March 21st
The March 21 is the 80th day of the Gregorian calendar (81st in leap years ), thus remain 285 days by year end. In the Persian calendar , the year usually begins on this day, sometimes on March 20th.
Historic anniversaries February · March · April |
Politics and world events
- 630 : After his victory over the Persians, the Byzantine emperor Herakleios brings the alleged relic of Christ that he had conquered back to Jerusalem in triumph .
- 717 : In the power struggle within the Franconian Empire , the battle of Vincy Karl Martell prevails against the Merovingian king Chilperich II and his caretaker Raganfrid and thus becomes the dominant figure in Western Europe.
- 1152 : King Louis VII of France and Eleanor of Aquitaine are divorced with the consent of a council and papal dispensation . The French crown thus loses the territorial increase around Aquitaine acquired with the marriage .
- 1590 : The Ottoman-Safavid War is ended with a peace treaty . Conquered areas in the Caucasus and as far as the Caspian Sea are growing towards the Ottoman Empire .
- 1676 : The Danish Chancellor Peder Schumacher Griffenfeld is arrested on charges of bribery and high treason after his opponents at court got hold of a secret correspondence with the warring Swedes and the great power of France .
- 1790 : The French National Assembly abolishes the Gabelle salt tax , which is unpopular among the population .
- 1793 : The Rhenish-German National Convention in the Deutschhaus Mainz passes an application for the incorporation of the Republic of Mainz into the French state association. As the bearer of the request to the French National Convention are Georg Forster , Adam Lux and André Patocki selected.
- 1799 : In the Battle of Ostrach , the first combat action in the Second Coalition War , the Austrian army, led by Archduke Karl von Österreich-Teschen , defeats French troops under General Jean-Baptiste Jourdan that have invaded southern Germany .
- 1800 : After the conquest of the Ionian Islands from France, Russia and the Ottoman Empire agree to form the Republic of the Ionian Islands with the capital Corfu in the Treaty of Constantinople . It is tribute to the Sublime Porte .
- 1801 : British troops under Ralph Abercromby defeat the French under Jacques-François Menou near Alexandria . Napoleon's Egyptian expedition has practically failed, even if the French stay in Egypt until August.
- 1804 : The Code civil or Code Napoléon , the French code of civil law , is promulgated. In its basic features it is still valid today.
- 1804 : In digging the castle Vincennes is the command of Napoleon deported to France nobleman Louis Antoine Henri de Bourbon-Condé, duc d'Enghien from extermination - Peloton executed.
- 1814 : The Battle of Arcis-sur-Aube during the Wars of Liberation ends with a victory for the Austrians under Field Marshal Karl Philipp zu Schwarzenberg . The clearly outnumbered French army barely escaped destruction.
- 1848 : As a result of the bloody barricade uprising, the Prussian King Friedrich Wilhelm IV rides through Berlin with a black, red and gold sash and proclaims his will for the unity and freedom of Germany.
- 1865 : The three-day battle of Bentonville in the American Civil War ends with a victory for Union forces under General William T. Sherman over the Confederate Army under Joseph E. Johnston .
- 1871 : Otto von Bismarck is appointed by Kaiser Wilhelm I as the first Chancellor of the newly founded German Empire and elevated to the rank of prince. As the first member he accepts Hermann von Thile , State Secretary for Foreign Affairs, in his cabinet .
- 1871 : The first German Reichstag , elected in the Reichstag election on March 3, is opened in Berlin . Eduard von Simson is elected first President of the Reichstag by the 382 MPs .
- 1899 : The Sudan Treaty between Great Britain and France defines the border between French Equatorial Africa and Anglo-Egyptian Sudan . This will resolve the tensions between the two countries after the Faschoda crisis , but the treaty leads to the First Moroccan Crisis with the German Empire , which demands a greater say in Morocco .
- 1915 : During the Mexican Revolution which begins Battle of El Ébano in which it manages the Constitutionalists after more than 70 days of fighting, the attempt of Pancho Villa ward dominated Konventionisten, in the possession of Mexico's oil production areas and the oil exporting port of Tampico to put.
- 1918 : On the western front of the First World War , the German army begins its first of a total of five spring offensives : The Michael company brings big gains in terrain, but ultimately fails at the beginning of April at Amiens .
- 1919 : After Mihály Károlyi resigned as President of the Republic of Hungary due to a storm of indignation among the population, triggered by the cession of Magyar-populated areas to neighboring states, Béla Kun , a communist released from prison in the post-war chaos, proclaims the Soviet Republic .
- 1920 : In Switzerland , a popular initiative to ban casinos is adopted.
- 1933 : With a state act in the Garrison Church of Potsdam , the National Socialists stage the convocation of the Reichstag as Potsdam Day .
- 1933 : In a press conference, Heinrich Himmler, acting police chief of Munich, announces the completion of the Dachau concentration camp as one of the first concentration camps in the German Reich . The next 150 or so prisoners arrive.
- 1935 : Reza Shah Pahlavi changes the country name of Persia to Iran by decree .
- 1937 : Puerto Rican policemen shoot 21 people near Ponce who are peacefully demonstrating for the release of the nationalist Pedro Albizu Campos . The Ponce massacre is one of the bloodiest events in Puerto Rico history .
- 1938 : Sudeten German Freikorps occupy the area of Aš in Czechoslovakia . The dispute over the areas of the Sudetenland led to the Sudeten crisis .
- 1943 : The assassination attempt on Adolf Hitler planned by the Wehrmacht officer Rudolf-Christoph von Gersdorff during an inspection of captured weapons fails.
- 1959 : The Chinese military put down the Tibetan people's uprising against the illegal occupation of the country by the People's Republic of China with military force.
