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Calendar overview 1729
1729 | |
The uprising of the Natchez Indians against the French colonial rulers in Louisiana begins. |
The cloth merchant Nicolas Irénée Ruinart founds the champagne house Ruinart . |
Franz Georg von Schönborn becomes Archbishop and Elector of Trier . |
1729 in other calendars | |
Armenian calendar | 1177/78 (turn of the year July) |
Ethiopian calendar | 1721/22 (turn of the year 10/11 September) |
Bengali solar calendar | 1134/35 (beginning of April 14th or 15th) |
Buddhist calendar | 2272/73 (southern Buddhism); 2271/72 (alternative calculation according to Buddha's Parinirvana ) |
Chinese calendar | 73rd (74th) cycle
Year of the Earth-Rooster己酉 ( at the beginning of the year Earth-Monkey 戊申) |
Chula Sakarat (Siam, Myanmar) / Dai calendar (Vietnam) | 1091/92 (turn of the year April) |
Dangun era (Korea) | 4062/63 (October 2/3) |
Iranian calendar | 1107/08 |
Islamic calendar | 1141/42 (turn of the year July 27-28) |
Jewish calendar | 5489/90 (23/24 September) |
Coptic calendar | 1445/46 (September 10-11) |
Malayalam calendar | 904/905 |
Seleucid era | Babylon: 2039/40 (turn of the year April)
Syria: 2040/41 (turn of the year October) |
Vikram Sambat (Nepalese Calendar) | 1785/86 (turn of the year April) |
Politics and world events
North American colonies
- July 30th : The city of Baltimore is founded in the British Province of Maryland and named after the first and second Baron Baltimore , the founders and Lord Proprietors of the colony.
- November 28 : The Natchez uprising against French colonial rule in Louisiana begins with an attack by the Natchez Indians on French settlers at Fort Rosalie in Natchez . During the day, 229 colonists were killed by the attackers and more than 300 women, children and slaves were captured. The occasion is the order of the French governor to the Natchez to evacuate a village whose land is to be used for the construction of a tobacco plantation. The Koroa and Yazoo peoples and numerous African plantation slaves fight together with the Natchez .
- The actual division of the North American colony Carolina , which has existed since 1710 , is formally implemented after the Lords Proprietors sell their interests to the British Crown. This creates the provinces of North Carolina and South Carolina .
Great Britain, Spain, Portugal
- January 19 : The Spanish heir to the throne Ferdinand , Prince of Asturias , marries the Portuguese Infanta Maria Madalena Bárbara Xavier Leonor Teresa Antónia Josefa de Bragança . Her brother, the Portuguese heir to the throne, José Francisco António Inácio Norberto Agostinho de Bragança , married Ferdinand's sister Maria Anna Viktoria von Bourbon . Although both weddings are purely politically motivated, both couples have a close affection for one another. All four share a passion for music. The Italian Domenico Scarlatti is hired as the piano teacher of Crown Princess Maria Barbara .
- November 9 : The English-Spanish War ends with the intermediary of the French Minister André-Hercule de Fleury materialize-down Treaty of Seville . The status quo ante will be restored. Spain confirms the British possession of Gibraltar and Menorca , while Great Britain assures in return that it will support the establishment of a secondary school for Don Carlos , the son of the Spanish queen.
Holy Roman Empire / Russia
- Franz Ludwig von Pfalz-Neuburg succeeds Lothar Franz von Schönborn , who died on January 30th, as Archbishop and Elector of Mainz . His previous position as Elector and Archbishop of Trier gets Franz Georg von Schönborn .
- March 27th : After the death of his father Leopold , Franz Stephan becomes Duke of Lorraine and Bar . To take over government, he had to leave the imperial court in Vienna, where he had lived since 1724 .
- April 16 : Giuseppe Gonzaga follows his brother Antonio Ferrante Gonzaga , who was killed in a fire, as Duke of Guastalla and Prince of Sabbioneta and Bozzolo . He is the last male member of the family.
- September 20 : Prussia and Russia sign a renewal of their alliance treaty , which contains few changes to the treaty of 1726 . The renewed treaty is intended to ensure good relations between the two states after the death of the Russian Empress Catherine in 1727.
