September 24th
The September 24 is the 267th day of the Gregorian calendar (the 268th in leap years ). 98 days remain at the end of the year.
Historical Anniversaries August · September · October |
Politics and world events
- 787 : The Second Council of Nicaea convened by the Byzantine Empress Irene begins.
- 1555 : In the Declaratio Ferdinandea , which was initially kept secret , King Ferdinand I made concessions to the Protestant imperial estates at the Diet of Augsburg in the dispute over the " spiritual reservation ".
- 1688 : During the Great Turkish War, imperial troops take the Balkan city of Niš , which was held by the Ottoman Empire .
- 1706 : During the Great Northern War , the Altranstädter Peace between Saxony under Augustus the Strong and Sweden under Charles XII. signed. August renounces the crown of Poland .
- 1841 : The Sultan of Brunei , Omar Ali Saifuddin II , appoints the British James Brooke as Raja and gives him the administration of Sarawak on the island of Borneo . Brooke previously bloodlessly ended an indigenous Bidayuh riot by demonstrating the firepower of his ship.
- 1853 : France takes possession of the Pacific archipelago of New Caledonia .
- 1857 : The two emperors meeting in Stuttgart begins.
- 1860 : Insurgent troops under Gabriel García Moreno and Juan José Flores take the Ecuadorian provincial capital Guayaquil . The national crisis ends with President Guillermo Franco's flight to Peru . Moreno then established an authoritarian clerical regime.
- 1877 : The Satsuma rebellion of the samurai in Japan ends with the defeat in the Battle of Shiroyama against government troops brought in .
- 1914 : During the First World War , the siege of Przemyśl by the tsarist army begins . The fortress held by Austria-Hungary surrenders to the attackers after almost six months.
- 1929 : The Soviet government decrees the introduction of the five-day week from October 1st. In the revolutionary calendar system , four working days are followed by a day of rest, Saturday and Sunday are abolished. The main aim of this measure is to increase productivity.
- 1964 : Willi Stoph becomes Chairman of the Council of Ministers and Deputy Chairman of the Council of State in the GDR for the late Otto Grotewohl .
- 1969 : The trial of the Chicago Eight , who demonstrated against the Vietnam War , begins in Chicago .
- 1973 : Guinea-Bissau declares its independence from Portugal . The provisional capital is Madina do Boé .
- 1977 : Around 40,000 people took to the streets at a large demonstration against the Kalkar nuclear power plant in North Rhine-Westphalia. The police presence for this is the largest in the history of the Federal Republic of Germany.
- 1978 : In a referendum in the Swiss canton of Bern , over 80 percent decide in favor of creating a new canton of Jura .
- 1990 : The National People's Army of the GDR is out of the Warsaw Pact in terms of German unification removed. Rainer Eppelmann as Minister for Disarmament and Defense of the GDR and the commander-in-chief in the Warsaw Pact, the Soviet Army General Pyotr G. Luschew , sign a protocol in East Berlin to leave the military organization of the alliance.
- 1993 : Cambodia proclaims a new constitution as a kingdom. Prince Norodom Sihanouk becomes the first king .
- 1995 : In Taba on the Sinai Peninsula, the interim agreement on the West Bank and Gaza Strip between Israel and the PLO is signed .
- 2002 : Bahrain enacts a law establishing free trade unions .
- 2002 : Angela Merkel becomes parliamentary group leader of the CDU / CSU .
- 2005 : The police in Pittsburgh used the LRAD sound weapon against civilians for the first time in the United States to disperse demonstrators against the G20 summit taking place .
- 2017 : In the 19th election for the German parliament for the first time reached Alternative for Germany (AFD) in the German Bundestag .
- 1724 : The Paris Stock Exchange is founded.
- 1822 : The Van Vollenhoven, Dutilh & Co. shipping company is founded in Rotterdam . The regular traffic of steamers in the history of passenger shipping on the Rhine begins with it .
- 1828 : The Central German Trade Association is founded in Kassel .
- 1869 : The first Black Friday on Wall Street is a stock market crash caused by gold speculation. Attempts by speculators James Fisk and Jay Gould to get the gold price under their control lead to the collapse of trading on the New York Stock Exchange .
- 1946 : Two pilots found the airline Cathay Pacific in Hong Kong .
- 1948 : The Honda company is founded.
- 2003 : The Lithuanian cabinet decides to sell the shares in the Russian Gazprom .
- 2003 : The European Parliament recommends an amendment of the previous directive on the introduction of software patents in the EU through great public pressure .
science and technology
- 1789 : The German chemist Martin Heinrich Klaproth announces the discovery of the element uranium at the Royal Prussian Academy of Sciences .