- 1960 : The South African police put an end to a demonstration organized by the Pan Africanist Congress in the township of Sharpeville against the discriminatory passport laws of the apartheid regime with the Sharpeville massacre by firing at the demonstrators, killing 69 people and injuring at least 180.
- 1965 : Martin Luther King begins the third march from Selma to Montgomery with his civil rights movement to get blacks on the electoral roll. The march, which is successful for the first time, arrives in the capital of Alabama on March 24th.
- 1966 : Konrad Adenauer resigns as party chairman at the party congress of the Christian Democratic Union of Germany (CDU) , by whom he is made honorary chairman. Ludwig Erhard was elected as his successor two days later .
- 1968 : At the Battle of Karame , the Palestinian Fatah claims its first military success against Israel in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict .
- 1975 : After Emperor Haile Selassie was overthrown on September 12 of the previous year, the military finally abolishes the monarchy in Ethiopia . As a result, uprisings against the military government begin in the province of Eritrea .
- 1979 : The peace treaty between Israel and Egypt negotiated at Camp David is approved by the Israeli parliament with a large majority. The Israel-Egypt peace treaty is signed in Washington on March 26th.
- 1980 : US President Jimmy Carter announces the US will boycott the 1980 Summer Olympics in Moscow.
- 1990 : Namibia becomes the last African country for the time being to become independent when South Africa finally relinquishes the trusteeship , which was withdrawn from it by the UN in 1966. The first president is Sam Nujoma from SWAPO .
- 2004 : Franz Müntefering is elected to succeed Gerhard Schröder as federal chairman of the SPD with 95.1% of the vote at a special SPD party conference .
- 1846 : The Belgian Adolphe Sax receives the patent for the saxophone in France .
- 1856 : Irish and Belgian investors enable the Shamrock coal mine to be founded in Herne in the northern Ruhr area.
- 1969 : Japanese computer and video game company Konami is founded.
- 1991 : The German Federal Research Minister Heinz Riesenhuber announces the final end of the Kalkar nuclear power plant . The North Rhine-Westphalian city of Kalkar will receive around 60 million euros in compensation.
- 2006 : The micro-blogging service Twitter is founded. The very first tweet by Twitter co-founder Jack Dorsey is sent that same day .
science and technology
- 1684 : The astronomer Giovanni Domenico Cassini discovers two moons on the planet Saturn , Tethys and Dione .
- 1784 : The Hanover- British astronomer Wilhelm Herschel discovers the galaxy NGC 4379 in the constellation Coma Berenices . Furthermore, during his observations he comes across another previously unknown galaxy in the constellation Leo , today's NGC 3370 .
- 1844 : The Badi calendar designed by Bab , the founder of Babism's religion, begins.
- 1919 : The Bauhaus , initiated by Walter Gropius , is built in Weimar as a college for design.
- 1973 : The Kattwyk Bridge is inaugurated in Hamburg. It is the largest lift bridge in Germany.
- 1999 : After almost 20 days non-stop in the air, Bertrand Piccard and Brian Jones land in Egypt after their successful circumnavigation of the world with their Orbiter 3 hot air balloon .
- 2001 : The TAT-14 transatlantic cable between North America and Europe is inaugurated after two and a half years of construction. It mainly transmits binary data for internet use.
- 1799 : The world premiere of the opera Thank You Raised A Woman by Johann Nepomuk Hummel takes place in Vienna .
- 1839 : Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy conducts the posthumous world premiere of Franz Schubert's Great Symphony in C major at the Gewandhaus in Leipzig at the suggestion of Robert Schumann . However, the symphony was slow to gain acceptance.
- 1866 : Franz von Suppès operetta Leichte Kavallerie with Karl Costa's libretto is premiered at the Carltheater in Vienna . Today she is only known for her world-famous overture .
- 1872 : The premiere of the opera Hermione by Max Bruch takes place at the Court Opera in Berlin.
- 1874 : At the Théâtre de Fantaisies-Parisiennes in Brussels, the French operetta Giroflé-Girofla of Charles Lecocq premiered.
- 1877 : The opera Die Folkunger by Edmund Kretschmer is premiered at the Hofoper in Dresden.
- 1896 : The world premiere of the opera Das Heimchen am Herd by Karl Goldmark takes place at the Court Opera in Vienna.
- 1960 : The German Television is political-agitational series The Black Channel started in the Karl-Eduard von Schnitzler shortened and cut together clips from the Western television sends to alienate to the original content.
- 2002 : The German Minister of State for Culture and Media Julian Nida-Rümelin founds the Federal Cultural Foundation .
- 1913 : Albert Schweitzer and his wife Helene set off on their first trip to Africa to set up a hospital in French Equatorial Africa . They arrive in Lambaréné on April 16 .
- 1963 : Robert F. Kennedy , US Attorney General, ordered the closure of the Alcatraz maximum security prison . The reasons are high operating costs and the risk of extensive maintenance measures for the island in the Bay of San Francisco .
- 2005 : In Red Lake , Minnesota, student Jeffrey Weise runs amok . He first shoots his grandfather and his partner at home and then continues the massacre in the local high school. The rampage kills ten people, including the perpetrator.
- 1098 : Robert of Molesme founded the monastery Citeaux the head monastery of the Order of Cistercians .
- 1556 : In Oxford , the Archbishop of Canterbury, Thomas Cranmer , is burned at the stake for high treason and heresy in the course of the recatholization of England by Mary I.
- 1800 : Count Luigi Barnabà Niccolò Maria Chiaramonti is one week after his election to the Venetian church of San Giorgio Maggiore as Pius VII. The Pope crowned.
