Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg
Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg | |
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founding | October 18, 1502 ( Wittenberg ) July 1, 1694 ( Halle ) April 12, 1817 Association |
Sponsorship | state |
place | Halle (Saale) and Wittenberg |
state |
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Rector | Christian Tietje |
Students | 20,403 (winter semester 2017/18) |
Employee | 5,843 (2015) |
including professors | 297 (2017) |
Website | |
The Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg (MLU) is a university in Germany that emerged in 1817 from two predecessor institutions: The older one was founded in 1502 as Leucorea in Wittenberg ; the younger Friedrichs University was founded in 1694 at the instigation of the Brandenburg Elector Friedrich III. in Halle (Saale) . As the center of Pietism and the Enlightenment , it soon became one of the most important universities in Germany. It received its current name during the Nazi era on November 10, 1933, when Martin Luther's 450th birthday was commemorated. After the 300th anniversary of the founding of the Halle branch was celebrated in 1994, the celebrations for the 500th anniversary of the university's foundation were celebrated in the Lutherstadt Wittenberg in 2002 . Due to the broad range of subjects, the MLU is considered a comprehensive university . Several Nobel Prize winners worked at the University of Halle: the physician Emil von Behring , the chemist Hermann Staudinger , the physicist Gustav Hertz , and the chemist Karl Ziegler .
University of Wittenberg
On October 18, 1502, at the end of the Elector Friedrich III. The University of Wittenberg Leucorea (called "the Wise") was founded by Saxony as the first university after the partition of Leipzig on the Ernestine Electorate of Saxony .
The foundation was aimed at the training of lawyers, theologians and doctors for the Saxon Ernestine state administration. Five years after it was founded, Elector Friedrich combined the new university with the Allerheiligen Abbey . The first rector was Martin Pollich , the founding dean of the theological faculty Johann von Staupitz . Teachers like Andreas Bodenstein from Carlstadt taught at the university in the early years that followed. Staupitz brought about the appointment of another Augustinian monk in 1508: Martin Luther . Later Nikolaus von Amsdorf and for the Greek language Philipp Melanchthon were appointed.
In terms of content and structure, the Wittenberg University was based on the existing universities in Germany. The transfer of the rights of Frederick the Wise gave the university a special status with its own jurisdiction in the 16th century . During this time it developed into one of the most important theological centers in Europe.
Under Napoleon Bonaparte , the university was closed several times. The last time the university was closed was on December 5, 1814. With the Congress of Vienna in 1815, the Saxon areas around Wittenberg became part of Prussia . As a result, the University of Wittenberg was moved to Halle, where the United Friedrichs University Halle-Wittenberg was founded on April 12, 1817. As a replacement, Wittenberg received the Protestant seminary, which is now located in the Augusteum . The Fridericianum was converted into a barracks and later used as living space. Wittenberg had lost its most important institution and continued to develop as a garrison and industrial city. Initiatives to reestablish themselves for a long time were unsuccessful. Only after the fall of the Wall in 1990 was the Leucorea Foundation established as a public law foundation on April 26, 1994 in cooperation with the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg .
Friedrichs University Halle

At the endeavor of Friedrich III. (Elector of Brandenburg and later King Friedrich I in Prussia) a new university was to be built in the southern Duchy of Magdeburg. The knight academy in Halle was no longer sufficient for the needs of the up-and-coming city. After neglecting these plans for a long time at the courts of Vienna and Dresden, Emperor Leopold I inaugurated the Alma mater hallensis on July 1, 1694. The main university building was the council scales until 1834 . The prominent scholars involved in the founding were the legal scholar and philosopher Christian Thomasius (who was also the first prorector of the university) and the philosopher Christian Wolff . Thanks to Thomasius' practical ethical writings, the University of Halle became a starting point for the German Enlightenment . In the following years, however, conflicts arose with the Francke Foundations , founded in 1698 , which became the center of German Pietism . As a consequence of Wolff's intransigence, he was expelled from the country by the Prussian King Friedrich Wilhelm I in 1723 under threat of death. Wolff, who with Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz dominated the philosophy of Germany, emigrated to Marburg, where he was celebrated. After the conflicts between Wolff and the Halle Pietists had subsided, Friedrich II brought Wolff back to the University of Halle in 1743.
In 1717, Johann Juncker opened the first German university hospital at the Francke Foundations . In 1724 Moyses Sobernheim from Bingen was one of the first Jews at a German university in Halle to become a Dr. med. PhD. As the first woman at a German university was Dorothea Erxleben doctorate in Hall 1754th
In October 1806 Napoleonic troops took Halle (Prussia declared war on France on October 9 - Fourth Coalition War ; October 14, 1806 Battle of Jena and Auerstedt ). The Friedrichs University was closed by Napoleon . The occupying forces converted their previous main building, the Ratswaage , into a hospital . The valuable interior was destroyed. After that, the council scales also served as a slaughterhouse at times. When the university reopened, the Ratswaage building was restored to its previous function until 1834.