- 1831 : With the DeWitt Clinton locomotive , the first in the USA to serve a regular passenger service, the American railroad age is finally heralded in New York State.
- 1852 : The first airship , built by Henri Giffard , travels from Paris to Trappes using steam power.
- 1955 : With the opening of the Moosersperre and the Drosensperre, the construction of the Kaprun power plant is completed.
- 1960 : The USS Enterprise , the first nuclear powered aircraft carrier, is launched.
- 1968 : The first endoscopic camera is presented at the University of Sapporo that can transmit images from the beating heart via fiber optic bundles.
- 2009 : The probe-goers Terry Herbert in Staffordshire near Lichfield discovered hoard is by the British authorities for treasure explained. The Staffordshire Treasure is the largest ever discovered Anglo-Saxon find .
- 2011 : UARS entered the earth's atmosphere.
- 1712 : The sculptor François Dumont is accepted into the circle of the Académie Royale with his recording work Titan foudroyé - Titan shattered by lightning .
- 1728 : The world premiere of the opera The Quaker's Opera by Henry Carey takes place in London.
- 1838 : The world premiere of the operetta Die Rejüngerungs-Essenz by Conradin Kreutzer takes place at the Theater am Kärntnertor in Vienna.
- 1858 : The first performance of the opera Flis ( The Raftsman ) by Stanisław Moniuszko takes place in Warsaw.
- 1903 : The William Randolph Hearst Greek Theater , donated by William Randolph Hearst and built in the style of a Greek amphitheater , at the University of California, Berkeley , officially opens with a student performance of Aristophanes' The Birds .
- 1906 : The expressionist artist group Brücke holds its first exhibition in Dresden. It is not well received by the domestic audience.
- 1913 : With the world premiere of the work Introduction, Passacaglia and Fugue for Organ in E minor, Op. 127 by Max Reger , played by Karl Straube , the organ in the Centennial Hall , the largest organ in the world at the time, is inaugurated.
- 1937 : Ödön von Horváth's comedy A Village Without Men is premiered in Prague.
- 1940 : The anti-Semitic propaganda film Jud Süß by director Veit Harlan premieres in 66 cinemas in Berlin .
- 1944 : The first performance of the Dachau Mass by Father Gregor Schwake takes place in the " Priest Block " of the Dachau concentration camp .
- 1957 : The world premiere of the dance drama Maratona by Hans Werner Henze takes place in Berlin.
- 1959 : Günter Grass publishes his novel Die Blechtrommel .
- 1961 : The Deutsche Oper Berlin opens with a performance of Mozart's Don Giovanni under the direction of Ferenc Fricsay .
- 1969 : The Concerto for Group and Orchestra is performed for the first time by Deep Purple with the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra under the direction of Malcolm Arnold at the Royal Albert Hall in London .
- 1983 : The German-language premiere of the musical Cats by Andrew Lloyd Webber takes place in the Theater an der Wien in Vienna under the direction of Peter Weck .
- 1991 : The album Nevermind by Nirvana is released in the USA and becomes a milestone in music history.
- 1957 : Soldiers from the 101st Airborne Division dispatched by US President Dwight D. Eisenhower , three years after the official desegregation in American schools, enable nine African-American students to attend the Little Rock Nine in Arkansas Central High School in Little rock .
- 2003 : The German " headscarf debate " that was made judgment of the Federal Constitutional Court that the complainant Fereshta Ludin are right, it was "been denied access to a public office in constitutionally unsustainable manner" .
- 622 : The Prophet Mohammed arrives in Medina and thus concludes his hijra .
- 787 : The Second Council of Nicaea meets and deliberates on the ruling iconoclast .
- 1889 : In Utrecht , the Old Catholic Churches of the Netherlands and Germany and the Christian Catholic Church of Switzerland merge to form the Union of Old Catholic Churches in Utrecht . The Old Catholic Church in Austria follows soon thereafter.
- 1890 : President Wilford Woodruff , in his official statement no. 1 , known that the members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter- day Saints no plural marriage allowed to practice more.
- 1912 : In the encyclical Singulari quadam , Pope Pius X , called on by the German bishops in the trade union dispute, advocates tolerating the membership of Catholic workers in interdenominational trade unions.
- 1778 : In the second Höchst city fire , the old town of Höchst am Main is again heavily damaged. The property damage amounts to 26,712 guilders in the currency of the time.
- 1856 : The American paddle steamer Niagara sinks on Lake Michigan a few miles from Port Washington after a fire. 60 to 70 passengers die in the accident.
- 2005 : Hurricane Rita hits land on the Texas-Louisiana border with a six-meter-high tidal wave and causes billions in damage. Over 100 people are killed.
