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Calendar overview 1799
1799 | |
Napoleon Bonaparte is appointed First Consul by the rump parliament under pressure from the military . |
Pierre François Xavier Bouchard finds the Rosette stone . |
Ludwig van Beethoven completes the Piano Sonata No. 8 "Pathétique" . |
1799 in other calendars | |
Armenian calendar | 1247/48 (turn of the year July) |
Ethiopian calendar | 1791/92 (September 10-11) |
Bengali solar calendar | 1200/01 (beginning of April 14th or 15th) |
Buddhist calendar | 2342/43 (southern Buddhism); 2341/42 (alternative calculation according to Buddha's Parinirvana ) |
Chinese calendar | 74th (75th) cycle
Year of the Earth-Sheep己未 ( at the beginning of the year Earth-Horse戊午) |
Chula Sakarat (Siam, Myanmar) / Dai calendar (Vietnam) | 1161/62 (turn of the year April) |
Dangun era (Korea) | 4132/33 (October 2/3) |
French revolutionary calendar | Year VII./VIII. of the Republic (September 21/22) |
Iranian calendar | 1177/78 |
Islamic calendar | 1213/14 (turn of the year 4th / 5th June) |
Jewish calendar | 5559/60 (September 29/30) |
Coptic calendar | 1515/16 (10/11 September) |
Malayalam calendar | 974/975 |
Seleucid era | Babylon: 2109/10 (turn of the year April)
Syria: 2110/11 (New Year October) |
Vikram Sambat (Nepalese Calendar) | 1855/56 (April) |
Politics and world events
Egyptian expedition
- February 19 : After an 11-day siege , the city of al-Arish falls into the hands of the French troops of Napoleon Bonaparte . The city wall is razed.
- March 3 to 7 : The siege of Jaffa ends with the conquest of the city, which, with Napoleon's approval, leads to a massacre lasting several days in which thousands of Ottoman prisoners, most of them Albanians, are shot or stabbed with bayonets.
- March 20 : As part of the Egyptian expedition , the siege of Acre begins . The French want to get the strategically important port city into their hands.

Battle of Mount Tabor, painting by Louis-François Lejeune
- April 16 : In the battle of Mount Tabor during Napoleon's Egyptian campaign, an Ottoman relief army for Acre is defeated by outnumbered French soldiers and put to flight.
- May 21 : After the bubonic plague broke out in his camp , Napoleon had to break off the siege of Acre. He first moved to Jaffa and later to Egypt.

Antoine-Jean Gros : Battle of Abukir (1806)
- July 25 : Napoleon Bonaparte defeats an Ottoman force at the Battle of Abukir in Egypt . On August 2nd, the Abukir fort also fell into French hands.
- August 23 : Napoleon sets off for France and leaves command in Egypt to General Jean-Baptiste Kléber . He leaves a desolate army behind his successor.
French revolution and coalition wars
- January 3rd : Russo-Turkish alliance against France.
- January 22nd : Neapolitan patriots proclaim the short-lived Parthenopean Republic during the conquest of Naples by French troops .
- January 23 : A French army under Jean-Étienne Championnet conquers Naples , the capital of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies , after tough fighting .
- March 12th : Start of the Second Coalition War
- March 21 : First battle in the Second Coalition War is the Battle of Ostrach . The Austrian army, led by Archduke Karl von Österreich-Teschen, defeats French troops under General Jean-Baptiste Jourdan that have invaded southern Germany and retreats to Stockach .
- March 25th : The Second Coalition War brings the Austrian army units under the leadership of Archduke Karl von Österreich-Teschen another victory over the French Danube Army under General Jean-Baptiste Jourdan in the battle of Stockach . Jourdan lost his command within four days because of the second defeat.
- April 27th : The Russians and the Austrians defeat the French in the Battle of the Adda .
- April 29th : Two French diplomats die in the murder of the Rastatt envoy , which has never been resolved . The act ends the Rastatt Congress and prevents an early peace agreement between France and Austria in the second coalition war.
- May 27 : In the battle near Winterthur , Austrian troops defeated a French army near Winterthur in Switzerland.
- June 4 : In the Second Coalition War , Austrian troops under the command of Archduke Karl defeat the French army commanded by André Masséna in Switzerland in the First Battle of Zurich .
- June 18 : French Revolution : The bloodless Jacobin coup d'état of the 30th Prairial VII fails in Paris . Louis-Marie de La Révellière-Lépeaux and Philippe-Antoine Merlin have to resign.
