Alessandro Specchi

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Alessandro Specchi (born June 9, 1666 in Rome , † November 16, 1729 in Rome) was a Roman architect and graphic artist.

Giuseppe Vasi:
The Ripetta Harbor


Specchi was a student of Carlo Fontana . The most important building that Specchi built in Rome between 1703 and 1705 was the city port on the Ripetta. Nothing of this main structure has survived, as it was demolished at the beginning of the 20th century when the bank of the Tiber was being fortified. In its place is now the Ara Pacis Museum . However, from engravings by Piranesi and Giuseppe Vasis, as well as the documentation he left behind, we know what this port looked like back then.

Essentially, the port facility had the shape of a staircase with the Church of San Girolama as the most important point of reference. At that time, stone blocks that had fallen from the Colosseum in an earthquake in 1703 were also used to build the port . Specchi had also submitted a design for the competition for the construction of the Spanish Steps , but it could not prevail against that of its competitor Francesco De Sanctis .

His career ended in 1725 with the collapse of the portico of San Paolo fuori le mura and the subsequent expulsion from the Accademia di San Luca .

Other works

  • Palazzo Roccagiovine (Palazzo Pighini at the time of Specchi) in the Piazza Farnese,
  • Palazzo de Carolis (Banco di Roma, Via del Corso),
  • Extension of the Palazzo Del Drago alle Quattro Fontane,
  • Stables on the Quirinal
  • Palazzo Marucelli (Via Condotti).


Web links

Commons : Category: Alessandro Specchi  - Album with pictures, videos and audio files