- Denmark under King Friedrich IV and Sweden under King Friedrich I conclude the Hamburg settlement . In return for monetary compensation, Sweden recognizes its loss of territory and the cession of the Duchy of Verden to the Electorate of Hanover, an ally of Denmark .
- End of September: Nadr Qulī , General of the Safavids in the crumbling Persian Empire , defeats Shah Ashraf Khan from the Hotaki dynasty near Damghan . He had to withdraw to the east and was murdered by a Baloch tribesman while he was in retreat. The Safawide Tahmasp II. Will be on November 16 in Isfahan for Shah crowned. General Nadr also succeeds in pushing back the Ottomans who have invaded the country and concluding a peace agreement with Russia .
- The Salyan Khanate in the Iranian province of Azerbaijan is founded.
- The Portuguese finally give up Fort Jesus in East Africa, which is taken over by the Sultan of Oman .
- July 1st : Johann Georg Klemm acquires the privilege to set up a bookshop in Halle . Klemm is mainly active as a general-purpose bookseller, but sometimes also as a publishing bookseller . For example, he publishes treatises by the French theologian François Fénelon and the lawyer Johann Lorenz Fleischer .
- September 1st : Cloth merchant Nicolas Irénée Ruinart founds the oldest champagne house still active today in Reims .
science and technology
- July 14th : Physicist Stephen Gray builds the world's first overhead line to prove that electrical energy can be transmitted.
Johann Sebastian Bach in Leipzig
- Johann Sebastian Bach composes the homage cantata O pleasant melody . The premiere will take place on January 12th on the occasion of Christian von Sachsen-Weißenfels' visit to Leipzig.
- For the memorial service for Prince Leopold von Anhalt-Köthen , held on March 24th in the St. Jakobskirche in Köthen , Johann Sebastian Bach composed the funeral cantata Lament, Children, Lament It All Over the World . The libretto is by Christian Friedrich Henrici . The so-called Köthen funeral music is now considered lost.
- June 6th : The church cantata I love the highest with all my heart by Johann Sebastian Bach is premiered on Whit Monday in Leipzig. For the introductory sinfonia , Bach adds five wind parts to the nine solo string parts of his 3rd Brandenburg Concerto . He can use so many players because he recently started to lead the Collegium musicum founded by Georg Philipp Telemann , a civic association of people interested in music, whose members also participate in church music.
- Between October 20 and 24 : The Spirit Helps Our Weaknesses , a motet for two choirs by Johann Sebastian Bach, will be premiered in the St. Pauli University Church in Leipzig on the occasion of the funeral of Professor Johann Heinrich Ernesti .
- The secular cantata Geschwinde, their whirling winds is created for the civic concert series of the Leipzig Collegium musicum , which is called Bachisch when Bach took over the leadership this year and gives concerts in the Zimmermann coffee house .
Further world premieres
- January 7 : The world premiere of the opera Love in a Riddle of Henry Carey takes place in London.
- June 20 : The world premiere of Henry Carey's opera The Contrivances takes place in London.
- December 2 : The opera Lotario by Georg Friedrich Händel has its world premiere at the King's Theater on the Haymarket in London with little success .
- February 6 : The opera libretto Semiramide riconosciuta by Pietro Metastasio is performed for the first time in the setting by Leonardo Vinci at the Teatro delle Dame in Rome.
- November 25 : The libretto La contesa de 'numi by Pietro Metastasio is premiered on the birth of the Dauphin Louis Ferdinand in the courtyard of the Palazzo Altemps in Rome in the setting by Leonardo Vinci .
Vienna and Hamburg
- February 8th : The world premiere of the opera I disingannati ( Die Witzigen ) by Antonio Caldara at the Teatrino di corte takes place at the Teatrino di corte in Vienna. The libretto is by Giovanni Claudio Pasquini and is based on Molière's comedy Le Misanthrope ou l'Atrabilaire amoureux .
- November 29th : The opera Flavius Bertaridus, King of the Longobards by Georg Philipp Telemann based on the libretto by Christoph Gottlieb Wend and Georg Philipp Telemann has its world premiere at the Hamburg Opera on Gänsemarkt . The opera is based on the Venetian opera Flavio Bertarido, Ré de Longobardi by Stefano Ghisi .
- Robert Drury publishes his memories of his time as a shipwrecked man in Madagascar under the title Madagascar or Robert Drury's Diary . With all the success of the book, doubts about its authenticity are soon expressed. Among other things, Daniel Defoe is believed to be the actual author of the Robinsonade .