- 1937 : The encyclical with burning concern by Pope Pius XI, directed against the anti-church attitude of the regime in Germany . is read out in all German Catholic parishes.
- 1947 : In the encyclical Fulgens radiatur , Pope Pius XII underlines . on the occasion of the 1400th anniversary of the death of Benedict of Nursia the meaning of the saint .
- 1788 : A major fire nearly destroyed the entire metropolitan area of the city of New Orleans . Of the approximately 1,100 buildings, 856 fell victim to the flames.
Minor accidents are listed in the sub-articles of Catastrophe .
nature and environment
- 1676 : South of Livorno raining debris of a burst in the earth entry Meteors in the Tyrrhenian Sea .
- 1988 : Mike Tyson wins his boxing match against Tony Tubbs in the Tokyo Dome by a technical knockout and becomes world heavyweight champion .
- 2010 : The 10th Paralympic Winter Games in Vancouver end after ten days. Successful nation was with 13 gold medals Germany .
Entries of athletics world records can be found under the respective discipline under athletics .
Before the 18th century
- 927 : Song Taizu , Chinese emperor, founder of the Song dynasty
- 1256 : Heinrich I , Margrave of Brandenburg and Landsberg
- 1295 : Heinrich Seuse , German Dominican and mystic
- 1317 : Isabel de Verdon , English nobleman
- 1425 : Henry de Beauchamp, 1st Duke of Warwick , English nobleman
- 1456 : Georg von Slatkonia , Bishop of Vienna
- 1467 : Caritas Pirckheimer , abbess of the Poor Clare Monastery in Nuremberg and advocate of freedom of belief and conscience
- 1474 : Angela Merici , founder of the Ursuline Order
- 1492 : Johann II , Count Palatine and Duke of Simmern
- 1521 : Moritz of Saxony , Duke, later Elector of Saxony
- 1523 : Kaspar Eberhard , German Lutheran theologian and educator
- 1546 : Bartholomäus Spranger , Flemish painter
- 1551 : Maria Anna of Bavaria , Princess of Bavaria and Archduchess of Inner Austria-Styria
- 1590 : Johannes Agricola , German doctor, alchemist and salt specialist
- 1603 : Hans Friedrich von Knoch , member of the Fruit-Bringing Society
- 1609 : John II Casimir , King of Poland
- 1646 : Nikolaus Wilhelm Goddaeus , German lawyer and Chancellor of the Landgraviate of Hesse
- 1666 : Ogyū Sorai , Japanese Neo-Confucian philosopher
- 1672 : Johann Georg Abicht , German theologian and linguist
- 1678 : Marie Elisabeth von Schleswig-Holstein-Gottorf , abbess of the empire-direct and free-worldly Abbey of Quedlinburg
- 1683 : Ludolf August von Bismarck , Russian general
- 1685 : Johann Sebastian Bach , German composer (according to the Julian calendar, which was in effect at the time of his birth in Protestant Eisenach)
18th century
- 1705 : Lorenz Natter , German gemstone cutter, gem cutter and medalist
- 1710 : Johann Heinrich Mylius the Younger , German jurist
- 1714 : Georg Heinrich Borz , German mathematician
- 1714 : Dorothea Ritter , childhood friend of Frederick the Great
- 1715 : Jakob Samuel Beck , German painter
- 1716 : Josef Seger , Bohemian composer
- 1718 : Johann Friedrich Hiller , German pedagogue, rhetorician and philosopher
- 1725 : Johann Franz Coing , German theologian and university professor
- 1735 : Karl Heinrich Seibt , German educator and Catholic theologian in Bohemia
- 1736 : Claude-Nicolas Ledoux , French architect
- 1745 : Johan Nordahl Brun , Norwegian bishop and poet
- 1745 : Marianne von der Leyen , German countess, regent in Blieskastel
- 1747 : Karl Wilhelm Jerusalem , German lawyer
- 1752 : Jean Étienne Benoît Duprat , French general and revolutionary
- 1757 : James Sowerby , British naturalist and painter
- 1763 : Jean Paul , German poet and writer
- 1768 : Joseph Fourier , French mathematician and physicist
- 1777 : Georg von Rukavina , Austrian general
- 1779 : Alexis de Garaudé , French music teacher and composer
- 1790 : Hermann von Beisler , German politician
- 1792 : Gustav Adolf Harald Stenzel , German historical researcher
19th century
- 1803 : Adolf August Friedrich Rudorff , German Romanist
- 1806 : Johannes Carl , German Protestant theologian, consistorial councilor and poet
- 1806 : Benito Juárez , Mexican statesman and president
- 1809 : Jules Favre , French politician
- 1810 : Johann Anzengruber , Austrian writer
- 1813 : Heinrich Cordes , German missionary
- 1816 : Julius Arnoldt , German philologist
- 1819 : Bernhard Becker , Swiss Protestant clergyman and social politician
- 1820 : Siegfried Kapper , Czech writer, translator and doctor
- 1826 : Louis Arsène Delaunay , French actor
- 1827 : Andrew Leith Adams , Scottish medic, naturalist, and geologist
- 1828 : William Saurin Lyster , Australian opera impresario
- 1837 : Theodore Nicholas Gill , American ichthyologist
- 1839 : Modest Petrovich Mussorgsky , Russian composer
- 1850 : Richard von Hagn , German painter
- 1852 : Arthur Milchhoefer , German archaeologist
- 1853 : Berthold Deimling , Prussian general and pacifist
- 1856 : David Lorenz , German painter
