Auguste of Baden-Baden

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Jeanne de Bade

Auguste Maria Johanna von Baden-Baden (born November 10, 1704 in Aschaffenburg , † August 8, 1726 in Paris ) became Duchess of Orléans by marriage.


Auguste Marie Johanna was the eighth of nine children of Margrave Ludwig Wilhelm von Baden-Baden , known as Türkenlouis , and Princess Franziska Sibylla Augusta von Sachsen-Lauenburg , who was twenty years younger .

She married on June 18, 1724 in the Schlosskirche Rastatt in a wedding ceremony by procuration, Duke Ludwig I of Orléans . After the celebrations, she traveled to Strasbourg and was received by the Duke on French soil. On July 13, 1724, the actual wedding was celebrated in Sarry near Châlons-sur-Marne . Ten months later she gave her husband a son, Ludwig Philipp , who succeeded his father as duke. Three days after the birth of her second child, she died of puerperal fever at the age of 21 in the Palais Royal in Paris . She was buried in the chapelle Sainte-Anne du Val-de-Grâce .


  1. Louis Philippe d'Orléans, Duke of Orléans (* May 12, 1725 - November 18, 1785) ⚭ Louise Henriette de Bourbon, " Mademoiselle de Conti " .
  2. Louise Marie d'Orléans, " Mademoiselle " (* August 5, 1726, † May 14, 1728)

See also


  • Johann Christian Sachs: Introduction to the history of the Marggravschaft and the Marggravial old princely house of Baden . tape 3 . Lotter, Carlsruhe 1769, p. 645–646 ( limited preview in Google Book Search).

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Residenzschloss Rastatt: Augusta Maria Johanna von Orléans