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Calendar overview 1726
1726 | |
Jonathan Swift publishes the satirical novel Gulliver's Travels under a pseudonym . |
André-Hercule de Fleury becomes cardinal and first minister in France . |
Elector Maximilian II. Emanuel of Bavaria dies. |
1726 in other calendars | |
Armenian calendar | 1174/75 (turn of the year July) |
Ethiopian calendar | 1718/19 (turn of the year 10/11 September) |
Bengali solar calendar | 1131/32 (beginning of April 14th or 15th) |
Buddhist calendar | 2269/70 (southern Buddhism); 2268/69 (alternative calculation according to Buddhas Parinirvana ) |
Chinese calendar | 73rd (74th) cycle
Year of the fire horse丙午 ( at the beginning of the year wood snake 乙巳) |
Chula Sakarat (Siam, Myanmar) / Dai calendar (Vietnam) | 1088/89 (turn of the year April) |
Dangun era (Korea) | 4059/60 (October 2/3) |
Iranian calendar | 1104/05 |
Islamic calendar | 1138/39 (turn of the year 28/29 August) |
Jewish calendar | 5486/87 (September 25-26) |
Coptic calendar | 1442/43 (September 10-11) |
Malayalam calendar | 901/902 |
Seleucid era | Babylon: 2036/37 (turn of the year April)
Syria: 2037/38 (turn of the year October) |
Vikram Sambat (Nepalese Calendar) | 1782/83 (turn of the year April) |
Politics and world events
European alliance policy
- August 16 : Catherine I of Russia joins the existing Treaty of Vienna , the Austrian- Spanish alliance of April 30, 1725 . It recognizes the pragmatic sanction and wins the Austrian guarantee for the possessions acquired in 1721 . A secret article of the treaty provides for Turkish aid from the Viennese court to Russia. The close cooperation between Russia and the Habsburgs had a lasting impact on European power politics.
- August 20 : A Prussian-Russian alliance treaty is signed in St. Petersburg . In 16 articles of the agreement, both parties undertake to provide each other with auxiliary troops of 5000 men in the event of an attack . For the first time, a contractual agreement between the two powers contains provisions on Poland-Lithuania , which aim to cement the political and territorial status quo . The allies undertake not only to maintain the Duchy of Courland in its previous status, but also to preserve the electoral monarchy and the constitutional status of Poland and to protect the electoral monarchy against any attempt at dynastic consolidation. The alliance is set for 18 years.
Great Britain / Spain
- The British Prime Minister Robert Walpole sets the Royal Navy one as a foreign policy leverage. He strengthens the British Mediterranean squadron and sends a squadron to the Baltic Sea , which blocks the port of Reval from May to September in order to intimidate the Russian government and prevent its fleet from sailing. A third squadron is supposed to disrupt Spanish trade in the Caribbean and block the port of Portobelo at the same time . Walpole hopes that this will be a double success. For one thing, the aim is to prevent the Spanish silver fleet from reaching Europe and thereby giving the Viennese allies additional financial resources. On the other hand, this is intended to demonstrate to the Spanish King Philip V how dependent he and his colonial empire are on British goodwill.
- Summer: In the Caribbean there is fighting between England and Spain. Believing that they were covered by the Vienna Alliance, Philip V and his wife Elisabetta Farnese, against the advice of their new Chief Minister José de Patiño y Morales, decided to take an open course of confrontation with Great Britain when the first news of British actions came from the Caribbean arrive. All UK trade privileges will be unilaterally terminated in December. The Anglo-Spanish War begins in early 1727 .
- July 11th : King Louis XV. of France dismisses its chief minister, Louis IV. Henri de Bourbon, prince de Condé , and banishes him to his estates with his mistress Madame de Prie by means of a lettre de cachet . He is succeeded by André-Hercule de Fleury . Its authority is also raised when he was on September 11th by Pope Benedict XIII. is elevated to cardinal. Fleury is restoring the state's creditworthiness by starting to reduce its debt. By enforcing the street frontage of the peasants as provided for by feudal law, he ensures a good condition of the French streets, but at the price of increasing dissatisfaction.
