Literature portal Bavaria
Literature portal Bavaria | |
The blue of the sky | | |
The literature portal Bavaria - Das Blaue vom Himmel is an Internet presence for literature in Bavaria with an overview of Bavaria's literary landscape . Its offers include author, institution and price encyclopedias as well as reports, blogs and publications on current literary topics, events and developments. The website went online on July 16, 2012. The literature portal is a stand-alone offer that can also be researched using the person search on the bavarikon culture portal . It is a project of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek in cooperation with the Monacensia , library and literature archive of the city of Munich. The Bavarian literature portal is supported and supported by the Bavarian State Ministry for Science and Art and supported by the City of Munich .
With the support of the Bavarian Culture Fund , the Working Group for Joint Cultural Work of Bavarian Cities e. V. a regional literature database should be set up. In 2008, with the “Database on Literary Bavaria” as part of the cultural studies portal “Bayerische Landesbibliothek Online” (BLO), local and localizable knowledge about literature in Bavaria was made accessible to a wider public via the Internet. The database established essential links to the Bavarian authors and originally started as a test version with around 170 authors' names from the 19th and 20th centuries. It was intended as a component of a comprehensive Bavarian literature portal.
The offer was expanded in the following years. In addition to expanding the author's lexicon, it primarily focused on the collection of data from literary estates . In a survey in cooperation with the General Directorate of the Bavarian State Archives , the Bavarian State Library, Monacensia, the Bavarian Archive Day, the City Archives Working Group of the Bavarian City Council and the Sulzbach-Rosenberg Literature Archive, the data was collected between 2008 and 2011. The inventory information has been continuously updated since then. On March 29, 2010 the literature blog Bavaria went online. As a beta version, it accompanied the development of the future literature portal and provided initial insights into the planned content.
On July 16, 2012, the Bavarian literature portal was finally activated during a press conference. "It brings us closer to the history of literature and shows the lively literary events of our time", judged the Bavarian Art Minister Wolfgang Heubisch on the occasion of the activation. The Bayern literary blog was incorporated into the Bayern literary portal, whose journal module (formerly: blog) has been part of it ever since.
Spectrum of the portal
The portal offers “information about authors from Bavaria's past and present, locations and events, bequests, funding opportunities and much more. Information on literary institutions and archival holdings provide access for research. A map conveys the literary history of the cities and regions. Links between places and topics provide further impulses to discover the literary land of Bavaria. "
In the "Authors" section, the reader will find the most important biographical and work-historical facts about writers who have shaped the literary landscape of Bavaria in the past or who make it up in the present. The author's lexicon currently contains almost 600 entries (as of November 2015).
Literary “magazines” are represented in the second area. Bavaria has already made a name for itself in the past through literary magazines, for example through the Simplicissimus, which accompanied the path to modernity, or through Akzente, the oldest still existing literary magazine in Germany. More recent magazines such as the literature in Bavaria that has existed since 1985 or DAS GEDICHT can also be found there.
Literary “bequests” are decentralized in many places in Bavaria. In a separate area, which includes more than 1,600 estates from persons and corporations in literary institutions, these are gathered and made accessible to experts and laypeople.
The “Literaturland” presents the literary history of the Bavarian cities as well as individual places where literature has made history. Historical walks and hiking trails in the footsteps of poets can be found here, as can the original version of the literary project “Streetview Literature”, which has not been available online since May 2015 and combines short stories by Munich authors and Google Streetview.
The “Topics” section prepares the literary topography thematically. You can find out about the summer holidays of artists and writers in the foothills of the Alps, about poets' journeys in the Upper Palatinate, about women who wrote in World War I, or you can find out how foreign writers experienced Munich.
In the “Journal”, the editorial team of the literature portal reports on the most important news from authors, literary institutions as well as award ceremonies and literary festivals. Interviews and literary or essayistic contributions by well-known writers are also published here. a. by Uwe Timm , Dagmar Leupold , Nora Gomringer , Lena Gorelik or Thomas von Steinaecker . In addition, individual users and institutions have the opportunity to get involved. Thematically longer running blogs also include those about the writer Jean Paul (“Jean Paul series”), the poet Oskar Panizza (“Oskar Panizza series”), about the German-Czech authors' meeting 2012/2014 or the interactive net novel The Found death of Thomas Lang .
