Muhammad Mubarak Khan I.

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Amir Muhammad Mubarak Khan I. Abbasi (* in the 17th century; † 1726 in Shikarpur , Pakistan ) was Emir of Shikarpur from 1702.

He was the only son of Bahadur Khan II , whom he succeeded as emir. For his valuable services rendered to the Shahzada (ie the Shah's son) Nuiz ud-Din, he received Shikarpur, Bakhtiarpur and Khanpur as wages. He established his capital in Shikarpur. A capable commander and leader, he fought several battles against the related Kalhora clan during his reign. In 1723 he abdicated in favor of his son Sadiq Muhammad Khan I and died in Shikarpur in August 1726.

Individual evidence

  1. Ashiq Muhammad Khān Durrani: History of Multan: From the early period to 1849 AD ., P. 100 ( digitized version )

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