 : Wilhelm Pape , German classical philologist and lexicographer († 1854 )
- January 6th : Ludwig Erk , German folk song researcher and folk song collector († 1883 )
- January 6 : Josef Maximilian Petzval , mathematician and physicist († 1891 )
- January 7 : Jacob Ammen , American teacher, civil engineer and brigadier general († 1894 )
- January 7th (baptized): Charles Spackman Barker , English organ builder († 1872 )
- January 8 : Constantin von Waldburg-Zeil , Württemberg registrar († 1862 )
- January 13 : Theodor Julius Hertel , German lawyer and mayor († 1880 )
- January 14 : Hilario Ascasubi , Argentine writer († 1875 )
- January 15 : Hermann Burmeister , German naturalist († 1892 )
- January 19 : Robert M. Charlton , American politician († 1854 )
- January 19 : Robert E. Lee , American general († 1870 )
- January 27 : Ulrik Anton Motzfeldt , Norwegian lawyer and politician († 1865 )
- January 28 : Robert John Le Mesurier McClure , British north polar explorer († 1873 )
- January 31 : Adolf Christ , Swiss politician († 1877 )
- February 1 : Eduard Blösch , Swiss politician († 1866 )
- February 1 : Kaspar Leonz Bruggisser , Swiss lawyer and politician († 1848 )
- February 1 : William B. Campbell , American politician, Governor of Tennessee († 1867 )
- February 3 : Joseph E. Johnston , American general († 1891 )
- February 3 : Arthur Wellesley , British general († 1884 )
- February 6 : Hans Matthison-Hansen , Danish composer and organist († 1890 )
- February 10 : Hans Adolf Karl von Bülow , Prussian Minister of State († 1869 )
- February 11 : Karl Schmitz , German businessman, Mayor of Mainz († 1882 )
- February 11 : Napoleon Orda , Polish composer, pianist and artist († 1883 )
- February 11 : Theobald von Rizy , Austrian lawyer and politician († 1882 )
- February 13 : August Heinrich von Seckendorff , lawyer († 1885 )
- February 14th : Max Emanuel Ainmiller , German architecture and glass painter († 1870 )
- February 15 : Ignacy Feliks Dobrzyński , Polish pianist and composer († 1867 )
- February 17 : William L. Dayton , American politician († 1864 )
- February 23 : Karl Mathias Rott , Austrian comedian († 1876 )
- February 26 : Théophile-Jules Pelouze , French chemist († 1867 )
- February 27 : Henry Wadsworth Longfellow , American writer, poet, playwright († 1882 )
- March 1 : Wilford Woodruff , President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints († 1898 )
- March 3 : Kazimierz Władysław Wójcicki , Polish writer († 1879 )
- March 5 : Karl August Timotheus Kahlert , German poet and literary historian († 1864 )
- March 7th : Adolph Methfessel , German composer († 1878 )
- March 7 : Count Franz von Pocci , German draftsman, etcher, writer and musician († 1876 )
- March 8 : Alphonse Thys , French composer († 1879 )
- March 12 : Sir James Abbott , British general († 1896 )
- March 14 : Joséphine , Swedish and Norwegian queen († 1876 )
- March 17 : Karl Mathy , Minister of State of Baden († 1868 )
- March 19 : Wilhelm von Braumüller , German-Austrian bookseller and publisher († 1884 )
- March 25 : James Howard Harris , British statesman († 1889 )
- March 29 : Karoline Bauer , German actress of the Biedermeier period († 1877 )
April to June
- April 2 : Alexander Hugh Holmes Stuart , American politician († 1891 )
- April 3 : Jane Digby , wife of Medjuel el Mezrab († 1881 )
- April 6 : Francesco Saverio Apuzzo , Italian Archbishop and Cardinal († 1880 )
- April 8 : Ernst Friedrich Gelpke , Swiss Protestant clergyman and university professor († 1871 )
- April 19 : Jules André , French landscape painter († 1869 )
- April 20 : Aloysius Bertrand , French poet († 1841 )
- April 20 : Wincenty Pol , Polish writer, geographer and ethnographer († 1872 )
- May 2 : Johann Konrad Zeller , Swiss painter († 1856 )
