Johann Friedrich Hiller

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Johann Friedrich Hiller (born March 21, 1718 in Öhringen , † July 24, 1790 in Wittenberg ) was a German educator , rhetorician and philosopher .


Born as the son of the chamber councilor and bailiff Johann Wolfgang Hiller, studied at the University of Wittenberg since June 13, 1735, and here on October 17, 1740 acquired the highest philosophical degree of a master's degree . With the prospect of an academic teaching post with private lectures, he kept himself afloat financially and on October 18, 1743, he was accepted as an adjunct in the philosophical faculty. Hiller had tried to get a professorship at the Saxon university, but could not win the trust of the senior consistory in Dresden due to private debts.

Instead, on the recommendation of Johann Wilhelm von Berger, he became vice principal at the Wittenberg city school. In the same year he applied for the vacant position of rector, for which he was elected on October 20, 1744 and introduced on January 7, 1745. Hiller owned a select library. With a broad philosophical and philological knowledge, he tried to raise the level of the school. During his time, the later professors Ernst Gottfried Christian Schröder and Christian Gottlieb Hommel were his students.

In recognition of his work as rector, Hiller received an extraordinary professorship in ancient studies on January 13, 1749, became professor of natural and international law on August 17, 1750, and successfully held lectures on the entire spectrum of philosophy. Although he had no particular inclination for poetry, he resigned his school post on December 26, 1756 to take up a full professorship in poetics. At the suggestion of the Vice President at the Saxon Upper Consistory in Dresden, Hiller worked out the draft for the establishment of a seminar for future teachers in 1766.

This facility went into operation in the same year and Hiller was its director until his death. After the death of Christian Crusius , Hiller changed to the professorship of rhetoric in 1767 and became a leading representative of the Wittenberg philosophical faculty. He administered the dean's office several times and in the summer semester of 1770 was the rector's office of the university .

Selection of works

  1. Diss. De sincretismo Juliaui Imp. Wittenberg 1739
  2. Diss. De campo veritatis Platonico. Wittenberg 1741
  3. Diss. De Saxonibus Christo subiectis. Wittenberg 1741
  4. Diss. De optima ratione latinitatis discendae ex ipsis scriptoribus latiris. Wittenberg 1741
  5. Diss. De antiquitate principii indiscernibilium atque utilitate; in theologia maxime naturali. Wittenberg 1748
  6. Diss. De obligatione ad martyrium. Wittenberg 1748
  7. Diss. (Resp. AL Schloezero) de vita, dei. Wittenberg 1748
  8. Progr. De commodis elegantiorum litterarum ia iura naturae, exemplo Grotii. Wittenberg
  9. Curriculum philosophiae
    Pars. I, Logicam complexa. Viteb. et Zerv. Wittenberg 1760
    Pars. II, Ontologiam complexa. Wittenberg 1761
    Pars. III, Cosmologiam complexa et Psychologiam empiricam. Wittenberg 1768
  10. Diss. De papilione ferali. Wittenberg 1761
  11. Diss. De cautionibus quibusdam in allegoriis explicandis. Wittenberg 1770
  12. Orationes duae de Vítemberga, urbe fatali. Wittenberg 1761
  13. Diss. De concordia rationis cum fide in abnegatione sui ipsis testibus poëtis. Wittenberg 1763
  14. Progr. Utilitas poëtarum; praestantior in philosophia, quam historis. Wittenberg 1766
  15. Pr. II de immortalitate nominis et benesicentia, Vitemberga castae doctrinae retierenden. Wittenberg 1767, 1772
  16. Pr. De benignitate, virtute populari. Wittenberg 1767
  17. Pr. De via compendiaría discendae linguae Latinae Specimina IV. Wittenberg 1768–1771
  18. Pr. De ortbodoxia studiosissime retinenda. Wittenberg 1768
  19. Pr. De fastigio virtutis. Wittenberg 1768
  20. Pr.Orthodoxiae commendatio a Platone. Wittenberg 1769
  21. Pr. De liberalitate veterum Christianorum. Wittenberg 1769
  22. Pr. De benignitate Dei imitatrice. Wittenberg 1769
  23. Oratio in templi academici dedicatione. Wittenberg 1770
  24. Pr. De studiis litterarum cum hoc templo restituendis. Wittenberg 1770
  25. Or. De modo studia litterarum restituendi. Wittenberg 1770
  26. Pr. Quo pacto subveniendum pecuniae magis magisque deminutae, atque unde haec penuria. Wittenberg 1771
  27. Pr. De crimine Titi unico eoque poenitendo Spec. I et II. Wittenberg 1771
  28. Diss, de simulatione rhetorica. Wittenberg 1771
  29. Progr. X. Orthodoxa de fine mundi sententia. Wittenberg 1722
  30. Progr. XVIII de iusto Melanchthonis et Lutheri pretio, cum primis in opere emendationis sacrorum. Wittenberg 1772–1788
  31. Progr. De proverbio, pricis credendum. Wittenberg 1775
  32. Progr. XXXI Racemationes ia Tacito Wittenberg 1778-1790
  33. Progr. De dotibus animi communibus. Wittenberg 1778
  34. Memoria Schmidii, Prof. Wittenberg 1778
  35. Progr. Pliny Secundus, exemplum sapientis libaralitatis. Wittenberg 1779
  36. Cociones Suetonio restituti. Wittenberg 1780
  37. Ad iusta Funebria Principi Regiae Glorios. Memoriae Matri Patris Patriae, Mariae Antoniae, in templo Acad. solemniter ac rite persolvenda. Wittenberg 1780
  38. Elogium Trilleri - Chladenii - Laungguth. Wittenberg 1782


  • Walter Friedensburg : History of the University of Wittenberg. Max Niemeyer publishing house, Halle (Saale) 1917,
  • Heinz Kathe : The Wittenberg Philosophical Faculty 1502–1817 (= Central German Research. Volume 117). Böhlau, Cologne / Weimar / Vienna 2002, ISBN 3-412-04402-4 .
  • Fritz Juntke: Album Academiae Vitebergensis - Younger Series Part 3 (1710-1812). VEB Max Niemeyer Verlag, Halle (Saale), 1966, p. 235
  • Friedrich August Weiz : The learned Saxony or directory of those in the Churfürstl. Saxon. and incorporated countries of contemporary writers and their writings. Verlag Carl Friederich Schneider, Leipzig, 1780, p. 111

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