- June 19 : In the Battle of Trebbia , in the Second Coalition War, Austrian units under Michael von Melas, together with Russian troops under Alexander Wassiljewitsch Suvorov , who is in command, defeat the French army under Jacques MacDonald . Upper Italy is militarily lost to the French.

Battle of Novi, Alexander Kotzebue
- August 15 : In the Battle of Novi during the Second Coalition War, the Russian-Austrian armed forces defeat the French troops.
- August 30th : With the surrender in the Vlieter , the last strong Dutch naval squadron is handed over to the British Royal Navy .

The Second Battle of Zurich, picture by François Bouchot
- 25 / September 26 : After crossing the Limmat with pontoons the French under defeating Andre Massena , a Russian-Austrian Coalition forces in the Second Battle of Zurich .
- October 9th : Napoleon Bonaparte returns to France from Egypt.
- November 9 : The French Directory is overthrown after the coup d'état of 18th Brumaire VIII
- November 10 : Napoleon Bonaparte is appointed First Consul by the rump parliament under pressure from the military .
- December 13th : First Consul Napoleon Bonaparte declares the French Revolution over.
- December 24th : The Consulate Constitution (Constitution of Year VIII) comes into force. End of the French Revolution.
Other events in Europe
- February 16 : Change of throne in the Electorate of Bavaria . Elector Karl Theodor succeeds Maximilian IV Joseph .
- New York passes a law to gradually release the slaves. The law provides that women born after July 4, 1799 as the child of a slave should be given freedom at the age of 25. Men who have the same conditions are granted freedom at the age of 28. Slaves born before July 4, 1799 are said to remain slaves for life, but are classified as debt servants.
Money economy
- March 19 : In the Helvetic Republic is Franken introduced; this is the first time that a nationwide currency will be created.
Trading companies
- December 31st : The bankrupt Dutch East India Company is formally declared dissolved.
- The Russian Tsar Paul I founds the Russian-American Company by means of a ukase . The semi-state trading company was initially granted a trading monopoly in Russian America for twenty years , which at that time included the Aleutian Islands , Alaska and territories on the North American mainland down to the 55th parallel . Alexander Andrejewitsch Baranow becomes the first governor of the company .
- January 18 : The Frenchman Nicholas-Louis Robert receives a patent for the fourdrinier paper machine he invented the previous year .
science and technology
- June 29th : In the constellation Hercules , the astronomer Wilhelm Herschel discovers the spiral galaxy, later cataloged as NGC 6389 .
- July 15 : The Rosetta Stone is found near Rosetta in Egypt by the Napoleonic officer Pierre François Xavier Bouchard .
- November 12th : With the observation and description of a meteor shower of the Leonids over Cumaná in today's Venezuela, Alexander von Humboldt provides the basis for the later knowledge that such celestial events occur periodically.
- December 10 : France is the first country to opt for the metric system and keeps the original platinum meter.
- December 19 : Wilhelm Herschel observes the galaxies NGC 1377 and NGC 1482 in the constellation Eridanus .
- Alessandro Volta switched voltaic cells in series ( Volta column or cup apparatus called)
Visual arts
- The Musée des Beaux-Arts in Dijon will open to the public for the first time with two exhibition rooms.
Music and theater

Antonio Salieri, painting by Willibrord Joseph Mähler
- January 3rd : The opera Falstaff ossia Le tre burle ( Falstaff or The Three Pranks ) is premiered at the Theater am Kärntnertor in Vienna . The opera based on a text by Carlo Prospero De Franceschi and based on the comedy The Merry Wives of Windsor by William Shakespeare is an extraordinary success. Numerous numbers have to be repeated, the composer Antonio Salieri is brought before the curtain several times.
- February 23 : The world premiere of the opera La Punition by Luigi Cherubini takes place at the Théâtre Feydeau in Paris.
- March 21 : The opera gratitude of a rescued by Johann Nepomuk Hummel will be premiered in Vienna.
- April 15 : The premiere of the opera Montano et Stéphanie by Henri Montan Berton takes place at the Opéra-Comique in Paris.
- May 30th : After the welfare committee has been banned from gambling for more than five years, the reunited Comédie-Française is allowed to perform again in Paris .
- June 14th : The opera La Nouvelle au camp ou Le Cri de vengeance by Henri Montan Berton is premiered at the Opéra-Comique in Paris.
- August 30 : The world premiere of the opera L'Amour bizarre ou Les Projets dérangés by Henri Montan Berton also takes place at the Opéra-Comique in Paris.