The category “Institutions” portrays non-commercial literary institutions in their full range: museums, archives, libraries, literary houses, but also smaller associations that enrich and shape literary life.
The “Prizes & Funding” section provides an overview of all the important funding opportunities in Bavaria for writers and those who want to become one.
The “calendar” records the literary events in Bavaria, regardless of whether they take place live on stage, on the radio / TV or on site. The festival lexicon contained in this section provides information on literary series and literary festivals in Bavaria.
Web 2.0 offers
The Bavarian literature portal is a member of the social network Facebook and has - in addition to a journal and comment function in all of its modules - its own Twitter channel (@LitPortalBayern).
Literary radio
The Bavarian literature portal has had its own literary channel on the web radio "Literatur Radio Bayern" since 2015 as part of the citizen media platform of the Bavarian State Center for New Media (BLM) . There you will find audio pieces, interviews (with Christiane Neudecker and Nora Bossong , among others), reports from festivals and readings, etc. a. of events with Katja Huber , Sandra Hoffmann , Dagmar Leupold Lena Gorelik and Andrea Heuser .
Since 2015, the Bavarian literature portal has also been increasingly prominent as an organizer of literary readings and projects. These include u. a. Events with Jürgen Bulla and Federico Italiano , with Petra Morsbach and Sarah Elise Bischof as part of the Munich Festival Art & Inclusion , with Keto von Waberer on the beauty & cosmetics reading stage as well as several events in a reading series against xenophobia ( foreign ).
In cooperation with the action alliance We do that (founded by Annika Reich ) z. For example, the Syrian writers Afraa Batous and Yamen Hussein - as well as many others in As foreign as we humans , a reading and discussion series at Bavarian schools, which the literature portal Bavaria carried out 2016-2018 in cooperation with the Bavarian State Ministry for Science and Art . Those involved here included a. Doris Dörrie , Norbert Niemann and Gert Heidenreich .
In February 2018, the literature portal Bayern was co-organizer of the reading festival Eight Times Arriving in the Monacensia Munich, where u. a. Lena Gorelik , Ayeda Alavie and Katja Huber performed.
In 2015, the Bavarian literature portal cooperated with Peter Kirchheim Verlag on the publication of the book Fremd (edited by Fridolin Schley ), an anthology of Munich authors against xenophobia. The volume combines texts about strangeness and being strangers, etc. a. by Doris Dörrie , Lena Gorelik , Sandra Hoffmann , Steven Uhly , Dagmar Leupold , Thomas Lang and the political scientist Georg Picot.
In 2018, the anthology Wir sind hier was published in cooperation between Literaturportal Bayern and Allitera Verlag . Stories about arriving - with contributions and a. by Friedrich Ani , Björn Bicker and Björn Kuhligk .
The literature portal Bavaria 2020 published a selection of his best texts from the thematic module in the anthology Das Blaue vom Himmel. Bavaria's literature in essays (Allitera Verlag). This includes u. a. Texts about Gisela Elsner , Karl Valentin , Frank Wedekind , Jean Paul and essays z. B. about the poetry slam scene in Munich, Bavaria '68, literary lovers, dialect poetry , comics & literature or Europe's poets in the Dachau concentration camp .
On the occasion of the 250th birthday of the writer Johann Paul Friedrich Richter (1763-1825) in 2013, the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek launched the smartphone app “Dichterwege - In the footsteps of Jean Paul “Developed. The Jean-Paul-Weg included in the app through the districts of Hof, Wunsiedel and Bayreuth can also be followed virtually on the pages of the Bavarian literature portal. Jean Paul's autobiography Self-life description , which was recorded as an audio book for the app , is offered as a free audio book in the journal of the Bavarian literature portal.
In addition, the portal presents the best texts from the school writing competition "Jean Pauls Taschdruckerei", which was advertised by the Jean Paul 2013 association. In the meantime, the remaining app content has also been transferred to the Bavarian literature portal in the form of a topic essay, enriched with existing links to Jean Paul in the portal.
Current partners involved are Kulturallmende, Jean-Paul-Weg - joint project Jean Paul in Upper Franconia, the literature archive Sulzbach-Rosenberg / Literaturhaus Oberpfalz, STADTKULTUR Netzwerk Bayerischer Städt e. V., Literatur Radio Bayern, the Literaturhaus München and the Swabian Literature Castle Edelstetten e. V. In addition, the Bavarian literature portal cooperates with the Munich reading stage Beauty & Cosmetics, the action alliance for refugees We do this and the Evangelisches Bildungswerk e. V.
