December 16
The December 16 is the 350th day of the Gregorian calendar (the 351st in leap years ), thus remain 15 days to the year.
Historic anniversaries November · December · January |
Politics and world events
- 1431: At the age of 10, the English King Heinrich VI. crowned King of France at Notre Dame in Paris .
- 1526: The Habsburg Ferdinand I is elected King of Hungary by the estates in Pressburg .
- 1653: England's first written constitution , the Instrument of Government , is promulgated by the British Army Council in London . Oliver Cromwell accepts the title of Lord protector of England, Scotland and Ireland .
- 1740: The Prussian King Frederick the Great lets you do Austria belonging Silesia occupy. As a result, the Silesian Wars begin as part of the War of the Austrian Succession .
- 1761: After a four-month siege, the Prussian fortress Kolberg surrenders to Russian troops under Pyotr Alexandrovich Rumjanzew-Sadunaiski due to the risk of hunger in the Seven Years' War .
- 1773: The Sons of Liberty , citizens of Boston disguised as Indians , board ships of the English East India Company and destroy three loads of tea. This Boston Tea Party and other similar actions against British tea imports lead to the American War of Independence two years later .
- 1812: The defeated remnants of Napoléon's Grande Armée cross the Memel and reach East Prussia . Only 18,000 of the former 400,000 soldiers survived Napoléon's Russian campaign and the escape from the advancing Russian units.
- 1815: The previous colony of Brazil is declared a kingdom and thus placed on an equal footing with the mother country Portugal . The Brazilian independence movement has thus reached an important milestone.
- 1830: Uruguay opts for the national flag in its current form.
- 1838: The Boers under Andries Pretorius defeat King Dingane's Zulu in the Battle of the Blood River . This enabled the foundation of the Boer republic Natalia .
- 1864: In the costly Battle of Nashville bring Union troops to southern states in the American Civil War defeat at.
- 1880: The Boer Republic of the Transvaal declares its independence from Great Britain under the name of the South African Republic . The first shots were fired at the beginning of the Boer War .
- 1907: The Great White Fleet starts to circumnavigate the world . The US Atlantic fleet is supposed to demonstrate the maritime power of the United States with steam-powered ships of the line .
- 1918: The Reich Congress of Workers 'and Soldiers' Councils meets in the Prussian House of Representatives in Berlin .
- 1922: Gabriel Narutowicz , the first elected head of state of the Second Polish Republic , is murdered by fanatic Eligiusz Niewiadomski on the stairs of the Galeria Zachęta in Warsaw just seven days after his election .
- 1931: On the initiative of the Reichsbanner Schwarz-Rot-Gold , the SPD and various trade unions found the Iron Front . You want to create a counterweight to the right-wing extremist Harzburg Front in the resistance against National Socialism .
- 1938: The National Socialists introduce the mother's cross as an award for large mothers . The first awards take place on May 21, 1939.
- 1941: The Japanese invasion of Borneo begins in the Pacific War .
- 1944: During the Second World War , the Battle of the Bulge begins on the Western Front , with which the German Wehrmacht tries in vain to repel the Allied forces. At the same time, the Greif company begins , with the aim of creating confusion behind the American lines.
- 1946: The Republic of Kurdistan , founded on January 22nd , a state in what is now Iran , is conquered by the Iranian army . The troops occupy the city of Mahabad after an agreement has not been reached in advance.
- 1960: With the entry into force of the relevant law, Deutschlandfunk (as the successor to the German long-wave transmitter ) and Deutsche Welle are established as independent broadcasters under federal law.
- 1961: Umkhonto we Sizwe , the militant arm of the African National Congress , which campaigns against apartheid in South Africa , is founded.
- 1965: After the death of his mother Salote Tupou III. Taufaʻahau Tupou IV succeeds her on Tonga's throne.
- 1971: The Bangladesh war ends in East Pakistan with the surrender of the West Pakistani units. The following day, it ends in West Pakistan with a ceasefire with India .
- 1971: The General Assembly of the United Nations passes the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production and Storage of Bacteriological (biological) Weapons and Toxin Weapons and on the Destruction of Such Weapons ( Biological Weapons Convention ) . This comes into force on March 26, 1975.
- 1978: US President Jimmy Carter announces the establishment of diplomatic relations between the US and the People's Republic of China .
- 1981: In the Polish coal mine KWK “Wujek” the strike is “pacified” by military departments, militia and ZOMO . 9 miners lose their lives in the bloody prostration.
- 1988: In Schwandorf, a well-known neo - Nazi set fire to a house in which mainly Turks lived for racist reasons. Four people lose their lives as a result of the arson attack .
- 1989: During the Romanian Revolution , the demonstrators first clash with the Romanian security police Securitate in Timișoara . Pastor László Tőkés is arrested and taken away.
- 1990: Jean-Bertrand Aristide wins the first democratic presidential election in the history of Haiti by an overwhelming majority .