- 1857 : Albert Rossow , German composer and conductor
- 1857 : Hunter Liggett , American general
- 1859 : Daria Karađorđević , American golfer and Princess of Serbia
- 1863 : Hugo Kaun , German composer, conductor and music teacher
- 1866 : Carl Hosius , German classical philologist
- 1866 : Antonia Maury , astronomer
- 1867 : Florenz Ziegfeld junior , American theater and film producer
- 1868 : Richard Wachsmuth , German experimental physicist
- 1870 : Heinrich Waentig , German economist
- 1874 : Paul Abel , British lawyer
- 1874 : Alfred Tysoe , British athlete, Olympic champion
- 1876 : Ludwig Finckh , German writer
- 1876 : José de Jesús Ravelo , Dominican composer and music teacher
- 1876 : Walter Tewksbury , American athlete, Olympic champion
- 1877 : Maurice Farman , French track cyclist, automobile racing driver, aviation pioneer and entrepreneur
- 1878 : Pasquale Amato , Italian singer
- 1879 : Josef Steinbach , Austrian weightlifter
- 1879 : Saharet , Australian dancer
- 1880 : Gilbert M. Anderson , American actor, director, producer, and screenwriter
- 1880 : Hans Hofmann , German painter
- 1881 : Karl Fischer , German founder of the Wandervogel movement
- 1882 : Fritzi Massary , Austrian actress
- 1882 : Rudolf Fettweis , Baden's senior director of water and road construction
- 1883 : Karl Pündter , German actor, director, radio play speaker and after 1945 head of the school radio department at NWDR in Hamburg
- 1884 : George David Birkhoff , American mathematician
- 1886 : Oscar Traynor , Irish politician
- 1887 : Luis Johnson , Chilean painter
- 1887 : Bernard Kälin , Swiss dept
- 1887 : Edwin Scharff , German sculptor
- 1887 : Erich Mendelsohn , German architect
- 1887 : Ludwig Philipp of Portugal , Crown Prince of Portugal
- 1888 : Norbert von Hellingrath , German Germanist
- 1888 : Franz Koch , German-Austrian Germanist and literary historian
- 1889 : WS Van Dyke , American film director
- 1890 : C. Douglass Buck , American politician
- 1891 : Helmuth Gmelin , German actor and theater director
- 1893 : Bo Carter , American blues guitarist
- 1893 : Sidney Franklin , American director and film producer
- 1894 : Rudolf Nebel , German rocket engineer
- 1894 : Siegfried Schneider , German author and Franciscan ( crib father )
- 1895 : Emilio Capacetti , Puerto Rican singer
- 1895 : Joseph Panholzer , German politician
- 1896 : Ernst Günther Burggaller , German officer, motorcycle and automobile racing driver
- 1896 : Friedrich Waismann , German philosopher
- 1897 : Marie Minna Bielenberg , German painter and potter
- 1897 : John Ridley Stroop , American psychologist
20th century
- 1901 : Karl Arnold , German politician, Prime Minister of North Rhine-Westphalia
- 1901 : Rudolf Harms , German writer
- 1902 : Edward Anseele Jr. , Belgian politician and resistance fighter
- 1902 : Son House , American musician
- 1902 : Gustav Fröhlich , German actor, director and screenwriter
- 1902 : Son House , American blues musician
- 1903 : Paul Fitzgibbon , American football player
- 1903 : William C. Hayes , American Egyptologist
- 1904 : Hana Kučerová-Záveská , Czechoslovak architect and designer
- 1904 : Nikos Skalkottas , Greek composer
- 1904 : Max Steenbeck , German physicist
- 1910 : Gustav Neidlinger , German singer
- 1911 : Günther Klotz , German local politician
- 1911 : Hans Nicklisch , German writer and translator
- 1912 : Ludwig Beisiegel , German field hockey player
- 1912 : André Laurendeau , Canadian writer, essayist, journalist and politician
- 1913 : George Abecassis , British racing driver
- 1913 : Rodney Arismendi , Uruguayan politician and Marxist theorist
- 1913 : Paul Fröhlich , member of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the SED of the GDR
- 1913 : Sabiha Gökçen , the world's first female Turkish pilot and fighter pilot
- 1913 : Werner Höfer , German journalist
- 1913 : Gabrijel Stupica , Yugoslav-Slovenian painter
- 1913 : Erwin Vosseler , German football player
- 1914 : Paul Tortelier , French cellist
- 1915 : José Benito Barros , Colombian composer
- 1915 : Willi Schwabe , German actor, singer and presenter
- 1916 : Ken Wharton , English Formula 1 racing driver
- 1919 : Cecil Steffen , American composer and music teacher
- 1920 : Rolando Arjona Amábilis , Mexican painter, sculptor, photographer and heraldic artist
- 1920 : Éric Rohmer , French film and theater director
- 1920 : Mario Cecchi Gori , Italian film producer
- 1921 : Arthur Grumiaux , Belgian violinist
- 1921 : Paco Godia , Spanish racing driver
- 1922 : Russ Meyer , American director, screenwriter, and producer
- 1922 : Livio Dante Porta , Argentine railway engineer
- 1923 : Tsuna Iwami , Japanese composer and shakuhachi player
- 1924 : Harry Lehmann , German physicist
- 1925 : Hugo Koblet , Swiss cyclist
- 1925 : Peter Brook , British theater director
- 1927 : Halton Arp , American astronomer
- 1927 : Hans-Dietrich Genscher , German lawyer and politician, Member of the Bundestag, Interior Minister, Foreign Minister and Deputy Federal Chancellor