Minor accidents are listed in the sub-articles of Catastrophe .
nature and environment
- 1906 : Devils Tower National Monument is established as the first national monument in the USA.
- 1980 : The Jaú National Park is established in Brazil . The largest national park in the country is located northwest of Manaus in the Amazon basin .
- 1938 : The American Donald Budge wins the so-called Grand Slam as the first tennis player .
- 1949 : The Federal German National Olympic Committee is founded.
- 1957 : In Barcelona , the football stadium is the Camp Nou of FC Barcelona opened.
- 1988 : The doped Canadian Ben Johnson wins the gold medal in the 100 m sprint at the Summer Olympics in Seoul and causes a scandal.
- 1994 : Oliver McCall wins his boxing match and world heavyweight title against Lennox Lewis at Wembley Arena by technical knockout
Entries of athletics world records can be found under the respective discipline under athletics .
Before the 18th century
- 15 : Lucius Vitellius , Roman politician
- 936 : Adud ad-Daula , Buyid ruler
- 1418 : Anne de Lusignan , Duchess of Savoy
- 1473 : Georg von Frundsberg , German mercenary leader
- 1495 : Barbara von Brandenburg-Ansbach-Kulmbach , Landgrave of Leuchtenberg
- 1501 : Gerolamo Cardano , Italian physician, mathematician and inventor
- 1513 : Katharina von Sachsen-Lauenburg-Ratzeburg , Queen of Sweden and wife of Gustav I. Wasa
- 1534 : Ram Das , Sikh guru, co-founder of the city of Amritsar
- 1562 : Hercule , Lord of Monaco
- 1564 : William Adams , English world traveler
- 1577 : Ludwig V , Landgrave of Hesse-Darmstadt
- 1583 : Albrecht Wenzel von Wallenstein , German imperial general
- 1599 : Adam Olearius , German diplomat and writer (baptism date)
- 1610 : Huang Zongxi , Chinese philosopher, political analyst, and historian
- 1620 : Gerhard Bode , German Protestant theologian
- 1622 : Georg Handel , father of Georg Friedrich Handel
- 1625 : Johan de Witt , Dutch statesman
- 1665 : Gottfried Vockerodt , German educator
- 1673 : Georg Sigismund Green the Elder , German Lutheran theologian
18th century
- 1705 : Leopold Joseph Graf Daun , Prince von Thiano, Austrian field marshal and general in the Seven Years' War
- 1714 : Alaungpaya , Burmese king and the founder of the Konbaung dynasty
- 1717 : Horace Walpole , British writer
- 1718 : Christian Georg Schütz the Elder , German painter and engraver
- 1719 : Johann Gottlob Werner , German Protestant theologian
- 1731 : Charlotte Sophie von Sachsen-Coburg-Saalfeld , Hereditary Princess of Mecklenburg
- 1731 : Johann Karl Götzinger , German Lutheran theologian
- 1733 : Francisco Gil de Taboada y Lemos , Spanish officer, colonial administrator and viceroy of New Granada and Peru
- 1739 : Grigory Alexandrovich Potjomkin , Russian field marshal
- 1755 : John Marshall , American lawyer and politician, secretary of state, presiding judge of the Supreme Court, co-founder of constitutional law
- 1758 : Albrecht Anton Adolph Hofmann , German lawyer and civil servant
- 1763 : Christian Ludwig Bachmann , German physician and music writer
- 1763 : Ezra Butler , American politician, governor of Vermont, member of the House of Representatives
- 1763 : Charles Meynier , French painter
- 1772 : Guillaume de Vaudoncourt , French general and war historian
- 1793 : David Nelson , American author, clergyman, and abolitionist
- 1795 : Antoine-Louis Barye , French sculptor
19th century
- 1801 : Michail Ostrogradski , Russian-Ukrainian mathematician
- 1802 : Étienne Jules Adolphe Desmier de Saint-Simon, Viscount d'Archiac , French geologist and paleontologist
- 1803 : Leonhard Spengel , German classical philologist
- 1821 : Cyprian Norwid , Polish poet
- 1831 : Emilio Teza , Italian Romanist, Indo-Europeanist, Orientalist, philologist, linguist, literary scholar and translator
- 1836 : Pablo Arosemena Alba , fifth President of Panama
- 1837 : Mark Hanna , American industrialist and politician, Senator for Ohio
- 1843 : Martin von Nathusius , German reform theologian
