Austrian National Library
Austrian National Library | |
founding | 1368 (as the imperial court library) |
Duration | 12,229,285, including over 3.9 million books |
Library type | National Library |
place | Vienna 1st , Hofburg (Heldenplatz, main library), Palais Mollard |
operator | Republic of Austria |
management | Johanna Rachinger |
Website | |
The Austrian National Library in Vienna is the publicly accessible, central scientific library in Austria. It is located in the Neue Burg on Heldenplatz , the historical collections and the administration are accessible from the neighboring Josefsplatz . Further departments are located in other parts of the Hofburg and in the Palais Mollard-Clary in Herrengasse . The competent supervisory authority of the Austrian National Library is the Federal Chancellery .
As a national library, it collects, among other things, the mandatory copies of all printed works published or produced in Austria. This includes all dissertations approved by Austrian universities . Since July 2000, the collection of deposit copies has been expanded to include electronic media. With the ANNO project , historical newspapers and magazines are also scanned and made available online.
During the Austrian Empire , from 1867 in Austria-Hungary , the library was one of the most extensive universal libraries in the world as the Viennese court library until the end of the First World War . Today the focus of the collection is on the humanities .
As a federal museum, the Austrian National Library also includes five special offers: the State Hall , the Papyrus Museum , the Globe Museum , the Esperanto Museum and the Literature Museum of the Austrian National Library in listed former kk Hofkammerarchiv Johannesgasse 6 in Vienna's first district.
Location and building
The Austrian National Library is located in the Hofburg in the 1st district of Vienna . The historical access was from Josefsplatz, the current access to the reading room in the Neue Burg is from Heldenplatz.
The state hall was the first building that was built specifically for the court library, before the books were stored in the Minorite monastery. Construction began in 1723 by Johann Bernhard Fischer von Erlach and, after his death, was completed by his son Joseph Emanuel in 1726. The sculptures on the building are by Lorenzo Mattielli . According to the original arrangement of the books, the state hall is divided into a war and peace side, which is reflected in the frescoes. These come from Daniel Gran . The fresco in the central dome depicts the apotheosis of Charles VI. represents, whose image is held by Hercules and Apollo . All kinds of allegorical figures are gathered around the image of the emperor in a complicated program, which are supposed to symbolize the virtues of the Habsburgs and the wealth of their countries.
Even under Maria Theresa, cracks appeared in the dome, which is why it was reinforced with an iron ring by the court architect Nikolaus Pacassi . The ceiling fresco by Gran (on which the trace of a crack can still be seen today) was restored by Franz Anton Maulbertsch . At the same time, the wing buildings that connect the library with the Hofburg and the Augustinian Church and form Josefsplatz with it were built .
Tasks and holdings

One of the main tasks of the Austrian National Library is the collection and archiving of all publications appearing in Austria (including electronic media). According to the Media Act, four periodical printed works published in Austria and two mandatory copies of other printed works must be submitted to the National Library.
In addition, the library collects all works by Austrian authors that appear abroad, as well as works that concern Austrians or the Austrian creative and cultural work. Further publications from abroad will be included with a focus on the humanities.
The tasks and services of the National Library include the indexing of the holdings and their provision in the form of on-site lending, interlibrary loan, research services as well as inquiry, information and reproduction services. The general educational mandate given by law is also followed through cooperation with universities, schools and adult education institutions.
In total, the National Library has more than 12 million objects, around 4 million of which are books.
Map collection and globe museum
The map collection has existed since 1906, but the maps have been collected in the imperial court library since the 16th century. After the First World War , the Habsburg collection was also taken over, the so-called Habsburg Family Fideikommiss Library .
Attached to the map collection is the world's only museum for globes , in which 695 globes and other astronomical instruments are kept. It has existed since 1956 and is now located in the Palais Mollard-Clary on Herrengasse. However, stocks have existed since the 16th century. The main part consists of globes that were made before 1850. The appropriate specialist literature is part of the collection.
Papyrus Collection and Papyrus Museum
At the end of the 19th century, an important sub-collection of the library was established in the court library with the papyrus collection. The collection goes back to a private collection of Archduke Rainer . He gave them to Emperor Franz Joseph I on August 18, 1899 with the request that he assign the collection to the court library.
