15th December

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The December 15 is the 349th day of the Gregorian calendar (the 350th in leap years ), thus remain 16 days by year end.

Historic anniversaries
November · December · January
1 2 3 4th 5 6th 7th
8th 9 10 11th 12th 13th 14th
15th 16 17th 18th 19th 20th 21
22nd 23 24 25th 26th 27 28
29 30th 31


Politics and world events

1640: Johann IV.
1745: Leopold I of Anhalt-Dessau
Prussia 1801-1807
1840: Napoléon's sarcophagus in the Invalides
1890: Sitting Bull
1964: The maple leaf flag of Canada


science and technology

1965: View from Gemini 6 to Gemini 7
2009: Boeing 787


1858: Franz Liszt as a conductor in Weimar
2010: The Völklinger Hütte
1994: Quedlinburg



  • 0687: Sergius I , elected by the people of Rome and by the simple clergy, becomes Pope .
  • 1124: Celestine II is elected as the antipope to Honorius II in Rome , but renounces the office the next day, whereupon Honorius II can be finally confirmed in his office in a new canonical election.
1433: Pope Eugene IV.


  • 1881: The El Habra dam in Algeria breaks. The masses of water cause up to 250 deaths.
  • 1970: The sinking of the South Korean ferry Namyong Ho in the Korea Strait will cost 308 lives.
  • 1999: In Venezuela , weeks of unusually intense rainfall in the coastal region lead to catastrophic landslides. In the state of Vargas in front of Caracas in particular , several localities are partially completely buried by mud. Across Venezuela, the persistent storms claim 15,000 to 50,000 deaths and at least 150,000 are left homeless.

Minor accidents are listed in the sub-articles of Disaster .


Entries of track and field world records can be found under the respective discipline under track and field .


Before the 18th century

Albrecht IV (* 1447)

18th century

19th century



Antoine Henri Becquerel (* 1852)


Ferdinand Hardekopf (* 1876)
Eugen Bolz (* 1881)

20th century


Oscar Niemeyer (* 1907)


Friedensreich Hundertwasser (* 1928)


Renate Künast (* 1955)


Adam Brody (born 1979)


Before the 16th century

Michael Küchmeister von Sternberg

16th to 18th centuries

19th century

Sitting Bull († 1890)

20th century


Karl Stanka († 1947)


  • 1951: Eric Drummond , British politician and diplomat, first Secretary General of the League of Nations
  • 1953: Kishio Hirao , Japanese composer
  • 1954: Papa Celestin , American band leader and jazz trumpeter, cornet player and singer
  • 1955: Otto Braun , German politician, Prime Minister
Wolfgang Pauli († 1958)


21st century

Holidays and memorial days

  • Church memorial days

Further entries can be found in the list of days of remembrance and action .

Commons : December 15th  - Collection of images, videos and audio files