Eugen Wüster

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Eugen Wüster (born October 3, 1898 in Wieselburg , † March 29, 1977 in Vienna ) was an Austrian interlinguist and founder of terminology .

Eugen Wüster (1967)


Eugen Wüster became enthusiastic about Esperanto at the age of 15 and soon emerged as a translator and author of various monographs and articles, particularly on questions of Esperanto terminology and lexicography . Between the summer of 1918 and 1920, as a 20- to 22-year-old student, he essentially worked on the large dictionary Encyclopedic Dictionary Esperanto-German ("Enciklopedia Vortaro"), which is still unsurpassed in terms of detail and reliability.

In 1927 he passed a diploma examination in electrical engineering at the Technical University in Berlin-Charlottenburg.

The experience he gained during his lexicographical work formed the basis for his Stuttgart dissertation “International language standardization in technology, especially in electrical engineering”, which was submitted in 1931 and which is considered to be the basic work of terminology (2nd edition Bonn 1966). Later he turned to the planned language Interlingua and participated in the editing of the second edition of the Interlingua Grammar (1971).

As a result of his research work on international technical understanding, Committee No. 37 for terminology standardization in the International Association of Standards ( ISA ) was set up in 1936 .

Wüster had a decisive influence on the international principles of terminology standardization and made a significant contribution to the foundation of the modern information society.

From 1972 he taught at the University of Vienna . From his estate, the Eugen Wüster Archive was set up there at the Institute for Philosophy of Science and Science Research .

For special achievements in terminology research and science , Infoterm - financially supported by the cities of Vienna and Wieselburg as well as the International Institute for Terminology Research (IITF) and ideally supported by the Austrian UNESCO Commission, the Austrian National Library and the University of Vienna - all donated the international Eugen Wüster Prize for three years . In 2005 the Eugen Wüster Special Prize was awarded once .

Publications (selection)

  • Enciklopedia vortaro Esperanta-germana. Ferdinand Hirt & Son, Leipzig 1923.
  • La oficiala radikaro kun enkonduko kaj notoj. Esperanto publishing house Ellersiek & Borel, Berlin and Dresden 1923.
  • Maŝinfaka Esperanto-Vortaro prielementa. Ferdinand Hirt & Son, Leipzig 1923.
  • Esperanto and the Technician. The meaning of the world auxiliary language Esperanto for the technician, its nature and its spread since the world wars. 2nd Edition. Esperanto publishing house Ellersiek & Borel, Berlin and Dresden 1924.
  • Esperanto prepositions. At the same time a general theory of the function of the prepositions in his source languages. Esperanto publishing house Ellersiek & Borel, Berlin and Dresden 1924.
  • International language standardization in technology, especially in electrical engineering . (The national language standardization and its generalization). VDI, Berlin 1931, 2nd expanded edition, Bouvier, Bonn 1966, ISBN 3-416-00320-9 (dissertation Technische Hochschule Stuttgart 1931, pp. 408-412, 85-122, 253-276, 431; size 8 DNB 579564843 ).
  • The manufacture of saw blades for wood. A company tour for sawmills and other sawmills . Springer, Vienna 1952
  • Bibliography of monolingual scientific and technical glossaries . 2 volumes. Unesco, Paris 1955, 1959.
  • Basic terms in machine tools. Technical Press / Economic Commission for Europe of the United Nations, London 1967.
  • Naming and dictionary principles. Your beginnings in Germany. In: Mother tongue , 1973.
  • International bibliography of standardized vocabularies. Bibliography internationale de vocabulaires normalisés. International bibliography of standard dictionaries. Initiated by Eugen Wüster. Prepared by Helmut Felber [among others]. 2nd ed.Saur, Munich 1979, ISBN 3-598-05502-1 .
  • Introduction to general terminology and terminological lexicography . 3. Edition. Romanistischer Verlag, Bonn 1991, ISBN 3-89913-401-X .


  • Introduction to the General Theory of Terminology and Terminological Lexicography . Springer, Vienna 1979 (English)
  • Introduction à la théorie générale de la terminologie et à la lexicographie terminologique . Girsterm, Université Laval, Quebec 1979 (French)
  • Introducción a la teoría general de la terminología ya la lexicografía terminológica . Institut Universitari de Lingüística Aplicada (IULA), Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona 1998, ISBN 84-477-0648-6 (2nd edition 2003, Spanish)


  • Helmut Felber (Ed.): Terminology as applied linguistics. Commemorative letter for Univ.-Prof. Dr. Eugen Wüster . Saur, Munich a. a. 1979, ISBN 3-598-10028-0
  • Hauptenthal, Reinhard (ed.): Eugen Wüster - Esperantologiaj studoj . Antverpeno, La Laguna: tk, Stafeto 1978 (anthology of his esperantological studies), ISBN 90-6336-005-3
  • Erhard Oeser (Ed.): Eugen Wüster (1898–1977). Life and work - an Austrian pioneer of the information society . TermNet, Vienna 1998, ISBN 3-901010-20-3
  • Blanke, Detlev : On the planned language Esperanto and on Esperantology in the work of Eugen Wüster . In: Language standardization and language planning. Vienna 1996, pp. 311–329.

Individual evidence

  1. a b F. H. Lang: Eugen Wüster - for his 100th birthday . In: e & i electrical engineering and information technology . tape 115 , no. 11 , November 1, 1998, pp. 625 .
  2. Union Mundial pro Interlingua , accessed on October 5, 2014 (Interlingua)
  3. ^ Austrian National Library , accessed on April 10, 2018

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