- May 4 : Friedrich Hundt , German photographer († 1887 )
- May 5 : Ferdinand von Steinbeis , German economic politician († 1893 )
- May 7 : Christian Friedrich Ehrlich , German composer, pianist and music teacher († 1887 )
- May 7th : Ignác Ondříček , Czech violinist and conductor († 1871 )
- May 10 : Karl Braun , Saxon politician and head of government († 1868 )
- May 10 : Jean Victor Coste , French naturalist († 1873 )
- May 10 : Bernhard Horwitz , German-British chess player († 1885 )
- May 17 : Otto von Bray-Steinburg , Bavarian politician († 1899 )
- May 28 : Louis Agassiz , American zoologist and geologist († 1873 )
- May 29 : Matthias Johannes Franciscus Aulike , Prussian civil servant and politician († 1865 )
- May 31 : Franz Jacob Wigard , German politician and major advocate of shorthand († 1885 )
- William Haile , American politician († 1876 ) May:
- June 6th : Johann Baptist Schiedermayr the Younger . Austrian clergyman († 1878 )
- June 6 : Adrien-François Servais , Belgian cellist and composer († 1866 )
- June 16 : Thiệu Trị , third emperor of the Vietnamese Nguyễn dynasty († 1847 )
- June 22nd : Cäcilie , Swedish princess († 1844 )
- June 23 : Christian Märklin , German Protestant theologian and educator († 1849 )
- June 23 : Ferdinand von Quast , German architect and art historian († 1877 )
- June 24 : John Pettit , American politician († 1877 )
- June 25 : Edward A. Hannegan , American politician († 1859 )
- June 28 : Anton Philipp Reclam , German publisher and bookseller († 1896 )
- June 30 : Friedrich Joseph Ark , German architect and construction clerk († 1878 )
- June 30 : Friedrich Theodor Vischer , German writer and politician († 1887 )
July to September
- July 2 : Arthur Conolly , British traveler, military and diplomat († 1842 )
- July 4th : Giuseppe Garibaldi , Italian guerrilla fighter and father of the Risorgimento († 1882 )
- July 12 : Heinrich Simon Lindemann , German philosopher and university professor († 1855 )
- July 19 : Hermann Loew , German entomologist and teacher († 1879 )
- July 24 : Karl Konstanz Viktor Fellner , German Mayor of Frankfurt am Main († 1866 )
- July 26 : Karl Wilhelm Ferdinand Büchner , German educator and classical philologist († 1891 )
- July 27 : Georg Friedrich Ludwig Avé-Lallemant , German theologian and librarian († 1876 )
- July 29 : Louis Friedrich Daniel von Arentsschildt , Hanoverian officer, poet and translator († 1883 )
- August 1 : Robert McClelland , American politician († 1880 )
- August 2 : Theodor Wilhelm Rumohr , Danish novelist († 1884 )
- August 8 : Emilie Flygare-Carlén , Swedish writer († 1892 )
- August 11 : Hermann von Abendroth , Saxon politician († 1884 )
- August 11 : David Rice Atchison , American Senator († 1886 )
- August 15 : Jules Grévy , French statesman and politician († 1891 )
- August 18 : Charles Francis Adams, Sr. , American lawyer and politician († 1886 )
- August 27 : Karl Franzewitsch Albrecht , Russian composer († 1863 )
- September 1 : Carl August Bernhard von Arnswald , Saxon chamberlain and castle captain († 1877 )
- September 1 : William W. Hoppin , American politician († 1880 )
- September 6 : Ernst Hermann Arndt , German professor († 1889 )
- September 7th : Johann Wilhelm Schirmer , German landscape painter and graphic artist († 1863 )
- September 7 : Henry Sewell , first Prime Minister of New Zealand († 1879 )
- September 13 : Nathaniel Ellis Atwood , American Politics († 1886 )
- September 14 : Daniel T. Jewett , American politician († 1906 )
- September 15 : Jan van Boom , Dutch composer, pianist and music teacher († 1872 )
- September 17 : Ignaz Lachner , German composer and conductor († 1895 )
- September 18 : Karel Slavoj Amerling , Czech pedagogue, writer and philosopher († 1884 )
- September 20 : Friedrich Gauermann , Austrian painter († 1862 )