- 1845 : Nikolai Karl Adolf Anderson , German-Baltic philologist
- 1848 : Emil Baehrens , German classical philologist
- 1851 : Federico Boyd , fourth President of Panama
- 1852 : Joseph Martin , Canadian politician
- 1854 : Philipp Paulitschke , Austrian geographer and Africa explorer
- 1855 : Benjamin Auerbach , German doctor
- 1856 : Ludwik Waryński , Polish revolutionary
- 1858 : Carl Pulfrich , German physicist and optician
- 1859 : Julius Klengel , German cellist
- 1860 : Camilla Jellinek , Austrian-German women's rights activist and lawyer
- 1861 : Walter Simons , German lawyer and politician, Foreign Minister, President of the Imperial Court
- 1862 : Leonard Leslie Brooke , British illustrator and author
- 1864 : Nils Collett Vogt , Norwegian writer
- 1870 : Alfred Wilhelm Anschütz , German surgeon and university professor
- 1871 : Charlotte Dod , British tennis player
- 1871 : Josef Zeitler , German sculptor
- 1872 : Carlo Sforza , Italian diplomat and politician
- 1873 : Willibald Adam , German abbot
- 1874 : Kurt Doerry , German athlete and Olympic participant
- 1878 : Charles-Ferdinand Ramuz , Swiss writer, poet, essayist and national poet
- 1882 : Alfons Petzold , Austrian writer
- 1883 : Frank C. Mars , American confectionary entrepreneur
- 1884 : Yehuda Leib Ha-Levi Ashlag , Polish Kabbalist
- 1884 : İsmet İnönü , Turkish President
- 1884 : Hugo Schmeisser , German weapons designer
- 1886 : Edward Bach , British doctor ( Bach flower therapy )
- 1886 : Roberto María Ortiz , Argentine President
- 1887 : Wilhelm Niklas , German politician, Member of the Bundestag
- 1888 : Georges Darrieus , French engineer
- 1888 : Kanken Toyama , Japanese karate master and nobleman
- 1889 : Paul Kugler , German football player
- 1891 : William Friedmann , American cryptologist
- 1894 : Thomas Dickson Armor , Scottish-American golfer
- 1895 : André Frédéric Cournand , French-American physician, Nobel Prize winner
- 1896 : Maxi Ackers , German writer, screenwriter and actress
- 1896 : F. Scott Fitzgerald , American writer
- 1896 : Camilo Mori , Chilean painter
- 1896 : Elsa Triolet , Russian-French author
- 1898 : Robert Blue , American politician, governor of Iowa
- 1898 : Ilse Essers , German engineer
- 1898 : Howard Walter Florey , Australian pathologist, Nobel Prize winner, co-discoverer of penicillin
- 1899 : Jovan Bandur , Croatian composer
- 1899 : Eduardo Hernández Moncada , Mexican composer, pianist and conductor
20th century
- 1901 : Alexandra Adler , Austrian-American neurologist, psychiatrist and specialist in brain trauma
- 1901 : Georg Appell , German politician
- 1902 : Cheryl Crawford , American theater director and producer
- 1902 : Hans Petersson , German mathematician
- 1903 : Georg Buch , German politician, Member of the State Parliament, President of the State Parliament, Lord Mayor of Wiesbaden
- 1905 : Severo Ochoa , American biochemist, Nobel Prize winner
- 1906 : Michael Jary , German composer
- 1906 : Erwin Sutz , Swiss Protestant clergyman
- 1907 : Karl Bierwirth , German weightlifter
- 1908 : Egon Reinert , German politician, Prime Minister of Saarland
- 1910 : Jean Servais , Belgian actor
- 1911 : Marcel Chauvigné , French rower
- 1911 : Konstantin Chernenko , Soviet politician
- 1912 : Fritz Hinderer , German astronomer and astrophysicist
- 1914 : Jiří Kolář , Czech writer and collage artist
- 1914 : Lee Moore , American country musician
- 1914 : Andrzej Panufnik , Polish composer
- 1914 : Horst Winter , German-Austrian musician
- 1917 : Otto G possibly , German SS-Hauptsturmführer, personal adjutant of Adolf Hitler
- 1920 : Georges Addor , Swiss architect
- 1922 : Meche Barba , Mexican actress and dancer
- 1922 : Jack Costanzo , American percussionist
- 1923 : Ladislav Fuks , Czech writer
- 1924 : Jean-Pierre Warner , British lawyer, Advocate General at the ECJ
- 1926 : Ricardo María Carles Gordó , Spanish cardinal and archbishop
- 1926 : Veit Relin , Austrian actor, screenwriter and director
- 1927 : Elisabeth Schindler , Austrian politician
- 1928 : Jürgen Isberg , German handball player
