Jakob von Albertini

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Jakob von Albertini , also Jacob von Albertini (born December 15, 1793 in Zuoz , † June 25, 1848 in Chur ) was a Swiss politician.


Jakob von Albertini was born as the son of the governor of the Upper Engadin Rudolf von Albertini (* 1769, † 1842) and his wife Margareta Planta-Zutz in Zuoz and grew up there and in La Punt-Chamues-ch .

He studied law in Heidelberg from 1813 to 1815 and was politically active after returning home. From 1825 to 1827 he was Landammann of the Upper Engadine and was a member of the Grisons Grand Council (1825–1826, 1838–1839, 1844–1845, 1846–1847) and several times a member of the Small Council (1834–1835, 1839–1840, 1844 -1845, 1847-1848). In 1826 he was elected by the Grand Council to the commission to consider the draft of the penal code. In 1836 he was delegate to the Diet and from 1838 to 1840 President of the Grisons Cantonal Criminal Court and from 1843 to 1848 a member of the Higher Appeal Court .

On June 27, 1848, his body was recovered from the Rhine , presumably he committed suicide.

Jakob von Albertini was married to Eva Carolina Salvetti from Ponte-Campovasto (since 1943: La Punt-Chamues-ch), they had two daughters and a son ( Thomas von Albertini ).

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ New necrology of the Germans. BF Voigt, 1850 ( limited preview in Google book search).
  2. Jürg Simonett: Jacob von Albertini. In: Historical Lexicon of Switzerland .
  3. ^ Peter Liver: From the history of criminal law in Graubünden (continuation). In: Bündnerisches monthly newspaper. Journal of Graubünden history, regional and folklore. P. 111, footnote 8 , accessed on October 25, 2017 .