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Calendar overview 1778
1778 | |
The Bavarian War of Succession begins. It is considered the last cabinet war . |
James Cook is the first European to land in Hawaii . |
Antonio Salieri celebrates numerous successes on his trip to Italy. |
1778 in other calendars | |
Armenian calendar | 1226/27 (turn of the year July) |
Ethiopian calendar | 1770/71 (turn of the year 10/11 September) |
Bengali solar calendar | 1183/84 (beginning of April 14th or 15th) |
Buddhist calendar | 2321/22 (southern Buddhism); 2320/21 (alternative calculation according to Buddha's Parinirvana ) |
Chinese calendar | 74th (75th) cycle
Year of the earth dog戊戌 ( at the beginning of the year fire rooster 丁酉) |
Chula Sakarat (Siam, Myanmar) / Dai calendar (Vietnam) | 1140/41 (turn of the year April) |
Dangun era (Korea) | 4111/12 (October 2/3) |
Iranian calendar | 1156/57 (around March 21) |
Islamic calendar | 1191/92 (January 29/30) |
Jewish calendar | 5538/39 (September 21/22) |
Coptic calendar | 1494/95 (September 10-11) |
Malayalam calendar | 953/954 |
Seleucid era | Babylon: 2088/89 (turn of the year April)
Syria: 2089/90 (turn of the year October) |
Vikram Sambat (Nepalese Calendar) | 1834/35 (turn of the year April) |
Politics and world events
American War of Independence
- February 6 : France and the Thirteen Colonies ally in the American War of Independence against Great Britain . Great Britain later declares war on France.
- June 28th : The Battle of Monmouth is the final major battle in the northern theater of the American Revolutionary War . After George Washington can reorganize the already fleeing American troops, the battle ends without result. General Charles Lee was tried after the battle for his withdrawal order and was relieved of all commands for a year.

Battle of St. Lucia
- December 15th : Battle of the Saints off the Caribbean island of St. Lucia between France and Great Britain
War of the Bavarian Succession
- January 3 : In the Vienna Convention, Elector Karl Theodor von Kurpfalz-Bayern from the House of Wittelsbach renounces Lower Bavaria and the Upper Palatinate in favor of the House of Habsburg . In return he received from Emperor Joseph II. Vorderösterreich and substantial financial compensation. The treaty was rejected by most of the German imperial princes , as well as by several members of the House of Wittelsbach and the Bavarian government under Matthäus von Vieregg .
- July 3 : Prussia declares war on Austria after previous diplomatic skirmishes .
- July 5th : The War of the Bavarian Succession begins with the advance of Prussian troops into Habsburg Bohemia . Large logistical problems quickly arise on both sides, so that noteworthy military conflicts are avoided and only a few, smaller battles over troop supplies are fought, which earned this war the nicknames Potato War and Plum Ruffle.
James Cook's world tour
- January 18 : James Cook discovers the Hawaiian Islands on his third South Seas voyage, which he christened the Sandwich Islands . Two days later they land on Kaua'i , where the team stays for ten days and determines that the population is linguistically related to Tahiti . The resolution then sails towards the North American continent. Cook reached what is now Oregon at the end of March and is the first European to enter the Nootka Sound . Then he drives through the Aleutian Islands to the Bering Strait until the pack ice prevents him from continuing his journey. On a westerly course, Cook then reached Asia and reached Cape Deschnjow , the easternmost point of the Siberian coast, before returning to the Aleutian Islands.
- October 26th : James Cook sets course again for the Hawaiian Islands, where he arrives at the end of December in Kealakekua Bay, where a festival in honor of the god Lono is taking place, and for this reason the kapu , which normally lies above the bay, is canceled .
- August 1 : The first savings bank in Europe opens in Hamburg . The Patriotic Society of 1765 founds a "general pension institution", which also operates a so-called "savings fund".
- In Winterthur increases with the laboratory the first chemical factory of Switzerland into operation. Their main product is vitriol oil, an old name for sulfuric acid .
science and technology
- Georg Christoph Lichtenberg leads the characters "+" and "-" for distinguishing the electric charge one
- Under the influence of Moses Mendelssohn , David Friedländer founded the Enlightenment Jewish Free School Berlin together with Isaak Daniel Itzig and Hartwig Wessely according to the educational program of the Haskala and thus contributed to the emancipation of the Jews in Berlin .
- Samuel Heinicke founds the Chursächsisches Institut for the dumb and other people afflicted with language disabilities in Leipzig with the permission of the elector .
