Johann Ludwig Schmidt

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Johann Ludwig Schmidt

Johann Ludwig Schmidt also: Schmid (born April 22, 1726 in Quedlinburg , † August 2, 1792 in Jena) was a German legal scholar.


Johann Ludwig was the son of the organist at the St. Benedict Church in Quedlinburg Augustin Schmid (* July 2, 1692, † May 17, 1730 in Quedlinburg) and his wife Anna Margaretha Degen (* March 16, 1717 in Quedlinburg) who was married on December 30, 1717 1693 in Quedlinburg; † January 20, 1727 ibid.). He lost his mother when he was one and his father three years old. As an orphan, he was taken in by his father's aunt, who was married to Christoph Schumann. After attending grammar school in Quedlinburg and switching to the orphanage in Glaucha near Halle . On April 22, 1745 he moved to the University of Jena, where he initially studied philosophical studies with Joachim Georg Darjes , Christian Gottlieb Buder (1693–1763), Joachim Erdmann Schmidt (1710–1776), Georg Erhard Hamberger , Johann Ernst Basilius Wiedeburg and Lorenz Johann Daniel Suckow graduated.

Turning to studying law, he also attended the lectures of Johann Caspar Heimburg , Johann August von Hellfeld , Johann Gottfried Schaumburg , Heinrich Brockes and Paul Wilhelm Schmid . On October 20, 1749 he passed his bar exam and then worked for seven years as a private tutor. Devoting himself to academic life, he defended his treatise De praescriptione actionis pigneraticiae directae on November 27, 1756 and was then awarded a doctorate in law. After taking part in the lectures at the Jena University of Applied Sciences, Schmidt took on an extraordinary professorship in law in 1763 and became a member of the Schöppenstuhl.

In 1765 he was appointed full professor of law, on June 14, 1766 he moved to the professorship of the institutes and was associated with it on June 28 of the same year as assessor of the law faculty and the Jena court. In 1771 he was appointed court counselor of Saxe-Coburg and Meiningen, in 1774 he became professor of the Pandects and he was a member of the German Society of Higher Sciences in Jena. In addition, he participated in the organizational tasks of the Jena Salana. He was dean a few times and in the summer semesters 1769 and 1775 rector of the alma mater . His main work is a practical textbook on legal actions and defenses , which saw several editions up to the middle of the nineteenth century and was used.

Schmidt married on September 3, 1758 in Jena with Johanna Friederica Wunderlich (born September 3, 1736 in Quedlinburg; † February 29, 1764 in Jena) the daughter of pastor Caspar Julius Wunderlich (born February 24, 1694 in Hamburg; † 23. May 1756 in Quedlinburg) and his wife Anna Sophia Hettling, who married on October 4, 1729 in Hedersleben (* September 1704 in Hedersleben; † July 21, 1760 in Quedlinburg). The children are known to include the daughter Sophia Friederica Schmidt (born November 17, 1759 in Jena) and the son Ernst Gottfried Schmidt (born September 26, 1763 in Jena; † October 19, 1794 ibid.) Who became an associate professor of law in Jena and married Anna Maria Dorothea Sonntag (born December 23, 1766 in Jena; † November 13, 1799 ibid.) on November 4, 1792 in Jena.

Works (selection)

  • Diss. Inaug. de praeseriptione actionis pignoratitiae directae. Jena 1756 (President Johann Caspar Heimburg, online )
  • Diss. De praescriptione feudali adquisitiva. Jena 1758 (Resp.Johann Caspar Habermann, online )
  • Disquisitio nodosae quaestionis: num is, a quo creditor ex pluribus sibi datis fiderassoribus partim debiti aceipit, solutione partis suae ita liberetur, ut postea ab eo residuum debiti plane exigi nequeat? Jena 1760 ( online )
  • Processus fori in prineipatu Schwarzburgico-Rudolfstadiensi, quondam ex Ordinatione processuali A. 1704 publicata, et novioribus quibusdam mandatis, tabulis ad imitationem D. Jo. Henr. Rotheri Statuae Mercurialis processualis delineatus, nunc aere expressus, curante etc. Rudolfstadt and Leipzig 1762
  • Diss. Jur. principia generalia de fideiussore ex fideiussione in caussis tam civilibus, quam criminalibus, vel plane non vel etiam principaliter obligato, sistens. Jena 1762 (Resp. Friedrich Gottlob von Jemgumer Closter, online )
  • Detailed treatment of the disputed legal question: In what types of coins is a monetary debt to be paid off? In addition to a preface, in which the use of common opinions and a precise library of legal truth are dealt with at the same time. Jena 1763 ( online ); Jena 1769 ( online ); Jena 1782 ( online )
  • Liber singularis de fideiussore plane non obligate. From the surety who is not liable to the creditor at all. Jena 1763 ( online )
  • Conspectus systematicus super Ge. Ad. Struvii Iurisprudentia Romano - Germanico - Forensi. Jena 1763
  • Praecepta artis disputandi, quibus ad rite instituendas Disputationes iuridicas auditores suos nonnihil informare voluit. Jena 1763
  • Diss. De remedio suspensivo in provocatione, praesertim protestatione quaesito. Pro Loco. Jena 1766 ( online )
  • Comment. de fideiussore principaliter obligato. From the surety who is liable to the obligee before the main debtor is sued, Jena 1767
  • Systematica descriptio doctrinae de actionibus. Jena 1768
  • Legal decisions, which at the same time practically explains his treatise on the coin forts in which a monetary debt is to be paid off; together with the attached coin regulations and an increased list of writings belonging here. Jena 1769 ( online )
  • Institutiones iuris civilis in formam artis redactae. Jena 1771
  • Systematica descriptio suarum institutionum iur. civ. tabulis expressa. Jena 1772
  • Progr. De remediis iuris, quae liberis institutis propter legitimam competunt. Jena 1773 (Dean's program for the doctorate of Johann Karl Fürbringer (Gera), online )
  • Practical textbook of lawsuits and defenses. Jena 1774; Jena 1778; Jena 1786; Jena 1792 ( online ), Jena 1801 ( online ); Jena 1803 ( online ); Jena 1813 ( online ); Jena 1845 ( online )
  • Public judgments to expand practical legal truth; along with a preface, which also deals with the excellent usability of a casuistic legal college. Jena 1777 ( online )
  • Diss. De restiuitione in integrum, num sit benesicium reale, an personale. Jena 1777
  • Opuscula de praescriptione, praesertim circa pignus, secundum omne ius, quo in Germania utimur, considerata. Jena 1780 ( online )
  • Progr. I de iure quodam Nassovico, quod the conquest dicitur. Jena 1783 (Dean's program for the doctorate of Georg Christoph Wilhelm Völcker (born November 22, 1744 in Jena), online )
  • Progr. II de iure quodam Nassovico, quod the conquest dicitur. Jena 1784 (Deanery program for the doctorate of Paul Christian Nikolai Lembke, online )
  • Diss. De iis, quae ad exercendum ius retentionis necessaria sunt. Jena 1785
  • Legal treatise by separatists on spiritual and secular matters. Jena 1788 ( online )
  • Progr. Commentatio de interpellatione extraiudiciali ab interrumpenda praescriptione haud excludeuda. Jena 1788
  • JL Schmidt's bequeathed treatises on various practical legal matters, mostly explained with verdicts from the Faculty of Law and the Schöppenstuhl in Jena. Leipzig 1795, 2nd volume, (edited by Johann Cristian Wilhelm Faselius; 1st volume online ; 2nd volume online )


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