Michel Guérard des Lauriers

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Michel Louis-Bertrand Guérard des Lauriers (born October 25, 1898 in Suresnes near Paris, † February 27, 1988 in Cosne-Cours-sur-Loire ( Département Nièvre )) was a French Catholic theologian and sedevacantist bishop in the succession of Pierre Martin Ngô Đình Thục .


Michel Guérard des Lauriers, brother of Maurice († 1918) and Jacques Guérard des Lauriers, half-orphan since 1913, was shaped in his youth by the clashes between the secular-anticlerical state and the Catholic Church in France. After graduating from high school in 1917, he was a soldier until 1919. His mathematics studies were rewarded with the Prix ​​Vouché , which enabled him to stay in Rome for a longer period of time. There, together with his mother and brother, he was impressed by the celebrations for the holy year 1925 and the introduction of the anti-secular Christ the king festival .

After a papal audience he stepped 1926/28 as a novice in Amiens in the Dominican Order (OP) and was on 29 July 1931 in Kain (Belgium) for priests ordained. From 1933 he was professor of philosophy at the Dominican College Le Saulchoir near Paris, later in Rome, at the Angelicum and at the Lateran University . Guérard des Lauriers was an adviser to the Pope Pius XII. proclaimed the new dogma of Mary from 1950. He protested against the teachings of the Second Vatican Council .

Theological positions

In 1969, Guérard des Lauriers, under the editor Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, was the main author of the memorandum "Brief Critical Investigation of the New Messordo", which received support from Cardinals Ottaviani and Bacci (hence the name " Ottaviani Intervention "). In 1970 Michel Guérard des Lauriers finished teaching in Rome. Then the Dominican went to the seminary of the Society of St. Pius X. of the retired Archbishop Lefebvre in Ecône (Switzerland) as a lecturer . When he upheld the thesis, which Lefebvre did not share, that the Roman bishopric, the Kathedra Petri , was vacant because Paul VI. was guilty of heresy ( sedis vacantism ), in 1977 he was dismissed from the teaching staff of Ecône and broke with the Lefebvre movement.

As a result, Guérard des Lauriers tried to substantiate his theological position argued with Kajetan von Thiene and Robert Bellarmin , the so-called "Cassiciacum thesis", that the renewed Catholic Order of the Mass ( Novus ordo missae ) was heretical and Paul VI. may only be called a material , but no more formal, pope. Since he also the validity of episcopal ordinations after the by Pope Paul VI. doubted the renewed order of the Pontificale Romanum , he worried about the preservation of the Apostolic Succession for the bishops of the Catholic Western Church . Supported by German sedevacantists around Reinhard Lauth , he was, almost 83 years old, ordained bishop on May 7, 1981 in Toulon by titular Archbishop Pierre Martin Ngô Đình Thục , formerly Archbishop of Huế ( Vietnam ), in the presence of only two witnesses, and using an old Pontificale Romanum printed in Regensburg in 1908 from the time before its reform by Pius XII.

In 1983, Guérard des Lauriers, along with other priests and bishops ordained by Thuc, was publicly excommunicated by Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger on behalf of John Paul II . From the official Catholic side, critics and opponents have repeatedly expressed doubts about the validity of the Thuc consecrations due to the consecrator's alleged insanity. However, this contradicts the penalty imposed by Cardinal Josef Ratzinger in 1983 of excommunication latae sententiae because of the unauthorized episcopal ordination.

For his part, Guérard des Lauriers consecrated several priests and three auxiliary bishops , the Germans Günther Storck (April 30, 1984), Robert McKenna (August 23, 1986) and Franco Munari (November 25, 1987) in the following years until his death . He stuck to his Cassiciacum thesis and fell out over it with strict sedevacantists like Eberhard Heller.

Since 1985 Guérard des Lauriers lived near the village of Raveau (Bourgogne) in the Château de Mouchy , a former noble estate with a chapel. He tried in vain to set up a seminary on the estate. By will, the palace and park went to the sedisprivationist traditionalist association Istituto Mater Boni Consilii . After his death on February 27th, Guérard des Lauriers was buried on March 1st, 1988 in the parish cemetery of Raveau . His tombstone was marked with the words misereor super turbam - misereor super sacrificum .


Michel (baptismal name) comes from the Guérard des Lauriers family, which traces its name back to a French war hero of the Thirty Years' War. Guérard is not his first name. His religious name as a Dominican was frère Louis-Bertrand .


  • Episcopal ordination SE Mgr. M.-L. Guérard des Lauriers OP in Toulon on May 8th 1981 by HE Archbishop Ngo-dinh-Thuc . In: Insight 12, 1 (1982) 4-7 (photos of the ceremonies);
  • Louis-Marie de Blignières : In memoriam ML Guérard des Lauriers . In: Sedes Sapientiae. Revue trimestrielle de formation religieuse 24 (1988) 23-26.

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