Emil Usteri

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Emil Usteri SJ (born July 25, 1839 in Kilchberg , † December 16, 1914 in Bombay ) was a Swiss Jesuit and university teacher in India .


Emil Usteri was the son of Hans Kaspar Usteri (1797–1863), reformed pastor in Kilchberg and private lecturer at the theological faculty of the University of Zurich , and his wife Emilie, née. Oeri.

From 1858 to 1862 he studied Protestant theology at the University of Zurich, the University of Halle and the University of Berlin . In 1863 he was appointed parish administrator at the Reformed Church in Kilchberg , succeeding his father .

In 1864 he converted to the Roman Catholic faith and entered the Jesuit order in 1865. He completed his two-year novitiate in Gorheim near Sigmaringen.

From 1867 to 1872 he studied philosophy and Catholic theology in the Maria Laach Abbey , where a Jesuit college existed (at the time the Benedictine abbey was dissolved), and was ordained a priest in 1871 during this time .

From 1873 he was active in the German Jesuit mission of the Archdiocese of Bombay and the Diocese of Poona and taught as a Latin and catechism teacher at Saint Vincent's High School in Poona, which was founded in 1867 . He spent his tertiary in the Byculla district of Bombay, where he also took his religious vows in 1876 .

In 1879 he came to Saint Patrick's High School in Karachi , until in 1882 he became a professor of Latin and Roman law at the Saint Xavier's College in Bombay.

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