Alessandro La Marmora

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Alessandro La Marmora

Alessandro La Marmora (born March 27, 1799 in Turin , † June 7, 1855 in the Crimea ) was an Italian general . He is considered the father of the Italian Bersaglieri .


Alessandro La Marmora came from the old Piedmontese noble family Ferrero della Marmora . He was a son of Marchese Celestino Ferrero de La Marmora (1754-1805) and Raffaella Argentero di Bersezio (1770-1828). His younger brother Alfonso La Marmora was also a general and Italian Prime Minister from 1864 to 1866 . After his officer training at the military academy in Turin and his first assignments with the grenadiers , he made various military study trips to France , England , Bavaria , Saxony , Tyrol and Switzerland . In 1831 he submitted a study to the King of Sardinia-Piedmont about a reorientation of the infantry , in which he proposed the creation of a new type of hunter troop. On June 18, 1836 , it was set up under the name of Bersaglieri by order of King Karl Albert .

Alessandro La Marmora took part in the Battle of Goito in 1848 . In the March campaign in 1849 he served as chief of staff of the Sardinian troops under General Chrzanowski , which were defeated by the Austrians at Mortara and Novara .

In 1855, La Marmora took part in the Crimean War as a division commander, where he died of cholera on June 7, 1855 .


Web links

Commons : Alessandro La Marmora  - Collection of images, videos and audio files