- Gerhard Tersteegen publishes the spiritual song God is present from the Reformed tradition in his spiritual flower garden of intimate souls .
- The Goguette choral society is founded in Paris .
- March 19 : John of Nepomuk , the Bohemian priest and martyr , is welcomed by Pope Benedict XIII. canonized . Statues of the saint stand on or next to bridges.
First half of the year
- January 2 : Johann Daniel Titius , Prussian astronomer, physicist and biologist († 1796 )
- January 12th : Edmund Burke , Irish-British writer, state philosopher and politician († 1797 )
- January 12 : Lazzaro Spallanzani , Italian priest, philosopher and universal scientist († 1799 )
- January 20 : Joaquín del Pino Sánchez de Rojas , Spanish politician and military man († 1804 )
- January 22nd : Gotthold Ephraim Lessing , German philosopher and poet († 1781 )
- January 23 : Johannes le Francq van Berkhey Dutch naturalist, poet and painter († 1812 )
- February 20 : Fyodor Grigoryevich Volkov , Russian theater director and amateur actor († 1763 )
- February 28 : Leopold Ludwig , Count of Anhalt and Prussian General of the Infantry († 1795 )
- March 9 : Anders Chydenius , Finnish pastor, politician, economist and philosopher († 1803 )
- March 11 : Sophie Marie von Voss , Prussian lady-in-waiting and advisor († 1814 )
- March 16 : Maria Luise Albertine zu Leiningen-Dagsburg-Falkenburg , Princess of Hessen-Darmstadt, grandmother and tutor of the Prussian Queen Luise († 1818 )
- March 24th : Johann Christoph von Adlerflycht , German lawyer, patrician and "Elder Mayor" of the city of Frankfurt am Main, which is immediately outside the empire († 1786 )
- April 5 : Friedrich Karl Ferdinand , Duke of Braunschweig-Bevern († 1809 )
- April 12 : Georg Thomas von Asch , Russian city physician, division physician, chief physician, general staff physician and field marshal († 1807 )
- April 13 : Thomas Percy , English poet and Anglican bishop († 1811 )
- April 30th : Pierre-Jacques Volaire , French landscape painter († 1799 )
- May 2 : Sophie Auguste Friederike von Anhalt-Zerbst, as Catherine II Empress of Russia, Duchess of Holstein-Gottorf and Mistress of Jever († 1796 )
- May 3 : Florian Leopold Gassmann , Austrian composer († 1774 )
- May 12 : Michael Freiherr von Melas , Austrian general († 1806 )
- May 19 : William Henry , American politician († 1786 )
- Jakob von Zülow , Prussian major general († 1802 ) May:
Second half of the year
- July 16 : Lebrecht Bachenschwanz , general of the Electorate of Saxony, writer and translator († 1802 )
- July 17th : Anton Theodor von Colloredo , Archbishop of Olomouc († 1811 )
- July 31 : Jakob von Bernuth , German civil servant († 1797 )
- August 3 : Richard Caswell , American politician and governor of North Carolina († 1789 )
- August 3 : Dodo Heinrich zu Innhausen and Knyphausen , Prussian diplomat († 1789 )
- August 6 : Johann Friedrich Münch , Swiss politician († 1808 )
- August 7th : Franz von Fürstenberg , statesman in the Principality of Münster, school reformer and university founder († 1810 )
- August 30 : Karl Paul Ernst von Bentheim-Steinfurt , German nobleman († 1780 )
- August 31 : Hans Jacob Mumenthaler , Swiss chemist, mechanic and optician († 1813 )
- August 31 : Friedrich Martini , German physician and natural scientist († 1778 )
- September 4th : Louis Ferdinand de Bourbon , French Dauphin, son and heir to the throne of Louis XV. († 1765 )
- September 4 : Juliane von Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel , Queen of Denmark and Norway († 1796 )
- September 6th : Moses Mendelssohn , German Enlightenment philosopher and pioneer of the Haskala († 1786 )
- September 25 : Christian Gottlob Heyne , German professor of classical studies and librarian († 1812 )
