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Heads of State · Nekrolog · Music Year

Title page of the first edition of Gulliver's Travels (1726)
Jonathan Swift publishes
the satirical novel Gulliver's Travels under a pseudonym .
Cardinal de Fleury, painting by Hyacinthe Rigaud, 1730
André-Hercule de Fleury
becomes cardinal and
first minister in France .
Maximilian II. Emanuel in armor, with a blue Bavarian sash and marshal's baton
Elector Maximilian II. Emanuel
of Bavaria dies.
1726 in other calendars
Armenian calendar 1174/75 (turn of the year July)
Ethiopian calendar 1718/19 (turn of the year 10/11 September)
Bengali solar calendar 1131/32 (beginning of April 14th or 15th)
Buddhist calendar 2269/70 (southern Buddhism); 2268/69 (alternative calculation according to Buddhas Parinirvana )
Chinese calendar 73rd (74th) cycle

Year of the fire horse丙午 ( at the beginning of the year wood snake 乙巳)

Chula Sakarat (Siam, Myanmar) / Dai calendar (Vietnam) 1088/89 (turn of the year April)
Dangun era (Korea) 4059/60 (October 2/3)
Iranian calendar 1104/05
Islamic calendar 1138/39 (turn of the year 28/29 August)
Jewish calendar 5486/87 (September 25-26)
Coptic calendar 1442/43 (September 10-11)
Malayalam calendar 901/902
Seleucid era Babylon: 2036/37 (turn of the year April)

Syria: 2037/38 (turn of the year October)

Vikram Sambat (Nepalese Calendar) 1782/83 (turn of the year April)


Politics and world events

European alliance policy

Map of the alliances in Europe 1725/30

Great Britain / Spain

The Operations of the English and Spanish Fleets in the Caribbean 1726–1728
  • The British Prime Minister Robert Walpole sets the Royal Navy one as a foreign policy leverage. He strengthens the British Mediterranean squadron and sends a squadron to the Baltic Sea , which blocks the port of Reval from May to September in order to intimidate the Russian government and prevent its fleet from sailing. A third squadron is supposed to disrupt Spanish trade in the Caribbean and block the port of Portobelo at the same time . Walpole hopes that this will be a double success. For one thing, the aim is to prevent the Spanish silver fleet from reaching Europe and thereby giving the Viennese allies additional financial resources. On the other hand, this is intended to demonstrate to the Spanish King Philip V how dependent he and his colonial empire are on British goodwill.
  • Summer: In the Caribbean there is fighting between England and Spain. Believing that they were covered by the Vienna Alliance, Philip V and his wife Elisabetta Farnese, against the advice of their new Chief Minister José de Patiño y Morales, decided to take an open course of confrontation with Great Britain when the first news of British actions came from the Caribbean arrive. All UK trade privileges will be unilaterally terminated in December. The Anglo-Spanish War begins in early 1727 .


  • July 11th : King Louis XV. of France dismisses its chief minister, Louis IV. Henri de Bourbon, prince de Condé , and banishes him to his estates with his mistress Madame de Prie by means of a lettre de cachet . He is succeeded by André-Hercule de Fleury . Its authority is also raised when he was on September 11th by Pope Benedict XIII. is elevated to cardinal. Fleury is restoring the state's creditworthiness by starting to reduce its debt. By enforcing the street frontage of the peasants as provided for by feudal law, he ensures a good condition of the French streets, but at the price of increasing dissatisfaction.

Holy Roman Empire / Hungary

Elector Karl Albrecht of Bavaria


South America

Bruno Mauricio de Zabala


science and technology

Title of the first edition
  • The Spanish Royal Academy are thirteen years after its founding, the first edition of the Dictionnaire de Autoridades out a "Dictionary of the Spanish language in which the true meaning of the words, its nature and quality explains with sets or ways of speaking, proverbs or sayings and other things useful to the use of language ” .


Architecture and fine arts

The table of nations


Music and theater

Johann Sebastian Bach in Leipzig
Georg Friedrich Handel in London
Faustina Bordoni
Francesca Cuzzoni
  • May 5th : The opera seria Alessandro by Georg Friedrich Händel based on another libretto by Paolo Antonio Rolli is premiered at the King's Theater in London's Haymarket. The literary template La superbia d'Alessandro comes from Ortensio Mauro . The premiere will be the first meeting of the two most famous singers of the time: Francesca Cuzzoni (soprano) and Faustina Bordoni (mezzo-soprano), who form a “triumvirate” with Senesino, a castrato mezzo-soprano . The opera is so successful that the usual number of two performances a week is not enough. As early as November, the opera was performed twice under the title Der haughty Alexander at the Hamburg Opera on Gänsemarkt.
Further world premieres


François-Marie Arouet (Voltaire),
portrait by Nicolas de Largillière
  • Voltaire is thrown into the Bastille because of a dispute with a member of the Rohan family . King Louis XV grants him freedom for the promise to go abroad. The philosopher then went into exile in England for three years .
  • The existing two years Molly House of Margaret Clap in London was stormed by the police and arrested three men in the raid after a brief trial for sodomy sentenced to death and on May 9 publicly hanged. Margaret Clap is sentenced to public display in the pillory and is so badly mistreated by the mob that she is likely to die soon afterwards.


The old Frauenkirche, on the left the excavation pit for the new Frauenkirche; Engraving by Moritz Bodenehr (1728)


Fire in Reutlingen
  • September 23 to 25 : Within 38 hours, 80% of the city of Reutlingen is destroyed by a major fire, leaving around 1,200 families homeless. As if by a miracle there are almost no fatalities to mourn.

nature and environment

  • The El Niño phenomenon is first mentioned in a document.


First half of the year

Second half of the year

Exact date of birth unknown


Date of death secured

Portrait of Jakob Prandtauer in Melk Abbey

Exact date of death unknown

Web links

Commons : 1726  - Collection of Images, Videos, and Audio Files