- 3rd August : World premiere of “ L'Europa riconosciuta ” ( Antonio Salieri ) in Milan , the opening performance of the Milanese Teatro alla Scala
- December 27 : World premiere of the opera La scuola de 'gelosi by Antonio Salieri at the Teatro San Moisè in Venice
- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe wrote the poem To the Moon .
nature and environment
- The Mongolian mountain Bogd Khan Uul is made a protected area by the Qing Dynasty in China.
- July 8 : The Küsnacht flood in 1778 cost 63 lives and destroys numerous buildings.
- September 24th : Second highest city fire
First quarter
- January 2 : Friedrich August Gotthold , German educator and school director († 1858 )
- January 11th : Agathon Fain , French secretary of Napoleon I († 1837 )
- January 13 : Johann Gotthelf Richter , German lawyer († 1839 )
- January 15 : Joseph Adamy , Nassau mine owner and politician († 1849 )
- January 18 : George Bellas Greenough , English geologist († 1855 )
- January 18 : Ludwig Georg von Winter , Baden official († 1838 )
- January 20 : François Baillon , French zoologist († 1851 )
- January 21 : Cornelis Adrianus van Enschut , Dutch legal scholar († 1835 )
- January 21 : Arnold Friedrich von Mieg , German politician († 1842 )
- January 24 : Charles Ferdinand de Bourbon , son of the later King Charles X. († 1820 )
- January 28 : Christian Sethe , German lawyer († 1864 )
- January 31 : Karl Gottlieb Anton , Saxon classical philologist († 1861 )
- January 31 : Franz Anton von Kolowrat-Liebsteinsky , Austrian statesman († 1861 )
- February 1 : Christian Philipp Koehler , German civil servant († 1842 )
- February 6 : Ugo Foscolo , Italian poet († 1827 )
- February 14th (baptized): Fernando Sor , Spanish guitarist and composer († 1839 )
- February 16 : John Colborne , British field marshal and colonial administrator († 1863 )
- February 19 : Henry Ashley , American lawyer and politician († 1829 )
- February 19 : Friedrich Karl von Tettenborn , Baden-Austrian equestrian general in the War of Independence († 1845 )
- February 22nd : Franz Ludwig Catel , German wood sculptor and painter († 1856 )
- February 24 : Karl Heinrich Ferdinand Schütze , German entrepreneur, politician and member of parliament († 1860 )
- February 25 : José de San Martín , Argentine general and revolutionary († 1850 )
- March 2nd : Friederike zu Mecklenburg [-Strelitz], daughter of Duke Karl II. (Mecklenburg-Strelitz) († 1841 )
- March 2 : William Austin , American lawyer, politician and writer († 1841 )
- March 4 : Anton Auer , German porcelain painter († 1814 )
- March 4 : Robert Emmet , Irish rebel leader and nationalist († 1803 )
- March 7 : Heinrich Theodor Wehle , German-Sorbian landscape painter, etcher and draftsman († 1805 )
- March 8 : Jean-Toussaint Arrighi de Casanova , Duke of Padua, French general and politician († 1853 )
- March 19 : Edward Michael Pakenham , British major general († 1815 )
- March 25 : Sophie Blanchard , French balloonist († 1819 )
- March 31 : Coenraad Jacob Temminck , Dutch zoologist († 1858 )
Second quarter
- April 10 : Johann Arzberger , Austrian technician and scientist († 1835 )
- April 10 : William Hazlitt , English essayist and writer († 1830 )
- April 10 : Heinrich Luden , German historian († 1847 )
- April 13 : Barnabas Huber , Benedictine abbot († 1851 )
- April 18 : Christian Friedrich Nasse , German psychiatrist († 1851 )
- April 23 : John Harvey , British officer and governor of Canada († 1852 )
- May 8 : Johann Gänsbacher , Austrian composer and conductor († 1844 )
- May 12 : Johann August Zeune , German pedagogue, geographer and Germanist († 1853 )
- May 14 : Honoré V , Prince of Monaco († 1841 )
- May 17 : Johann Friedrich Küttlinger , German medic and botanist († 1851 )
- May 18 : Andrew Ure , English physician and professor of natural history and chemistry († 1857 )
- May 21 : Ernst-Wilhelm Arnoldi , German businessman († 1841 )
- May 22 : Joaquín Abarca y Blanque , Spanish prelate († 1844 )
- May 22nd : Matthias Ludwig Leithoff , German doctor († 1846 )
- May 25 : Claus Harms , German Protestant theologian († 1855 )
- May 30 : Richard Skinner , American politician († 1833 )
- June 6 : Jan Richard de Brueys , Dutch legal scholar († 1848 )