- October 1 : Anton Cajetan Adlgasser , German composer and organist († 1777 )
- October 1 : Philipp Christian Bunsen , mint master in Arolsen and Frankfurt († 1790 )
- October 10 : Johann Engelhard Kahler , German Protestant theologian († 1804 )
- October 22 : Johann Reinhold Forster , German scientist, explorer and ethnologist († 1798 )
- October 23 : Charles Gray , British general († 1807 )
- October 31 : Alonso Núñez de Haro y Peralta , Spanish bishop and colonial administrator, viceroy of New Spain († 1800 )
- November 4 : William Bradford , American politician († 1808 )
- November 5 : José Martín de Aldehuela , Spanish architect and builder († 1802 )
- November 11th : Louis Antoine de Bougainville , French navigator and writer, first French circumnavigator († 1811 )
- November 15 or November 18 : Friedrich Carl Willibald von Groschlag zu Dieburg , diplomat in the service of the Electorate of Mainz and last of the noble family von Groschlag († 1799 )
- November 16 : Aegidius Maria of Saint Joseph , Italian Franciscan and saint of the Catholic Church († 1812 )
- November 17 : Maria Antonia of Spain , Spanish Infanta and Queen of Sardinia-Piedmont († 1785 )
- November 17 : Gotthilf Traugott Zachariae , German Protestant theologian († 1777 )
- November 20 : Charles Henri d'Estaing , French naval officer and admiral († 1794 )
- November 22nd : Helena Dorothea von Schönberg , landlady in Limbach near Chemnitz († 1799 )
- November 29 : Charles Thomson , American writer († 1824 )
- December 3 : Karl Friedrich Flögel , German cultural and literary historian († 1788 )
- December 4 : Johann Philipp Julius Rudolph , German physician and university professor († 1797 )
- December 20 : František Xaver Pokorný , Bohemian violinist and composer († 1794 )
- December 24th : Manuel Abad y Lasierra , Spanish bishop († 1806 )
Exact date of birth unknown
- Johann d'Arnal , French engineer-colonel in the Austrian army and knight Maria Theresa († 1793 )
- Johann Adam Aulhorn , German actor, singer and dancer († 1808 )
- Franz Xaver Clavel , German civil servant († 1793 )
- Clara Reeve , British writer († 1807 )
- Ignatius Sancho , English composer and writer of African descent († 1780 )
- Su Forty-three , Muslim clergyman and insurgent from Xunhua in Qinghai († 1781 )
Born around 1729
- 1729/ 1730 : Jigme Lingpa : Tibetan Dzogchen master Buddhist Nyingma Vajrayana († 1798 )
January to April
- January 4th : Johann Wilhelm , Duke of Saxony-Eisenach (* 1666 )
- January 17th : Gottfried Laurenz Pictorius , Westphalian land engineer and architect (* 1663 )
- January 19 : William Congreve , English playwright and poet (* 1670 )
- January 19 : Jacob Züblin , Mayor of St. Gallen (* 1653 )
- January 23 : Ignaz Agricola , German historian, philosopher, theologian and Jesuit (* 1661 )
- January 20 : Johann Friedrich Wentzel , German painter and etcher (* 1670 )
- January 30th : Lothar Franz von Schönborn , Prince-Bishop of Bamberg and Elector and Archbishop of Mainz (* 1655 )
- January 31 : Jakob Roggeveen , Dutch navigator and explorer (* 1659 )
- February 2 : Pietro Baratta , Venetian sculptor (* 1668 )
- February 6 : Pietro Marchitelli , Neapolitan violinist and composer (* 1643 )
- February 10 : Johann von Besser , German poet (* 1654 )
- February 11 : Solomon Stoddard , New England Congregationalist preacher (* 1643 )
- February 16 : Johann Kaspar Sing , Bavarian painter and Bavarian court painter to the electoral prince (* 1651 )
- February 24 : Ernst Ludwig II , Duke of Saxony-Meiningen (* 1709 )
- February 24 : Jan Jerzy Przebendowski , Polish magnate, general of Greater Poland and crown treasurer (* 1638 )
- February 28 : Lovro Šitović , Croatian religious writer and epic poet (* 1682 )
- March 2nd : Peter van Dievoet , Brussels sculptor (* 1661 )