The papyrus collection contains around 180,000 objects from the 15th century BC. BC to 13th century AD. In addition to papyri, the collection includes papers, clay tablets and wooden and wax trays with writing on them, stone tablets, leather, textiles and bones as well as gold, silver and bronze objects with inscriptions. This makes the papyrus collection of the National Library one of the largest collections of this kind in the world.
Music collection
The music collection was not created through a foundation, but crystallized over centuries as a special collection within the holdings of the former Imperial and Royal Court Library. It contains numerous scores and first prints of works by well-known composers such as Anton Bruckner and Richard Strauss . The purchase of Albert Fugger's library brought valuable music to the court library. Gottfried van Swieten is also of particular importance ; as library prefect from 1777 to 1803, he promoted musical matters extraordinarily.
A decisive increase was the takeover of the old holdings of the court orchestra in 1826. The music collection of the Austrian National Library is the largest music archive in Austria and at the same time a modern scientific library. The collection includes music manuscripts and prints, textbooks of operas and vocal works as well as sound carriers, musicological literature and the estates of important Austrian composers. In 2005 the collection moved to the Palais Mollard-Clary (Vienna 1., Herrengasse 9).
Collection of manuscripts and old prints
After the "manuscript, autograph and estate collection" and the "collection of incunabula , old and valuable prints" were merged in April 2008 , their collections can now be viewed in the Augustiner reading room. The collection contains incunabula, pamphlets from 1501 up to and including 1850 and beyond, bibliophiles as well as rare and valuable prints without time restrictions. The approximately 8000 incunabula (the world's fourth largest collection) are among the most valuable parts of the old prints. Around a fifth of all works printed in the 15th century are in the collection, making it one of the world's fifth largest historical printed publications. The manuscript collection of the Austrian National Library houses the world's most important manuscript collection (such as the Fugger newspapers), numerous autographs and personal papers . The collection of manuscripts and old prints is supplemented by the binding collection and the Sinica and Japonica collections of the library.
Image archive and graphic collection
The picture archive of the Austrian National Library is the largest picture documentation center in Austria and comprises around two million objects from a wide variety of historical media types. It also houses the former family entails library of the House of Habsburg-Lothringen, which was transferred to the Republic of Austria in 1921 and incorporated into the national library. It contains z. B. Books by Empress Maria Ludovika Beatrix von Österreich-Este , wife of Franz I, who was advised on the purchase of the works by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.
The graphic collection includes more than 600,000 objects, prints, watercolors, drawings and art objects. The focus of the graphic inventory is on portraits of members of the House of Habsburg, graphic bundles with historical, topographical and natural history representations as well as bookplates from the 16th to the 20th century. The image documentation also focuses on topographic and architectural photography, contemporary history, portrait photography, theater photography and Austrian posters.
Literature archive
The literary archive of the Austrian National Library collects literary prior art and bequests from Austrian authors of the 20th century, especially since 1945, and makes them available for scientific analysis. It manages holdings (bequests, bequests, collections, etc.) for Günther Anders , Erich Fried , Egon Friedell , Peter Handke , Ödön von Horváth , Ernst Jandl , Alfred Kolleritsch , Robert Menasse , Andreas Okopenko , Heidi Pataki , Elisabeth Reichart , Margit, among others Schreiner , Manès Sperber , Hilde Spiel and Dorothea Zeemann . The material security and preservation of the documents is closely related to the ongoing research and publication activities at the archive. It is supplemented by exhibitions, readings, scientific conferences and "archive talks" that take place twice a year.
Collection for planned languages and Esperanto museum
The collection for planned languages houses the world's largest specialist library for interlinguistics . Around 500 planned languages are documented, of which Esperanto and Interlingua are the most important. The focus of the collection is on the planned language Esperanto, designed by the Polish ophthalmologist Ludwik Lejzer Zamenhof in 1887 , which over time has developed into a full language and is now spoken by a few million people. The collection also keeps several important bequests and bequests, such as the estate of Eugen Wüster , the founder of international terminology work, or that of the Catalan-Portuguese writer Manuel de Seabra . Attached to the collection is the Esperanto Museum of the Austrian National Library, which conveys the eventful history of Esperanto to visitors.