- December 7th : With the opera Le Délire ou Les Suites d'une erhur , the third work by Henri Montan Berton will be premiered this year at the Opéra-Comique in Paris.
- Ludwig van Beethoven completes the Piano Sonata No. 8 "Pathétique" .
- Ludwig van Beethoven composed 6 string quartets ; the 1st string quartet and the 2nd string quartet were revised again in 1800.
- July 7th : The last public execution in the city's history takes place in Frankfurt am Main : A potter who killed his wife is beheaded on the Roßmarkt .
- February 20 : The Blackbrook Dam at Blackbrook and Shepshed in Leicestershire , UK breaks.
- May 14th : The Gasco dam on the Guadarrama River near Galapagar near Madrid in Spain breaks.
- October 9 : The ship HMS Lutine runs aground on a sandbank near Terschelling during a strong north- westerly storm . 240 sailors lost their lives in the sinking, only one could save himself. A cargo of loaded gold and silver worth 1.2 million pounds at the time sinks into the sea.
First quarter
- January 1 : Wilhelm Eisenlohr , German physicist († 1872 )
- January 6th : Robert Hay , Scottish traveler, antique dealer and Egyptologist († 1863 )
- January 17 : Matthias Deymann , German lawyer and politician († 1871 )
- January 23 : Alois Negrelli von Moldelbe , Austrian engineer († 1858 )
- January 26 : Émile Clapeyron , French physicist († 1864 )
- January 26 : Samuel Gobat , Protestant Bishop of Jerusalem († 1879 )
- January 29 : Leonard Wilcox , American politician († 1850 )
- January 31 : Rodolphe Töpffer , Swiss draftsman and novelist († 1846 )
- February 1 : Wilhelm Kunst (actor) , German actor († 1859 )
- February 1 : James Yorke Scarlett , British general († 1871 )
- February 3 : Francis Thomas , American politician († 1876 )
- February 5 : Gebhard Adolph Friedrich von Krosigk , German landowner and civil servant († 1856 )
- February 5 : John Lindley , English botanist († 1865 )
- February 6 : George Arnott Walker Arnott , Scottish botanist († 1868 )
- February 16 : Friedrich Gotthilf Fritsche , German Protestant clergyman († 1851 )
- February 16 : Heinrich von Kittlitz , ornithologist, naturalist, traveler, draftsman († 1874 )
- February 17th : Carl Julian von Graba , Danish researcher on the Faroe Islands († 1874 )
- February 18 : Ryland Fletcher , American politician († 1885 )
- February 19 : August Wilhelm Papen , German military engineer, geodesist and cartographer († 1858 )
- February 19 : Ferdinand Reich , German chemist and physicist († 1882 )
- February 19 : Charles Smith Olden , American politician († 1876 )
- February 23 : Heinrich Friedrich von Itzenplitz , Prussian statesman, scientist and lawyer († 1883 )
- February 24 : Siegfried Dehn , German music theorist and counterpoint teacher († 1858 )
- February 27 : Edward Belcher , English polar explorer († 1877 )
- February 27 : Frederick Catherwood , British architect, painter, archaeologist and explorer († 1854 )
- February 28 : Ignaz von Döllinger , Catholic theologian († 1890 )
- March 1 : Alexei Werstowski , Russian composer († 1862 )
- March 6 : Thomas Witlam Atkinson , English travel writer († 1861 )
- March 7th : František Ladislav Čelakovský , Czech poet, journalist, translator († 1852 )
- March 7 : Ferdinand Meyer , Swiss politician and historian († 1840 )
- March 8 : Simon Cameron , American politician and Secretary of War († 1889 )
- March 16 : Anna Atkins , English botanist and photography pioneer († 1871 )
- March 18 : Wilhelm Ludwig Volz , Baden officer and university professor († 1855 )
- March 22nd : Friedrich Wilhelm August Argelander , German astronomer († 1875 )
- March 23 : Joshua Baker , American politician († 1885 )
- March 25 : Jacob Christoph Rad , head of a sugar factory and the inventor of the sugar lump († 1871 )
- March 26 : Adolf von Zerzog , German politician († 1880 )
- March 27 : Alessandro La Marmora , Italian general of the Bersaglieri († 1855 )
- March 28 : Carl von Basedow , German doctor († 1854 )
- March 29 : Edward Geoffrey Smith Stanley , British Prime Minister († 1869 )