- March 4 : Adolf Mattheus Rodde , German lawyer, mayor and mint owner of the Hanseatic city of Lübeck (* 1655 )
- March 15 : Elisabeth Eleonore von Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel , Duchess of Saxony-Meiningen (* 1658 )
- March 21 : John Law , Scottish economist and banker (* 1671 )
- March 25 : Christoph Franz von Hutten , Prince-Bishop of Würzburg (* 1673 )
- March 27 : Leopold , Duke of Lorraine and Bar (* 1679 )
- April 11 : Manuel de Egüés , Spanish composer (* 1657 )
- April 15 : Maria Anna von Oettingen-Spielberg , Princess of Liechtenstein (* 1693 )
- April 16 : Antonio Ferrante Gonzaga , Duke of Guastalla and Prince of Sabbioneta and Bozzolo (* 1687 )
- April 22nd : Louis Pécour , French dancer and choreographer (* 1653 )
May to August
- May 4th : Louis-Antoine de Noailles , French cardinal and Archbishop of Paris (* 1651 )
- May 4 : Giulio Simonetti , Swiss builder and architect (* 1659 )
- May 17 : Johann Kahler , German mathematician and Lutheran theologian (* 1649 )
- June 13th : Johann Friedrich Wender , German organ builder (* 1655 )
- June 16 : Balthasar Hermann , Memmingen painter (* 1665 )
- June 27 : Élisabeth Jacquet de La Guerre , French composer and harpsichordist (* 1665 )
- June 28 : Miguel Núñez de Sanabria , Spanish lawyer and viceroy of Peru (* 1645 )
- June 29 : Edward Taylor , New England poet (* around 1642 )
- July 1 : Gottlieb Wernsdorf the Elder , German Lutheran theologian and historian (* 1668 )
- July 3 : Johann Martin Gumpp the Elder , Austrian architect (* 1643 )
- July 12 : Samuel Theodor Gericke , German painter (* 1665 )
- July 16 : Johann David Heinichen , German composer and music theorist (* 1683 )
- July 18 : Joseph Karl , Count Palatine and Hereditary Prince of Pfalz-Sulzbach (* 1694 )
- July 31 : Nicola Francesco Haym , Italian cellist, composer, librettist, theater manager and author (* 1678 )
- August 5th : Thomas Newcomen , English inventor (* 1663 )
- August 15 : Benjamin Neukirch , German poet (* 1665 )
- Attilio Ariosti , Italian composer (* 1666 ) August:
September to December
- September 1 : Richard Steele , Irish writer and editor (* 1672 )
- September 19 : Philipp Honorius von Ravensteyn , Dutch architect and court builder in Kurtrier (* 1655 )
- End of September: Ashraf Khan , ruler of the Pashtun Hotaki dynasty in Persia
- October 10 : Johann Martin Seekatz , German painter (* 1680 )
- October 22 : Anna Maria Ehrenstrahl , Swedish painter (* 1666 )
- October 27 : Johann Michael Bretschneider , German painter (* 1680 )
- November 14th : Johann Sturmer , Moravian sculptor (* 1675 )
- November 15 : Hans Jacob Faber , Mayor of Hamburg (* 1665 )
- November 15 : Giuseppe Volpini , Italian sculptor and plasterer (* 1670 )
- November 16 : Alessandro Specchi , Roman architect and graphic artist (* 1666 )
- November 23 : Alexander Danilowitsch Menshikov , Russian nobleman and statesman, generalissimo of the Russian army (* 1673 )
- November 25 : László Nádasdy , Bishop of Csanád (* 1662 )
- December 1 : Christian Ludwig Boxberg , German composer and organist (* 1670 )
- December 10 : Karl Joseph von Kuenburg , Prince-Bishop of Seckau and Prince-Bishop of Chiemsee (* 1686 )
- December 23 : Johann Georg Geiling , Mayor of Heilbronn (* 1657 )
- December 25th : Christiane Charlotte von Württemberg-Winnental , Margravine and Regent of the Principality of Ansbach (* 1694 )
Exact date of death unknown
- Bartolomeo Bimbi , Florentine painter (* 1648 )
- Nayî Osman Dede , Turkish calligrapher, scholar, poet and composer (* around 1652 )
- Panagiotis Doxaras , Greek-Ionic painter (* 1662 )
- Thomas Fairchild , English botanist and gardener (* 1667 )
- Jean Meslier , French priest and early enlightenment man (* 1664 )
Web links
Commons : 1729 - Collection of Images, Videos, and Audio Files