- June 7th : George Bryan Brummell , British dandy , friend of George IV († 1840 )
- June 17 : Philipp Wilhelm van Heusde , Dutch philosopher, historian, philologist, librarian and rhetorician († 1839 )
Third quarter
- July 3 : Carl Ludwig Engel , German-Finnish architect and painter († 1840 )
- July 11 : Franz Xaver Josef Ackermann , Baden lawyer and politician († 1837 )
- July 13 : Samuel Stevens , American politician († 1860 )
- July 17 : Esma Sultan , Ottoman princess, sister of Mustafa IV and Mahmud II († 1848 )
- July 18 : Johann Friedrich Erdmann , German medic († 1846 )
- July 30 : Julius Friedrich Winzer , German ethnologist and Protestant theologian († 1845 )
- August 5th : Georg Gottfried Rudolph , German servant and private secretary of Friedrich Schiller († 1840 )
- August 11 : Friedrich Ludwig Jahn , German educator († 1852 )
- August 14 : Francesco Maria Avellino , Italian archaeologist († 1850 )
- August 20 : Bernardo O'Higgins , Chilean Supremo Director († 1842 )
- August 26 : John Adams , American lawyer and politician († 1854 )
- August 31 : Johan Storm Munch , Norwegian bishop and author († 1832 )
- September 2 : Louis Bonaparte , Dutch king and brother of Napoleon Bonaparte († 1846 )
- September 9 : Clemens Brentano , German writer († 1842 )
- September 11th : Karl Ludwig Nordmann , domain tenant and animal breeder († 1848 )
- September 20 : Fabian Gottlieb von Bellingshausen , Russian navigator and officer († 1852 )
- September 22nd : Carl Ludwig Koch , German entomologist and arachnologist († 1857 )
- September 27 : Ferdinand von Maltzan , German manor owner and Mecklenburg hereditary land marshal von Wenden; lifted serfdom on his estates as the first in Mecklenburg in 1816 († 1849 )
- September 27 : Carl Friedrich Rungenhagen , German composer and music teacher († 1851 )
Fourth Quarter
- October 5 : Ernst Ludwig von Aster , Prussian general († 1855 )
- October 13 : William Marks , American politician († 1858 )
- October 15 : Paolo Ghiringhelli , Swiss Benedictine and governor († 1861 )
- October 19 : Gustav Vorherr , Architect, Royal Bavarian Building Councilor and Chairman of the Bavarian State Beautification Association († 1847 )
- October 24 : Christian Heinrich Delius , German archivist and historian († 1840 )
- October 26 : Charles Grant, Baron Glenelg , Scottish politician († 1866 )
- October 30 : Benjamin Ames , American politician († 1835 )
- November 1 : Gustav IV Adolf , Swedish King († 1837 )
- November 14 : Johann Nepomuk Hummel , Austrian composer and pianist († 1837 )
- November 14 : Christian von Rother , Prussian politician († 1849 )
- November 14 : Heinrich Gottlieb Tzschirner , German Protestant theologian († 1828 )
- November 14 : Ludwig Stock , German archivist and historian († 1861 )
- November 15 : Giovanni Battista Belzoni , Italian adventurer († 1823 )
- November 16 : Maximilian Emanuel von Lerchenfeld , German politician († 1843 )
- November 16 : Johann Joseph von Prechtl , Austrian technologist of German origin († 1854 )
- November 19 : Charles-Michel de Salaberry , Canadian soldier and politician († 1829 )
- November 29 : Ernst von Houwald , German writer and playwright († 1845 )
- December 6 : Joseph Louis Gay-Lussac , French chemist and physicist († 1850 )
- December 15 : Christiane Becker-Neumann , German actress († 1797 )
- December 15 : Godert Alexander Gerard Philip van der Capellen , Dutch statesman († 1848 )
- December 17 : Humphry Davy , English chemist († 1829 )
- December 17th : Franz Joseph Werfer , German doctor and author of a medical description of the country († 1823 )
- December 19 : Marie Thérèse Charlotte of France , daughter of King Louis XVI. and Queen Marie Antoinette († 1851 )
- December 29 : Georg Anton Friedrich Ast , German classical philologist and philosopher († 1841 )
Exact date of birth unknown
- Mulai Abd ar-Rahman , Sultan of the Alawids in Morocco († 1859 )
- Giacinto Amati , Italian theologian († 1850 )
- Jules Anglès , French politician († 1828 )
- Joseph Aspdin , British inventor († 1855 )
- Carlo Gianella , Italian engineer († 1863 )
- Henry Smart , English violinist, violist and composer († 1824 )
- Mathias Weber , German robber († 1803 )