- 1991: Kazakhstan declares its independence from the USSR .
- 1991: The controversial UN General Assembly resolution 3379 of November 10, 1975, which classifies Zionism as a form of racism among other things , is withdrawn after another vote.
- 1998: Operation Desert Fox in Iraq begins. US and British troops launch a four-day bombardment of military targets in the capital, Baghdad, and the rest of Iraq .
- 1999: The former Federal Chancellor and CDU chairman Helmut Kohl admits that in the CDU donation affair he accepted a total of 2.1 million DM illegal party donations over the course of several years and passed them on to the CDU. The politician does not reveal the names of the donors, referring to the word of honor he has given them .
- 2020: As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic in Germany , the second lockdown begins.
- 1946: The fashion designer Christian Dior sets up his studio in Paris .
- 1948: The Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau (KfW) starts work in Frankfurt am Main to implement the Marshall Plan .
- 1971: Sapporo becomes the fourth Japanese city to open its subway network .
- 1995: The meeting of the European Council ends in Madrid , at which the euro and cents as the names for the future common currency were determined.
science and technology
- 1707: The first meeting of the learned society Society of Antiquaries of London takes place in London . The members want to look after the country's antiquities and cultural assets.
- 1750: In Oslo the Krigsskolen is established as Den frie matematiske skole i Christiania by royal decree.
- 1910: During an involuntary flight test with the Coanda-1910 , the Romanian physicist and aerodynamicist Henri Marie Coandă discovered the Coandă effect named after him .
- 1935: The Huey P. Long Bridge over the Mississippi is inaugurated.
- 1954: The chemist Tracy Hall succeeds in producing synthetic diamonds in a reproducible manner using a press he developed himself .
- 1957: With the Rossendorf research reactor near Dresden, the GDR's first nuclear reactor is put into operation for research.
- 1965: NASA launches the Pioneer 6 space probe with a Delta rocket in the direction of the sun . The last contact takes place on December 8, 2000, 35 years after the start.
- 1968: In the course of the federal German educational reform , the officially opened University of Dortmund is established .
- 1994: Construction of what is currently the most powerful particle accelerator in the world, the Large Hadron Collider, begins at the CERN nuclear research center .
- 1835: At the Opéra-Comique in Paris which takes place premiere of the comic opera L'éclair (Lightning) by Fromental Halévy .
- 1837: The premiere of the romantic opera Der Gang zum Eisenhammer by Conradin Kreutzer takes place at the Theater am Kärntnertor in Vienna .
- 1840: The farce belonging to the Alt-Wiener Volkstheater , The Talisman by Johann Nestroy with the music by Adolf Müller senior , is premiered at the Theater an der Wien .
- 1864: In Paris the premiere finds operetta Le Serpent à plumes of Léo Delibes at the Théâtre des Bouffes instead.
- 1893: The world premiere of Symphony No. 9 From the New World in E minor Op. 95 by Antonín Dvořák at Carnegie Hall in New York .
- 1894: The opera Donna Diana by Emil Nikolaus von Reznicek is premiered at the Deutsches Theater in Prague .
- 1902: The opera Götz von Berlichingen by Karl Goldmark is premiered at the National Opera in Budapest .
- 1925: Today's Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation in Sri Lanka begins broadcasting.
- 1941: The propaganda film Quax, the Bruchpilot with Heinz Rühmann in the title role is premiered in Hamburg.
- 1954: The film directed by Wolfgang Liebeneiner , Auf der Reeperbahn at half past twelve , premieres in Hamburg.
- 1958: Franz Peter Wirth's film Heroes with the main actors OW Fischer and Liselotte Pulver is shown for the first time in Hamburg.
- 1986: The first episode of the crime series Großstadtrevier is broadcast.
- 1999: Günter Grass ("The Tin Drum") receives the Nobel Prize for Literature .
- 2000: The last broadcast of the ZDF hit parade is broadcast.
- 2015: The last broadcast of the TV show TV total with Stefan Raab as the presenter is broadcast.
- 1985: Four contract killers kill the mobster Paul Castellano , head of the Mafia- affiliated Gambino family , and his companion Thomas Bilotti in Manhattan . John Gotti , who moves up to the top, is seen as the mastermind behind the murders .
- 2012: In New Delhi , a 23-year-old Indian woman is mistreated and raped by six men and dies almost two weeks later from the injuries. The act triggered several days of protests in many cities in India and a worldwide media coverage.
- 2014: Islamist Taliban fighters kill 132 school children and nine other people in Peshawar , Pakistan ; 125 other people are injured.
- Marinus I succeeds John VIII as Pope . 882:
- Alberich II of Spoleto , is named John XII. Successor to the late Pope Agapitus II. 955: Octavian, son of the influential Prince
- 1931: Pope Pius XI. canonized Albertus Magnus in Rome and at the same time declares him a Doctor of the Church .
