Christel Guillaume

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Christel Margarete Ingeborg Guillaume (born October 6, 1927 out of wedlock as Christel Meerrettig in Allenstein , † March 20, 2004 in Berlin as Christel Boom ) was an agent of the Ministry for State Security (MfS) of the GDR .


Her mother, Erna Meerrettig, born in 1905, was a farm worker and in the early 1930s she married Tobias Boom, a Dutchman, who adopted Christel. After nine years of schooling from 1934, four years of elementary school and five years of high school, which she left in March 1943, Christel Boom completed the compulsory year and began training as a medical-technical assistant, but was unable to finish it as the war ended. After the Second World War , she took private typing and shorthand lessons and then worked for the Sonderbaustab Berlin and from September 1950 in East Berlin as a secretary for the Greater Berlin “ Committee of Fighters for Peace ”. She was recruited by the Stasi and on May 12, 1951, married Günter Guillaume in Leisnig , who was also an agent of the Stasi. The son Pierre Guillaume (* 1957), later Pierre Boom , emerged from the marriage.

In 1956 the couple relocated to the Federal Republic of Germany on behalf of the MfS , where they presented themselves as "refugees". Günter and Christel Guillaume settled in Frankfurt am Main and joined the SPD in September 1957 . Christel Guillaume became secretary in the party office of the SPD Hessen-Süd . In the 1969 Bundestag election she ran unsuccessfully on the Hessian SPD state list. In 1974 she and her husband were exposed and arrested on April 24 in the course of the " Guillaume Affair ". She was sentenced to eight years ' imprisonment and five years of loss of office and disqualification from voting , among other things for treason and espionage .

In 1981 the Guillaume couple returned to the GDR as part of an exchange of agents , where they were officially celebrated as " spies of peace ". Christel Guillaume received the Karl Marx Order and became Lieutenant Colonel of the Stasi. Since then she has lived secluded in Hohen Neuendorf near Berlin in a house built and secured especially for her. On December 16, 1981, she divorced her husband and reverted to her previous surname. She died on March 20, 2004 in Berlin of a heart condition.


  • Udo Kollatz: Crossroads - Crossroads: memories of an old man's youth . Fischer, Aachen 2007.
  • Eckard Michels : Guillaume, the Spy: A German-German Career . Ch. Links Verlag, Berlin 2013, ISBN 978-3-86153-708-3 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Eckard Michels: Guillaume, der Spion, Links-Verlag, Berlin 2013, page 27 (full name at birth: Christel Margarete Ingeborg Meerrettig)
  2. Eckard Michels: Guillaume, the spy. Links-Verlag, 2013, p. 73