University of Halle-Wittenberg
After 1817

The synergy effects expected by the Prussian state from the merger actually occurred after 1817 in the field of natural sciences and medicine. Until the founding of the empire, however, the university was subject to a constant process of purification. After 1817 professors who had come to terms with the Napoleonic rule were downgraded or dismissed. In the 1830s a violent dispute raged in the theological faculty, which led to the exclusion and dismissal of Old Lutherans and rationalists. At the same time, student life was subjected to strict controls, which led to the death of all political impulses. After the failed democratic movement of 1848, several members of the faculty were again dismissed or forced into exile. Since the 1860s, however, the university has again been one of the most important in the German-speaking area - not least due to a generation change in the professorships. The university owes larger investments to the reparations of the war of 1870/71 , such as new university clinics and today's university and state library. In terms of student frequency, however, Halle always lagged behind Berlin, Leipzig and Munich. Since then, a phenomenon typical of Halle has been observed: the transit university. Due to limited financial resources, comparatively young, talented researchers are usually appointed here, who then move to Berlin, Leipzig or - since 1945 - to western Germany such as Bonn, Mainz, Göttingen or Munich.
After 1918
In the Weimar Republic , the university was considered reactionary and not worthy of funding. Investments did not take place; scholars of the second rank were usually appointed.
In 1930 the university was given a more democratic constitution and at the same time lost its old name “United Friedrichs University”. In the developing world economic crisis , the Prussian Ministry of Education in 1931 considered closing the University of Halle for reasons of savings and probably also for political reasons. As a result, members of the teaching staff sparked a campaign that publicly used the name Luther: “Save Luther University!”. At the same time, considerations arose to name the university after Luther. The first suggestion in this direction was made by the physician Theodor Brugsch on July 4, 1932 at a Senate meeting. The proposal was initially rejected by a majority. After the National Socialists came to power , a new attempt was made and this time the proposal was accepted with 11 to 3 votes in the Senate. The three votes against the name “Martin Luther University” came from three staunch National Socialists who would have preferred the old name “United Friedrichs University”. On November 10, 1933, on the occasion of the 450th anniversary of Luther's birthday, the university was given the suffix "Martin Luther". At the name change ceremony on Reformation Day 1933 no higher-ranking National Socialist functionary appeared. After the name change, the newly appointed rector Hans Hahne attempted in his university speech on January 18, 1934, to justify the renaming explicitly by referring to Luther's anti-Jewish statements .
During the National Socialist era , many scholars who were “unacceptable” for political reasons were transferred to Halle as punishment. At the same time, the university was once again exposed to so-called “purges”. The reasons given for the dismissal of more than a dozen professors and lecturers were Jewish descent, Jewish wives, political commitment to social democracy or homosexuality . The mathematician Reinhold Baer , the ancient historian and numismatist Clemens Bosch , the art historian Paul Frankl , the psychologist Adhémar Gelb , the Indologist Betty Heimann , the historian Karl Heldmann , the sociologist, were expelled from their chairs by the Nazi regime . Political economist and cultural historian Friedrich Hertz , the philosopher, psychologist and art theorist Emil Utitz , and the biochemist Ernst Wertheimer . Furthermore, the theologian Günther Dehn , the legal scholars Max Fleischmann , Rudolf Joerges , Guido Kisch and Friedrich Kitzinger , as well as the economist Ernst Grünfeld were removed from their offices.
During the Second World War, several professors were involved in the German war economy , primarily as external consultants for industrial companies or in the field of basic research that was important to the war effort. Above all, chemists, physicists, geologists and agricultural scientists should be mentioned here. Three medical professionals took part in mass murders or human experiments . Numerous professors and lecturers belonged to the NSDAP and were involved in the interests of the regime. The extent to which the university was converted into a “National Socialist utility college” (according to Rector Johannes Weigelt in 1944) is controversial in research. In 1944/45 some professors founded resistance groups, which in 1945 resulted in the almost peaceful surrender of the city of Halle to the American military. A professor was one of the conspirators of July 20, 1944 , an honorary senator was executed for his involvement in the overturning plans.
After 1945
Under the supervision of the American occupation forces, the university actually succeeded in a democratic renewal, which the Soviet military administration, however, did not classify as sustainable. Under pressure from SMAD , former members of the National Committee Free Germany came to the university from 1947 onwards . At the same time, the university was exposed to Stalinist purges : students and employees disappeared, some of them (e.g. law student Hans-Dietrich Genscher ) managed to escape to one of the western zones at the last minute.
On uprising June 17, 1953 , students and lecturers involved. Professors viewed the attempted insurrection with sympathy and later became involved in helping those arrested. In 1958 there was a public conflict between leading SED members and conservative professors. By 1961 at least 30 lecturers and professors had fled to the Federal Republic for political reasons. The exact number of those whose careers were ruined or who suffered disadvantages has not yet been determined.
The SED reached by the pressure exerted partially their goal to create a socio-compliant training facility communist elites. Nevertheless, there were some professors and lecturers who opposed or undermined government guidelines.
The obligatory political indoctrination of all students, later also the university staff , took place from 1951 by a social science institute , from 1960 renamed the Institute for Marxism-Leninism and from 1969 in the "Section for Marxism-Leninism". This existed until 1990.
From 1954 to 1991 there was the ABF II , also called the Institute for Preparation for Studying Abroad (IVA) . She prepared students from all over the GDR linguistically, technically, ideologically and in terms of regional studies for university studies in socialist countries (especially in the Soviet Union ) in one or two-year courses.
Not least through considerable investments in scientific institutes and medical clinics as well as in an infrastructure close to students, the University of Halle was able to regain its position as an important scientific institution after Leipzig and Berlin.
With the dissolution of the Technical University Leuna-Merseburg (THLM) on March 31, 1993, its departments of chemistry, process engineering, and materials and processing technology were incorporated into the Martin Luther University. This was regulated in the first higher education structure law of Saxony-Anhalt. Employees from other THLM departments have also been transferred to the MLU.