- September 24 : Theodor Hosemann , German painter, illustrator and caricaturist († 1875 )
- September 25 : Alfred Vail , American engineer and inventor († 1859 )
- September 28 : Michael Welte , German watchmaker, inventor and manufacturer († 1880 )
October to December
- October 3 : Seth Padelford , American politician († 1878 )
- October 14 : Adolph von Wrede , German researcher on Arabia († 1863 )
- October 17 : Stephen Adams , American politician († 1857 )
- October 20 : James Capen Adams , American tamer († 1860 )
- October 21 : Rudolf Oeser , German pastor and folk writer († 1859 )
- October 21 : Napoléon-Henri Reber , French composer († 1880 )
- October 28 : Cyprian Romberg , German cellist († 1865 )
- November 5 : William Francis Ainsworth , British explorer († 1896 )
- November 6 : Karol Bołoz Antoniewicz , Polish theologian and missionary († 1852 )
- November 10 : Robert Blum , German politician of the March Revolution and member of parliament († 1848 )
- November 14 : Auguste Laurent , French chemist († 1853 )
- November 15 : Peter Burnett , first governor of California († 1895 )
- November 16 : Eduard von Fransecky , Prussian general of the infantry († 1890 )
- November 16 : Jónas Hallgrímsson , Icelandic poet and scientist († 1845 )
- November 20 : Peter Tidemand Malling , Norwegian printer, publisher and bookseller († 1878 )
- November 29 : Josiah McNair Anderson , American politician († 1861 )
- November 29 : Julius Krais , German pastor and poet († 1878 )
- December 11 : Christian Ludwig Landbeck , German-Chilean ornithologist († 1890 )
- December 12 : Heinrich Funk , German landscape painter († 1877 )
- December 14 : Francis Gillette , American politician († 1879 )
- December 14 : Thomas William Webb , British astronomer († 1885 )
- December 16 : Heinrich Joseph Adami , Austrian writer and newspaper journalist († 1895 )
- December 17 : John Greenleaf Whittier , American poet († 1892 )
- December 22 : Karl Ludwig Grotefend , German historian and numismatist († 1874 )
- December 22 : Johan Sebastian Welhaven , Norwegian writer († 1873 )
- December 23 : Antonius Maria Claret , Spanish bishop and founder of the order († 1870 )
- December 29 : Alexander von Schleinitz , Prussian Minister of State († 1885 )
- December 30th : Johann Heinrich Jacob Audorf , German politician († 1891 )
Exact date of birth unknown
- Giulio Cesare Ferrarini , Italian conductor, violinist and music teacher († 1891 )
- William Cornwallis Harris , major in the British East India Company, hunter and traveler to Africa († 1848 )
- August Roese , German local politician and Lord Mayor of Eisenach († 1891 )
- Simon Anton Zimmermann , German conductor, choir director and composer († 1876 )
First half of the year
- January 6th : Ahasverus van den Berg , Dutch Reformed theologian and poet (* 1733 )
- January 21 : Volkmar Daniel Spörl , German Protestant theologian (* 1733 )
- February 5 : Pascal Paoli , Corsican revolutionary and resistance fighter (* 1725 )
- February 9 : Joseph-Benoît Suvée , Flemish painter (* 1743 )
- February 12 : David Roentgen , German artisan (* 1743 )
- February 17th : Johann Rudolf Dolder , Swiss politician (* 1753 )
- February 18 : Sophie von La Roche , German writer (* 1730 )
- March 6 : Andrea Amoretti , Italian engraver and printer (* 1758 )
- March 20 : Carl Moritz Wenzel von Dobschütz , Prussian major general and landowner (* 1726 )
- April 1 : Václav Josef Bartoloměj Praupner , Czech composer (* 1745 )
- April 2 : Christian Hartmann Samuel von Gatzert , German lawyer and politician (* 1739 )
- April 4 : Jérôme Lalande , French mathematician and astronomer (* 1732 )
- April 8 : John James Beckley , first director of the Library of Congress (* 1757 )
- April 10 : Anna Amalia von Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel , German duchess and composer (* 1739 )