- 1927 : Robert-Alexander Bohnke , German pianist
- 1928 : Peter Hacks , German playwright and writer
- 1928 : Klara Köttner-Benigni , Austrian writer, publicist and conservationist
- 1928 : Aina Wifalk , Swedish social scientist and inventor of the modern walker
- 1929 : Hans Hösl , German politician (CSU), Lord Mayor of Passau
- 1929 : Robert Lebeck , German photographer
- 1929 : Smokey Smothers , American blues singer and guitarist
- 1930 : Norbert Kohler , German wrestler
- 1930 : Otis Spann , American blues pianist
- 1931 : Richard Ratsimandrava , Madagascan President
- 1932 : Hans Georg Fuchs , Austrian politician and industrialist
- 1932 : Walter Gilbert , American physicist and biochemist
- 1933 : Addi Furler , German sports journalist
- 1933 : Karl-Eugen Rehfuess , German soil and forest scientist
- 1933 : Suehiro Tanemura , Japanese Germanist, translator and literary critic
- 1933 : Fritz Wittmann , German politician
- 1933 : Michael Heseltine , British Minister
- 1934 : Abolhassan Banisadr , Iranian President
- 1935 : Brian Clough , English football player and coach
- 1935 : Hubert Fichte , German writer
- 1935 : Erich Kunzel , American conductor
- 1935 : Werner Theune , German judge at the Federal Court of Justice
- 1935 : Fred Willamowski , German motorcycle racer
- 1936 : Mike Westbrook , British jazz musician
- 1937 : Tom Flores , American football player and coach
- 1937 : Anton Pfeifer , German politician
- 1937 : Fred Akuffo , Ghanaian head of state
- 1937 : Werner Quintens , Belgian priest
- 1938 : Karl Kraus , theoretical physicist
- 1938 : Fritz Pleitgen , German journalist and director
- 1938 : Luigi Tenco , Italian singer
- 1939 : Herbert Amry , Austrian diplomat and Middle East expert
- 1939 : Melitta Berg , German pop singer
- 1939 : Ronnie Haig , American rockabilly musician
- 1940 : Walter Andreas Angerer , German painter and composer
- 1940 : Solomon Burke , American soul and R&B singer
- 1940 : Paul Friedrichs , German motocross world champion and enduro athlete
- 1940 : Herbert Joos , German jazz musician and graphic artist
- 1940 : Gerd Kohlhepp , German economic geographer and Brazilian researcher
- 1940 : Frumentia Maier , German Catholic nun, social pedagogue and psychologist
- 1940 : Wilhelm Kaiser-Lindemann , German composer and horn player
- 1941 : Violeta Andrei , Romanian actress
- 1941 : Dirk Frimout , Belgian astronaut
- 1941 : Hubert Deittert , German politician, Member of the Bundestag
- 1942 : Françoise Dorléac , French actress
- 1942 : Fradique de Menezes , President of São Tomé and Príncipe
- 1943 : Luigi Agnolin , Italian football referee
- 1943 : Amina Claudine Myers , American jazz musician
- 1943 : Hartmut Haenchen , German conductor
- 1944 : Marie-Christine Barrault , French actress
- 1944 : Charles Greene , American athlete, Olympic champion
- 1944 : Cox Habbema , Dutch actress and theater director
- 1944 : Jamary Oliveira , Brazilian composer
- 1944 : Wilhelm Josef Sebastian , German politician, Member of the Bundestag
- 1944 : Gila von Weitershausen , German actress
- 1946 : Timothy Dalton , British actor
- 1946 : Ray Dorset , British rock musician
- 1946 : Zsolt Gárdonyi , Hungarian composer
- 1946 : Wolfgang Günter Lerch , German journalist, orientalist and author
- 1947 : Michael Dibdin , British crime novel writer
- 1948 : Scott E. Fahlman , American professor of computer science
- 1949 : Rolf-Dieter Amend , German canoeist and canoe trainer
- 1949 : Horst Gläsker , German artist
- 1949 : Eddie Money , American rock musician
- 1949 : Slavoj Žižek , Slovenian psychoanalyst and philosopher
- 1950 : Elvira Grudzielski , German homeland researcher
- 1950 : Horst Hoffmann , German writer
- 1950 : Roger Hodgson , British musician
- 1950 : Tiger Okoshi , Japanese-American jazz trumpeter
- 1950 : Sergei Lavrov , Russian diplomat and foreign minister since 2004
- 1951 : Hamid Skif , Algerian writer and journalist
- 1951 : Abraham Desta , Ethiopian bishop
- 1951 : Roman Kalarus , Polish poster artist, graphic artist, cartoonist and designer
- 1952 : John Fergus , American racing car driver
- 1952 : Gabriella Wollenhaupt , German crime novelist
- 1954 : Mike Dunleavy , American basketball coach
- 1955 : Bärbel Wöckel , German athlete, Olympic champion
- 1955 : Haakon Graf , Norwegian jazz pianist and organist
- 1955 : Bożena Nowakowska , Polish hurdler
- 1956 : Dick Beardsley , American marathon runner
- 1956 : Ingrid Kristiansen , Norwegian athlete
- 1957 : Youssef Rzouga Tunisian poet
- 1958 : Willihaben , German writer
- 1958 : Gary Oldman , British actor
- 1958 : Marlies Göhr , German athlete, Olympic champion
- 1958 : Michael Maier , Austrian journalist
- 1959 : Nobuo Uematsu , Japanese pianist and composer
- 1960 : Patricia Görg , German writer
- 1960 : Ayrton Senna , Brazilian Formula 1 driver
- 1961 : Lothar Matthäus , German soccer player
- 1961 : Kassie DePaiva , American actress and singer
- 1961 : Hubert Kah , German musician and producer