Holy Roman Empire / Hungary
- February 26 : The late Maximilian II Emanuel is succeeded by his son Karl Albrecht as Elector of Bavaria . Right from the start, he tried hard to get after the death of Emperor Karl VI. who has no male descendants to inherit the Habsburgs and gain the dignity of Emperor as Charles VII .
- May 21 : The murder of the Protestant preacher Hermann Joachim Hahn by the Catholic Franz Laubler in the Saxon residence city of Dresden leads in the next few days to a civil uprising directed against the city's Catholics.
- Emperor Charles VI. transfers the cities of Mukachevo and Tschynadijowo with the Palanok castle to Bishop Lothar Franz von Schönborn .
- The roll call war in the county of East Friesland escalates.
- Autumn: The Ottoman governor of Baghdad Ahmad Pasha attacks the Persian Empire and indicates that he plans to reinstate the Safavids as Persian rulers. Shah Ashraf Khan from the Hotaki dynasty then executes the last Safavid ruler, Sultan Hosein, and sends his head to the Ottoman camp with a message. When the Ottomans are only a few kilometers from the capital Isfahan , they are defeated in a battle at Kermanshah . Thereupon the High Porte agrees to peace negotiations.
South America
- December 24th : Bruno Mauricio de Zabala , Spanish governor of Buenos Aires , founds the fortress of Montevideo to ward off the Portuguese invading again and again from Brazil .
- Elector Karl Albrecht introduces the Karolin , a gold coin modeled on the French Louis d'or , in Bavaria . Its value is given as 10 gold guilders .
- After two years, the moral weekly Der Patriot ceases to appear.
science and technology
- The Spanish Royal Academy are thirteen years after its founding, the first edition of the Dictionnaire de Autoridades out a "Dictionary of the Spanish language in which the true meaning of the words, its nature and quality explains with sets or ways of speaking, proverbs or sayings and other things useful to the use of language ” .
Architecture and fine arts
- The baroque court library in Vienna , built according to plans by Johann Bernhard Fischer von Erlach by his son, Joseph Emanuel Fischer von Erlach , will be completed after around three years of construction. In the same year, the architect also completed the Schwarzenberg Palace, commissioned by Adam Franz Fürst zu Schwarzenberg, at the gates of Vienna.
- around 1726: The Styrian peoples table is completed.
- Irish writer Jonathan Swift publishes the satirical novel Gulliver's Travels . The socially critical work was a great success and is still in print today.
Music and theater
Johann Sebastian Bach in Leipzig
- July 26th : Johann Sebastian Bach's church cantata Enjoyable Peace, beloved Seelenlust , is premiered in his fourth year as Thomaskantor in Leipzig together with the cantata I want to give my spirit in you by Johann Ludwig Bach .
- September 8th : The sacred cantata Geist und Seele ist bewret by Johann Sebastian Bach is premiered in Leipzig.
- September 29th : The cantata Esub ein Streit has its world premiere in Leipzig. The original text by Picander was probably edited by Johann Sebastian Bach himself.
- October 20th : The church cantata God should have my heart alone by Johann Sebastian Bach has its world premiere in Leipzig.
- October 27th : The cantata I want to carry the cross with pleasure (BWV 56) by Johann Sebastian Bach is performed in Leipzig on the 19th Sunday after Trinity.
Georg Friedrich Handel in London
- March 12th : The Dramma per musica Publio Cornelio Scipione by Georg Friedrich Händel has its world premiere at the King's Theater on London's Haymarket by the Royal Academy of Music . The libretto is by Paolo Antonio Rolli based on the original of the same name by Antonio Salvi . The stars of the premiere are Senesino , Francesca Cuzzoni , Luigi Antinori and Giuseppe Maria Boschi .