- 1930 : Ingrid Bachér , German writer
- 1930 : Karl Hüser , German historian, teacher and author
- 1930 : Horst Sachtleben , German actor, director and voice actor
- 1930 : John Watts Young , American astronaut
- 1931 : John Michael G. Adams , Barbadian politician
- 1931 : Joseph Kallas , Lebanese Archbishop
- 1931 : Gilberto Aceves Navarro , Mexican painter
- 1931 : Anthony Newley , British actor, pop singer and songwriter
- 1931 : Haidi Streletz , German dentist, painter and politician, MdL
- 1932 : Josef Adamiak , German photographer and art historian
- 1932 : Miguel Ángel Montuori , Italian-Argentine football player
- 1932 : Walter Wallmann , German lawyer and politician
- 1934 : Edgardo Javier Angara , Filipino politician
- 1934 : John Brunner , British science fiction writer
- 1934 : Manfred Wörner , German Federal Defense Minister and NATO Secretary General
- 1935 : Charlotte Dietrich , German artist
- 1935 : Dieter Pavlik , German politician, MdL
- 1936 : Jim Henson , American puppeteer
- 1937 : Helga Hoffmann , German athlete
- 1938 : Steve Douglas , American rock saxophonist
- 1939 : Dieter Schwarz , German entrepreneur
- 1940 : Amelita Baltar , Argentine tango and folk singer
- 1940 : Yves Navarre , French writer
- 1940 : José Ramírez Conde , Dominican painter
- 1941 : Alexander Lang , German director and actor
- 1941 : John Mackey , American football player
- 1941 : Linda McCartney , American musician
- 1941 : Tony Rutter , English motorcycle racer
- 1941 : Michael Wadleigh , American cameraman and director
- 1942 : Gerhard Rübenkönig , German politician
- 1942 : Hans-Günther Schmidt , Romanian-German handball player
- 1942 : Erik Silvester , German singer and composer
- 1943 : Hannelore Soup , German athlete
- 1943 : Antonio Tabucchi , Italian writer, literary scholar and translator
- 1944 : Diana Körner , German actress
- 1945 : Catherine Burns , American actress
- 1945 : Margot Mahler , German actress, singer and author
- 1945 : Janne Erik Tage Schaffer , Swedish composer and guitarist
- 1946 : David Anspaugh , American director
- 1946 : Natalja Utewlewna Arinbassarowa , Russian actress and ballerina
- 1946 : Joe Greene , American football player
- 1946 : Marc Neikrug , American composer and pianist
- 1946 : Uschi Obermaier , German actress and model
- 1946 : César Pedroso , Cuban pianist
- 1947 : Peter Götz , German politician
- 1948 : Heinz Chur , German composer
- 1948 : Gordon Clapp , American actor
- 1948 : Phil Hartman , Canadian actor
- 1949 : Anders Arborelius , Swedish Roman Catholic Bishop of Stockholm
- 1950 : Samuel Joseph Aquila , American Archbishop
- 1950 : Philippe Dermagne , French racing car driver
- 1950 : Kristina Wayborn , Swedish model and film actress
- 1951 : Arthur W. Ahrweiler , German cameraman
- 1951 : Heinz Hoenig , German film actor
- 1951 : Matthias Sannemüller , German violist
- 1952 : Annegret Kroniger , German athlete, Olympic medalist
- 1953 : Carlo Hommel , Luxembourg organist
- 1954 : Davey Arthur , Irish folk musician, singer and songwriter
- 1954 : Marco Tardelli , Italian football player and coach
- 1956 : Ilona Slupianek , German athlete, Olympic champion
- 1957 : Wolfgang Wolf , German soccer coach and player
- 1958 : Konrad Adams , German actor
- 1958 : Benedict Hansen , Danish actress
- 1958 : Kevin Sorbo , American actor
- 1959 : Uwe Boden , German martial artist
- 1959 : Cara Silverman , American film editor
- 1960 : Manfred Aichinger , Austrian choreographer and dance teacher
- 1960 : Kirsten Tackmann , German politician, Member of the Bundestag
- 1961 : Pierre Cosso , French actor and singer
- 1961 : Michael Tavera , American composer
- 1963 : Maike Arlt , German volleyball player
- 1964 : Ralf Husmann , German screenwriter, producer and author
- 1964 : Jeff Krosnoff , American racing driver
- 1965 : Sven Eggers , German journalist, author and politician
- 1968 : Saad Shaddad Al-Asmari , Saudi Arabian long-distance runner
- 1968 : François Smesny , German-French actor
