Georg Adam Struve

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Georg Adam Struve by Johann Dürr

Georg Adam Struve (born September 27, 1619 in Magdeburg , † December 15, 1692 in Jena ) was a German lawyer .


Georg Adam Struve was the son of Bartholomäus Struve , heir to Wanzleben and Möllenvoigt of the Archdiocese of Magdeburg (born February 4, 1588 in Cramme ; † February 15, 1650 in Magdeburg), and Anna Margaretha Brunner (born September 26, 1598 in Schleusingen; † August 24, 1669 in Magdeburg). Her ancestors were councilors in Eger in the paternal line.

Initially, Georg Adam was trained by a private teacher, then attended school in Magdeburg and in 1630 went to high school in Schleusingen . At the age of 17 he enrolled on June 11, 1636 at the University of Jena for philosophy , history and law . Here he attended the lectures at the Philosophical Faculty of Philipp Horst, Daniel Stahl, Johann Zeisold and Johann Michael Dillherr. He then attended classes at the law faculty with Dominicus Arumäus, Peter Theodericus, Erasmus Ungebauer and Ortholph Timann. In 1641 he moved to the University of Helmstedt , where Conrad Hornejus, Hermann Conring and Heinrich Hahn became his teachers.

After successfully completing his studies, he was appointed assessor at the Schöffenstuhl in Halle / Saale in 1645 .

In the following year Struve obtained his doctorate in law in Helmstedt and on December 12, 1646 accepted a professorship in Jena . In 1647 he was appointed as an assessor at the court court . Stuve also took part in the organizational tasks of the Salana. He was dean of the law faculty fourteen times and in the summer semesters 1650 and 1656 rector of the alma mater . The city of Braunschweig appointed him to the city council in 1661. After more than twenty years of teaching, he was promoted to court counselor in Weimar in 1667 and in 1672 he was promoted to the secret council of the dukes of Saxe-Weimar . From 1674 Struve again held a law professorship at the University of Jena as a full professor of the law faculty. As a professor he was entrusted in 1680 with the control and overall management of the guardianship government , the consistorial presidium and the directorate of taxation. At the age of 73, Prof. Georg Adam Struve died on December 15, 1692 in Jena.

Struve is counted among the most important jurists of Usus modernus . His most important work, the Iurisprudentia Romano-Germanica forensis , was published 31 times between 1670 and 1771 - some with comments by other well-known lawyers. For a period of more than 100 years, the work was a standard work for students and law teachers as well as for judges and lawyers.


Stuve was married twice: His first marriage was on November 6, 1648 in Jena with Anna Maria Richter (born April 11, 1634, † February 12, 1662 in Jena), the daughter of Jena professor Christoph Philipp Richter. His second marriage was on August 30, 1663 in Dresden with Susanne Berlich (* 1647 in Jena, † January 22, 1699 ibid.), The daughter of the Electorate Court Councilor Burckard Berlich. The two marriages resulted in a total of 26 children.

From the children of the first marriage we know:

  • Johann Wilhelm Struve, lawyer in Arnstadt;
  • Georg Christoph Struve (born October 7, 1649 in Jena, † May 25, 1669 in Altdorf),
  • Dr. med. Johann Philipp Stuve (born March 26, 1652 in Jena, † April 1, 1685 in Jena),
  • Johann Christian Struve,
  • Johann Ernst Struve,
  • Friedrich August Struve,
  • Anna Katharina Struve.

From the second marriage are known:

  • Adam Gottlieb Stuve (born December 13, 1664 in Jena, † October 27, 1670 in Weimar),
  • Licentiate jur. Georg Gottlob Struve,
  • Burkhard Gotthelf Struve ,
  • Werthold Gottfried Struve,
  • Prof. Dr. jur. Friedrich Gottlieb Struve ,
  • Adam Jonathan Struve,
  • Ernst Gotthold Struve, physician,
  • Dorothea Susanna Struve, who was married to the assessor in Halle (Saale) August Friedrich Werneccio,
  • Magaretha Barbara Struve, married to Prof. Dr. jur. Heinrich Ernst Flörcke (August 12, 1660 Ullenhhausen; † May 25, 1741)
  • Eva Christina Struve (died young)
  • Sophia Caritas Struve († April 28, 1674 in Weimar).


  • Jurisprudentia Romano-Germanica forensis (1670)
  • Juris-Prudenz, or: Constitution of their country-customary rights (1st edition 1689; 2nd edition 1696; 3rd edition 1711; 5th edition, Christoph Gottlieb Nicolai, Leipzig, 1732 )
  • Syntagma juris feudalis (1653)
  • Syntagma juris civilis (1658)


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