- March 30 : August Tholuck , German Protestant theologian († 1877 )
Second quarter
- April 1 : Daniel Jelensperger , French musicologist († 1831 )
- April 3 : John Pendleton King , American politician († 1888 )
- April 9 : Peter Joseph Rottmann , German dialect poet († 1881 )
- April 12 : Henri Druey , Swiss lawyer, philosopher and Federal Councilor († 1855 )
- April 12 : Samuel McRoberts , American politician († 1843 )
- April 13 : Ludwig Rellstab , German journalist, music critic and poet († 1860 )
- April 14 : Jacob van Hall , Dutch legal scholar († 1859 )
- April 15 : Constantin Ackermann , German Protestant clergyman († 1877 )
- April 15 : Franz Georg Stammann , German architect († 1871 )
- April 15 : Charles Paine , German architect († 1853 )
- April 16 : John Wesley Davis , American politician († 1859 )
- April 17th : Elizabeth Acton , English cook, cookbook author and poet († 1859 )
- April 18 : John Y. Mason , American lawyer and politician († 1859 )
- April 23 : Ferdinand von Westphalen , Prussian Minister of the Interior († 1876 )
- May 5 : Hermann Friedrich Autenrieth , German physician († 1874 )
- May 8 : Samuel Dinsmoor junior , American politician († 1869 )
- May 10 : Wilhelm Adolf Lette , German social politician and lawyer († 1868 )
- May 12 : Ferdinand Fellner , German painter († 1859 )
- May 15 : Hermann Wilhelm Bödeker , Protestant pastor († 1875 )
- May 20 : Honoré de Balzac , French writer († 1850 )
- May 20 : Hippolyte de Fontmichel , French composer († 1874 )
- May 20 : Friedrich Wilhelm Schubert , German historian and political scientist († 1868 )
- May 21 : Mary Anning , is considered one of the first paleontologists († 1847 )
- May 26 : Thomas Bornhauser , Swiss pastor, publicist and folk writer († 1856 )
- May 26 : August Kopisch , Silesian painter and writer († 1853 )
- May 26 : Felipe Poey , Cuban naturalist († 1891 )
- May 27 : Jacques Fromental Halévy , French composer († 1862 )
- May 30 : Ferdo Livadić , Croatian composer († 1879 )
- June 6 : Alexander Pushkin , Russian author and poet († 1837 )
- June 8 : William M. Meredith , American politician († 1873 )
- June 11 : Ludwig Pernice , German legal scholar († 1861 )
- June 12 : Josiah Harlan , American traveler and adventurer, king in Afghanistan († 1871 )
- June 18 : William Lassell , British astronomer († 1880 )
- June 22 : Aloys Fuchs , Moravian-Austrian court war council official and court singer († 1853 )
- June 25 : David Douglas , British gardener, botanist and plant hunter († 1834 )
- June 28 : Amalie Therese Luise Wilhelmine Philippine , Duchess of Württemberg and Saxony-Altenburg († 1848 )
Third quarter
- July 4th : András Bartay , Hungarian composer († 1854 )
- July 4th : Oskar I , Swedish and Norwegian King († 1859 )
- July 7th : Pierre-Julien Nargeot , French composer († 1891 )
- July 9 : Théophile Tilmant , French violinist and conductor († 1878 )
- July 22nd : Pauline Marie Jaricot , founder of the Work of Propagation of the Faith († 1862 )
- July 24th : Eduard Dohlhoff , doctor and medical advisor († 1852 )
- August 10 : Paul Dillingham , American politician († 1891 )
- August 10 : Samuel D. Hubbard , American politician († 1855 )
- August 11 : Joachim Barrande , French geologist, paleontologist and engineer († 1883 )
- August 13 : Maximilian von Lerchenfeld-Köfering , German diplomat († 1859 )
- August 15 : Wilhelm Achtermann , German sculptor († 1884 )
- August 17 : Robert von Mohl , German political scientist († 1875 )
- August 17 : Karlmann Tangl , Austrian classical philologist and historian († 1866 )
- August 20 : Heinrich von Gagern , German politician († 1880 )
- August 21 : Alexander Robert Reinagle , English organist and composer († 1877 )
- August 22: Ferdinand Johannes Wit von Dörring , German-Danish writer, journalist and politician († 1863 )
- September 8 : Carlo d'Arco , Italian art historian, painter and economist († 1873 )
- September 8 : James Bowman Lindsay , physicist, astronomer and inventor († 1862 )
- September 10 : Friedrich August von Ammon , German ophthalmologist († 1861 )