Due to its long history, the university is spatially closely interwoven with the city of Halle. The university has grown steadily; it has buildings all over downtown and outside of it. Many institutes are housed in old villas or historical buildings. In addition, many university buildings were newly constructed or extensively renovated.
The reception building is on the Martin Luther Memorial Trail.
The double seal of the University of Halle was created in 1817 when the two universities of Halle and Wittenberg were merged with the re-establishment of the United Friedrichs University of Halle-Wittenberg . It consists of the two seals of the Universities of Halle (left) and Wittenberg (right), which they have held since their foundation.
University of Halle
Today's picture corresponds to the type of seal used by the rector of the University of Halle from the founding year 1694. It shows the founder of the University of Halle, the Brandenburg Elector Friedrich III. (from 1701 as Friedrich I first king in Prussia). He sits under a lined throne canopy that is lavishly decorated with tassels and braids and lavishly ornamented on the inside , crowned by a Brandenburg eagle , whose wings are half-spread. The founder is shown in the coronation regalia - with armor , ermine cloak and electoral hat , holding the scepter in his right hand and gripping the sword in his left. The throne chair stands on a two-tier pedestal on which a bridge lies. To the left of the steps begins the Latin inscription, decorated with various decorative ribbons: "SIG: ACADEMIÆ FRIDERICIANÆ HALLENS:" (Sigillum Academiae Fridericianae Hallensis - seal of the Friedrichs University Halle).
The royal Brandenburg seal of majesty was used as a model for the University seal of Halle. This university seal was used as a model for the design of the seal for the University of Göttingen, which was founded in 1737 .
University of Wittenberg
Today's picture corresponds to the seal type of the rector of the Wittenberg University from the founding year 1502. It shows the founder of the Wittenberg University, the Saxon Elector Friedrich III. (also called Friedrich the Wise) in a bust with an electoral hat and ermine cloak, on which the letters "FRID: 3" (Fridericus III) can be seen in front. Friedrich shouldered the Kurschwert with both hands to the left. An intertwined tape bears the inscription “VNIVERSIT. / 1502. “The edge of the writing surrounded by two circular lines is interrupted by four coats of arms arranged in pairs on both sides. The inscription reads: “ME AVSPICE / CEPIT / WITTENBERG. / DOCERE. ”(“ Wittenberg began to teach under my rule ”). The coat of arms shields contain the electoral swords of the arch marshals and electors of Saxony at the top left, the diamond- shaped wreath coat of arms of the Duchy of Saxony at the top right, the lion of the Landgraviate of Thuringia (facing inwards) at the bottom left and the lion of the Margraviate of Meissen at the bottom right .
The oldest seal of the University of Jena (from 1552/58) is almost identical to the Wittenberg seal in design, size and inscription.
The Lions
In front of the entrance portal of the main building on Universitätsplatz there are two cast-iron lions as symbolic guardians on the stair stringers. The figures created by Johann Gottfried Schadow (1764–1850) in 1816 were not always there. The lions previously adorned a tube water fountain on the market square in Halle, where they were ceremoniously erected on July 23, 1823 and where the main building of the university at that time is located. Heinrich Heine (1797-1856) also saw her there and mentioned her in a mocking verse that alluded to the suppression of the student associations after the Karlsbad resolutions and belongs to the collection Die Heimkehr 1823-1824 :
- To Halle in the market ,
- There are two big lions .
- Oh, you Halle lion defiance ,
- How have you been tamed!
When a modern water pipeline was under construction in Halle a few years later and in this context a fountain was supposed to replace the previous tubular water fountain, the then mayor Franz von Voss offered the lions of the Alma mater or their curator Moritz von Beurmann under on March 27, 1868 Reference to Heinrich Heine. The present from the Halle magistrate was only accepted by the university management after lengthy negotiations. On September 21, 1868, the lions were finally transported to the university staircase in a stair car. Until then, the main building, erected between the years 1832–1834, had an outside staircase without flanking lions. From then on, the historical building was given the name “ lion building ”, named after the sculptures. Initially only used in the colloquial language of the students, this name became more and more common in the course of time both inside and outside the university.
A student legend has it that you shouldn't sit on the lions or you wouldn't pass the exam.
The lions now play a role in Martin Luther University's public relations work. As a distinguishing feature of the Alma Mater , a lion's head is similar to a landmark on numerous publications of the university. Lions are popular heraldic animals . The lion as the "king of animals" symbolizes strength, courage, strength and power.
The Schadow lion sculptures were restored after the fall of the Wall in 1989 in consultation with the State Office for Monument Preservation Saxony-Anhalt. One of the lions had broken in two (probably as early as 1868). The sculptures were in a restoration company near Hanover for a few months and returned in October 1992 for their rededication. At the same time as the 490th Foundation Day of the Wittenberg University on October 18, 1992, the return of the cast iron symbolic figures in anthracite was ceremoniously celebrated. According to historical findings, the color tone also corresponds to the original appearance of the lions. Since then there has been a capsule in the belly of one of the lions, which contains, among other things, a chronicle of the restoration, various daily newspapers, a course catalog of the MLU and the (then current) program of events of the Central Custody from 1992.