- 1575: The Valdivia earthquake is one of the strongest earthquakes in the history of Chile . In addition to destruction, there are few deaths in the city, but a triggered landslide blocks the outflow from Lake Riñihue . The natural dam breaks four months later in a deadly tidal wave.
- 1631: Vesuvius erupts. The eruption, which lasts until December 18, kills around 4,000 people. 40,000 people from the surrounding areas make their way to Naples to safety.
- 1796: When the French liner Séduisant sank off Brest , 680 crew members and soldiers died.
- 1811: A severe earthquake measuring 7 on the Richter scale occurs near New Madrid in the US state of Missouri . Until February of the following year, there are repeated smaller tremors, the strongest on January 23rd and February 7th also each have a magnitude of 7. During the earthquake, the course of the Mississippi River is partially diverted and new lakes are created.
- 1857: A strong earthquake occurs in Basilicata, killing over 11,000. The Irish geophysicist Robert Mallet then travels to Italy to research the disaster.
- 1902: An earthquake of magnitude 6.4 in Turkestan about 4,500 requests deaths.
- 1920: The Haiyuan earthquake with a magnitude of 7.8 on the Richter scale shakes Gansu Province in China , killing more than 200,000.
- 1960: A Douglas DC-8 on the flight from Chicago to Idlewild and a Lockheed Super Constellation of the TWA on the approach to LaGuardia airport collide in the fog. 128 people die, only one child survives.
- 1966: The South Korean ferry Namjung-Ho capsizes. 270 fatalities are to be mourned.
- 1991: The Egyptian ferry Salem Express hits a reef and sinks. Over 700 people are killed and around 200 can be saved.
Minor accidents are listed in the sub-articles of Disaster .
nature and environment
- 1707: The Fuji volcano , Japan's highest mountain, begins its last eruption . The eruption lasting about two weeks creates a second volcanic crater halfway up the mountain.
- 1899: AC Milan is founded as the Milan Football and Cricket Club by a group of British emigrated businessmen under the direction of Alfred Edwards.
- 1900: The sports club FC Alemannia Aachen is founded by 18 students from the Kaiser-Wilhelm-Gymnasium, the Oberrealschule and the Realgymnasium in Aachen.
- 1979: The USA beat Australia 4-1 in the 68th Davis Cup . The final game will be played at the White City Stadium in Sydney .
- 1979: San Francisco 49ers running back O. J. Simpson plays his last game in the NFL against the Atlanta Falcons .
- 2007: AC Milan win the FIFA Club World Cup , in Yokohama the winner of the 2007 Copa Libertadores , the Boca Juniors , with 4 being beaten second
Entries of track and field world records can be found under the respective discipline under track and field .
Before the 18th century
- 1485: Catherine of Aragon , wife of Henry VIII, Queen of England
- 1534: Hans Bol , Dutch draftsman and painter
- 1534: Lucas Osiander the Elder , German pastor of the Evangelical Church in Württemberg
- 1555: Hermann Vultejus , German lawyer
- 1557: Martin Behm , German writer and hymn writer
- 1577: Johann Georg von Brandenburg , Duke von Jägerndorf and administrator of the diocese of Strasbourg
- 1584: John Selden , English polymath
- 1614: Eberhard III. , Duke of Württemberg
- 1629: Ahasverus Fritsch , German lawyer and hymn poet († 1701)
- 1629: Melchor Liñán y Cisneros , Spanish bishop and colonial administrator, Viceroy of Peru
- 1637: William Neile , English mathematician
- 1666: Auguste Dorothea , Princess of Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel
- 1667: Johann Friedrich Hertel , German legal scholar
- 1673: Johanna Sophie zu Hohenlohe-Langenburg , Countess of Schaumburg-Lippe
- 1679: Anselm Reichlin von Meldegg , Prince Abbot of Kempten
18th century
- 1708: Rochus Friedrich zu Lynar , German diplomat in Danish service
- 1714: George Whitefield , British clergyman, co-founder of Methodism
- 1716: Louis-Jules Mancini-Mazarini , French politician and writer
- 1717: Elizabeth Carter , English poet, classical scholar, author and translator
- 1718: Johann Tobias Krebs , German philologist and educator
- 1730: Diego Silang , Filipino insurgent
- 1741: Nathan ben Simeon ha-Kohen Adler , German Kabbalist and rabbi
- 1742: Gebhard Leberecht von Blücher , Prussian field marshal
- 1756: Tommaso Arezzo , Italian cardinal
- 1760: Gottfried Eberhard Hoffmann , German administrative lawyer
- 1764: Benjamin Adams , American politician