First half of the year
- January 4th : Charles Eisen , French painter (* 1720 )
- January 10 : Carl von Linné , Swedish naturalist (* 1707 )
- January 10 : Eva König , wife of Gotthold Ephraim Lessing (* 1736 )
- February 4th : Friedrich Seltendorff , master builder of the Leipzig Baroque and Rococo (* around 1700 )
- February 20 : Laura Bassi , Italian philosopher, first professor in Europe (for physics) (* 1711 )
- March 5 : Thomas Arne , British composer (* 1710 )
- March 7th : Carl de Geer , Swedish industrialist, scientist and entomologist (* 1720 )
- March 8 : Johann Gottfried Höre , German educator (* 1704 )
- March 20 : Adam Friedrich von Arnstedt , Prussian Colonel (* 1711 )
- March 23 : Heinrich Martin Thümmig , German Protestant theologian (* 1693 )
- March 27 : Claude François Joseph d'Auxiron , French engineer, inventor and pioneer of steam navigation (* 1731 )
- March 29 : Johann Friedrich Gruner , German Protestant theologian, historian, rhetorician and educator (* 1723 )
- April 23 : Henning von Ahlefeldt , Danish Chamberlain and Privy Councilor (* 1705 )
- May 6 : Jean Baptiste Christophe Fusée Aublet , French botanist and pharmacist (* 1720)
- May 19 : Christian Friedrich Schmidt , German philosopher and Lutheran theologian (* 1741 )
- May 23 : Frederik Bernard Albinus , Dutch medic (* 1715 )
- May 30th : Juan de Balmaceda , Spanish lawyer, colonial administrator and governor of Chile (* 1702 )
- May 30th : Voltaire , French writer and Enlightenment philosopher, free thinker and Freemason (* 1694 )
- June 7th : Johann Georg Zechner , Austrian organist and composer (* 1716 )
- June 16 : Conrad Ekhof , German actor (* 1720 )
- June 16 : Friedrich Wilhelm von Taube , German administrative officer in the Austrian service (* 1728 )
- June 19 : Francesca Cuzzoni , Italian opera singer (* 1696 )
- June 24th : Pieter Burman the Younger , Dutch philologist (* 1713 )
- June 26th : Therese von Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel , abbess of the imperially free secular monastery of Gandersheim (* 1728 )
- June 27 : Friedrich Martini , German physician and natural scientist (* 1729 )
Second half of the year

Jean-Jacques Rousseau, pastel by Maurice Quentin de La Tour
- July 2 : Jean-Jacques Rousseau , French writer and philosopher (* 1712 )
- July 3 : Anna Maria Mozart , mother of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (* 1720 )
- July 5 : Carl Günther Ludovici , German philosopher and lexicographer (* 1707 )
- July 11 : Joseph Stepling , German-Czech scholar (* 1716 )
- July 26th : Philipp Ernst Wegmann , German organ builder (* 1734 )
- August 4th : Pierre de Rigaud , French naval officer and governor-general of New France (* 1698 )
- August 8 : Julie Bondeli , Swiss Salonnière (* 1732 )
- August 11 : Augustus Montague Toplady , English clergyman and song poet (* 1740 )
- August 17th : Karl Maria Raimund Duke of Arenberg , Duke of Arenberg (* 1721 )
- August 24 : Johannes Ringk , German composer and organist (* 1717 )
- September 17 : Ange de Menneville, Marquis de Duquesne , French naval officer and Governor General of New France (* around 1700 )
- September 26 : Christoph Bauer , German Lutheran theologian (* 1718 )
- October 24 : Heinrich Ernst zu Stolberg-Wernigerode , German politician, canon, provost and poet (* 1716 )
- October 28 : Carlos Francisco de Croix , Spanish officer, colonial administrator and viceroy of New Spain (* 1703 )
- November 3 : Georg David Matthieu , German portrait painter and copper engraver (* 1737 )
- November 4 : Johann Friedrich Frisch , German Protestant theologian (* 1715 )
- November 9th : Giovanni Battista Piranesi , Italian engraver, archaeologist and architectural theorist (* 1720 )
- December 26th : Pedro de Cevallos , Spanish politician, military and first viceroy of the Río de la Plata (* 1715 )
- December 28 : David Macbride , Irish physician and writer (* 1726 )
- December 31 : Alvise Mocenigo IV. , 118th Doge of Venice (* 1701 )
Exact date of death unknown
- Jakob Samuel Beck , German painter (* 1715 )
Died around 1778
- Marguerite-Antoinette Couperin , French harpsichordist (* 1705 )
Web links
Commons : 1778 - Collection of Images, Videos, and Audio Files