20th of December

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The December 20 is the 354th day of the Gregorian calendar (the 355th in leap years ), thus remain 11 days by year end.

Historic anniversaries
November · December · January
1 2 3 4th 5 6th 7th
8th 9 10 11th 12th 13th 14th
15th 16 17th 18th 19th 20th 21
22nd 23 24 25th 26th 27 28
29 30th 31


Politics and world events

1256: Alamut is captured (picture from around 1430)
1821: Monument to the National Assembly
1971: Zulfikar Ali Bhutto


1870: Cape Blanco Lighthouse
Frankfurt 1945

science and technology

The four light bulbs on December 20, 1951
  • 1951: In the research reactor EBR-1 ( Experimental Breeder Reactor I ) in Arco , Idaho, USA, nuclear power generation succeeds for the first time . The system's output is sufficient on the first day to provide electricity for four light bulbs. From the second day onwards, the amount of electricity is sufficient for personal use and for research purposes.
  • 1957: The European Nuclear Energy Agency is founded to develop a joint nuclear research program for European countries.
  • 1994: Intel announces a comprehensive exchange program for Pentium CPUs affected by the FDIV bug .
1999: ACRIMSat


1483: Page of the Dialogus creaturarum


  • 1968: A later than Zodiac Killer known serial killer murdered with Betty Lou Jensen and David Faraday her boyfriend in Vallejo , California, his first two victims.
  • 2007: Two paintings with an estimated value of 70 million euros are stolen from the Museu de Arte de São Paulo . The police were able to retrieve both paintings from the museum intact on January 8, 2008.


1759: Pope Clement XIII.


  • 1942: An earthquake of magnitude 7.3 in Erbaa , Turkey, calls for about 3,000 deaths.
  • 1946: An 8.1 magnitude earthquake struck Tonankai , Japan, killing 1,330.
  • 1987: When the Filipino ferry Doña Paz sank near Mindoro after a collision with the tanker Vector , 4,375 passengers and crew of the Doña Paz and 11 crew members of the Vector died . There are only 26 survivors in total. It is the worst shipping accident in peacetime.
  • 1995: One of Miami coming Boeing 757 of American Airlines crashes during the landing approach to Cali , Colombia, for the setting of a false NDB against a mountain. 160 people die, only four people are saved.

Minor accidents are listed in the sub-articles of Disaster .


Entries of track and field world records can be found under the respective discipline under track and field .


Before the 18th century

18th century

19th century


Ferdinand Buisson (* 1841)



20th century



Otto Graf Lambsdorff (* 1926)


Piet Klocke (* 1958)
Joey Kelly (* 1972)


Mapei (* 1983)


Before the 16th century

Gundekar I.
(† 1019)

16th to 18th centuries

Catherine of Bora
(† 1552)

19th century

20th century


Anita Augspurg († 1943)


John Steinbeck († 1968)


Arthur Rubinstein († 1982)

21st century

Holidays and memorial days

The list of commemorative and action days contains further entries .

Commons : December 20th  - Collection of images, videos and audio files