The literature portal Bavaria is open to further cooperation.
- Peter Czoik: " Spotlights on the blue of the sky" - The Bavarian literature portal introduces itself. In: Bavaria in the book. November 2012, 6th year, issue 2, ISSN 1866-1327 , pp. 3–4.
- Peter Czoik, Evelyn Reiter: Literature Portal Bavaria - The Blue from Heaven. A cooperation project between the Bavarian State Library and Monacensia. In: Yearbook of the Friends of Monacensia e. V. Munich 2014, pp. 43–58.
- Peter Czoik, Katrin Schuster: The last and the first. The literature blog Bavaria. In: BSB in-house communications. 119 (2011), pp. 22-23.
- Peter Czoik, Stephan Kellner, Fridolin Schley (eds.): The blue from heaven. Bavaria's literature in essays. Allitera Verlag, Munich 2020, ISBN 978-3-96233-205-1 .
- Carl Hans Engleitner: Bavarian State Library: Regional and International: Bavarian Literature Portal. Spectacular find on Bible transmission. Finissage in Beijing. In: Bayernspiegel. 2012, issue 3, pp. 34–35.
- Sandra Hoffmann : In the forest. A walk through the literature portal Bavaria. In: Aviso. Magazine for art and science in Bavaria. 03/19, Munich 2019.
- Katja Huber, Silke Kleemann, Fridolin Schley (eds.): We are here: Stories about arriving. Allitera Verlag, Munich 2018, ISBN 978-3-96233-058-3 .
- Stephan Kellner: The blue of the sky: Bavaria has a literature portal. In: library magazine . Messages from the state libraries in Berlin and Munich. 2012, issue 3, pp. 44–47 ( [PDF; 4.5 MB]); another, shorter version in: Bavarian Library Forum . N. F. 7 (2013), Issue 1, pp. 10–11 ( [PDF; 523 kB]).
- Antonie Magen: The blue of the sky. The "Literaturportal Bayern" wants to conquer new readership. Founded five years ago. In: LiteraturSeiten Munich. October 2017.
- Fridolin Schley: As strange as we humans. The literature portal Bavaria travels with a number of writers through Bavaria's schools. In: Literature in Bavaria. 128 (2017).
- Fridolin Schley (Ed.): Foreign. Anthology with texts by 18 authors. A reader on the stranger in us and our society in cooperation with Munich 2015, ISBN 978-3-87410-134-9 .
- Fridolin Schley: The sky in shades of blue. The literature portal Bavaria combines the analog and digital world of literature - and is writing an interactive novel with Thomas Lang. Live on the net. In: Literature in Bavaria. 124 (2016).
- Veronika Schöner, Peter Czoik, Fridolin Schley: Literature portal Bavaria - offers for schools. A white-blue world on the World Wide Web. In: SchulVerwaltung. Journal for school development and school management. 42nd year, 10/2019.
- Joshua Schössler: Create an overview . Everything the literature portal Bavaria offers online. In: Süddeutsche Zeitung . No. 288 , December 14, 2018, ISSN 0174-4917 , p. 18 ( [accessed on January 8, 2019] digital offer from December 13, 2019).
- Katrin Schuster: The blue of the sky. In: Münchner Feuilleton. August / September 2012, No. 11, p. 15.
- Bernhard Stalla: The literature portal of the Bavarian State Library in Munich is a new network for literature and culture in Bavaria. In: Weiß-Blaue Rundschau. 55 (2012), issue 4, ISSN 0043-2202 , p. 16 (PDF; 2.65 MB).
- Elisabeth Tworek: "Literature in Munich" (LiM) - part of the Bavarian literature portal: Monacensia and the Bavarian State Library are jointly developing a database on literary Munich. In: Yearbook of the Friends of Monacensia e. V. Munich 2010, pp. 69-72.
- Antje Weber: Pictures of a turning point . "Poetry is revolution": How a blog by Laura Mokrohs and the illustrator Barbara Yelin in the literature portal Bavaria describes the revolution of 1918/1919 - and fills in gaps in history. In: Süddeutsche Zeitung . No. 288 , December 14, 2018, ISSN 0174-4917 , p. 18 ( [accessed on January 8, 2019] digital offer from December 13, 2019).