Archive of the Austrian Folk Song Works
The archive of the Austrian Folk Song Works was assigned to the Austrian National Library in 1994 and stores documents of musical, poetic and dance utterances. In addition to handwritten records of texts and melodies, the library has the largest collection of printed works on the subject of folk songs , folk music , folk dance and folk poetry in Austria. The collection of audio documents extends from shellac to long-playing records, tapes and cassettes to digital tapes and CDs. Image documents and song leaflets complement the material. The collection is housed in the rooms of the Austrian Folk Song Works. In the library there are statues of emperors by Peter and Paul Strudel and four globes by Vincenzo Coronelli . In 1735 Antonio Corradini designed the central statue of Charles VI. as Roman-German Emperor in the center of the state hall of the court library.
Digitization projects
In 2010, a contract was signed between the Austrian National Library and Google which provides for 600,000 books in the public domain to be digitized by Google free of charge. This means that these volumes can also be recorded using the search engine. In addition, the books are spared by fewer direct loans and a complete destruction of the contents in the event of a disaster is also impossible. Digitization has been taking place in Bavaria since 2011, the data is stored in the Austrian Federal Computing Center.
Recovery - Copyright
The Austrian National Library keeps content and digital copies of its holdings available online on its website. The Austrian National Library does not assert its own copyright exploitation rights to this content. In this respect, it also expressly agrees to subsequent use of this content in the accessible web resolution. This also applies to the use of this content in online forums, blogs and in social media channels such as Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, etc. The content may therefore also be used in Wikipedia. Exceptions are scans created by the cooperation partner Google. There this consent to re-use applies with the restriction that the scans may only be used for non-commercial purposes, which contradicts the CC-BY-SA license .
Employee numbers
year | Employees in full-time equivalents |
2017 | 317 |
2012 | 325 |
2010 | 307 |
2005 | 285 |
2001 | 282 |
At the end of 2017, the Austrian National Library had 317 full-time equivalents.
The various holdings of the Austrian National Library can now be searched in a single catalog called QuickSearch, in which the previously separate online catalogs were merged in 2011.
In 1991 was adjusted to the computerized cataloging around and broke the hitherto guided card catalogs from, of which there were four: the one alphabetical catalog and a keyword index for expenses that were published from 1501 to 1929, and those from 1930 to Appeared in 1991. In 1997, these card catalogs were scanned in using a specially developed process (KatZoom) and published as an image catalog . From 2000 onwards text data was generated from the scans of the catalog cards and transferred to the electronic catalog. The project was completed in 2005.
The first retro-conversion project of the Austrian National Library was the retro-conversion of the book reference center catalog, which began in 1996.
From the beginning of the Habsburg book collections until 1575
The book collection of today's National Library goes back to various earlier collections whose holdings were taken over by it. The book collections in the possession of the Habsburgs since the 14th century are considered to be original . These were housed in different places (especially in the castles of Vienna, Wiener Neustadt and Innsbruck ) and had Austrian, Bohemian, French and Italian manuscripts in various languages, some of which were provided with valuable book illuminations .
There is no evidence of the founding date of these collections, which is why (first Ernst Trenkler 1968) the year 1368 is taken as the beginning, as the possession of a book can be verified for the first time for this year. It was a gospel book written by Johannes von Troppau in 1368 , which was in the possession of Albrecht III in the same year . († 1395) found. Albrecht owned other manuscripts, which, however, did not form a library, but - as was customary at the time - were kept in the Duke's treasury together with other valuable objects (such as jewels) . Albrecht's treasury was located in two sacristies in the castle chapel of the Vienna Ducal Castle. After Albrecht, Friedrich III. († 1493) expanded the manuscript collection considerably, two particularly valuable works from Prague joined the imperial collection through an inheritance: the Wenceslas Bible (an early German translation of the Bible) and a copy of the Golden Bull (a law to carry out the election of a king). To date, we have 56 manuscripts and four incunabula that were acquired under Friedrich (they are labeled AEIOU), but most of the collection has been lost. The writings of the Habsburgs were meanwhile stored in different places, so Friedrich had 110 valuable books brought to Wiener Neustädter Burg , others were in a tower at the Swiss gate of the Vienna Hofburg. In order to put them in order, Friedrich Enea is said to have appointed Silvio Piccolomini, later Pope Pius II , and Georg von Peuerbach to his court.
