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OWUS (open trade association of small and medium-sized companies, freelancers and self-employed e. V.) is a party The Left of related trade association . The association's motto is “Out of economic reason and social responsibility” .

The regional association Berlin-Brandenburg was founded in October 1994, the first chairwoman was Christa Luft . The focus of the work was initially in Berlin-Brandenburg. As part of the umbrella organization founded in 1999, there are now regional associations in Berlin-Brandenburg, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt and Thuringia. Members in the other federal states belong directly to the umbrella organization.

The association is committed to economic management geared towards the common good and has been one of the official supporters of the association for the promotion of the common good economy since April 2012 . The first member companies have now drawn up public good balance sheets on this basis . The association works to improve the social security of micro and small businesses. With the long-term goal of citizens' insurance, fast and effective measures are required to improve social security, especially for the self-employed in precarious employment. In 2006 the association demanded the introduction of a statutory minimum wage. At the same time, accompanying measures are required to support small companies with the introduction.

The chairmen of the umbrella organization were left-wing politicians Rolf Kutzmutz and Diether Dehm . Since December 2009, the chairman of the Berlin-Brandenburg regional association, Rolf Sukowski, has also headed the board of the umbrella association.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. http://www.owus.de/owus_dv_2011/beitraege/pressemitteilung_dachverbandskonferenz_2012.pdf
  2. http://www.owus.de/owus_dv_2011/vorstand.html