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A Gospel Book ( Gospel Book ) or Tetraevangelion (Τετραευαγγγέλιον) are the common names for a codex with the full text of the Gospels of the New Testament . It contains the complete text of the four Gospels ( Tetraevangeliar ) in the original text string. The oldest manuscripts are from late antiquity.

Some codices also contain other texts that were often added later. These could contain interlinear glosses (e.g. translation of the text into the local language), notes on events at the place where the manuscript was created, or notes on the use of worship services. Sometimes the sections to be read in the service were made particularly recognizable by the chapter division and rubricing . In individual copies there are also tables of concordance (canon tables) of Eusebius , the prefaces of Jerome to the Vulgate ( praefationes ), short vitae of the four evangelists (as prologus orargumentum ), the contents of the individual Gospels ( capitulationes ) as well as the list of the Gospel pericopes intended for reading in worship services ( capitulare evangeliorum ).

Gospels are often very artistically designed and illustrated. These often represent the evangelists and individual scenes from the text at the beginning of the respective gospel. These images are among the earliest and highest quality preserved evidence of late antique and early medieval illumination . Examples are the Codex Aureus from Echternach; the Hitda Codex and the Lorsch Gospels . Individual dedication and donation copies for kings and princes are among the most precious books that have ever been produced (e.g. the Gospel of Henry the Lion ).

Gospel Lessons

The gospel lessonaries, widely known as evangelistaries , emerged from the pericopes , who only reproduce the sections of the Gospels required for the service and arrange them according to the days and feasts of the church year . These are also sometimes referred to as Gospels .

In today's Roman Catholic liturgy, the Gospel or Gospel is the official Latin or German name of the liturgical pericopes with the scriptures from the four Gospels of the New Testament.


Web links

Commons : Gospels  - collection of images, videos, and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. The Bishops' Conferences of the German-Speaking Area (ed.). Gospels. The Gospels of Sundays and feast days in the read age A, B and C. A output . 2nd Edition. Herder publishing house. Freiburg 1985. ISBN 3-451-20460-6 ; https://w2.vatican.va/content/john-paul-ii/en/speeches/2000/oct-dec/documents/hf_jp-ii_spe_20001215_evangeliario.html
  2. ^ Judith S. McKenzie, Francis Watson: The Garima Gospels: Early Illuminated Gospel Books from Ethiopia . Manar al-Athar, Oxford 2016