- May 5th : The opera seria Alessandro by Georg Friedrich Händel based on another libretto by Paolo Antonio Rolli is premiered at the King's Theater in London's Haymarket. The literary template La superbia d'Alessandro comes from Ortensio Mauro . The premiere will be the first meeting of the two most famous singers of the time: Francesca Cuzzoni (soprano) and Faustina Bordoni (mezzo-soprano), who form a “triumvirate” with Senesino, a castrato mezzo-soprano . The opera is so successful that the usual number of two performances a week is not enough. As early as November, the opera was performed twice under the title Der haughty Alexander at the Hamburg Opera on Gänsemarkt.
Further world premieres
- January 14th : The libretto Didone abbandonata by Pietro Metastasio is premiered in the setting by Leonardo Vinci at the Teatro delle Dame in Rome.
- February 2 : The libretto Siroe by Pietro Metastasio is performed for the first time in the setting by Leonardo Vinci at the Teatro San Giovanni Grisostomo in Venice with Marianna Benti Bulgarelli , Nicolo Grimaldi and Giovanni Carestini in the leading roles. Overall, the work is set to music more than 35 times.
- July 17th : The world premiere of the opera Claudius, Römischer Käyser by Reinhard Keizer takes place at the Theater am Gänsemarkt in Hamburg. In the same year Keiser's opera Der ridiculous Prince Jodelet based on the libretto by Johann Philipp Praetorius was premiered. The role of Erminda is sung by Margaretha Susanna Kayser .
- Pentecost: A shepherd discovers the Diesdorfer Gesundbrunnen near Magdeburg .
- Voltaire is thrown into the Bastille because of a dispute with a member of the Rohan family . King Louis XV grants him freedom for the promise to go abroad. The philosopher then went into exile in England for three years .
- The existing two years Molly House of Margaret Clap in London was stormed by the police and arrested three men in the raid after a brief trial for sodomy sentenced to death and on May 9 publicly hanged. Margaret Clap is sentenced to public display in the pillory and is so badly mistreated by the mob that she is likely to die soon afterwards.
- August 26 : In addition to the previous Gothic building , the foundation stone of the new Frauenkirche in Dresden is laid . Council carpenter George Bähr receives the order for the construction of the new baroque building.
- The monastery Wolnzach in Bavaria is founded.
- September 23 to 25 : Within 38 hours, 80% of the city of Reutlingen is destroyed by a major fire, leaving around 1,200 families homeless. As if by a miracle there are almost no fatalities to mourn.
nature and environment
- The El Niño phenomenon is first mentioned in a document.
First half of the year
- January 16 : Daniel Funk , Swiss watchmaker († 1787 )
- January 18 : Heinrich , Prince of Prussia, general and diplomat († 1802 )
- January 25 : Hans Strøm , Norwegian naturalist († 1797 )
- January 28 : Laurent Angliviel de La Beaumelle , French writer († 1773 )
- January 28 : Christian Felix Weisse , German writer († 1804 )
- February 3 : Johann Friedrich Ackermann , German doctor and university professor († 1804 )
- February 20 : William Prescott , American colonel in the Revolutionary War († 1795 )
- February 25 : Wilhelmine von Hessen-Kassel , Princess of Prussia († 1808 )
- March 11 : Louise d'Épinay , French writer and salonnière († 1783 )
- March 11 : Vasily Tschitschagow , Russian admiral and polar explorer († 1809 )
- March 16 : Elisabeth Augusta , last member of the Baden-Baden line of the House of Baden († 1789 )
- March 19 : José Clavijo y Fajardo , Spanish publicist and writer († 1806 )
- April 7 : Charles Burney , British composer and music historian († 1814 )
- April 8 : William Gibbons , American politician († 1800 )