Faculty of Theology
- Institute for Biblical Studies and Church History
- Institute for Systematic Theology, Practical Theology and Religious Studies
- Faculty of Law and Economics
- Legal area
- Economics area
- Medical school
- Institute for Anatomy and Cell Biology
- Institute of General Medicine
- Institute for the History and Ethics of Medicine
- Institute for Health and Nursing Science
- Institute of Human Genetics
- Julius Bernstein Institute for Physiology
- Institute for Medical Epidemiology, Biometry and Computer Science
- Institute for Medical Immunology
- Institute for Medical Microbiology
- Institute for Medical Sociology
- Institute for Molecular Medicine
- Institute of Pathology
- Institute for Pharmacology and Toxicology
- Institute for Physiological Chemistry
- Institute of Legal Medicine
- Institute for Rehabilitation Medicine
- Institute for Environmental Toxicology
- Philosophical Faculty I.
- Institute for Classical Studies
- Institute for Ethnology and Philosophy
- Institute for History
- Institute for Art History and Archeologies of Europe
- Oriental Institute
- Institute for Political Science and Japanese Studies
- Institute for Psychology
- Institute for Sociology
- Philosophical Faculty II
- Institute of English and American Studies
- German Institute
- Institute for Music, Media and Speech Studies
- Institute for Romance Studies
- Seminar for Slavic Studies
- Institute for Sports Science
- Philosophical Faculty III
- Institute for Education
- Institute for School Pedagogy and Elementary School Didactics
- Institute for Rehabilitation Education
- Institute for Catholic Theology and its Didactics
- Faculty of Natural Sciences I
- Institute for Biochemistry and Biotechnology
- Institute for Biology
- Institute of Pharmacy
- Faculty of Natural Sciences II
- Institute of Chemistry
- Institute for Physics
- Institute for Mathematics
- Faculty of Natural Sciences III
- Institute for Agricultural and Nutritional Sciences
- Institute for Earth Sciences and Geography
- Institute for Computer Science
- Center for Engineering Sciences (teaching discontinued in 2006, closed in 2016)
A study by the education provider WBS in 2019 showed that the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg had one of the smallest proportions of women among the professorships of all 44 universities examined, at 17.3%.
Cooperation with foreign universities
The MLU has, among other things, cooperation agreements with the University of Florida (2002), the Arab European University in Damascus (2007) and a cooperation agreement with the State University of Yerevan in 2008 . Many faculties and their subordinate institutes also cooperate with foreign universities. For example, at the Institute for Romance Studies at the Philosophical Faculty II there is a collaboration with the Facultad de Artes y Letras at the University of Havana .
Research magazine
The university publishes the popular science research magazine "Scientia Halensis", which appears in print twice a year and is also accessible online. The magazine is published with the support of the “Association of Friends and Supporters of the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg eV” (VFF).
Affiliated institutes
The MLU Halle has several affiliated institutes that cooperate with the university (as of the end of 2013). (The name of the affiliated institute is usually only given in a short form; the long name often complements the status of affiliated institute.)
- Agrochemical Institute Piesteritz e. V.
- BioSolutions Halle GmbH
- Institute European Romanesque Center at the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg e. V. (seat in Merseburg)
- Research center for the rehabilitation of people with communicative disabilities e. V.
- Hall Institute for Media (HIM) at Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg e. V.
- UNIVATIONS GmbH Institute for Knowledge and Technology Transfer
- Institute for Applied Dermatopharmacy at the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg e. V.
- Institute for German Language and Culture at Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg e. V.
- Institute for University Research Wittenberg e. V.
- Institute for Performance Diagnostics and Health Promotion e. V.
- Institute for Technical Biochemistry at the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg e. V.
- Institute for Business Research and Management at the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg e. V.
- Polymer Service GmbH Merseburg
- Steridoc GmbH
- Center for Social Research Halle e. V.
Affiliated facilities
- Archaeological Museum of the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg
- Botanical Garden Halle with the historic Halle observatory and the Brockengarten , alpine test and show garden on the summit of the Brocken (taken over in 1951 and rebuilt since 1991 together with the Georg-August-Universität Göttingen )
- Burse zur Tulpe (partly also used by the Studentenwerk)
- Geological garden hall in the courtyard of the geosciences department
- HALESMA AND (Hallesche European School of Journalism for Multimedia Authorship)
- Leucorea - Foundation under public law
- Meckel collection (historical anatomy collection )
- Central German Society of Jurisprudence
- Museum für Petkunde Julius Kühn of the Institute for Agricultural and Nutritional Sciences
- University and State Library of Saxony-Anhalt
- Science campus Halle - plant-based bioeconomy
- Youth University
Scientific centers
The Academic Senate of the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg decided in 1993 to found interdisciplinary scientific centers. Its aim is to create interdisciplinary and innovative structures for research and academic training at the university.