- 1969 : Hussain Ghulum Abbas , United Arab Emirates football player
- 1969 : Miyoko Asahina , Japanese long-distance runner
- 1969 : Shawn Crahan , American musician
- 1969 : Amparo Sánchez , Spanish singer
- 1969 : Goya Toledo , Spanish actress
- 1969 : Megan Ward , American actress
- 1970 : Sascha Karolin Aulepp , German lawyer and politician
- 1970 : Karen Forkel , German athlete, Olympic medalist
- 1970 : Marc Guggenheim , American screenwriter
- 1970 : Bettina Mittendorfer , German actress
- 1971 : Claudia Klein , German soccer player
- 1971 : Peter Salisbury , British musician
- 1972 : Finty Williams , British actress
- 1973 : Thomas Hofer , Austrian political advisor
- 1973 : Amy Scurria , American composer
- 1974 : Nenad Lucic , German actor
- 1974 : Kati Wolf , Hungarian singer and model
- 1976 : Adrian Aliaj , Albanian football player
- 1976 : Mikel Artetxe Gezuraga , Spanish cyclist
- 1976 : Claus Møller Jakobsen , Danish handball player
- 1977 : Frank Fahrenhorst , German football player
- 1979 : Fábio Aurélio Rodrigues , Brazilian soccer player
- 1979 : Justin Bruening , American actor
- 1979 : Erin Chambers , American actress
- 1979 : Katja Kassin , German porn actress
- 1980 : Sebastian Achilles , German actor
- 1980 : Diederik Boer , Dutch football player
- 1980 : Petri Pasanen , Finnish soccer player
- 1980 : Sebastian Pelzer , German soccer player
- 1980 : Tanit Phoenix , South African model and actress
- 1980 : John Arne Riise , Norwegian soccer player
- 1980 : Nicholas Reinke , German-British actor
- 1981 : Tetjana Antypenko , Ukrainian cross-country skier
- 1981 : Ryan Briscoe , Australian racing driver
- 1981 : Sebastian Edtbauer , German actor
- 1981 : Patrick Rothe , German handball player
- 1982 : Cristian Daniel Ledesma , Argentine soccer player
- 1984 : Andreas Aigner , Austrian rally driver
- 1984 : Taylor Eigsti , American jazz pianist
- 1985 : Saidat Adegoke , Nigerian soccer player
- 1985 : Eric Adjetey Anang , Ghanaian sculptor
- 1985 : Jessica Lucas , Canadian actress
- 1985 : Jonatan Soriano , Spanish soccer player
- 1986 : Max Lercher , Austrian politician
- 1987 : Senzo Meyiwa , South African soccer player
- 1989 : Kevin Horlacher , German ski jumper
- 1991 : Lorenzo Ebecilio , Dutch football player
- 1991 : Oriol Romeu , Spanish soccer player
- 1993 : Ahmed Sassi , Tunisian football player
- 1993 : Kevin Ceccon , Italian racing driver
Before the 16th century
- 15 : Lucius Vitellius , Roman politician
- 366 : Liberius , Pope
- 765 : Tello , Bishop of Chur
- 768 : Pippin the Younger , Frankish King
- 1046 : Gerhard , first bishop of Csanád
- 1054 : Hermann von Reichenau , German monk, historian, writer and astronomer
- 1108 : Uto von Kyburg , abbot of St. Blasien
- 1120 : Welf V , Duke of Bavaria
- 1143 : Innocent II , Pope
- 1143 : Agnes von Waiblingen , Duchess of Swabia and Margravine of Austria
- 1180 : Manuel I. Komnenos , Byzantine emperor
- 1270 : Philip II of Montfort , Count of Squillace
- 1275 : Humphrey de Bohun, 2nd Earl of Hereford , English magnate
- 1305 : Walter Winterburn , Cardinal of the Catholic Church
- 1333 : Louis de Beaumont , Bishop of Durham
- 1405 : Procopius of Moravia , “younger” Margrave of Moravia
- 1432 : Jean de Bertrand , Bishop of Geneva, Archbishop of Tarentaise
- 1438 : Jacques II. De Bourbon , French nobleman, Count of La Marche and Castres
- 1464 : John Clinton, 5th Baron Clinton , English nobleman
- 1498 : Cristoforo Landino , Florentine humanist, poet, literary theorist, philosopher and translator
16th to 18th century
- 1505 : Barbara Schwab , victim of the witch hunt in the Margraviate of Brandenburg-Ansbach
- 1517 : Frederick IV of Baden , Bishop of Utrecht
- 1537 : Jürgen Wullenwever , Mayor of the Hanseatic City of Lübeck
- 1541 : Philipp Theophrast Bombast von Hohenheim , known as Paracelsus , German-speaking doctor
- 1545 : Albrecht of Brandenburg , Archbishop of Magdeburg and Elector of Mainz
- 1559 : Maria de Bohorques , Spanish evangelical martyr
- 1570 : Gideon Ehrlich von Ehrnfeldt , captain of the lords of Friedland and Reichenberg