Web links
- (website)
- Interview (Munich church radio)
- Channel of the Bavarian literature portal on Literatur Radio Bayern
- As strange as we humans. (PDF) School reading series. (No longer available online.) In: Formerly in the original
- Thomas Lang : The Found Death - A web novel by Thomas Lang. Retrieved on January 29, 2019 (cooperation project).
Individual evidence
- ↑ Dialects in Bavaria: This is how the Ministry of Culture promotes dialects. In:, October 31, 2013, accessed on July 2, 2020.
- ^ Database on literary Bavaria ( Memento from June 25, 2012 in the Internet Archive ). In:, accessed on October 21, 2019.
- ↑ Czoik, Peter; Reiter, Evelyn: Literature portal Bavaria - The blue from the sky. A cooperation project between the Bavarian State Library and Monacensia. In: Yearbook of the Friends of Monacensia e. V. Munich 2014, p. 49.
- ↑ Peter Czoik, Katrin Schuster: The last and the first. The literature blog Bavaria. In: BSB in-house communications. 119 (2010), p. 22.
- ↑ Literaturportal Bayern starts on July 16. In: library knowledge. July 11, 2012, accessed July 2, 2020.
- ^ Starting shot for the Bavarian Literature Portal. In: image . July 16, 2012.
- ↑ Portals and Apps. In:, accessed on October 21, 2019.
- ↑ Portals and Apps. Streetview literature in Retrieved November 24, 2015.
- ^ The book of Heinz. In: Retrieved September 26, 2016 .
- ↑ The Found Death. In: Retrieved September 25, 2016 .
- ↑ See Flyer Literaturportal Bayern - Das Blaue vom Himmel.
- ↑ Peter Czoik, Katrin Schuster: The last and the first. The literature blog Bavaria. In: BSB in-house communications. 119 (2010), p. 23.
- ^ Literature portal Bavaria. In:, July 29, 2015, accessed on October 21, 2019.
- ↑ LITERATURE PORTAL BAYERN - A sip of shandy: Interview with Christiane Neudecker at the Erlanger Poetenfest 2015 (Literaturportal Bayern). In: Retrieved September 26, 2016 .
- ↑ Literaturportal Bayern: A story about consanguinity by Dagmar Leupold (Literaturportal Bayern). In: Retrieved September 26, 2016 .
- ↑ strangers? People! In: Retrieved September 26, 2016 .
- ↑ School reading series. Retrieved January 29, 2019 .
- ↑ Sara Behbehani: Strange in a Strange . In: Süddeutsche Zeitung . February 23, 2018, ISSN 0174-4917 ( [accessed January 29, 2019]).
- ↑ Foreign. In: Retrieved September 26, 2016 .
- ↑ We are here. In: Retrieved January 29, 2019 .
- ↑ Bavaria's literature - The blue from heaven. In: Allitera Verlag. Retrieved July 2, 2020 .
- ↑ See Katrin Schuster: An app for Jean Paul. In: library magazine . Messages from the state libraries in Berlin and Munich. 2014, Issue 1, ISSN 1861-8375 , pp. 37-41 ( [PDF; 5.4 MB]).
- ↑ Literary on the move: From ways. In: FAZ . October 8, 2013. - Profane pillar saint. On the occasion of his 250th birthday, an advertising column in Munich provides information about Jean Paul. In:, accessed on November 24, 2015. - Jean-Paul-Weg-Oberfranken. In:, accessed on November 24, 2015.
- ↑ See Newsletter # 9 of the Bavarian Literature Portal. Retrieved November 24, 2015.
- ↑ Creative interaction. The writing competition "Jean Pauls Taschdruckerei" introduces itself. In: Retrieved November 24, 2015.
- ↑ 250 years of Jean Paul. Poet's Paths - In the footsteps of Jean Paul. In:, accessed on October 21, 2019.
- ↑ Via the portal. In: Retrieved November 24, 2015.
- ↑ Texts from the digital literature platform “Literaturportal Bayern” combined in one volume. In: Retrieved July 2, 2020 .
- ↑ Antje Weber: There and then . In: Süddeutsche Zeitung . November 5, 2018, ISSN 0174-4917 ( [accessed on May 1, 2019]).