- 1771: William B. Cooper , American politician
- 1775: Jane Austen , English writer
- 1775: François-Adrien Boïeldieu , French opera composer
- 1776: Johann W. Ritter , German physicist
- 1780: Iver Hesselberg , Norwegian pastor and author
- 1782: Louis-Barthélémy Pradher , French pianist, composer and music teacher
- 1783: Georg Karl Wisner von Morgenstern , Croatian composer, conductor and music teacher
- 1790: Leopold I , first king of the Belgians
- 1792: Antonio Corazzi , Italian-Polish architect
- 1796: Pierre-Ignace Aubry , Swiss politician
19th century
- 1805: Isidore Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire , French ethologist and zoologist
- 1806: Pierre Lachambeaudie , French fabulous poet
- 1807: Heinrich Joseph Adami , Austrian writer and newspaper journalist
- 1808: Kinsley Bingham , American politician
- 1816: José María Cabral , Dominican politician and President of the Dominican Republic
- 1819: Jaroměr Hendrich Imiš , Sorbian Protestant pastor and cultural politician
- 1824: Bertha Pabst-Ross , German painter
- 1826: Giambattista Donati , Italian astronomer
- 1827: Jean Abraham Chrétien Oudemans , Dutch astronomer
- 1830: Michael Birkeland , Norwegian historian, archivist and politician
- 1832: Wilhelm Julius Foerster , German astronomer
- 1834: Léon Walras , French economist
- 1836: Ernst von Bergmann , German surgeon
- 1839: José Miguel Blanco , Chilean sculptor
- 1841: Anders Andersen-Lundby , Danish painter
- 1842: Melitta Otto-Alvsleben , German singer
- 1854: Johann Diepenbrock , German organ builder
- 1855: Louis Nels , German colonial administrator
- 1857: Edward Barnard , American astronomer
- 1858: Agnes Baden-Powell , British first female guide to the world
- 1863: George Santayana , American philosopher
- 1866: Wassily Kandinsky , Russian painter, graphic artist and art theorist
- 1867: Arthur Schloßmann , German pediatrician, founder of the first infant clinic
- 1873: Robert Leinert , German politician, Member of the State Parliament, President of the Landtag, Lord Mayor of Hanover
- 1874: Johann Michael Bossard , Swiss artist
- 1875: Richard Assmann , German works council chairman and politician
- 1876: Rodolphe William Seeldrayers , Belgian football official, FIFA President
- 1879: William Barbour Agnew , Scottish football player and football coach
- 1879: Hans Watzlik , Sudeten German writer
- 1882: Zoltán Kodály , Hungarian composer
- 1887: Johann Radon , Austrian mathematician
- 1888: Alexander I , King of the Serbs, Croats and Slovenes, King Dictator of Yugoslavia
- 1888: Wilhelm Murr , German politician during the Nazi era
- 1891: Leonhard Adam , German legal scholar and ethnologist
- 1893: Giulio Aquila , Hungarian functionary
- 1898: Johannes Semler , German politician, Member of the Bundestag
- 1898: Ján Smrek , Slovak writer and editor
- 1899: Hans Barion , German Catholic canon lawyer
- 1899: Noël Coward , British playwright
- 1899: Hans Korte , German major general
- 1899: Anders Pedersen , Danish boxer
20th century
- 1901: Margaret Mead , American anthropologist and ethnologist
- 1902: Rafael Alberti , Spanish poet
- 1902: Oskar Grether , German Protestant theologian and university professor
- 1903: Guy Lapchin , French racing car driver
- 1904: Nakanoshima Kin-ichi , Japanese composer
- 1905: Piet Hein , Danish scientist, mathematician, inventor and man of letters
- 1905: Paul Wandel , German politician, first minister for popular education and youth in the GDR
- 1906: Arwed Blomeyer , German legal scholar
- 1906: John Morrison, 1st Baron Margadale , British politician
- 1907: Barbara Kent , Canadian actress
- 1908: Hans Schaffner , Swiss politician
- 1910: Robert Noehren , American organist, organ builder and music teacher
- 1910: Stanojlo Rajičić , Serbian composer
- 1913: Buddy Parker , American football player and coach
- 1914: Toti Scialoja , Italian painter and writer
- 1915: Georgi Wassiljewitsch Swiridow , Russian composer
- 1916: Gerhard Dabel , German writer and head of the Kinderlandverschickung office for the Reich Youth Leadership
- 1917: Arthur C. Clarke , British science fiction writer
- 1918: Pierre Delanoë , French chanson writer
- 1918: George Doughty , British composer and tuba player
- 1920: Fritz Balogh , German soccer player
- 1920: Les Leston , British racing car driver
- 1922: David Scott-Barrett , British officer
- 1923: Hiltraud Ast , Austrian folklorist and local researcher