- April 16 : David von Neumann , Prussian general (* 1734 )
- April 21 : Christian Heinrich Reichel , German educator (* 1734 )
- April 28 : Jakob Philipp Hackert , German painter (* 1737 )
- May 4th : Napoléon Charles Bonaparte , son of Louis Bonaparte and Hortense de Beauharnais (* 1802 )
- May 4th : Jeremias Benjamin Richter , chemist (* 1762 )
- May 10 : Jean-Baptiste-Donatien de Vimeur , Count of Rochambeau, Marshal of France (* 1725 )
- May 13 : Georg Friedrich Seiler , German theologian and university lecturer (* 1733 )
- June 20 : Ferdinand Berthoud , watchmaker (* 1727 )
- June 23 : Georg Thomas von Asch , Russian city physician, division doctor, chief physician, general staff doctor and field marshal (* 1729 )
Second half of the year
- July 11 : George Atwood , English physicist and inventor (* 1745 )
- July 13 : Henry Benedict Stuart , Cardinal and Bishop of Frascati and Cardinal Bishop of Ostia, Velletri and Cardinal Dean (* 1725 )
- July 21 : Traugott Karl August Vogt , German medic (* 1762 )
- July 24th : Johann Christoph Kunze , German Protestant theologian (* 1744 )
- August 9 : Lewis Nicola , officer and member of the American Philosophical Society (* 1717 )
- August 12 : Bernardino Honorati , Cardinal of the Catholic Church (* 1724 )
- August 12 : Johann Stephan Pütter , German constitutional law teacher and publicist (* 1725 )
- August 15 : Johannes Nikolaus Tetens , German philosopher (* 1736 )
- August 16 : Bruno de Heceta , Spanish navigator and explorer (* 1743 )
- August 24 : Joseph Brant , leader of the Mohawk Indians in the American War of Independence (* 1742 )
- August 24th : Jacques-Christophe Valmont de Bomare , French naturalist (* 1731 )
- August 25 : Christian Jakob Kraus , German philosopher and economist (* 1753 )
- September 2 : Antonio Casimir Cartellieri , composer (* 1772 )
- September 7th : Luise von Göchhausen , first lady-in-waiting of Duchess Anna Amalie of Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach (* 1752 )
- September 17 : Edward Telfair , American politician (* 1735 )
- September 20 : Honoré Langlé , Monegasque composer (* 1741 )
- September 28 : Johann Friedrich August Kinderling , German philologist and pastor (* 1743 )
- October 5 : Luis Née , French botanist (* 1734 )
- October 9 : Mikhail Cheraskow , Russian poet and writer (* 1733 )
- October 16 : Johann Joseph Thalherr , Austrian architect (* around 1730 )
- October 20 : Loammi Baldwin , American engineer, politician and colonel in the Revolutionary War (* 1744 / 1745 )
- October 22 : Elias Dayton , American politician (* 1737 )
- November 2 : Louis Auguste Le Tonnelier de Breteuil , French diplomat (* 1730 )
- November 5 : Angelika Kauffmann , Swiss painter (* 1741 )
- November 10 : Alexander Martin , American politician (* 1740 )
- November 11th : Jean-Édouard Adam , French chemist and physicist (* 1768 )
- November 14 : Charles Gray , British general (* 1729 )
- November 23 : Jean François Reubell , French politician and member of the board of directors (* 1747 )
- December 1 : Wilhelm Christoph Diede zum Fürstenstein , Danish diplomat (* 1732 )
- December 3 : Clara Reeve , English writer (* 1729 )
- December 8 : Carl Friedrich Cramer , German theologian, bookseller and music writer (* 1752 )
- December 12th : Giuseppe Antonio Mainoni , French general (* 1754 )
- December 19 : Friedrich Melchior Grimm , German writer and diplomat (* 1723 )
Exact date of death unknown
- Johann Georg Bäßler , German Reformed church musician and composer (* 1753 )
- Jeanne Baret , French botanist and circumnavigator (* 1740 )
- Richard Gifford , English clergyman and poet (* 1725 )
- Joseph Stanton , American politician (* 1739 )
Web links
Commons : 1807 - Collection of Pictures, Videos and Audio Files