World Down Syndrome Day

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The World Down Syndrome Day (Engl. World Down Syndrome Day ) takes place every year since 2006 on March 21 instead. On this day, events are organized around the world aimed at increasing public awareness of the subject of Down syndrome . The chosen date, March 21st, symbolizes the characteristic feature of Down syndrome, namely the triple presence of the 21st chromosome .

The day of action was first organized in Geneva in 2006 . World Down Syndrome Day has been officially recognized by the United Nations since 2012 .

On World Down Syndrome Day, the “World Down Syndrome Awards” have been presented since 2010 for special voluntary, professional or scientific commitment. The winners also include people with Down syndrome, for example the Spanish teacher and actor Pablo Pineda in 2010 , who became the first European with Down syndrome to graduate from university.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. German Down Syndrome InfoCenter: Press release: The United Nations call March 21. as world down syndrome day out. (PDF; 80 kB) November 10, 2011, accessed on March 16, 2012 .
  2. Information on the award winners , accessed on April 1, 2017