- 1923: Hans Joachim Fröhlich , German forest scientist, nature conservationist and non-fiction author
- 1924: Nancy Andrews , American actress
- 1924: Roman Bek , Czech philosopher
- 1924: Kurt Gscheidle , German trade unionist, politician, Member of the Bundestag, Federal Minister
- 1926: Warren Adler , American author
- 1926: Claude Brinegar , American politician
- 1928: Bruce Ames , American biochemist and molecular biologist
- 1928: Philip K. Dick , American writer
- 1928: Friedrich Wilhelm Schnitzler , German farmer, politician, manager and entrepreneur
- 1928: Daniel Timsit , Algerian politician, doctor and writer
- 1929: Bertil Andersson , Swedish ice hockey and soccer player
- 1929: Kurt Böckmann , German engineer and politician, Member of the State Parliament, State Minister
- 1929: Nicholas Courtney , British actor
- 1930: Benjamin Harkarvy , American dance teacher, ballet master, and choreographer
- 1930: Sam Most , American jazz saxophonist and flautist
- 1930: Norbert Schlottmann , German politician, Member of the Bundestag
- 1931: Kenneth Gilbert , Canadian harpsichordist
- 1931: Shelby Singleton , American music producer
- 1932: Otto Ernst Krasney , German lawyer, Vice President of the Federal Social Court
- 1932: Rodion Konstantinowitsch Shchedrin , Russian composer and pianist
- 1932: Henry Taylor , English Formula 1 racing driver and businessman
- 1932: Douglas Winston , Australian athlete
- 1933: Johnny Hammond Smith , American jazz musician
- 1934: Nobuyuki Aihara , Japanese gymnast
- 1935: Olaf Dinné , German politician, MdL, one of the first members of the Greens in a state parliament
- 1935: Nikos Sampson , Cypriot politician, President of the Republic of Cyprus
- 1936: Elisabeth Kopp , Swiss politician
- 1936: René Ligonnet , French racing car driver
- 1937: Joe Farrell , American jazz musician
- 1938: Simon Yussuf Assaf , Lebanese priest and poet
- 1938: Zbigniew Religa , Polish politician
- 1938: Liv Ullmann , Norwegian actress and director
- 1939: Nelly Restar , Filipino athlete
- 1939: Hansjoachim Walther , German politician, Member of the Bundestag, Federal Minister
- 1940: Hervé Poulain , French entrepreneur and racing car driver
- 1941: Vittorio Mezzogiorno , Italian actor
- 1941: Lesley Stahl , American television journalist
- 1941: Robert Wurtz , French football referee
- 1942: Harm Dallmeyer , German politician, Member of the Bundestag, Member of the Bundestag
- 1942: Friedrich Denk , German teacher and book author
- 1944: John Abercrombie , American guitarist and bassist
- 1944: Nǃxau , Namibian actor
- 1945: Jörg Aufenanger , German writer and director
- 1946: Benny Andersson , Swedish musician, composer and record producer ( ABBA )
- 1946: Ernst Hack , Austrian wrestler
- 1946: Axel Heinzmann , German political activist
- 1946: Trevor Pinnock , British conductor and harpsichordist
- 1946: Roland Sandberg , Swedish football player
- 1947: Krystyna Makowska-Ławrynowicz , Polish pianist and music teacher
- 1947: Vince Matthews , American sprinter, Olympic champion
- 1948: Pat Quinn , American politician
- 1949: Billy Gibbons , American musician, singer, and songwriter ( ZZ Top )
- 1950: Mark Alan Adler , American mathematician
- 1950: Krzysztof Baculewski , Polish composer and music teacher
- 1950: Eugene Robert Glazer , American actor
- 1951: Robben Ford , American blues guitarist
- 1951: Hans Heinz , German politician, MdL
- 1951: Mark Patterson , American entrepreneur and racing car driver
- 1952: Manuel Barrueco , Cuban guitarist
- 1952: Alex Fergusson , British guitarist and music producer
- 1952: Francesco Graziani , Italian football player
- 1954: Joe Fonda , American jazz bassist
- 1954: Peter Meisinger , German handball player and coach
- 1954: Timothy Sullivan , Canadian composer and music educator
- 1957: Victor Agbayani , Filipino politician
- 1957: Gerald Hambitzer , German harpsichordist, clavichord and fortepiano player
- 1959: Mutsumi Aoki , Japanese artist
- 1959: Yuri Schewzow , Belarusian handball player and coach
- 1959: Ingo Wellenreuther , German politician and sports official, Member of the Bundestag
- 1960: John Cryan , British bank manager
- 1960: Detlef Dähn , German author, historian, photographer
- 1961: Ron Athey , American performance artist and musician
- 1962: Maruschka Detmers , Dutch actress
- 1962: Erdoğan Ercivan , German-Turkish writer
- 1962: Charly Mottet , French racing cyclist
- 1963: Tuncay Akça , Turkish actor
- 1963: Benjamin Bratt , American actor