- 1962 : Zackie Achmat , South African activist
- 1962 : Matthew Broderick , American actor
- 1962 : Narumi Kakinouchi , Japanese mangaka
- 1962 : Rosie O'Donnell , American actress and presenter
- 1962 : Andrea Maria Schenkel , German writer
- 1963 : Anna Adam , German painter, stage designer, qualified pedagogue and exhibition designer
- 1963 : Ronald Koeman , Dutch football player and coach
- 1963 : Shawn Lane , American rock and fusion guitarist
- 1964 : Kaori Ekuni , Japanese writer
- 1965 : Xavier Bertrand , French politician
- 1965 : Roger Köppel , Swiss journalist and politician
- 1965 : Steffen Krauss , German soccer player
- 1965 : Oliver Rohrbeck , German voice actor and actor
- 1966 : Benito Archundia , Mexican football referee
- 1966 : Hauke Fuhlbrügge , German athlete
- 1966 : DJ Premier , American hip-hop DJ and producer
- 1966 : Kenny Bräck , Swedish racing car driver
- 1967 : Jonas Berggren , Swedish songwriter
- 1968 : Kathrin Anklam-Trapp , German politician
- 1968 : Dalian Atkinson , English football player
- 1968 : Vincent Courtois , French jazz cellist
- 1968 : Jaye Davidson , British actor and model
- 1968 : Günter Vallaster , Austrian writer
- 1969 : Ali Daei , Iranian soccer player
- 1969 : Michael Weiner , German football referee
- 1970 : Anke Lutz , German chess player
- 1970 : Al'Dino , Bosnian musician
- 1971 : Dirk von Lowtzow , German musician and lyricist
- 1971 : Wanja Lindner , German single art cyclist and art cycling trainer
- 1972 : Piotr Adamczyk , Polish actor and voice actor
- 1972 : Chris Candido , American wrestler
- 1972 : Large Professor , American producer
- 1972 : Derartu Tulu , Ethiopian athlete
- 1973 : Vanessa Branch , American-British actress and photo model
- 1973 : Christian Nerlinger , German soccer player
- 1974 : Laura Allen , American actress
- 1974 : Anne-Sophie Briest , German actress
- 1974 : Chiquinho , German-Brazilian soccer player
- 1974 : Søren Hansen , Danish professional golfer
- 1974 : Klaus Lederer , German politician
- 1974 : Regina Schleicher , German cyclist
- 1975 : Dennis Wilms , German television presenter
- 1975 : Mark J. Williams , British snooker player
- 1978 : Kevin Federline , American dancer and actor
- 1978 : Rani Mukerji , Indian actress and photo model
- 1978 : Alena Šeredová , Czech photo model
- 1979 : Daniel Arnefjord , Swedish football player
- 1980 : Kennevic Asuncion , Filipino badminton player
- 1980 : Eric Baumann , German racing cyclist
- 1980 : Marit Bjørgen , Norwegian cross-country skier
- 1980 : Andrei Grigoryevich Kaschetschkin , Kazakh cyclist
- 1980 : Ronaldinho , Brazilian soccer player
- 1980 : Bamuza Sono , South African soccer player
- 1982 : Ejegayehu Dibaba , Ethiopian long-distance runner, Olympic medalist
- 1982 : Colin Turkington , British racing driver
- 1982 : Anthar Yahia , Algerian-French football player
- 1985 : Vic Anselmo , Latvian singer and songwriter
- 1985 : Chris Hogg , English soccer player
- 1986 : Sascha Ahnsehl , German basketball player
- 1986 : Giulia Arcioni , Italian sprinter
- 1986 : Alina Merkau , German moderator and actress
- 1986 : Franz Schiemer , Austrian footballer
- 1987 : Odine Johne , German actress
- 1987 : Alina Wojtas , Polish handball player
- 1989 : Alisar Ailabouni , Austrian model
- 1989 : Nicolás Lodeiro , Uruguayan football player
- 1989 : Jordi Alba , Spanish soccer player
- 1989 : Luke Mockridge , German author and comedian
- 1990 : Mandy Capristo , German model and pop singer ( Monrose )
- 1991 : Farzad Ataee , Afghan soccer player
- 1991 : Antoine Griezmann , French soccer player
- 1992 : Karolina Pliskova , Czech tennis player
- 1992 : Kristyna Pliskova , Czech tennis player
- 1993 : Jake Bidwell , English soccer player
- 1994 : Manuel Steitz , German actor
- 1997 : Martina Stoessel , Argentine singer and actress
- 1998 : Ralf Aron , Estonian racing car driver
- 1998 : Daniele Neuhaus Turnes , Brazilian soccer player
- 2000 : Jace Norman , American actor
Before the 18th century
- 547 : Benedict of Nursia , Italian monk, founder of Benedictine monasticism
- 624 : ʿAsmāʾ bint Marwān , Jewish poet
- 850 : Nimmyō , 54th Emperor of Japan
- 867 : Ælle , king of Northumbria
- 867 : Osberht , king of Northumbria
- 933 : Fujiwara no Kanesuke , Japanese waka poet and aristocrat
- 1063 : Richeza , Queen of Poland
- 1076 : Robert I , Duke of Burgundy
- 1145 : John of Valence , French Cistercian, lived in the monastery of St. Bernard in Clairvaux
- 1201 : Absalon von Lund , Danish church, monastery and town founder, saint, Archbishop of Lund
- 1301 : Guillaume de Champvent , Bishop of Lausanne
- 1306 : Robert II , Duke of Burgundy
- 1320 : Werner von Homberg , minstrel, knight and war captain
- 1324 : Leo von Erteneburg , Canon of Hamburg, Lübeck and Schwerin
- 1349 : Elisabeth of Sicily , Duchess of Bavaria
- 1361 : Elisabeth von Kleve , abbess of the Clarenberg monastery
- 1372 : Rudolf VI. , Margrave of Baden