- Aleksander Brückner Center for Polish Studies
- Biozentrum
- Interdisciplinary Scientific Center for Medicine, Ethics and Law (MER)
- Interdisciplinary Center for Research on the European Enlightenment (IZEA)
- Interdisciplinary Center for Crop Research (IZN)
- Interdisciplinary Center for Pietism Research at the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg in conjunction with the Francke Foundations in Halle (IZP)
- Center for Interdisciplinary Regional Studies (ZIRS)
- Center for Applied Medical and Human Biological Research (ZAMED)
- University Center for Computer Science (UZI)
- Center for School and Educational Research (ZSB)
University professor
Sorted by year of birth
Hall (1694-1817)
- Veit Ludwig von Seckendorff (1626–1692), statesman, founding chancellor of the university
- Samuel Stryk (1640–1710), legal scholar, co-founder and prorector of the university
- Christian Thomasius (1655–1728), legal scholar and philosopher, co-founder of the university
- Friedrich Hoffmann (1660–1742), medic
- August Hermann Francke (1663–1727), theologian and educator (Francke Foundations)
- Andreas Ottomar Goelicke (1671–1744), physician
- Nikolaus Hieronymus Gundling (1671–1729), lawyer
- Justus Henning Böhmer (1674–1749), legal scholar, director of the university
- Christian Wolff (1679–1754), philosopher, lawyer and mathematician
- Johann Heinrich Schulze (1687–1744), universal scholar
- Johann Joachim Lange (1699–1765), mathematician, mineralogist
- Johann Ernst Philippi (1700–1757), lawyer
- Johann Andreas von Segner (1704–1777), mathematician, physicist, physician
- Johann Philipp von Carrach (1730 – after 1781), Professor of Law
- Christian Adolph Klotz (1738–1771), philologist
- Ernst Ferdinand Klein (1744–1810), lawyer
- Christian Friedrich Prange (1752–1836), associate professor of world wisdom and the drawing arts
- Philipp Friedrich Theodor Meckel (1755–1803), physician, Meckel's collections
- Friedrich Christian Laukhard (1757–1822), theologian and political writer
- Johann Christian Reil (1759–1813), physician, founder of German psychotherapy
- Friedrich Albrecht Carl Gren (1760–1798), chemist
- Friedrich Daniel Ernst Schleiermacher (1768–1834), philosopher
- Karl Franz Ferdinand Bucher (1786–1854), legal scholar
Wittenberg (1502-1817)
- Andreas Bodenstein (1480–1541), reformer
- Martin Luther (1483–1546), father of the Reformation
- Bartholomäus Bernhardi (1487–1551), theologian
- Johann Forster (1496–1556), theologian
- Philipp Melanchthon (1497–1560), reformer
- Johannes Aurifaber (Vratislaviensis) (1517–1568), theologian and reformer
- Ulrich von Mordeisen (1519–1572), lawyer, rector, statesman and diplomat
- Johann Hermann (1527–1605), medic
- Salomon Alberti (1540-1600), medic
- Petrus Albinus (1543–1598), poet and historian
- Salomon Gesner (1559-1605), theologian
- Friedrich Taubmann (1565–1613), philologist, rector
- August Buchner (1591–1661), philologist, rector
- Josephus Adjutus (1602–1668), language teacher
- Johann Andreas Quenstedt (1617–1688), theologian
- Georg Wilhelm Kirchmaier (1673–1759), philosopher, rhetorician and linguist
- Augustin Leyser (1683–1752), lawyer
- Abraham Vater (1684–1751), physician and philosopher
- Johann Matthias Hase (1684–1742), mathematician and cartographer
- Nikolaus Ludwig von Zinzendorf (1700–1760), founder of the Moravian Brothers University
- Georg Rudolf Böhmer (1723–1803), physician and botanist
- Johann Reinhold Forster (1729–1798), theologian and botanist
- Heinrich Leonhard Heubner (1780-1853), theologian
See also: List of Wittenberg University Lecturers
Halle-Wittenberg (from 1817)
- Michael Weber (1754–1833), Protestant theologian
- Johann Friedrich Christian Düffer (1775–1831), pharmacologist and pharmacist
- Johann Friedrich Meckel the Younger (1781–1833), anatomist, founder of teratology
- Wilhelm Gesenius (1786–1842), theologian and founder of modern Hebrew studies
- Johann August Jacobs (1788–1829), philologist
- Hermann Hupfeld (1796–1866), Old Testament scholar
- August Tholuck (1799–1877), Protestant theologian and church politician
- Heinrich Leo (1799–1878), historian
- Ernst Adolf Theodor Laspeyres (1800–1869), canon lawyer
- Alfred Wilhelm Volkmann (1801–1877), anatomist and physiologist
- Barnas Sears (1802-1880), Baptist theologian
- August Friedrich Pott (1802–1887), linguist
- Ludwig Ross (1806-1859), archaeologist
- Hermann Burmeister (1807-1892), biologist
- Hermann Wasserschleben (1812–1893), legal historian
- Eduard Heine (1821–1881), mathematician
- Julius Kühn (1825–1910), agricultural scientist
- Gustav Hertzberg (1826–1907), ancient historian
- Heinrich Dernburg (1829–1907), lawyer
- Richard von Volkmann (1830–1889), surgeon
- Martin Kähler (1835–1912), dogmatist
- Karl Joseph Eberth (1835–1926), physician
- Hugo Friedrich von Meyer (1837–1902), criminal lawyer
- Julius Bernstein (1839-1917), physiologist
- Albert Wangerin (1844–1933), mathematician
- Georg Cantor (1845–1918), mathematician, founder of set theory
- Hugo Gering (1847–1925), Scandinavian and Germanist
- Hermann Suchier (1848–1914), Romanist
- Philipp Strauch (1852–1934), Old Germanist
- Emil Adolf von Behring (1854–1917), physician, Nobel Prize 1901
- Carl Heinrich Cornill (1854–1920), Old Testament scholar
- Rudolf Disselhorst (1854–1930), veterinarian and physician
- Albert von Ruville (1855–1934), historian, well-known convert to the Catholic Church
- Konrad Burdach (1859–1936), Germanist
- Edmund Husserl (1859–1938), philosopher
