Die Linke.SDS

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Basic data
Establishment date: May 5, 2007
Place of foundation: Frankfurt am Main

Managing directors:
Martin voter
Kenja Felger
Federal Executive:

Margarita Kavali

Charlotte Papke

Franziska Kasüske

Roberto del Aurel
Fabian Korner

Jeremiah Nollenberger

Megan Zipse

Christian Ott

Nilufar Shalah

Max Schwenn

Treasurer: Jeremiah Nollenberger
Alignment: Left politics
Association structure:

60+ college groups

Website: www.linke-sds.org

The left. Socialist-Democratic Student Association (Die Linke.SDS) is a nationwide association of socialist students . Die Linke.SDS is a recognized student association of the party Die Linke and, as a working group with special status, is part of the youth association Linksjugend ['solid] .

Program and policy areas

Programmatically, the association is close to the party Die Linke . As a university association, the association fights for socialism and " a fundamental change in society " with the aim of " overcoming the capitalist social order " and for the establishment of a " socialist society ". Central demands are a democratic university that leaves room for critical science and the rejection of all kinds of tuition fees . The Linke.SDS also wants to express itself on topics beyond university politics and demands a general political mandate for the student bodies . Furthermore, the association wants to promote the study of political and ideological theory and offer seminars to students at German universities .



Linke.SDS was founded in 2007 in Frankfurt am Main as a federal association of 34 previously independent university groups that had previously been grouped together in the Die Linke university group network. The 189th birthday of Karl Marx was chosen as the symbolic founding date .

According to its own account, the founding of the association was preceded by a lengthy discussion process in which, in addition to the already existing university groups from the former PDS university group network and the former WASG , university groups and individuals from the left wing of the Juso university groups , students from the spectrum of the "unit-oriented and modern Trotskyism ”( Linksruck or today marx21 ) as well as parts of the former alliance of left and radical democratic university groups (LiRa) were involved. This is intended to prove that the new student association is a “ plural left that absorbs different political impulses” and wants to make them productive in their politics.

With the chosen abbreviation SDS, the association is also trying to tie in with the tradition of the former Socialist German Student Union.

History since 2007

In the first months of its existence, Die Linke.SDS focused its work on the protests against the G8 summit in Heiligendamm in 2007 . Lecture series and other public events were organized for this purpose. The politics of the G8 and the protests against them were also the focus of the former association magazine Die Linke.Campus . Another focus of the early days was dealing with the events in Venezuela . A delegation trip took place for this purpose.

In the 2008/2009 winter semester, the association began a nationwide series of reading groups on Marx's main work Das Kapital . The kick-off events with over 2,000 interested parties even generated a response in the mainstream media. The reading groups are organized in cooperation with the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation , Berlin's Dietz Verlag and others. Scientists such as Elmar Altvater , Frank Deppe and Alex Demirović are also involved .

The association also organized several larger congresses aimed at students and, in addition to prominent podiums, included workshops and discussions for the participants. In 2008, on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of 1968, a congress on the subject was held at the Humboldt University in Berlin . For the financial crisis from 2007 onwards , the SDS organized the Make Capitalism History Congress at the Free University of Berlin in 2009 . In addition, from November 30th to December 2nd, 2012, a congress entitled Capitalism vs. Democracy at the University of Cologne .

Linke.SDS is part of an alliance with Linksjugend Solid and other groups that called for a large feminist demonstration in Berlin on March 8, 2014 , for women’s struggle , which was attended by around 5000 people. Several supporting events will also be held during the day. The campaign aims to strengthen feminist content and “repoliticize” the day.

From December 7th to 9th, 2018 Die Linke.SDS held the Congress 68/18 - Congress: History is Made at the Technical University of Berlin with over 1400 participants to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the student protests in 1968 as well as also to tie in with current socially relevant topics. It took u. a. Actors of the international protests of 1968 participated, such as Tariq Ali from Great Britain or Frank Deppe and Gretchen Dutschke-Klotz from the Federal Republic of Germany. Other guests included Didier Eribon , Katja Kipping , Bernd Riexinger , Colin Barker , Bhaskar Sunkara , Tadzio Müller, Kerem Schamberger and Alex Demirović .


Organization and committees

Linke.SDS is formally a working group with a special status in the party-affiliated youth association Linksjugend Solid , but has its own regulations regarding membership and statutes as well as its own board and management. She is financially supported by her related party Die Linke. With the support group for democratic elementary and higher education e. V. is a support association close to the student association, which unites left-wing students, academics as well as people interested in university and science policy from the environment of the party Die Linke and supports the work of the association.