- 1572 : Túpac Amaru , last ruler of the Inca Empire
- 1575 : Anna von Ostfriesland , German nobleman
- 1584 : Adam Siber , German humanist and educator
- 1621 : Jan Karol Chodkiewicz , Lithuanian general
- 1630 : Karl Günther von Schwarzburg-Rudolstadt , regent of Schwarzburg-Rudolstadt
- 1638 : Georg Friedrich , Margrave of Baden-Durlach
- 1645 : William Lawes , English composer and musician
- 1650 : Charles de Valois , Duke of Auvergne and Duke of Angoulême
- 1651 : Étienne Pascal , French lawyer, administrator and mathematician, father of Blaise Pascal
- 1670 : Gideon Ehrlich von Ehrnfeldt , captain of the lords of Friedland and Reichenberg
- 1697 : Gerhard Bode , German Protestant theologian
- 1731 : Marx Schokotnigg , Austrian sculptor
- 1732 : Reigen , 112th Tennō of Japan
- 1742 : Johann Matthias Hase , German mathematician, astronomer, cartographer and historical geographer
- 1745 : Johann Heinrich Fäsi , Swiss Protestant clergyman
- 1748 : Albrecht Wolfgang Graf zu Schaumburg-Lippe , military and military leader, sovereign of Schaumburg-Lippe
- 1753 : Georg Gebel the Younger , German composer
- 1783 : Mathäus Funk , Swiss cabinet maker (Ebenist)
- 1789 : Johann Nikolaus Seip , German Lutheran theologian
- 1793 : Alexander Trippel , German sculptor
- 1794 : Edvard Storm , Norwegian poet and educator
19th century
- 1802 : Alexander Nikolajewitsch Radishchev , Russian philosopher and writer
- 1809 : Johann Sebastian von Clais , German-Swiss watchmaker, inventor and entrepreneur
- 1809 : August Ludwig Hülsen , German philosopher of early Romanticism
- 1812 : Pyotr Ivanovich Bagration , Russian general and general
- 1813 : André Grétry , French composer
- 1822 : Achille Etna Michallon , French landscape painter
- 1823 : Johann Baptist Andres , German historian, theologian, philosopher and canon lawyer
- 1833 : John Wilson Campbell , American judge and politician, member of the House of Representatives for Ohio
- 1834 : Jonas Galusha , American politician, lawyer, and governor of Vermont
- 1834 : Peter IV , King of Portugal and Emperor of Brazil
- 1840 : Jacques MacDonald , Marshal of France
- 1841 : Karl Stülpner , German soldier, poacher, smuggler, manufacturer and bon vivant, folk hero of the Ore Mountains
- 1862 : Anton Martin Slomšek , Slovenian clergyman, writer and poet
- 1863 : Ida Arenhold , co-founder and first head of the Friederikenstift hospital in Hanover
- 1863 : Gregor Rihar , Slovenian composer
- 1877 : Saigō Takamori , Japanese samurai
- 1881 : Heinrich Ludolf Ahrens , German classical philologist
- 1881 : Camille Durutte , French music theorist and composer
- 1889 : Daniel Harvey Hill , American officer and Confederate general in the Civil War
- 1890 : Hermann Grieben , German journalist and poet
- 1892 : Patrick Gilmore , American composer and military bandmaster
- 1895 : Heinrich Adolf von Bardeleben , German medic
- 1895 : Hermann Hellriegel , German agricultural chemist
20th century
- 1904 : Niels Ryberg Finsen , Danish doctor and Nobel Prize winner
- 1906 : Heinrich Scharrer , German botanist and landscape architect
- 1907 : Carl Aldenhoven , German art historian
- 1909 : Max Ihm , German classical philologist
- 1912 : Adolf Marschall von Bieberstein , German politician
- 1920 : Inès Elisabeth Armand , Russian revolutionary
- 1920 : Carl Peter Fabergé , Russian goldsmith and jeweler
- 1921 : Hermann Boßdorf , German writer
- 1930 : Otto Mueller , German expressionist painter
- 1932 : Clive Dunfee , British racing car driver
- 1938 : Joe Ball , American serial killer ( The Alligator Man )
- 1939 : Carl Laemmle , German-American film producer
- 1941 : Gottfried Feder , German politician
- 1942 : Bruno Ablaß , German lawyer, notary and politician, MdR
- 1942 : Julius Moses , German doctor and social democratic member of the Reichstag
- 1944 : Arthur Vincent Green , Australian Bishop of Grafton and Armindale
- 1945 : Hans Geiger , German physicist
- 1950 : Rudolf Grashey , German radiologist and doctor
