Johann Konrad Irmischer

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Johann Konrad Irmischer (born December 15, 1797 in Kulmbach , † April 28, 1857 in Erlangen ) was a German Protestant theologian and librarian.


Johann Konrad Irmischer was the son of the dyer Johann Konrad Thieroldt (* 1769; † unknown) and his fiancé Martha Rosina Irmischer (* 1764; † unknown).

He attended the Gymnasium Gymnasium illustrious Collegium Christian-Ernestinum in Bayreuth , but had to interrupt this visit with an apprenticeship in pewter and a job as a clerk. From 1818 to 1822 he studied theology at the University of Erlangen . In order to finance his studies, he began to work for the university library in 1819 . In 1822 he became vicar , from 1827 "stable" vicar, of the Neustädter and Altstädter congregations in Erlangen, in 1823 he was first assistant and later secretary at the university library.

After becoming a Dr. phil. obtained his doctorate, followed by his habilitation in history and literature at the University of Erlangen in the following year . As a private lecturer, he held introductory lectures and gave first exercises on library and manuscript studies; although the university advocated it, he never received a professorship.

In 1832 he became the second sub-librarian at the university library and strove to become a full-time librarian . After the death of his father-in-law in 1840, he was given the interim position, but then in 1844 the ministry, against the wishes of the university, gave the position to a foreigner with no library knowledge.

In 1837 he was appointed second pastor at the Neustädter Church in Erlangen

Johann Konrad Irmischer married Friederike (* 1796; † 1861) in Erlangen in 1827, a daughter of Gottlieb Ernst August Mehmel , philosopher and librarian.


In addition to smaller theological writings and text editions, Johann Konrad Irmischer has rendered outstanding services to the Erlangen Luther edition, of which he has been co-editor since 1826 and whose volumes 21 to 67 of the German writings he edited from 1830 to 1857 and the preface to The final tape he was able to write in the year he died. Due to his knowledge of libraries, his long years of preoccupation with manuscripts and old prints and his relationships with external libraries, this edition was able to meet the first academic standards and was only overtaken by the publication of the Weimar Luther edition .

In 1829 he published the history of the manuscripts for the Erlangen University Library as an introduction to a detailed description of the manuscripts he had begun, and in 1852 he published an abbreviated catalog of manuscripts that had not yet been replaced in individual parts, one of the first catalogs of this kind based on the scientific principles of Friedrich Adolf Ebert .


Johann Konrad Irmischer was a member of the Society for Pomeranian History, Archeology and Art as well as the historical associations of Middle and Lower Franconia .

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Individual evidence

  1. German Biography: Irmischer, Johann Konrad - German biography. Retrieved February 8, 2018 .
  2. Johann Konrad Irmischer: manuscripts catalog of the Royal University Library Erlangen . Heyder and Zimmer, Frankfurt / M and Erlangen 1852, urn : nbn: de: bvb: 12-bsb10375320-9 ( [accessed on January 29, 2019]).