The expansion of the collection was continued by Friedrich's son Maximilian I († 1519). Through his marriage to Maria von Burgund , he came into possession of valuable books from Burgundy and northern France and brought them to Wiener Neustadt. Among them were the Black Book of Hours of Charles the Bold , the Book of Hours of Mary of Burgundy , the Chronicles of Jerusalem and the Book of Statutes of the Order of the Golden Fleece. With a value of around 100,000 guilders at the time, the books he inherited represented about one eighth of the total dowry. Maximilian's second wife, Bianca Maria Sforza , brought manuscripts - from the collection of the Sforza family in Milan - into the marriage as a dowry . Maximilian also wrote his own writings, commissioned others from scholars and accepted works dedicated to him. When the residence was relocated around 1500, some of the books were packed in chests and brought to Innsbruck Castle and then to Thaur Castle . These were scientific works that were of personal interest to Maximilian. After his death they were taken to Ambras Castle . The humanists Conrad Celtis and Johannes Cuspinian , among others, were employed to organize and increase the holdings that remained in Vienna and Wiener Neustadt . While the valuable books were part of the treasure near the emperor, the scientific works were kept in the Viennese castle and after Maximilian's death increased through new purchases and the takeover of the private libraries of some scholars.
The various Habsburg book collections were also expanded under the emperors Ferdinand I († 1564) and Maximilian II († 1576). Although there were several initiatives under Maximilian II to enlarge the collection, there was still no full-time library manager who would have been able to survey, organize and bring together the entire inventory. In addition to various increases in inventory, books were borrowed and others were transported back and forth in chests between Vienna and the emperor's seat in Prague . The population was increased on the initiative of Ferdinand and Maximilian and was carried out by various learned contemporaries. The Viennese historian and university professor of medicine Wolfgang Lazius († 1565) researched numerous monastery libraries and archives for his historical works on the city of Vienna and Emperor Ferdinand I , for which he provided a letter of recommendation from the emperor, including to Admont , Seckau , Sankt Lambrecht , Friesach , Gurk , Sankt Paul im Lavanttal , Celje , Krain and in the Upper Austrian countries. Through purchases, gifts and loans that were not returned, he compiled a library of manuscripts and printed works that came to the court library after his death. The imperial envoy Ogier Ghislain de Busbecq († 1592) bought several hundred manuscripts in Constantinople and Greece, and the court historian Johannes Sambucus († 1584) acquired over 560 manuscripts in Greek and Latin in Italy. In 1578 530 manuscripts were acquired from him, and after his death 2,600 books and maps from his estate. The extensive private libraries of Hans Dernschwams and Kaspar von Niedbruck also came to the court library after their death.
First imperial librarians
In an imperial letter in 1575, Maximilian II appointed the Dutch lawyer Hugo Blotius († 1608) as the first official librarian of the imperial library. The library was located in the Minorite Monastery near the castle from around 1550 (and until 1623). The book store is said to have been in poor condition and affected by mold and rot. Most of the books were arranged in 28 boxes, disorganized. The reason for the creation of the new office of the imperial librarian was the desire to review and order the holdings, which were to be inventoried and listed in a catalog. Blotius received - irregularly - 200 guilders, of which he had to feed and pay families and clerks. With two assistants he took up the inventory in a few months and compiled an alphabetical library catalog in duplicate (one copy was for the library, one for the emperor residing in Prague). The catalog was completed in 1576 and contains 7379 volumes, the call numbers entered in it at that time can still be found in the books concerned today. Since new acquisitions and nobles were not taken into account, it can be assumed that the number of 9000 volumes given by Blotius for 1592 was higher and actually exceeded 11,000 volumes. Blotius prepared his own catalog with works that dealt with the Turks, the most dangerous enemy of the empire at the time. The imperial library was used by members of the court and the University of Vienna and visited by numerous travelers and aristocrats. As such had been lacking so far, Blotius wrote guidelines in 1579 for the administration and scientific use of the imperial library. The holdings were further expanded through purchases, gifts and bequests.
