al-ʿAllāma al-Hillī

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Jamāl ad-Dīn al-Hasan ibn Yūsuf ibn ʿAlī ibn Mutahhar al-Hillī ( Arabic جمال الدين الحسن بن يوسف بن علي بن مطهر الحلي, DMG Ǧamāl ad-Dīn al-Ḥasan b. Yūsuf b. ʿAlī b. Muṭahhar al-Ḥillī ), known as al-ʿAllāma al-Hillī ( Arabic العلامة الحلي, DMG al-ʿAllāma al-Ḥillī  , the scholar from Hilla ') * December 15, 1250 in Hilla ; † December 18, 1325 , was one of the most important Twelve Shiite theologians and legal scholars of the Middle Ages. He belonged to the rationalist school of al-Hilla and was a proponent of ijschtihād . Al-Hilli's works are standard literature in Shiite Islam, and his writings are still used as textbooks today. In particular, the Foundation of al-Choei relies on his theories.


al-Hilli was born in the city of al-Hilla and studied philosophy, theology and Islamic law. In 1305 he went to Persia and converted the Ilkhan Öldscheitü from Sunni to Shiite Islam, who now proclaimed this branch of Islam in Persia . His grave is at the shrine of the 8th Imam in Mashhad .


Al-Hilli wrote more numerous Arabic works on theology and law. These include:

engl. Translation by William McElwee Miller (London, Royal Asiatic Society, 1928)
  • Kašf al-murād fī šarḥ taǧrīd al-iʿtiqād , Commentary on Nasīr ad-Dīn at-Tūsīs Taǧrīd al-iʿtiqād .
  • Anwār al-malakūt fī šarḥ al-Yāqūt , commentary on Kitāb Yāqūt , written in August – September 1285 , a theological work by the otherwise unknown Abū Ishāq Ibrāhīm ibn Nawbacht, written in the 11th century at the earliest.
  • Nahǧ al Haqq wa-KAsF AS-sidq , polemic with the Ash'ari ( Digitalisat the ms. Isfahan 530 ).
  • Mabādiʾ al-wuṣūl ilā ʿilm al-uṣūl , Compendium on the Usūl al-fiqh . Twelve chapters deal with the linguistic basics of text hermeneutics (1), evaluation categories of actions (2), commandments and prohibitions (3), general and specific (4), summary and detailed (5), actions of the prophets (6), abrogation ( 7), Idschīh (8), News about the Prophet and the Twelve Imams (9), Qiyās (10), Tardjīh (11) and Idschtihād (12). In the last chapter he names the requirements that the mujtahid , i.e. the person who practices ijschtihad, must meet. In addition to knowledge of grammar, lexicons, morphology and logic, this also includes the sayings of the prophet and knowledge of the 500 legally relevant verses of the Koran. Al-Hilli assumed that a person's aptitude for ijtihād can only be limited to a certain field.
  • Muntahā l-maṭlab fī taḥqīq al-maḏhab , 15-volume presentation of the rules of worship according to the Imamite teaching .
  • Muḫtalaf aš-šīʿa fī aḥkām aš-šarīʿa , presentation of the questions of Sharia disputed among the Imamite scholars .

to teach

al-Hilli assumed a fundamentally flawed secular exercise of power:

The Imam must be sinless, otherwise there would be an infinite chain and that is impossible. "
The mujahid is also responsible for what he says and does. He too is not immune to error and sin. "

His treatise on free will:

We act of free will; This follows with necessity from the necessary difference between a person falling from the roof and his descent on the ladder - otherwise there would be no obligation for us to anything - further from the fact that it would be bad that God created an action in us and then punished us for it. "

(Translation shaft )


  • Henri Laoust : “La Critique du Sunnisme dans la doctrine d'al-Ḥillī,” in Revue des études islamiques 34 (1966) 35-60.
  • Henri Laoust: “Les Fondaments de l'Imamat dans le Minhāǰ d'al-Ḥillī” in Revue des études islamiques 46 (1978) 3-55.
  • Sabine Schmidtke: The theology of al-ʿAllāma al-Ḥillī (d. 726/1325) . Berlin 1991 ( Islamic Studies 152). Digitized
  • Sabine Schmidtke: "Ḥelli, Ḥasan b. Yusof b. Moṭahhar" in Encyclopaedia Iranica Vol. XII, 164-169. Digitized
  • Sabine Schmidtke: "Al-ʿAllāma al-Ḥillī and Shiʿite Muʿtazilite Theology" in Spektrum Iran 7 / 3–4 (1994) 10–35.

Individual evidence

  1. See Heinz Halm: The Schia. Darmstadt 1988. p. 87.
  2. Cf. Mabādiʾ al-wuṣūl. Ed. Abd al-Husain al-Baqqal. 2nd ed. Beirut 1986. p. 243.
  3. Joseph Schacht : Islam. With exclusion of the Qor'an (= Reading Book of Religious History . Vol. 16, ZDB -ID 529244-x ). Mohr, Tübingen 1931.

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