- 1963: Jeff Carson , American country singer
- 1963: Bärbel Schäfer , German television presenter and producer
- 1963: Johanna Schubert , German actress
- 1964: Sabine Akkermann , German politician
- 1964: Heike Drechsler , German athlete, Olympic champion, member of the People's Chamber in the GDR
- 1964: Thorsten Nindel , German actor
- 1965: Christian Lavieille , French rally and motorcycle racer
- 1965: JB Smoove , American actor, comedian, and author
- 1966: Ingo Abel , German actor and speaker
- 1966: Konstanze Feindt Eißner , German sculptor and draftsman
- 1966: Giancarlo Giorgetti , Italian politician
- 1967: Donovan Bailey , Canadian athlete
- 1967: Vincent Kinchin , British rail athlete
- 1967: Miranda Otto , Australian actress
- 1967: Ulrike Scharf-Gerlspeck , German politician, Member of the State Parliament
- 1969: Henning Bürger , German soccer player and coach
- 1969: Adam Riess , American astronomer, Nobel Prize winner
- 1969: Michelle Smith , Irish swimmer
- 1970: Christoph Fuhrbach , German cross-country skier
- 1971: Paul van Dyk , German DJ and musician
- 1972: Julia Klöckner , German politician, MdB, MdL
- 1972: Jason Young , Canadian ice hockey player
- 1973: Kristie Boogert , Dutch tennis player
- 1973: Mariza , Portuguese fado singer
- 1973: Scott Storch , American producer, songwriter and keyboardist
- 1974: Daniel Antonsson , Swedish guitarist, bassist and music producer
- 1974: Salim Aribi , Algerian football player
- 1975: Gisella Marengo , Italian actress
- 1976: Ivan Kitanović , Serbian musician
- 1976: Mona Petri , Swiss actress
- 1978: Joseph Absolom , British actor
- 1978: Daniel Arnold , German table tennis player
- 1979: 40 Glocc , American rapper
- 1979: Benjamin Kugel , German fitness trainer
- 1979: Daniel Narcisse , French handball player
- 1980: Dexter Langen , German soccer player

Krysten Ritter (* 1981)
- 1981: Krysten Ritter , American actress
- 1981: Reanna Solomon , Nauruan weightlifter
- 1982: Stanislav Šesták , Slovak football player
- 1983: Dominik Klein , German handball player
- 1983: Joshua Roman , American cellist and composer
- 1984: Daniel Fritz , German actor
- 1985: Arrest warrant , German rapper
- 1985: Stanislav Manolew , Bulgarian football player
- 1985: James Nash , British racing car driver
- 1985: José Alberto Shaffer , Argentine soccer player
- 1986: Roland Müller , Austrian ski jumper
- 1986: Toni Podpolinski , German handball player
- 1986: Pärt Uusberg , Estonian composer, choir director and actor
- 1988: Mats Hummels , German soccer player
- 1988: Park Seo-joon , South Korean actor
- 1988: Anna Popplewell , British actress
- 1988: Alexei Schwed , Russian basketball player
- 1989: Kerim Avcı , German-Turkish soccer player
- 1989: Wera Nebolsina , Russian chess player
- 1990: Rebecca Marino , Canadian tennis player
- 1991: Andreas Hofmann , German javelin thrower
- 1992: Lieke Martens , Dutch soccer player
- 1993: Jyoti Amge , Indian record holder
- 1993: Stephan James , Canadian film actor
- 1993: Nick Kenny , Welsh darts player
- 1994: Daniele Gabriele , German-Italian soccer player
- 1994: Greta Masserano , Italian rower
- 1995: Ama Degbeon , German basketball player
- 1995: Anna Mila Guyenz , German model
- 1996: Rika Mayama , Japanese singer
- 1997: Hidefumi Denda , Japanese Nordic combined athlete
- 1997: Zara Larsson , Swedish singer
- 1997: Marcos Ramírez , Spanish motorcycle racer
- 1998: Mikael Ndjoli , English footballer
- 1998: Reece Oxford , English football player
Before the 16th century
- Wu Zetian , Empress of China 705:
- Pippin the Middle , Franconian clerk 714:
- Eberhard of Friuli , Margrave of Friuli 866:
- Ado von Vienne , archbishop and saint 875:
- John VIII , Pope 882:
- Folcuin , Abbot of Lobbes 990:
- Adelheid of Burgundy , Empress of the Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation 999:
- 1153: Ranulph de Gernon , English nobleman
- Around 1163: Siegfried II , Count von Lebenau
- 1204: Heinrich von Klingen , Abit in the monastery of St. Gallen
- 1228: Beatrix von Albon , Dauphine von Viennois
- 1316: Öldscheitü , also known as Mohammad Chodabande, Ilkhan of Persia
- 1404: Albrecht I , Duke of Bavaria-Straubing and Count of Holland
- 1435: Eleanor Urraca of Castile , titular queen of Aragón, Sicily and Sardinia
- 1474: ʿAlāʾ ad-Dīn ʿAlī ibn Muhammad al-Qushdschī , Turkish or Persian astronomer, mathematician and theologian
16th to 18th centuries
- 1508: Heinrich the Younger zu Stolberg , governor of Friesland