- September 19 : Samuel Preiswerk , Swiss Reformed theologian († 1871 )
- September 25 : Luisa Caceres Díaz de Arismendi , Venezuelan national heroine († 1866 )
- September 29 : Franz Christian Naunyn , lawyer and Lord Mayor of Berlin († 1860 )
Fourth Quarter
- October 4 : Vincenz Prießnitz , farmer and natural healer († 1851 )
- October 6 : Franz Xaver von Andlaw-Birseck , Baden diplomat († 1876 +)
- October 15 : Franklin H. Elmore , American politician († 1850 )
- October 17 : Friedrich Ludwig Keller , Swiss and Prussian lawyer and politician († 1860 )
- October 17 : Abraham Watkins Venable , American politician († 1876 )
- October 18 : Christian Friedrich Schönbein , German-Swiss chemist († 1868 )
- October 23 : Gottfried Wilhelm Lehmann , one of the founding fathers of the German Baptists († 1882 )
- October 28 : Ole Gabriel Ueland , Norwegian politician († 1870 )
- October 31 : Michael Anthony Anfossi , Indian titular bishop and apostolic vicar († 1878 )
- November 3 : William Sprague , American politician († 1856 )
- November 8 : Moses Norris , American politician († 1855 )
- November 11 : Charles Bent , American politician († 1847 )
- November 11 : George Washington Patterson , American politician († 1879 )
- November 14 : Auguste Barbereau , French composer († 1879 )
- November 14 : Carl Heinrich Behn , Danish budget adviser († 1853 )
- November 14 : Edouard Boilly , French composer († 1854 )
- November 15 : James A. Bayard , American politician († 1880 )
- November 19 : René Caillié , French explorer of Africa († 1838 )
- November 29 : Amos Bronson Alcott , American writer and teacher († 1888 )
- December 5 : Rosina Regina Ahles , German actress († 1854 )
- December 16 : Georg Friedrich Schlatter , Protestant pastor, senior president of the Baden Revolutionary Parliament († 1875 )
- December 21 : David Don , British botanist († 1841 )
- December 23 : Friedrich Wilhelm August Vetter , German medic and balneologist († unknown)
- December 25 : Manuel Bulnes Prieto , Chilean politician and general († 1866 )
- December 25 : August Riedel , German painter († 1883 )
- December 27 : Serafín Estébanez Calderón , Spanish writer († 1867 )
Exact date of birth unknown
- Philipp Ludwig Arzt , German entrepreneur († 1875 )
First half of the year
- January 6th : Wilhelm Georg Friedrich von Oranien-Nassau , second son of the inheritance holder Wilhelm V of the Netherlands (* 1774 )
- January 9 : Maria Gaetana Agnesi , Italian mathematician, philanthropist (* 1718 )
- January 11 : Guillaume Barthez de Marmorières , French engineer and encyclopedia (* 1707 )
- January 22nd : Horace-Bénédict de Saussure , Swiss naturalist (* 1740 )
- January 24th : Henry Tazewell , American politician (* 1753 )
- January 25 : Georg Heinrich Sieveking , German entrepreneur, scout (* 1751 )
- January 31 : Georg Heinrich Borz , German mathematician (* 1714 )
- February 1 : Ferdinand Kobell , German painter, engraver and etcher (* 1740 )
- February 6 : Étienne-Louis Boullée , French architect (* 1728 )
- February 7th : Qianlong , Chinese Emperor (* 1711 )
- February 9 : Giovanni Archinto , Cardinal of the Catholic Church (* 1725 )
- February 12 : Lazzaro Spallanzani , Italian scientist (* 1729 )
- February 16 : Karl Theodor , Palatine and Bavarian Elector (* 1724 )
- February 18 : Constantin Hangerli , Prince of Wallachia
- February 18 : Johannes Hedwig , German botanist and doctor (* 1730 )
- February 20 : Jean-Charles de Borda , French mathematician and seaman (* 1733 )
- February 20 : Georg Christian Unger , German architect and builder of Frederick the Great (* 1743 )
- February 24 : Georg Christoph Lichtenberg , German scientist (* 1742 )
- February 25 : William Dawes , patriot in the American Revolutionary War (* 1745 )
- March 14 : Maurizio Pedetti , Italian architect (* 1719 )
- March 11th : Johann Heinrich Mücke , German educator and philologist (* 1735 )
- March 18 : Adam Friedrich Oeser , German painter and sculptor (* 1717 )
- March 20 : Manuel Antonio Flórez , Spanish officer, colonial administrator and viceroy of New Granada and New Spain (* 1723 )
