Albrecht Anton Adolph Hofmann

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Albrecht Anton Adolph Hofmann (born September 24, 1758 in Meiningen , † February 11, 1837 in Coburg ) was a German lawyer.


Albrecht Anton Adolph Hofmann was the youngest son of the real privy councilor Johann Heinrich Hofmann and his wife Jeanette Christiane Karoline, nee. Baroness von Stein.

He attended the Casimirianum High School in Coburg and began studying law at the University of Jena in 1778 , which he finished in 1780 at the University of Leipzig .

In early 1781 he was appointed court advocate and in the same year he entered the service of Duke Franz as court secretary at the court administration office. In 1782 he was appointed councilor and official adjunct in Coburg and in 1784 he was promoted to the Secret Chancellery in Saalfeld with a seat and a vote, which was associated with the title of Legation Councilor . In 1788 he was given the prospect of the first council position in the Secret Chancellery. In 1791 he was appointed Hofrat and in 1796 he was promoted to the Real Privy Councilor , whereupon he became a Privy Councilor in 1799 .

In 1800 he was appointed governor in the Principality of Saxony-Saalfeld until he was appointed chancellor and head of the judiciary deputation of the ducal government in Coburg in 1803 . In 1806 he was appointed President of the Higher Appeal Court in Coburg and after its dissolution he was appointed President of the state government of Duke Ernst I in 1808; in this office he worked until 1822.

On August 1, 1821, the Duke gave the country a new constitution and as a result, Albrecht Anton Adolph Hofmann was appointed to the Presidium of the State Ministry in 1822 and confirmed as the Acting and Chairman of the Privy Council in the State Ministry in 1823, until he resigned in 1828 for health reasons State business withdrew.


In 1825 he was awarded the title of Excellence .

In 1833 he was awarded the Commander's Cross of the newly established Duke of Saxony-Ernestine House Order.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ New Nekrolog der Deutschen, Volume 15, 1837, Part One, pp. 210–212 . Voigt, 1839 ( [accessed February 13, 2018]).
  2. Herzogl.-Sachsen-Coburg-Saalfeldisches government and intelligence gazette: 1825, p. 613 . Ahl, 1825 ( [accessed on August 21, 2018]).