- 1515: Afonso de Albuquerque , Portuguese military, politician and navigator
- 1523: Bernhard Adelmann von Adelmannsfelden , German humanist
- 1583: Ivan Fyodorov , Russian printer
- 1589: Michael Bajus , Catholic theologian
- 1598: Yi Sun-sin , Korean military leader and admiral
- 1600: Karl I , Count Palatinate and Duke of Pfalz-Zweibrücken-Birkenfeld
- 1604: Georgius Koppehele , German theologian and founder of the George Koppehele Family Foundation
- 1625: Elisabeth of Hessen-Kassel , Duchess of Mecklenburg and poet
- 1627: Sebastián Aguilera de Heredia , Spanish organist and composer
- 1631: Johann Günther II. , Count of Schwarzburg-Sondershausen
- 1643: Hermann Samson , German-Baltic clergyman and educator
- 1650: Philip of the Palatinate , Prince of the Palatinate
- 1672: John II Casimir , King of Poland
- 1675: Armand Nompar de Caumont , Marshal of France
- 1687: William Petty , British physicist and economist
- 1690: Luise Elisabeth von Kurland , Countess of Hessen-Homburg
- 1692: Antonio Carneo , Venetian Baroque painter
- 1693: Willem van de Velde the Elder , Dutch painter
- 1702: Henry Fitzjames , illegitimate son of James II of England
- 1708: Juan Ortega y Montañés , Archbishop of Mexico and Viceroy of New Spain
- 1710: Wolfgang Heinrich Adelungk , German educator and writer
- 1724: Margarete von Rohr , German nobleman
- 1735: Albrecht Konrad Count Finck von Finckenstein , Prussian field marshal
- 1743: Jakob Sigismund von Reinach-Steinbrunn , Prince-Bishop of Basel
- 1744: Maria Anna of Austria , Duchess of Lorraine
- 1751: Leopold II. Maximilian , Prince of Anhalt-Dessau
- 1751: Johann Christian Schöttgen , German pedagogue, historian and lexicographer
- 1755: Valentin Johann Beselin , German lawyer and First Mayor of Rostock
- 1756: Balthasar König , German organ builder
- 1774: François Quesnay , French doctor and engraver
- 1779: Go-Momozono , 118th Emperor of Japan
- 1783: Johann Adolph Hasse , German composer
- 1790: Ludwig August Lebrun , German oboist and composer
- 1794: Jean-Baptiste Carrier , French revolutionary
19th century
- 1801: Karl Ludwig von Baden , Hereditary Prince of Baden
- 1811: Samuel Daniell , British painter
- 1829: William Anderson , American politician
- 1834: Antoine-Vincent Arnault , French writer
- 1840: Johann Friedrich Abegg , German theologian
- 1842: Georg Christian von Kessler , German sparkling wine pioneer, founder of the first German sparkling wine cellar
- 1848: Bruno Erhard Abegg , Prussian politician
- 1852: Andries Hendrik Potgieter , Boer politician and Voortrekker leader
- 1855: Max Keller , German composer and organist
- 1859: Wilhelm Grimm , German linguist and fairy tale collector
- 1862: Ewald Rudolf Stier , German Lutheran theologian
- 1865: Philip Allen , American politician, governor, and senator of Rhode Island
- 1868: Aimée Davout , wife of Louis-Nicolas Davout and sister of Charles Victoire Emmanuel Leclerc
- 1869: Alexander Sussmann Adler , German rabbi and politician
- 1871: Willibald Alexis , German writer
- 1873: Nino Bixio , Italian freedom fighter
- 1874: August Bahlmann , German Roman Catholic clergyman
- 1878: Karl Gutzkow , German writer, playwright and journalist
- 1878: Richard Hartmann , German industrialist
- 1879: Johann Eduard Wappäus , German geographer and statistician
- 1890: Henry A. Edmundson , American politician
- 1897: Alphonse Daudet , French writer
20th century
- 1903: Aunt Hanna , German people's missionary
- 1903: Paul d'Ivry , French composer
- 1903: Ochiai Naobumi , Japanese poet and literary scholar
- 1907: Chū Asai , Japanese painter
- 1908: American Horse II , Indian chief
- 1909: Adelheid von Löwenstein-Wertheim-Rosenberg , German princess and wife of the King of Portugal
- 1909: Lina Morgenstern , German writer, women's rights activist and social activist
- 1910: Hans Dominik , German officer in the Imperial Protection Force for Cameroon
- 1912: Walther Herwig , German sponsor of deep-sea fishing and marine research
- 1912: George Rignold , Australian actor
- 1914: Emil Usteri , Swiss Jesuit and university professor in India
- 1921: Camille Saint-Saëns , French pianist, organist, musicologist, music teacher and composer of the Romantic era
- 1922: Eliezer Ben-Jehuda , Jewish journalist and author, innovator of the Hebrew language
- 1922: Gabriel Narutowicz , President of the Republic of Poland (murdered)
- 1927: Hugh Archibald Clarke , Canadian composer
- 1935: Thelma Todd , American actress
