Günter Vallaster

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Günter Vallaster (born March 21, 1968 in Schruns ) is an Austrian writer and editor .

life and work

After finishing school, Günter Vallaster studied German and history at the University of Innsbruck, where he was a research assistant from 1997 to 2003. Since 2004 he has been the publisher of the small Viennese publisher edition ch . Vallaster primarily writes experimental poetry and prose or visual poetry, which has been published in numerous anthologies and literary magazines. He participated in numerous Mail Art projects and designed the light line literature as neon sign, which is installed in Flex in Vienna and is supervised by the literary scholar Christine Böhler. Günter Vallaster was co-organizer of the InnText small publishing fair in Innsbruck in 2004 and is a member of the Graz authors' assembly . In 2011 he organized an exhibition of visual poetry in the Museum for Nonconformist Art of the Art Center Puschkinskaja 10 St. Petersburg in Russia, in which numerous Austrian, German and Russian poets took part, including Liesl Ujvary , Ilse Kilic , Fritz Widhalm , Christine Huber , Boris Constrictor and Roza Rueb .

Günter Vallaster lives in Vienna .

Single track

  • wiesohelles ( visual poetry ), The happy living room, Vienna 2001.
  • I taste (prose), edition zzoo - audiobeans 2008.
  • Behind the letter fence. Extended Versions. With transformations by Ilse Kilic and a foreword by Fritz Widhalm, edition ch 2008.
  • A world full of fear. 1 picture story. Vienna: edition ch 2010
  • On the ledge. Vienna: edition art science 2013

Anthologies and literary journals (selection)

  • Theo Breuer (ed.), NordWestSüdost, Edition YE , Sistig / Eifel 2003.
  • With writings, autumn press 2002
  • Language course, Haymon 2001
  • Counterpoint 1 - Turkish / German, The happy living room 2003
  • One man holds out - Festschrift for the writer Helmuth Schönauer , Skarabäus 2003
  • scratch kriz life. a collection of poems for ilse and fritz, The happy living room 2007.
  • the big ABC book, The happy living room 2007.
  • two little. and: countless bean-sized islands, The happy living room 2008.
  • Literary magazines: colik, living room , freeboard , zeitzoo.


Web links