Bernardo Buontalenti

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The interior of the Buontalentis Grotto in the Boboli Gardens in Florence

Bernardo Buontalenti , nicknamed delle Girandole (born December 15, 1531 in Florence , † June 6, 1608 ibid) was an Italian painter, architect and theater machinist of the Renaissance . His work can be assigned to mannerism .


Buontalenti lost his relatives in a flood in 1547, so Duke Cosimo I de 'Medici took him on. He learned painting, sculpture and architecture from Francesco Salviati , Agnolo Bronzino , Giorgio Vasari and Giulio Clovio , to which he then mainly devoted himself. In 1563 he accompanied Cosimo's son Francesco to Spain . When he returned, he developed an extraordinary activity. He built the Pratolino summer residence for Francesco and was appointed supervisor of the country's buildings. He helped with the completion of the Uffizi and built the Palazzo Riccardi (1565), the later so-called Palazzo Nonfinito (1592), the Casino di Livia, the facade hall of the Santa Maria Hospital, the facade of Santa Trinita in Florence, the grand ducal palace in Pisa , the Palazzo Reale in Siena and other works which sometimes show a sober conception, but in which the late Renaissance and the Baroque style are treated with appreciable moderation. Bountalenti also worked as an engineer and built the fortifications of Belvedere in Florence, Portoferraio , Livorno , Grosseto , Pistoia , Prato and Naples . His ingenuity was used in the organization of festivities, and in particular he designed the theatrical performances and pomp excerpts of the court. A nursery school for architects, engineers and painters was formed around him.


Web links

Commons : Bernardo Buontalenti  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. The older literature gives 1536 as the year of birth; now and then 1523 is also given, so in: Amelio Fara: Bernardo Buontalenti. Architect and fortress builder . Wiese-Verlag, Basel 1990, ISBN 3-909158-42-0 .