After Blotius' death in 1608 his long-time coadjutor Sebastian Tengnagel took over the management. Tengnagel completed the new catalog and separated the manuscripts from the prints. Acquisitions and library takeovers continued to be responsible for the increase in the holdings; in 1624 the mandatory copies, which are still to be delivered today, were widely introduced . On August 26th, Ferdinand II († 1637) issued a patent which required the delivery of a copy of every printed book and not just one of the privileged prints. Under Tengnagel, the library moved from the Minorite Monastery to a building in the Hofburg, and in 1631 again to the Harrach House, where it took up eight rooms on the upper floor. The budget seems to have been tight; at any rate, requests for money form an essential part of the sources preserved from this period. In addition to the manuscripts of Tycho Brahe and Johannes Kepler , Tengnagel's library, comprising 4,000 manuscripts and prints, came to the library after his death.
In 1650, the canon of St. Stephan, Matthäus Mauchter, who was adequately provided for , was appointed prefect of the library, which he held until 1663. In 1662 the office of the imperial librarian appeared for the first time in the financial plan of the court pay office. Mauchter bought the Fugger library from Augsburg in 1655 from the inheritance of Philipp Eduard Fugger. It cost 15,000 guilders and comprised 15,000 volumes (including the Fugger newspapers, a collection of handwritten reports from the trading cities of Europe to the House of Fugger ). In addition, Mauchter wrote a systematic catalog with an alphabetical index, which also contained the more recent publications and was thus the first complete directory of the imperial library.
“It be for the benefit, luck and prosperity! The imperial library of Vienna, which was founded by the glorious Roman Emperor Maximilian I, partly from his ancestors' books, but partly from his own assets and from the holy treasury (state treasury) around the year 1514 of the Christian era but not only through the care and at the expense of the subsequent emperors, also through a large part of the books of the most illustrious King of Hungary, Matthias Corvinus , and through the excellent libraries of highly famous men, such as Conrad Celtis , Johannes Cuspinian , Johannes Faber , Johann Dernschwamm , Wolfgang Lazius , Johannes Sambucus , Augerius Busbecq , Reichard Strein , Hugo Blotius , Tycho Brahe , Sebastian Tengnagel and Philipp Eduard Fugger , as well as various other approaches of the highest value have been enriched to such an extent that they are currently from at least 80,000 exquisite manuscripts as well as printed ones Volumes from any natural and human sciences In a field of study that is inferior to any library in the world both in terms of the number and excellent quality of the books as well as the diversity of the language, our most holy Roman Emperor and Lord, the exalted Leopold I […] through personal handwriting - so that it does not perish through mold and dirt before it is transferred to a new and functional building - let it be brought into such a state that it [...] can serve posterity in a versatile and almost unbelievable way. In the year 1663 of the Christian calendar. "
Charles VI and Maria Theresa
A new period began under Emperor Charles VI. with the appointment of the imperial personal physician Pius Nikolaus von Garelli as prefect of the court library in 1723. Already before his appointment, he had written a twenty-point proposal for the reform of the court library in Italian on behalf of the imperial court master Prince Johann Leopold Donat von Trautson , the was presented to the emperor by Prince Trautson in 1723. The emperor approved both the reform - which included regular financial endowments for the library - as well as Garelli's suggestion to build a separate building for the valuable books that were stored in dark, uncomfortable rooms in the former court chamber building.
According to plans by Johann Bernhard Fischer von Erlach , his son, Joseph Emanuel Fischer von Erlach, first built the state hall in the years 1723–1726, in which the most important exhibits of the court library were exhibited. The most valuable addition at that time was the book collection of Prince Eugene of Savoy , whose 15,000 volumes include rare books from the French and Italian regions. The hall of the court library is now the state hall of the Austrian National Library, in which around 200,000 books are exhibited. In 1730, the picturesque decoration was carried out by Daniel Gran , while the whole construction was completed in 1735. Garelli remained prefect of the new court library until his death in 1739 and bequeathed his own valuable book collection of 13,000 volumes to it.
During the Enlightenment , for the first time there was loud criticism that the court library was mainly used for representation and not so much for imparting knowledge. Gerard van Swieten , Maria Theresa's personal physician , and his son Gottfried van Swieten added numerous scientific works to the collection. This also made the court library interesting for academic work. A particular success was the introduction of Gottfried van Swieten, the card catalog . This enabled the library's inventory index to be kept up to date.