- March 29 : Helena Dorothea von Schönberg , German manor and entrepreneur (* 1729 )
- April 5 : Johann Christoph Gatterer , German historian (* 1727 )
- April 19 : Pieter Hellendaal , Dutch composer, organist and violinist (* 1721 )
- April 28 : Matthew Griswold , American politician (* 1714 )
- May 12 : Juan Vicente de Güemes , Spanish colonial administrator and viceroy of New Spain (* 1738 )
- May 18 : Pierre Augustin Caron de Beaumarchais , French playwright (* 1732 )
- May 25 : Friedrich Carl Willibald von Groschlag zu Dieburg , diplomat in the service of the Electorate of Mainz and the last of the noble family von Groschlag (* 1729 )
- May 26 : James Burnett , Scottish lawyer and man of letters (* 1714 )
- June 18 : Johann André , German musician, composer and music publisher (* 1741 )
- June 19 : Sophie Amalie Karoline , Princess of Hohenlohe-Neuenstein zu Oehringen (* 1732 )
- June 25 : Gōryū Asada , Japanese astronomer and anatomist (* 1734 )
Second half of the year
- July 19 : Jean Baptiste Feronce von Rotenkreutz , statesman in the Principality of Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel (* 1723 )
- July 20 : Karl Friedrich Walch , German legal scholar (* 1734 )
- July 23 : Elisha Lawrence , American politician (* 1746 )
- July 28 : Johann Georg Distler , Austrian violinist and composer (* 1765 )
- August 4th : John Bacon the Elder Ä. , British sculptor (* 1740 )
- August 6 : Marcus Élieser Bloch , German ichthyologist (* 1723 )
- August 6 : Franz Georg von Keeß , Austrian lawyer (* 1747 )
- August 13 : Vasily Ivanovich Baschenow , Russian architect and painter (* 1737 )
- August 15 : Barthélemy-Catherine Joubert , French general (* 1769 )
- August 17th : Christian Heinrich Spieß , actor and writer in the field of trivial novels (* 1755 )
- August 21 : Johann Julius Walbaum , German doctor, naturalist, zoologist and taxonomist (* 1724 )
- August 22nd : Gotthilf Friedemann Löber , German Protestant clergyman and educator (* 1722 )
- August 23 : Simon Louis du Ry , master builder and architect (* 1726 )
- August 25 : John Arnold , British watchmaker and inventor (* 1736 )
- August 29 : Pius VI. , Pope from 1775 to 1799 (* 1717 )
- August 31 : Nicolas-Henri Jardin , French architect (* 1720 )
- September 2 : Johan Gerhards von Angelbek , German lawyer and colonial official (* 1727 )
- September 7th : Jan Ingenhousz , Dutch doctor and botanist (* 1730 )
- September 11th : Johann Samuel Adler , Prussian civil servant (* 1738 )
- September 25 : Johann Konrad Friedrich von Hotze , Austrian general (* 1739 )
- October 5 : Johann Wilhelm Cramer , violinist and conductor (* 1746 )
- October 6 : William Withering , British medic and botanist (* 1741 )
- October 14 : Johann Wendler , German bookseller, publisher and founder (* 1713 )
- October 17 : Johann Georg Schlosser , German lawyer, statesman and translator (* 1739 )
- October 23 : József Graf Batthyány , Hungarian prelate (* 1727 )
- October 24 : Carl Ditters von Dittersdorf , Austrian composer (* 1739 )
- November 9th : Juliane von Hessen-Philippsthal , regent of Schaumburg-Lippe (* 1761 )
- November 10 : Johann Christian Brandes , German actor and dramatic poet (* 1735 )
- December 3 : Niklaus Friedrich von Steiger , last mayor of old Bern (* 1729 )
- December 6 : Joseph Black , Scottish physicist and chemist (* 1728 )
- December 10 : Alexander von Knobelsdorff , Prussian Field Marshal General (* 1723 )
- December 12th : Franz Xaver Duschk , Czech composer, harpsichordist, pianist (* 1731 )
- December 14th : George Washington , American politician, 1st President of the USA (* 1732 )
- December 15 : Matthias Obermayr , German sculptor and plasterer (* 1720 )
- December 17th : John Habersham , American politician (* 1754 )
- December 31 : Louis Jean-Marie Daubenton , French naturalist (* 1716 )
Exact date of death unknown
- Padre Sojo , Venezuelan priest and music teacher (* 1739 )
Web links
Commons : 1799 - Collection of Pictures, Videos and Audio Files