- 1950 : Humphrey Jennings , British documentary filmmaker
- 1952 : Norbert Wallez , Belgian priest and journalist
- 1953 : Berthold Viertel , Austrian director
- 1960 : Johnny Thomson , American racing car driver
- 1962 : Maximilian Josef Auer , Austrian musicologist
- 1963 : Walter Menzel , German politician
- 1964 : Gerhard Ernst Erich Ahnfeldt , German draftsman and painter
- 1964 : Seán O'Casey , Irish freedom fighter and playwright
- 1965 : Stu Clancy , American football player
- 1965 : Lawrence Winters , American opera singer
- 1967 : Robert van Gulik , Dutch crime novel writer
- 1969 : Warren McCulloch , American neurophysiologist and cyberneticist
- 1969 : Rodolfo Biagi , Argentine tango musician
- 1970 : Émile Gour , Canadian singer and choir director
- 1971 : Carl Bellingrodt , German railway photographer , co-founder of the Federal Association of German Railway Friends
- 1973 : Jack Albert Arbor , Canadian ice hockey player and coach
- 1973 : Werner Pfirter , Swiss motorcycle racer
- 1974 : Hans-Joachim Fricke , German politician
- 1974 : Konrad Pöhner , Bavarian entrepreneur, association president and state minister of finance
- 1975 : Elisabeth Castonier , German writer
- 1976 : Gilbert Auvergne , French sprinter and soccer player
- 1976 : Wilhelm Kamlah , German musicologist, theologian and philosopher
- 1977 : Otto Winkelmann , German police general and SS-Obergruppenführer, involved in the extermination of the Hungarian Jews.
- 1978 : Hasso von Manteuffel , German general and politician, Member of the Bundestag
- 1978 : Ida Noddack-Tacke , German chemist
- 1979 : Michelangelo Abbado , Italian violinist, conductor and music teacher
- 1984 : Domenico De 'Paoli , Italian musicologist, music critic and composer
- 1988 : Aziz Atiya , Egyptian coptologist and historian
- 1992 : Wolfgang Schulz , German songwriter (duo member Schobert and Black)
- 1993 : Ian Stuart Donaldson , British singer and neo-Nazi, founder of Blood and Honor
- 1994 : Otto F. Walter , Swiss writer
- 1998 : Genrich Saulowitsch Altschuller , Russian engineer and scientist
- 1998 : José Mangual , Puerto Rican percussionist
- 2000 : Basil Bernstein , British sociologist
21st century
- 2004 : Raúl Iglesias , Cuban pianist and music teacher
- 2004 : Raja Ramanna , Indian nuclear scientist
- 2004 : Françoise Sagan , French writer
- 2006 : Sally Gray , British film actress
- 2006 : Aladár Pege , Hungarian jazz double bass player
- 2006 : Winfried Schlepphorst , German musicologist, organist and organ monument curator
- 2006 : Thomas Stewart , American opera singer
- 2007 : Helga Anton , German prayer and author
- 2008 : Bengt Anderberg , Swedish translator and writer
- 2008 : Ruslan Yamadayev , Chechen politician
- 2009 : Nelly Arcan , Canadian writer
- 2009 : Susan Atkins , American murderer of Sharon Tate
- 2010 : Gennady Janayev , Soviet politician
- 2010 : Oswalt Kolle , German-Dutch journalist, author and film producer
- 2010 : Jure Robič , Slovenian cyclist
- 2011 : Paul Mikat , German legal scholar and politician
- 2013 : Pietro Farina , Italian bishop
- 2014 : Christopher Hogwood , British harpsichordist and conductor
- 2015 : Ellis Kaut , German children's book author
- 2016 : Bill Mollison , Australian biologist
- 2017 : Gisèle Casadesus , French actress
- 2017 : Kito Lorenc , Sorbian poet and playwright
- 2017 : Ulrike von Möllendorff , German journalist
Holidays and memorial days
- Church memorial days
- St. Hermann von Reichenau , abbot of Reichenau and scholar (Protestant, Roman Catholic)
- St. Gerhard , Lombard nobleman, bishop and patron saint (Roman Catholic)
- St. Rupert of Salzburg , German bishop and patron saint (Roman Catholic)
- St. Virgilius of Salzburg , Irish nobleman, missionary and bishop (Roman Catholic: only in the German calendar)
- State holidays and memorial days
- Guinea-Bissau : Declaration of Independence from Portugal (1973)
The list of days of remembrance and action contains further entries .
Commons : September 24th - Collection of images, videos and audio files