Empire of Austria
After the end of the Holy Roman Empire , the court library was reorganized. Under the custodian Paul Strattmann, the court library received a program for the first time that described its mission:
“The imperial court library presents itself from a threefold perspective. It is the library for the educated class of the capital. This requires the strangest works of teaching from her. It is the national library of the Austrian Empire. Both local and foreigners expect to find the most sought-after literary rarities here. It is finally the library of the imperial court from which it got its name. This is associated with typographical splendor. "
At the beginning of the 19th century, the collection policy of the court library increasingly detached itself from the demands of representation and focused on scientific works. The multinational constitution of the empire meant that not only German-language books were collected in the court library, but also books from the Slavic and Hungarian- speaking areas. However, after the Austro-Hungarian reconciliation of 1867, substantial parts of the Hungarian collection moved to Budapest .
During the March Revolution of 1848, the holdings of the court library were in great danger when the Hofburg, which housed the court library, burned after the shelling in Vienna. The papyrus collection , which goes back to the acquisitions of the Viennese antiques dealer Theodor Graf , represents an important addition to the holdings of the court library .
First Republic and German Empire
After the proclamation of the Republic of German Austria , the court library was renamed the National Library in 1920 . The collection policy of the interwar period concentrated on the "national literature of those German tribes that have now come under foreign national rule," said the library director at the time, Josef Donabaum .
During the Nazi era in the German Reich, under the direction of then General Director Paul Heigl, hundreds of thousands of “ Aryanized ” writings were stored here and the library served as a transit warehouse for the confiscated works to other German libraries. The library enriched its holdings with several hundreds of valuable books and works from former Jewish property. After the war, the library categorically refused to return it to the owners or the rightful heirs. It took a long time to come to terms with it, partly because many employees with the former NSDAP's party membership continued to work here after the war. In 2005, the Stolen Books exhibition dealt with this dark spot in the house's history. See also: Restitution (Austria) .
Second republic
After 1945 - after the institution was renamed the Austrian National Library - small parts were returned, but the majority remained in the collections. The collection activity was again gradually turned to Central and Eastern Europe.
In 1966, large parts of the collections were moved from the building on Josefsplatz to the premises of the Neue Burg on Heldenplatz , with new reading rooms being set up there. Due to the increased space requirement, the underground storage facility below Heldenplatz was opened in 1992, where around 4 million works can be found on four levels. At the same time, additional areas were set up as reading rooms, so that visitors have three levels at their disposal today (two floors of the main reading room and the magazine reading room). The Austrian National Library remained loyal to the card catalog it was using for the first time. The library's holdings have been electronically searchable since 1995, and online since 1998 .
Until the year 2003 was begun the remaining Nazi loot to restitution where even owners or their heirs were found. Since December 2003, a total of 43,580 objects (books, photos, negatives, autographs, manuscripts, maps and music) have been restituted to the rightful heirs. More than 8000 objects for which the library's provenance research found no evidence of previous owners were symbolically handed over to the National Fund of the Republic of Austria for Victims of National Socialism and bought back in June 2010 .
Full legal scientific institution
On January 1, 2002, the National Library was given full legal capacity. This gave the institution full control over budget and personnel issues. As a federal museum, the national library receives a certain annual budget from the federal government; additional funds must be obtained through sponsorship, reproduction services and the rental of premises. In terms of organization, the National Library has a general directorate and is divided into three main departments (personnel and accounting, inventory creation and processing as well as use and information) and the individual collections. The National Library is currently headed by Johanna Rachinger . It is responsible to a board of trustees , to which a quarterly report must be submitted.
- Isabella Ackerl : The Austrian National Library. In: Bundespressedienst (Ed.): Treasure houses Austria , Vienna 1995, p. 16 f.
- Gabriele Mauthe: Abecedarium, ABC books, spelling books - how and with what children learned to read. Precious examples from the Austrian National Library . In: Children's literature as cultural memory. Contributions to historical research on textbooks, children's and young people's literature I. Ed. By Ernst Seibert u. S. Blumesberger Vienna 2008, ISBN 978-3-7069-0489-6 .
- Austrian National Library: The Austrian National Library in the Neue Hofburg . Austrian National Library, Vienna (1966).