- 1937: Eugen Nägele , German conservationist, educator and local researcher
- 1938: Adelheid von Bennigsen , German women's rights activist
- 1939: Juan Demóstenes Arosemena Barreati , President of Panama
- 1940: Eugène Dubois , Dutch doctor and anthropologist
- 1942: Selma Meerbaum-Eisinger , German poet
- 1945: Giovanni Agnelli , Italian entrepreneur
- 1947: Leo Kufelnizky , German pioneer in Palestine
- 1948: Rudolf Löw , Swiss painter and writer
- 1949: Jean-Josaphat Gagnier , Canadian conductor and composer
- 1949: Ferdinand Pfohl , German music writer and composer
- 1955: Heinrich Laakmann , German-Baltic historian
- 1958: János Székely , Hungarian writer and screenwriter
- 1959: Alfred Ahrens , German politician
- 1961: Boris Semjonowitsch Schechter , Russian composer
- 1962: Charles Noble Arden-Clarke , British colonial administrator
- 1965: Leonhard Maria Adler , Austro-German engineer, politician and worker priest
- 1965: William Somerset Maugham , British playwright, writer, doctor and secret agent
- 1966: Herbert Zimmermann , German sports journalist
- 1970: Paul von Guilleaume , German automobile racing driver and motorsport official
- 1973: Franz Xaver Fuhr , German painter
- 1977: Gustaf Emanuel Hildebrand Aulén , Swedish theologian and bishop
- 1977: Thomas Schippers , American conductor and composer
- 1979: Vaqif Mustafazadə , Azerbaijani composer and pianist
- 1981: Lawrence Edward Watkin , American novelist and screenwriter
- 1982: Colin Chapman , British racing car designer
- 1982: Egon Lampersbach , German politician, Member of the Bundestag
- 1982: Toña la Negra , Mexican singer
- 1983: Grigory Alexandrov , Soviet filmmaker
- 1985: Paul Castellano , American Mafia boss in New York
- 1989: Lee van Cleef , American actor
- 1989: Oscar Gálvez , Argentine racing driver
- 1989: Silvana Mangano , Italian actress
- 1989: Marjorie Westbury , British actress, radio play speaker and singer
- 1990: Marc Augier , French writer, adventurer and mountaineer
- 1995: Anthony Ingrassia , American playwright, theater producer and director
- 1995: Johnny Moss , American poker player
- 1996: Sir Laurens Jans van der Post , South African-British writer
- 1997: Lillian Disney , American wife of Walt Disney
- 1998: Clay Blair , American historian and non-fiction author
- 1998: William Gaddis , American writer
- 1998: Jean de Montrémy , French racing driver and racing car designer
- 1998: Franz K. Opitz , Swiss painter, photographer, poet, musician and author
- 1999: Dorit Kreysler , Austrian actress
- 2000: William H. Hill , American composer and music teacher
21st century
- 2001: Stuart Adamson , British musician
- 2001: Roy Brocksmith , American actor
- 2001: Stefan Heym , German writer and journalist
- 2003: Aglaja Schmid , Austrian actress
- 2003: Gary Stewart , American country musician and songwriter
- 2004: Martha Carson , American country gospel musician
- 2004: Agnes Martin , American artist
- 2004: Yehudit Naot , Israeli politician
- 2005: Adolf Adam , German prelate, pastoral theologian and liturgical scholar
- 2005: Kenneth Bulmer , British writer
- 2005: Rudolf Titzck , German politician, Member of the State Parliament, State Minister, President of the State Parliament
- 2007: Dan Fogelberg , American composer, multi-instrumentalist and singer
- 2007: Ivan Nemet , Yugoslav-Swiss chess grandmaster
- 2009: Roy E. Disney , American film producer, nephew of Walt Disney
- 2009: Yegor Gaidar , Russian Prime Minister
- 2009: Florian Hufsky , founder of the Austrian Pirate Party
- 2009: Kurt Kelm , German translator
- 2010: Hermann Ansorge , German agricultural chemist
- 2010: Karen Tuttle , American violist and music teacher
- 2011: Mark Kopytman , Israeli composer and music teacher
- 2011: Eberhard Walde , German politician
- 2012: Axel Anderson , Puerto Rican actor
- 2014: Karl-Heinz Kurras , German police officer and shooter
- 2017: Rudolf Kröner , German soccer player and coach
- 2020: Flavio Cotti , Swiss politician
Holidays and memorial days
- Church memorial days
- St. Joseph of Nazareth (Orthodox)
- St. Adelheid of Burgundy , German Empress and founder of a monastery (Protestant, Roman Catholic, Orthodox)
- Beginning of Las posadas (Protestant: ELCA )
- Name days
- State holidays and memorial days
- South Africa : Day of Reconciliation (1838)
The list of commemorative and action days contains further entries .
Commons : December 16th - Collection of images, videos and audio files