Pierre Boom

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Pierre Boom (* 8. April 1957 in Frankfurt am Main as Pierre Guillaume ) is a German journalist and author .

As the son of the GDR - agents Günter Guillaume and Christel boom Pierre Boom was born in Frankfurt and grew up there and in Bonn , where he in the district of Bad Godesberg attended the Heinrich Hertz Gymnasium. After his parents were exposed in 1974, arrested and sentenced to imprisonment for treason, at the urging of the Ministry for State Security , he moved to East Germany alone in 1975 at the age of 18. He trained there as a photojournalist. In 1988 he applied for himself, his wife and his two children to return to the Federal Republic of Germany . He changed his name to Pierre Boom , taking on his mother's maiden name, which she had acquired through adoption by a Dutchman. Pierre Boom has lived and worked as a journalist on Sylt since 2009, initially as editor of the Sylter Spiegel and since 2014 as editor of the daily newspaper Sylter Rundschau .

His book Der Fremd Vater is a critical examination of his father , created in collaboration with the publicist Gerhard Haase-Hindenberg . In 2004 the film Shadow Fathers was published in which he and Matthias Brandt , the youngest son of Federal Chancellor Willy Brandt , report in detail about their youthful experiences and their relationship with their fathers.


  • Pierre Boom, Gerhard Haase-Hindenberg: The strange father. The son of Chancellor's spy Guillaume remembers . Aufbau-Verlag, Berlin 2004, ISBN 3-3510-2567-X


  • Doris Metz: Shadow Fathers , 2005.
The sons Matthias Brandt and Pierre Boom describe memories of their fathers Willy Brandt and Günter Guillaume in an uncommented documentary.

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