- Various authors: Austrian National Library. In: Austrian National Library (Ed.): Handbook of historical book collections in Austria , Volume 1, Hildesheim 1994, pp. 37–158 ( online )
- Murray G. Hall , Christina Köstner: "... to get hold of all kinds of things for the national library ..." - An Austrian institution during the Nazi era. Vienna 2006
- Gabriele Mauthe, Christian host: The management of the court library at the turn of the century. Josef Ritter von Karabacek Director of the Imperial and Royal Court Library in Vienna (1899–1917) ; Catalog for the exhibition in the Papyrus Museum, Vienna 1999, ISBN 3-01-000022-7 .
- Johanna Rachinger (Ed.): Treasury of knowledge. 650 years Austrian National Library , K & S, Vienna 2018, ISBN 978-3-218-01112-9 .
Josef Stummvoll (Ed.): History of the Austrian National Library , 2 parts, Prachner, Vienna 1968–1973 (= Museion. New series. Series 2 , Volume 3)
- Part 1: The court library (1368–1922) .
- Part 2: Ernst Trenkler : The National Library (1927–1967) . Vienna 1973.
To the collections
- Herbert Hunger : The papyrus collection of the Austrian National Library. Exhibition catalog Vienna 1962
- Ida Olga Höfler: Portrait collection and picture archive of the Austrian National Library, formerly the family Fideikommiss library . Vienna 1994
- Thomas Huber-frischis, Nina Knieling, Rainer Valenta: The private library of Emperor Franz I of Austria 1784–1835. Library and cultural history of a princely collection between the Enlightenment and Vormärz. Böhlau, Vienna 2015, ISBN 978-3-205-79672-5 ( PDF download, 28.2 MB ).
- Marianne Jobst-Rieder: Film posters from the Austrian National Library (1910–1955). Vienna 1998
Web links
- Entry on the Austrian National Library in the Austria Forum (in the AEIOU Austria Lexicon )
- Official website
- Austrian National Library at Google Cultural Institute
- The National Library during the Nazi era (archive version)
Individual evidence
- ↑ Google scans Austria's cultural heritage on ORF from June 20, 2010, accessed on June 30, 2010; Austrian Books Online
- ↑ Use , ÖNB. Retrieved July 24, 2020.
- ↑ Annual reports .
- ↑ Walter Zabel: From the catalog slip via Kat-Zoom to the online database. For the digitization and retro-conversion of card catalogs at the Austrian National Library . In: Biblos , Volume 49, Issue 2, pp. 393–396.
- ↑ Josef Steiner: Retro-conversion of the book reference point catalog 2 (1981–1993) at the Austrian National Library . In: Library Management - Cultural Management. Lectures and reports. 24th Austrian Librarians' Day, Congress Innsbruck, September 3–7, 1996. Austrian National Library, Vienna 1998 (= Biblos-Schriften 168), pp. 361–377.
- ^ Aloys Bergenstamm : Inscriptions in crypts, columns, foundation stones and houses in Vienna . In: Gerhard Fischer (ed.): Because the shape of this world passes , history of the churches ... of the city of Vienna, recorded by the antiquity friend Aloys Bergenstamm (1754–1821), daedalus Verlag 1996, ISBN 3-900911-07-X , p 253.
- ↑ Most submissive obedient report, fascicle 1723 in the house, court and state archives
- ↑ Gustav Freiherr von Suttner : "The Garelli", page 38; 2nd edition 1888
- ↑ JCW Mohsen: Description of a Berlin medal collection, first part, page 140
- ↑ Gustav Freiherr von Suttner: "The Garelli", page 38; 2nd edition 1888
- ↑ Gustav Freiherr von Suttner: "The Garelli", page 100; 2nd edition 1888
- ↑ Provenance research and restitution ( Memento from June 30, 2010 in the Internet Archive ) (accessed June 1, 2010)
- ^ Restitution, June 1, 2010
- ↑ , Commemoration - Stolen Books ( Memento from November 4, 2010 in the Internet Archive ), June 1, 2010
- ↑ Transfer of ownership to the National Fund Press release of the National Fund of June 2, 2010, accessed on January 12, 2020.
Coordinates: 48 ° 12'22.1 " N , 16 ° 21'58.6" E