- Hermann Gunkel (1862–1932), Old Testament scholar and co-founder of the religious history school
- John Meier (1864–1953), Germanist (Halle student language)
- Andreas von Tuhr (1864–1925), lawyer
- Carl Brockelmann (1868–1956), orientalist
- Hermann Lietz (1868–1919), reform pedagogue, founder. d. German country education homes for boys
- Karl Heldmann (1869–1943), historian
- Erich Klostermann (1870–1963), New Testament scholar
- Friedrich Voelcker (1872–1955), surgeon
- Georg Baesecke (1876–1951), Germanic Medievalist
- Hans Schmidt (1877–1953), Old Testament scholar
- Felix Bernstein (1878–1956), mathematician
- Wilhelm Worringer (1881–1965), art historian
- Gustav Hertz (1887–1975), physicist, Nobel Prize 1925
- Walter Geisler (1891–1945), geographer (Australia and Oceania)
- Friedrich von Basse (1893–1972), constitutional lawyer
- Ernst Otto Taschenberg (1854–1922), zoologist, entomologist
- Eugen Hultzsch (1857–1927), Sanskritologist
- Valentin Haecker (1864–1927), zoologist, rector
- Arnold Schering (1877–1941), musicologist and philosopher
- Otto Eißfeldt (1887–1973), Old Testament scholar, rector
- Johann Fück (1894–1974), orientalist
- Gertrud Schubart-Fikentscher (1896–1985), first professor of law in Germany
- Otto Haußleiter (1896–?), Political scientist and administrative officer
- Adolf Reichwein (1898–1944), educator, economist and cultural politician (SPD)
- Karl Ziegler (1898–1973), chemist, Nobel Prize 1963
- Kurt Mothes (1900–1983), biochemist and pharmacist
- Helmut Kraatz (1902–1983), physician
- Wolfgang Abendroth (1906–1985), political scientist and legal scholar
- Erhard Peschke (1907–1996), Protestant theologian and church historian
- Carl Coutelle (1908-1993), pathologist
- Gerhard Friedrich (1910–2003), plant physiologist
- Karl-Ludwig Schober (1912–1999), surgeon
- Gerhard Reintanz (1914–1997), international lawyer
- Kurt Aland (1915–1994), Protestant theologian, New Testament scholar and church historian
- Friedrich Schlette (1915–2003), prehistoric
- Wilhelm Lampeter (1916–2003), agricultural scientist
- Konrad Onasch (1916–2007), church historian
- Friedrich Wolf (1920–1986), chemist
- Rolf Lieberwirth (1920–2019), legal scholar
- Joachim-Hermann Scharf (1921–2014), anatomist, honorary member of the Leopoldina
- Burkart Lutz (1925–2013), sociologist
- Werner Kowalski (* 1929), historian
- Eberhard Poppe (* 1931), lawyer
- Reinhard Kreckel (* 1940), sociologist
- Hellmut Wißmann (* 1940), President of the Federal Labor Court
- Hermann Goltz (1946–2010), Protestant theologian and Eastern church scholar
- Hans-Jürgen Grabbe (* 1947), historian and cultural scientist
- Ernst-Joachim Waschke (* 1949), Old Testament scholar and President of Leucorea
- Robert Klaus von Weizsäcker (* 1954), economics teacher
- Joachim Renzikowski (* 1961), lawyer
- Stefan Schorch (* 1966), theologian and Hebraist, honorary member of the Hebrew Language Academy
See also: List of professors at the University of Halle and List of Rectors at the University of Halle (Saale)
Sorted by year of birth
Wittenberg (1502-1817)
- Gregor Brück (1483–1557), Chancellor of Saxony
- Johannes Agricola (1494–1566), theologian and reformer
- Erasmus Alber (around 1498–1553), theologian
- Mikael Agricola (1509–1557), Finnish theologian and reformer
- Christian Brück (1516–1567), Chancellor of Saxony
- Maximilian Mörlin (1516–1584), Protestant theologian and reformer
- Johannes Aurifaber (Vimariensis) (around 1519–1575), theologian
- Johann Arndt (1555–1621), theologian
- Johann Michael Dilherr (1604–1669), theologian and philologist
- Paul Gerhardt (1607–1676), theologian and hymn poet
- Zacharias Lund (1608–1667), poet
- Samuel von Butschky (1612–1678), poet and writer
- Johann Klaj (1616–1656), pastoral poet
- Christian Brehme (1613–1667), poet, mayor of Dresden
- Caspar Ziegler (1621–1690), lawyer, poet and composer
- David Schirmer (1623–1686), poet
- Enoch Gläser (1628–1668), lawyer and pastoral poet
- Nicolaus von Gersdorf (1629–1702), Saxon lawyer and diplomat
- Balthasar Kindermann (1636–1706), playwright and writer
- Heinrich Mühlpfort (1639–1681), baroque poet
- Christoph Kormart (1644–1701), novelist
- Anton Wilhelm Amo (around 1700–1754), philosopher and first black African student in Germany
- Philipp von Westphalen (1723–1792), confidante and collaborator of Duke Ferdinand von Braunschweig
- August Apel (1771–1816), lawyer and writer
Hall (1694-1817)
- Andreas Ottomar Goelicke (1671–1744), physician
- Justus Falckner (1672–1723), first Lutheran pastor to be ordained in America
- Jacob Paul von Gundling (1673–1731), historian and court scholar
- Otto Ferdinand Count von Abensperg and Traun (1677–1748), Field Marshal under Maria Theresa
- Barthold Heinrich Brockes (1680–1747), poet of the Enlightenment
- Georg Friedrich Handel (1685–1759), legal scholar and composer
- Johann Christoph von Dreyhaupt (1699–1768), historian
- Johann Wilhelm Marckart (1699–1757), legal scholar
- Johann Nicolaus Frobesius (1701–1756), philosopher and mathematician
- Anton Wilhelm Amo (1703–1753), philosopher
- Johann Martin Boltzius (1703–1765), pastor in the British colony of Georgia
- Christoph Timotheus Seidel (1703 - after 1758), theologian
- Johann Samuel Friedrich von Böhmer (1704–1772), legal scholar
- Johann Friedrich Breuer (1705–1769), pastor of the Salzburg colony in East Prussia
- Gerhard Gottlieb Günther Göcking (1705–1755), pastor and author
- Philipp Adolph Böhmer (1711–1789), anatomist and personal physician to Friedrich Wilhelm II.