- 1380 : Heinrich von Spiegel zum Desenberg , Prince-Bishop of Paderborn and Prince Abbot of Corvey
- 1399 : Eberhard von Attendorn , Bishop of Lübeck
- 1407 : Philip VIII von Falkenstein , Hessian nobleman
- 1487 : Brother Klaus , Swiss hermit, ascetic and mystic
- 1487 : Bernhard von Rohr , Archbishop of Salzburg
- 1506 : Hans Haunold , Silesian wholesaler, councilor of Breslau and governor of the Bohemian hereditary principality of Breslau
- 1556 : Thomas Cranmer , Anglican Archbishop and Reformer
- 1571 : Hans Asper , Swiss painter
- 1605 : Johann Bökel , Dutch physician
- 1617 : Pocahontas , Indian mediator between Indians and English colonists
- 1626 : Wolfgang Schaller , German medic
- 1651 : Katharina Charlotte of Pfalz-Zweibrücken , Countess Palatine of Neuburg and Duchess of Jülich-Berg
- 1656 : James Ussher , Irish Anglican theologian
- 1677 : Ángel de Peredo , Spanish officer, judge and governor of Chile
18th century
- 1715 : Johann Baptist von Arco , Commander in Chief of the Bavarian armies in the War of the Spanish Succession
- 1729 : John Law , Scottish economist
- 1743 : Philipp Karl von Eltz-Kempenich , Elector and Archbishop of Mainz
- 1751 : Johann Heinrich Zedler , Leipzig bookseller and publisher
- 1762 : Nicolas-Louis de Lacaille , French astronomer
- 1772 : Jacques-Nicolas Bellin , French cartographer
- 1791 : Friedrich Bogislav von Tauentzien , Prussian general
- 1795 : Giovanni Arduino , Italian geologist
- 1795 : Honoré III. , Prince of Monaco
- 1795 : Christoph Kaufmann , Swiss physician, philosopher and author, one of the apostles of genius
- 1798 : Albert Philipp Frick , German lawyer and university professor
19th century
- 1801 : Andrea Lucchesi , Italian organist and composer
- 1804 : Louis Antoine Henri de Condé , Duke of Enghien
- 1808 : Johann Michael Afsprung , teacher and publicist from Baden
- 1809 : Giuseppe Aglio , Italian art historian
- 1820 : Carl von Isenburg-Birstein , Prince of Isenburg and Büdingen
- 1829 : Theodor Christoph Grotrian , German Protestant clergyman, educator and publisher
- 1829 : Johannes Walch , German Protestant clergyman and educator
- 1830 : Johann Rudolf Wyss , Swiss author
- 1831 : José Tomás Ovalle , President of Chile
- 1842 : Ignaz Anton Demeter , Archbishop of Freiburg
- 1843 : Robert Southey , English historian and poet
- 1851 : Louis Chollet , French organist and composer
- 1857 : William Scoresby , British navigator and explorer
- 1857 : Abraham Jacob van der Aa Dutch lexicographer and man of letters
- 1862 : Alfred I. zu Windisch-Graetz , Austrian nobleman and field marshal
- 1864 : Karl Benedikt Hase , German classical philologist and librarian
- 1866 : Giovanni Gentiluomo , Austrian academic painter, opera singer and singing teacher
- 1872 : Gustaf Andersson , Swedish organ builder and musician
- 1875 : Virginie Ancelot , French writer and painter
- 1880 : Elias David Sassoon , British-Chinese merchant, philanthropist and opium dealer
- 1884 : Ezra Abbot , American theologian, Bible critic, and university professor
- 1891 : Joseph E. Johnston , American general
- 1892 : Annibale De Gasparis , Italian astronomer
- 1894 : Jakob Rosenhain , German-Jewish pianist and composer
- 1896 : Isabel Burton , British travel writer
20th century
- 1902 : Wilhelm Ihne , German classical philologist and ancient historian
- 1903 : Charles Labelle , Canadian composer, choir director, conductor and music teacher
- 1903 : Franz Innozenz Nachbaur , German court chamber singer
- 1905 : Heinrich Bohner , German Protestant missionary
- 1906 : Carl Heinrich von Siemens , German industrialist
- 1909 : Rudolf von Gottschall , German writer and literary critic
- 1910 : Nadar , French photographer
- 1910 : Johannes Schilling , German sculptor
- 1911 : Saturnin Arloing , French veterinarian, infectiologist and professor of anatomy and physiology
- 1915 : Frederick Winslow Taylor , American engineer
- 1915 : Ambrosius Hubrecht , Dutch zoologist
- 1919 : Otto Schrader , German Indo-Europeanist
- 1921 : Joseph Müller , auxiliary bishop in Cologne
- 1921 : Georg Schläger , German teacher and folk song researcher
- 1931 : Ernesto Consolo , Italian pianist, music teacher and composer
- 1932 : Georg Dehio , German art historian
- 1934 : Otto Baumgarten , German Protestant theologian
- 1934 : Franz Schreker , Austrian composer
- 1935 : Wilhelm Niemann , German navigation officer of the DO-X
- 1936 : Alexander Konstantinowitsch Glasunow , Russian composer
- 1938 : Omer Letorey , French composer and organist
- 1938 : Ernst Epstein , Austrian architect
- 1939 : Evald Aav , Estonian singer, composer and choir director
- 1940 : Felice Nazzaro , Italian racing driver
- 1942 : Jindřich Štyrský , Czech painter, photographer, graphic artist, poet, representative of surrealism and art theorist
- 1944 : Pierre de Caters , Belgian automobile and motorboat racing driver as well as aviation pioneer and entrepreneur
- 1945 : Arthur Nebe , German chief of the Reich Criminal Police Office, involved in the assassination attempt on Hitler on July 20, 1944
