Friedrich Denk

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Friedrich Denk (born December 16, 1942 in Wohlau , Lower Silesia ) is a retired German director of studies and a writer . He was considered one of the most prominent critics of the spelling reform , which is why Denk was often referred to as a "spelling rebel". He is a member of the Bavarian Academy of Fine Arts and the PEN Center Germany .

Professional background

Friedrich Denk studied German , Romance studies and philosophy at the Universities of Munich and Bordeaux , supported by the German National Academic Foundation . From 1969 until his retirement in 2004 he was a grammar school teacher for German in Munich, Weilheim and London, seminar leader for German at grammar school Weilheim and commissioner for literature promotion.

Friedrich Denk was the founder and responsible editor of the "Weilheimer Hefte zur Literatur" (since 1980), the "Londoner Reader" (1983-85) and the "Lesebogen" (1989-99) as well as the initiator of the Weilheimer Literature Prize (since 1988). After ten years in Zurich, he has been living in Munich again since 2018.

Fight against the spelling reform

At the Frankfurt Book Fair at the beginning of October 1996, Denk distributed 2,000 leaflets with the title “Stop the superfluous but billions-expensive spelling reform! 10 arguments against the spelling reform ”. Also at the book fair he published the Frankfurt Declaration with other opponents of the reform . In the following, Denk organized a series of actions to protest against the spelling reform: On November 19, 1996, he and others founded the Bavarian citizens' initiative "WIR against the spelling reform" and on October 11, 1997 in Weilheim organized a poetry reading "For Unity der Orthographie ”, attended by Ota Filip , Wulf Kirsten , Reiner Kunze , Loriot , Gerhard Ruiss and Albert von Schirnding . In March 1998, Denk left the party with others to protest against what he believed to be the "school and civic hostile language policy of the CSU".


  • 1982 - Silver pen of the Foundation for the Promotion of Literature eV, Munich, for special services to the mediation of literature
  • 1986 - Federal Cross of Merit on ribbon
  • 1992 - Wilhelm Hausenstein award from the Bavarian Academy of Fine Arts
  • November 11, 1996 - Culture Prize of the Bildzeitung (Greeting: Edmund Stoiber , Laudation: Joachim Kaiser )
  • November 1996 - "Man of the Year 1996" from the St. Galler Tagblatt
  • On July 5, 2007, he was accepted as a full member of the “Literature” section of the Bavarian Academy of Fine Arts
  • Friedrich Denk has been a member of the German PEN Center since 2010.


  • Arthur Rimbaud: The Complete Seals, French and German. Translation by Walther Küchler supplemented by Carl Andreas [pseudonym of Friedrich Denk] , Reinbek near Hamburg (Rowohlt's classic) 1963, 335 pp.
  • The hidden news. Attempt at press criticism . 1st edition, Eberfing: F. Denk [self-publisher], 1978, 174 pages, 3rd edition 1979 ISBN 3-9800207-0-3
  • The censorship of the later born. On literature critical of the regime in the Third Reich . 1st edition, Weilheim i.OB: Denk-Verlag, 1995, 479 pages, 3rd, through. Edition, 1996 ISBN 3-9800207-6-2
  • One of the biggest disinformation campaigns . In: Hans-Werner Eroms and Horst Haider Munske (eds.): The spelling reform. Pros and Cons . Erich Schmidt Verlag, Berlin 1997, pp. 41-46 ISBN 3-503-03786-1
  • The landscape of our dreams (with Gerda Denk, private print in 300 copies), 96 p., Zurich 2011.
  • Readers get ahead (with an afterword by Martin Walser) , Gütersloh (Gütersloher Verlagshaus) 2013, 287 pages, ISBN 978-3-579-06654-7

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