The student association differentiates between passive and active membership. There are also extraordinary members, these are those who are no longer enrolled students. A passive member is someone who is a member of the youth association Linksjugend ['solid] or a party member of Die Linke and is studying. An active member is anyone who participates in a local university group. Anyone who is not a member of the youth association or the party can also become an active member.

The association is organized locally in university groups. Among other things, they have the right to send two delegates to the Federal Congress. The university groups can issue their own statutes, which, however, must not contradict the federal statutes. The Federal Congress is the association's highest decision-making body. The federal executive board, management and delegates to party and federal congresses of the left youth ['solid] are elected and the political direction of the federal association is decided. It usually meets once per semester. The delegates of the federal association are elected 50% women. There are two rounds of voting for the election of the federal executive board and all other mandates and offices, half of the places are only given to women to ensure the minimum quota ( women's quota ), and a so-called mixed list is chosen in a second ballot.

Internal associations

Cross-university working groups exist within the association. Some in cooperation with left youth ['solid]. Working groups are:

  • critica
  • BAK Feminism
  • BAK University Policy (HoPo)
  • practice. Theory magazine from Die Linke.SDS
  • BAK Neoliberalism
  • BAK climate justice
  • AG discharge now!

The official magazine of the student association is critica . It appears every six months at the beginning of the semester. There has also been an online edition since October 2011, where articles are regularly published. In addition, there is a membership magazine called Praxis , which provides space for programmatic and structural debates.

In the SDS, there are two organized currents: the Trotskyist network marx21 and the Marxist-Feminist group .


Accusation of a lack of university policy

In an article in the taz from 2008, the association is accused of a lack of interest in university politics, which is why Die Linke.SDS is " hardly present in fzs ". Furthermore, the article accuses the association of being a PR gag for the party Die Linke and of having a focus on general politics, "events" as well as congresses and capital reading circles. In addition, the SDS is involved in fewer ASten compared to other left university groups. Die Linke.SDS is now more involved in university politics and has confirmed its demands in student parliaments, public statements and a federal working group.

Evaluation by the protection of the constitution

The Linke.SDS is currently being observed in Baden-Württemberg and Bavaria as a left-wing extremist movement by the constitution protection authorities , but not at the federal level.

In 2008, this assessment was also shared for the state associations in Rhineland-Palatinate and Hesse.


  1. a b News: Board of Directors. In: linke-sds.org. July 9, 2019, accessed July 9, 2019 .
  2. ^ Andrej Hunko on the Aachen Treaty: "Neoliberales Mantra". January 23, 2019, accessed March 8, 2019 .
  3. ^ Articles of Association of Die Linke. Socialist-Democratic Student Association (Die Linke.SDS) ( Memento from August 30, 2011 in the Internet Archive ) (PDF)
  4. ^ Program of the association Die Linke.SDS: “Self-understanding of the student association Die Linke.SDS” ( memento from June 26, 2008 in the Internet Archive ), linke-sds.org, accessed on December 21, 2009
  5. Press review on the website of the reading groups ( Memento from December 22, 2008 in the Internet Archive )
  6. - ( Memento from November 28, 2012 in the Internet Archive ) Page of capitalism vs. Democracy Congress, accessed December 4, 2012
  7. http://frauenkampftag2014.de/ Alliance page for the 2014 Women's Campaign
  8. ↑ 68/18 Congress: History is made. Retrieved May 21, 2019 .
  9. http://www.linke-sds.org/die-linke-sds/bundesarbeitskreise/ , accessed on 02/09/2018 01:30 am.
  10. [1] PDF Accessed April 26, 2016
  11. a b The SDS as a PR gag , taz December 13, 2008
  12. The semester report: SDS at an all-time high. Accessed May 31, 2019 .
  13. DIE LINKE.SDS BERLIN: Press releases. Accessed May 31, 2019 .
  14. ^ Adrian Schneider: Mert Cengiz sees a need for reform in student self-administration. March 21, 2019, accessed June 4, 2019 (German).
  15. Federal Working Group on University Policy . Accessed May 31, 2019 .
  16. Ministry of the Interior, Digitization and Migration of the State of Baden-Württemberg (ed.): Verfassungsschutzbericht Baden-Württemberg 2017 . March 1, 2018, ISSN  0720-3381 , p. 227–229 ( Verfassungsschutz-bw.de ).
  17. Bavarian State Ministry of the Interior and for Integration (ed.): Verfassungsschutzbericht Bayern 2017 . Munich March 2018, p. 218 ( bayern.de [PDF]).
  18. Protection of the Constitution in Hesse, Report 2008 (PDF; 4.2 MB)

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