- Israel Christian Gronau (1714–1745), pastor in the British colony of Georgia
- Georg Ludwig Böhmer (1715–1797), legal scholar
- Dorothea Christiane Erxleben (1715–1762), first German female doctor with a doctorate
- Johann Eberhard Stüve (1715–1798), lawyer, politician, historian
- Leonhard Heinrich Ludwig Georg von Canngießer (1716–1772), statesman
- Johann Stephan Pütter (1725–1807), lawyer
- Franz Josef Freiherr von Heinke (1726–1803), Austrian lawyer
- Johann David Heilmann (1727–1764), theologian and philologist
- Johann Reinhold Forster (1729–1798), natural scientist
- Carl Gotthard Langhans (1732–1808), legal scholar
- Carl Ludwig Richter (1737–1802), theologian and educator
- Christian Wilhelm Kindleben (1748–1785), theologian and writer (student songs, student language)
- Christian Friedrich von Glück (1755–1831), legal scholar
- Friedrich Gottlieb von Busse (1756–1835), mathematician, physicist and university professor
- Friedrich Christian Laukhard (1757–1822), theologian and political writer
- Johann Christoph Friedrich GutsMuths (1759–1839), teacher and gymnast
- Joseph von Zerboni di Sposetti (1766–1831), poet
- Christoph Wilhelm Heinrich Sethe (1767–1855), Chief President of the Rhenish Auditing and Cassation Court
- Christian Konrad Jakob Dassel (1768–1845), author
- Johannes Daniel Falk (1768–1826), theologian, writer and songwriter
- Christian Friedrich Bernhard Augustin (1771–1856), theologian, author of a dictionary on student language
- Friedrich Raßmann (1772–1831), writer, anthologist, encyclopaedist, bibliographer
- Ludwig Tieck (1773-1853), poet
- Christian Sethe (1778–1864), founder of the Sethestift in Aurich
- Clemens Brentano (1778–1842), poet
- Friedrich Ludwig Jahn (1778-1852), Turner
- Johann Samuel Kaulfuß (1780–1832), classical philologist and literary historian
- Achim von Arnim (1781–1831), poet
- Karl August Varnhagen von Ense (1785–1858), chronicler of the Romantic era, diplomat
- Joseph von Eichendorff (1788–1857), romantic poet
- Wilhelm August Förstemann (1791–1836), mathematician and educator
- Eduard Sigismund Loebell (1791–1869), lawyer and university lecturer
- Friedrich Wilhelm Krummacher (1796–1868), theologian
- Carl Peter Wilhelm Gramberg (1797–1830), theologian and educator
Halle-Wittenberg (from 1817)
- Carl Loewe (1796–1869), composer
- Ferdinand von Westphalen (1799–1876), Prussian Minister of the Interior
- Heinrich Laube (1806–1884), writer
- Moritz Ludwig Seyffert (1809–1872), philologist and educator
- Heinrich Hoffmann (1809–1894), psychiatrist, poet, author of children's books, author of Struwwelpeter
- Friedrich Conrad Dietrich Wyneken (1810–1876), Lutheran Church President
- Karl Ploetz (1819–1881), philologist, author of textbooks and scientific reference works
- Richard von Volkmann (1830–1889), surgeon
- Heřman z Tardy (1832–1917), reformed pastor and senior church councilor
- Gotthilf Sellin (1844–1921), historian, teacher
- Emanuel Kayser (1845–1927), geologist, paleontologist
- Hugo Bode (1851–1937), crop scientist
- Friedrich Schrader (1865–1922), Indologist
- Georg Bohlmann (1869–1928), mathematician
- Wilhelm Weirauch (1876–1945), Deputy General Director of the Deutsche Reichsbahn
- Oswald Spengler (1880–1936), historical philosopher, cultural historian and political writer
- Paul Tillich (1886–1965), Protestant theologian and religious philosopher
- Guido Kisch (1889–1985), legal scholar
- Karl Bernhard Ritter (1890–1968), Protestant theologian (Berneuchen movement)
- Kurt Schumacher (1895–1952), leading SPD politician in the post-war period
- Erich Gutenberg (1897–1984), business economist
- Kurt Lütgen (1911–1992), writer
- Friedrich Elchlepp (1924–2002), lawyer, naval officer, author
- Gerhard Schmidt (1926–1953), victim of the SED dictatorship
- Helmut Koziolek (1927–1997), economist
- Hans-Dietrich Genscher (1927–2016), FDP politician, Foreign Minister of the Federal Republic of Germany at the time of reunification
- Werner Kowalski (* 1929), historian
- Karl-Heinz Lange (1929–2010), typographer
- Peter Pollack (1930–2017), GDR Minister
- Arafa Hussein Mustafa (1940-2019), orientalist
- Friedrich Schorlemmer (* 1944), theologian
- Werner Liebmann (* 1951), painter
- André Schinkel (* 1972), poet
- Bernhard Spring (* 1983), writer and journalist
See also
- Gunnar Berg: Emporium: 500 years University of Halle-Wittenberg; State exhibition Saxony-Anhalt 2002, April 23 to September 30, 2002. Fly-head publishing house, Halle (Saale) 2002, ISBN 3-930195-80-1 .