- 1949 : Erwin Lendvai , Hungarian composer
- 1952 : Peter Petersen , German reform pedagogue
- 1955 : Wilhelm Auler , German economist
- 1958 : Gottfried Kölwel , German poet, playwright and storyteller
- 1959 : Heinrich Leuchtgens , German teacher and politician, Member of the Bundestag, Member of the Bundestag
- 1960 : Hermann Burte , German painter and writer
- 1961 : Morgan Foster Larson , American politician
- 1963 : Newton Arvin , American literary scholar
- 1963 : Josef Gauchel , German soccer player
- 1963 : Heinrich-Wilhelm Ruhnke , German politician
- 1966 : Lauri Ikonen , Finnish composer
- 1968 : Gerhart Eisler , German journalist and politician
- 1968 : Erwin Linder , German actor
- 1969 : Gustav Fuchs , German politician
- 1970 : Marlen Haushofer , Austrian writer
- 1973 : Antoni Szałowski , Polish-French composer
- 1980 : Hans Dichgans , German politician, Member of the Bundestag
- 1983 : Thomas Ashton, 2nd Baron Ashton of Hyde , British peer and politician
- 1983 : Maurice Franck , French composer and music teacher
- 1985 : Michael Redgrave , British actor
- 1987 : Robert Preston , American actor
- 1987 : Ollie Sansen , American football player
- 1988 : Hans Fronius , Austrian painter and graphic artist
- 1989 : Cesare Musatti , Italian mathematician, philosopher and psychologist
- 1991 : Leo Fender , American entrepreneur and instrument maker
- 1991 : Wilhelm Zobl , Austrian composer, musicologist and translator
- 1992 : René König , German sociologist
- 1993 : Sebastiano Baggio , Italian clergyman, Vatican diplomat, cardinal to the Curia
- 1996 : Phyllis Holtby , Canadian pianist, harpsichordist and music teacher
- 1996 : Inés Puyó , Chilean painter
- 1998 : Milton Cruz , Dominican pianist
- 1998 : Galina Sergejewna Ulanowa , Russian prima ballerina
- 1999 : Mary Ainsworth , American developmental psychologist
- 2000 : Wolfgang Greß , German economic functionary in the GDR
21st century
- 2001 : Barbara Cramer-Nauhaus , German English scholar and translator
- 2002 : Eugene G. Rochow , American chemist
- 2003 : Wolfgang Kartte , German economist
- 2004 : Johnny Bristol , American singer, producer and songwriter
- 2004 : Mirwais Sadik , Afghan politician
- 2004 : Hermann-Josef Weidinger , Austrian herb pastor
- 2005 : Bobby Short , American singer and pianist
- 2006 : Bernard Lacoste , French fashion designer and entrepreneur
- 2007 : Josef Amadori , German soccer player
- 2008 : Gaji Achmedowitsch Abashilow , Russian journalist and politician
- 2008 : John Nicolas Coldstream , British Classical Archaeologist
- 2008 : Klaus Dinger , German drummer and guitarist ( Kraftwerk , Neu! And La Düsseldorf )
- 2008 : Raymond Leblanc , Belgian publisher and film producer
- 2008 : Waltrude Schleyer , wife of Hanns Martin Schleyer
- 2009 : Thierry Aubin , French mathematician
- 2009 : Giuseppe Bonaviri , Italian writer
- 2010 : Wolfgang Wagner , German opera director and festival director
- 2011 : Nikolai Efimowitsch Andrianow , Soviet gymnast
- 2011 : Hans J. Bär , Swiss banker
- 2011 : Alexander von Branca , German architect and artist
- 2011 : Loleatta Holloway , American disco singer
- 2011 : Hansl Krönauer , German composer and singer
- 2011 : Ladislav Novák , Czechoslovak football player and coach
- 2011 : Pinetop Perkins , American blues musician
- 2012 : Tonino Guerra , Italian poet and screenwriter
- 2013 : Muhammad Saʿīd Ramadān al-Būtī , Syrian religious scholar
- 2013 : Pietro Mennea , Italian athlete
- 2013 : Chinua Achebe , Nigerian writer
- 2014 : Moritz-Casimir zu Bentheim-Tecklenburg , German forestry graduate and entrepreneur
- 2014 : James Rebhorn , American actor
- 2015 : Pedro Aguayo Ramírez , Mexican wrestler
- 2015 : Hans Erni , Swiss visual artist
- 2015 : Jørgen Ingmann , Danish musician
- 2016 : Andrew Grove , American entrepreneur
- 2016 : Viktor Dulger , German engineer, inventor, entrepreneur and patron
- 2017 : Colin Dexter , British writer
- 2017 : Henri Emmanuelli , French politician
- 2017 : August Englas , Soviet and Estonian wrestler
- 2017 : Martin McGuinness , Northern Irish politician
- 2018 : Bernd Philipp , German journalist and book author
- 2018 : Martha Wallner , Austrian actress
- 2020 : Hellmut Stern , German musician and author
Holidays and memorial days
- Name days
- Church memorial days
- Niklaus von Flüe , Swiss hermit, mystic, peacemaker (Protestant, Catholic)
- Thomas Cranmer , Archbishop of Canterbury, martyr (Anglican, Evangelical: ELCA )
- State holidays and memorial days
- South Africa : Human Rights Day (1960)
- Anniversaries of international organizations
- International Day of Forests ( UN )
- International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (since 1966)
- World Poetry Day ( UNESCO ) (since 2000)
- World Down Syndrome Day ( UN ) (since 2006)
The list of days of remembrance and action contains further entries .
Commons : March 21st - Collection of images, videos and audio files