- April 22 : Johann Ludwig Schmidt , German legal scholar († 1792 )
- April 26 : David Macbride , Irish doctor and writer († 1778 )
- April 28 : Jean François Clément Morand , French chemist, mineralogist and medic († 1784 )
- May 1 : Justus Friedrich Wilhelm Zachariae , German writer, translator, editor and composer († 1777 )
- May 1 : Antonio Zucchi , Italian painter († 1795 )
- May 20 : Gabriel François Doyen , French painter († 1806 )
- June 3 : James Hutton , Scottish naturalist and geologist († 1797 )
- June 9 : Johann Philipp Kahler , German Protestant theologian († 1792 )
- June 11 : Maria Theresia Rafaela of Spain , Dauphine of France († 1746 )
- June 14th : Johannes Zumpe , English square piano maker († 1790 )
- June 15 : Johann Wilhelm Schröder , German orientalist († 1793 )
- June 20 : Louise Henriette de Bourbon-Conti , Duchess of Chartres and Duchess of Orléans († 1759 )
- June 23 : Ludovico Manin , last Doge of Venice († 1802 )
- June 26 : Viktor Amadeus III. , King of Sardinia-Piedmont and Duke of Savoy († 1796 )
Second half of the year
- July 2 : Karl Benjamin Acoluth , German lawyer and writer († 1800 )
- July 10 : Alexander Filippowitsch Kokorinow , Russian architect († 1772 )
- July 31 : Ignaz Pfefferkorn , German Jesuit, missionary and natural scientist († 1798 )
- August: Moise Dragoș , Bishop of Oradea Mare of the Romanian Greek Catholic Church († 1787 )
- September 3 : François Louis Dubois , Alsatian organ builder of Swiss origin († 1766 )
- September 7th : François-André Danican Philidor , French composer and chess player († 1795 )
- September 20 : Honorius Roth von Schreckenstein , Prince Abbot of Kempten († 1785 )
- September 21 : Jacob Friedrich Isenflamm , German physician and university professor († 1793 )
- October 6 : Maria Teresa Felicita d'Este , Duchess of Penthièvre († 1754 )
- October 8 : Christian Friedrich Schwartz , German missionary († 1798 )
- October 9 : Joseph Roos , German painter († 1805 )
- October 14 : Karl Aloys von Königsegg-Aulendorf , auxiliary bishop in Cologne († 1796 )
- October 16 : Daniel Chodowiecki , German graphic artist and illustrator († 1801 )
- October 19 : Louise of Denmark , Duchess of Saxony-Hildburghausen († 1756 )
- October 21 : Bengt Andersson Qvist , Swedish mineralogist, mining and metallurgical expert and chemist († 1799 )
- November 19 : Franz Josef I , Prince of Liechtenstein and general († 1781 )
- December 1 : Eggert Ólafsson , Icelandic poet, naturalist, philologist, archaeologist, economist and historian († 1768 )
- December 2 : Alexander Hood, 1st Viscount Bridport , British admiral († 1814 )
- December 19 : Isaac Roosevelt , American trader and politician († 1794 )
Exact date of birth unknown
- Nicolás Antonio de Arredondo , Spanish officer, colonial administrator and viceroy of the Río de la Plata († 1802 )
- Duncan Campbell , British entrepreneur and co-initiator of the prisoner transports to Australia († 1803 )
- Katsukawa Shunshō , Japanese woodcut artist and painter († 1793 )
- Sergei Wassiljewitsch Saltykow , Russian chamberlain, lover of Catherine the Great († 1765 )
- Therese Vestris , Italian dancer († 1808 )
- George Wythe , American politician and revolutionary, founding father of the United States († 1806 )
Date of death secured
- January 2 : Domenico Zipoli , Italian Baroque composer, organist and missionary (* 1688 )
- January 7th : Johann Georg Mohr , Salzburg sculptor (* 1656 )
- January 18 : Bartolomeo Laurenti , Italian violinist and composer (* around 1644 )
- January 21 : Kacper Bażanka , Polish architect (* around 1680 )
- January 21 : Franz Beer , Austrian architect and builder (* 1660 )
- January 25 : Guillaume Delisle , French cartographer (* 1675 )