- Udo Grashoff : Students on the move - independent student interest representation at the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg 1987–1992 . Ed .: Zeit-Histories eV - Association for Experienced History. Mitteldeutscher Verlag, Halle (Saale) 2019, ISBN 978-3-96311-208-9 (112 pages).
- Henrik Eberle : The Martin Luther University in the time of National Socialism. Mitteldeutscher Verlag , Halle 2002, ISBN 3-89812-150-X .
- Rolf Gattermann and Volker Neumann: History of zoology and the zoological collection at the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg from 1769 to 1990. Hirzel, Stuttgart, Leipzig 2005, ISBN 3-7776-1391-6
- Sybille Gerstengarbe, Horst Hennig: Opposition, Resistance and Persecution at the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg 1945–1961: A Documentation . Leipziger Universitätsverlag 2010, ISBN 978-3865832627
- Heinz Kathe : The Wittenberg Philosophical Faculty 1502–1817 (= Central German Research. Volume 117). Böhlau, Cologne / Weimar / Vienna 2002, ISBN 3-412-04402-4 .
- Frank Kuschel: Mühlpforte No. 1 and physical chemistry at the University of Halle. The story of a university refuge. Diepholz / Berlin 2017, ISBN 978-3-86225-108-7 .
- Stefan Lehmann (Ed.): Academic collections and museums of the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg. Halle 2013, ISBN 978-3-86829-597-9 .
- Heiner Lück , Heiner Schnelling, Karl-Ernst Wehnert: 150 Years of the Legal Seminar of the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg . Stekovics, Halle 2005, ISBN 3-89923-106-6 .
- Günter Mühlpfordt, Günter Schenk: The Spiritus Circle 1890-1958. Hallescher Verlag, Halle
- Volume 1: 2001, ISBN 3-929887-23-1 .
- Volume 2: 2004, ISBN 3-929887-28-2 .
- Werner Piechocki (ed.): Halle, old city of muses…. Forays into the history of a university. Halle 1994, ISBN 3-354-00816-4 .
- Steffen Reichert: Under control. The Martin Luther University and the Ministry for State Security 1968–89. 2 volumes, Mitteldeutscher Verlag, Halle 2006, ISBN 3-89812-380-4 .
- Hermann-Josef Rupieper (Ed.): Contributions to the history of the Martin Luther University 1502–2002. Halle 2002, ISBN 3-89812-144-5 .
- Wilhelm Schrader : History of the Friedrichs University in Halle. 2 volumes, Ferd. Dümmlers Verlagbuchhandlung, Berlin 1894. ( digital text version )
- Ralf-Torsten Speler (Ed.): The Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg. Views - Insights - Reviews. Erfurt 2003, ISBN 3-89702-482-9 . / 2nd edition 2009, ISBN 978-3897024823 .
- Ralf-Torsten Speler (Ed.): The Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg. Sutton 2003, ISBN 3-89702-482-9 .
- Friedemann Stengel (Ed.): Excluded - In memory of the professors from Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg who were dismissed from 1933–1945 . Halle an der Saale 2013, 401 pages, ISBN 978-3-86977-080-2
Web links
- Official websites
- Course offerings at the Martin Luther University
- List of university professors
- Johann Karl Bullmann: Memorable periods of time at the University of Halle from its foundation on , 1833
Individual evidence
- ↑ Rectorate at (last accessed on July 30, 2019).
- ↑ a b Facts and Figures Accessed January 27, 2018.
- ↑ Oswald Hauser : The spiritual Prussia . Kiel 1985
- ^ Author of Moyses Sobernheim: Epistola eucharistica ad Ch. F. Hoffmannium , o. O. o. J. [Halle (Saale) 1723]; Specimen Medicum De Cauto Et Incauto Sedativorum Usu (diss. Med.), Hilliger, Halle (Saale) 1724.
- ↑ Henrik Eberle: 70 years ago: University of Halle is named Martin Luther. Public Relations Department of the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, accessed on July 15, 2018 .
- ↑ Helmut Klüter: Comments on the legal security of the name "Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-University Greifswald". für-die-universitä, accessed on July 15, 2018 .
- ^ First Higher Education Structure Act of the State of Saxony-Anhalt (establishment of technical colleges, abolition of universities) of March 10, 1992. Law and Ordinance Gazette for the State of Saxony-Anhalt, 3rd year, No. 9 of March 12, 1992.
- ↑ a b Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg: double seal of the university.
- ↑ Jost Hermand : More than a liberal. About Heinrich Heine. Peter Lang, Frankfurt a. M. 1991, p. 18.
- ^ Gerhard Höhn : Heine manual. Time - person - work. JB Metzler, Stuttgart / Weimar 1997, p. 73.
- ↑
- ↑ see press release at
- ↑ see
- ↑ see
- ↑ Go abroad. Retrieved February 12, 2019 .
- ↑ see homepage at
- ↑ The magazine as PDF, issue 1/2013 at
- ↑ see list of affiliated institutes on the university's homepage at .
- ↑ IZEA Online
- ↑ Online
- ↑ Scharf, Leopoldina 2005
- ↑ First chapter ( Memento from December 24, 2013 in the Internet Archive )
Coordinates: 51 ° 29 ′ 11 ″ N , 11 ° 58 ′ 8 ″ E