- January 28 : Marie-Elisabeth de Ludres , maid of honor at the French royal court and mistress of Louis XIV (* 1647 )
- February 3 : Alexis Littré , French medic, surgeon, anatomist and university professor (* 1658 )
- February 18 : Adam Mikołaj Sieniawski , Polish nobleman and civil servant, Grand Hetman of the Polish Crown (* 1666 )
- February 26 : Maximilian II Emanuel , Elector of Bavaria (* 1662 )
- March 6 : Henriette Catharina von Gersdorff , German religious poet, promoter of Pietism and the Moravian Brethren (* 1648 )
- March 26 : John Vanbrugh , English architect and playwright (* 1664 )
- April 12 : Vincenzo Olivicciani gen. Vincenzino , Italian singer and neuter (* 1647 )
- April 13 : Johannetta Antoinetta Juliana von Sachsen-Eisenach , Duchess of Sachsen-Weißenfels (* 1698 )
- April 13 : Antonio Palomino de Castro y Velasco , Spanish painter (* 1653 )
- April 18 : Henriette Amalie von Anhalt-Dessau , Princess of Nassau-Dietz (* 1666 )
- April 24 : Christian August von Schleswig-Holstein-Gottorf , Protestant Prince-Bishop of the Lübeck Monastery (* 1673 )
- April 26th : Jeremy Collier , English clergyman (* 1650 )
- April 26 : Johann Bernhard Friese , German legal scholar (* 1643 )
- May 8 : Catharina Christina von Ahlefeldt , Duchess of Schleswig-Holstein-Glücksburg (* 1687 )
- May 13 : Francesco Antonio Pistocchi , Italian composer, librettist, old castrato and singing teacher (* 1659 )
- June 18 : Michel-Richard Delalande , French composer (* 1657 )
- June 18 : Michel Farinel , French violinist and composer (* 1649 )
- June 20 : Johann Arnold Barckhausen , German legal scholar (* 1651 )
- July 16 : Maximilian Wilhelm , Prince of Braunschweig and Lüneburg (* 1666 )
- July 20 : Johann Dientzenhofer , Bamberg master builder of the baroque period (* 1663 )
- August 8 : Auguste Maria Johanna von Baden-Baden , Duchess of Orléans (* 1704 )
- August 29 : Johann Adrian Slevogt , German physician (* 1653 )
- August 30th : Eleonore Wilhelmine von Anhalt-Köthen , Princess of Saxony-Merseburg and Duchess of Saxony-Weimar (* 1696 )
- September 2 : Eleonore von Dönhoff , Brandenburg-Prussian noblewoman (* 1674 )
- September 3 : Johann Christoph Weigel , German engraver, art dealer and publisher (* 1661 )
- September 16 : Jakob Prandtauer , Austrian baroque master builder (* 1660 )
- September 17th : Louis Remy de la Fosse , French architect who worked in Germany (* around 1659 )
- October 9 : Johann Georg Judas , court architect in the Electorate of Trier (* around 1655 )
- October 27 : Johann Friedrich Bachoff von Echt , German lawyer, court official and statesman (* 1643 )
- October 28 : Felix Freywiller , Swiss stonemason and sculptor (* 1659 )
- November 13th : Sophie Dorothea von Braunschweig-Lüneburg , Electress of Hanover (* 1666 )
- November 22nd : Anton Domenico Gabbiani , Florentine painter (* 1652 )
- November 28 : Magdalena Sibylla von Sachsen-Weißenfels , Duchess of Sachsen-Eisenach (* 1673 )
- December 6th : Maria Anna Lindmayr , German Carmelite and mystic (* 1657 )
- December 10th : Thomas Fritsch , German publisher (* 1666 )
- December 14th : François Dumont , French sculptor (* 1688 )
- December 18 : Georg Wilhelm , Margrave of the Franconian Principality of Bayreuth (* 1678 )
- December 31 : Peter Kolb , German teacher and ethnologist (* 1675 )
Exact date of death unknown
- Konstantin von Buttlar , prince abbot of Fulda (* 1679 )
- Margaret Clap (or Mother Clap ), English landlady who runs a gay bar
- Muhammad Mubarak Khan I , Emir of Shikarpur
- Sultan Hosein , Iranian Shah of the Safavid dynasty (* 1668 )
- Margarete Lucia von der Osten , district administrator and founder of the Osten-Manteuffel scholarship in Greifenberg (* 1651 )
Web links
Commons : 1726 - Collection of Images, Videos, and Audio Files